Continued From Page 2

Custom Chrome ? and Chrome Specialties ??have joined forces to bring you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson ? aftermarket! At over 1,400 pages and over 25,000 part numbers, our 2003 Catalog features everything from nuts & bolts to HR3 bike kits, and sets the NEW industry standard. ?
?ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**
Once you find the part you need, go in to Chrome Specialties down below and order online! It’s that simple.?
BIKERNET SURVEY–CHROME SCRATCHES–A reader recently wrote in concerning feather scratches in his chrome. Let us know what your solutions are?Here’s his latest, “I called Maguiars this morning and bought their “#28 All Metal Polish”. They said I will be surprise after using their products”, and if I’m not satisfied, I will get full refund. They also agree with me not use the machine buffing (buffing will be the last resource) because it will reduce the coating on the metal or on the paint. Buffing by hand is the best way to go. So, stay tune.”

BIKERNET CODE OF THE WEEK– “A person’s true character is revealed by what he does when no one is watching.”
–from Chris T.

CONVERTING A 6-VOLT SYSTEM TO 12–We recently turned a ’62 Panhead from 6 to 12-volts. All the parts were ordered out of the new Custom Chrome catalog. Here’s a quote from the owner:
“I didn’t want to stop so I kept riding to the 105 frwy, and then turnedaround for home. The ride is the best since the first day I rode it.Thanks a million.”
Aloha, RSB
We hope to feature this 30-year-old custom in American Rider or Horse soon. It’s not often that old school is original. This bike is a classic.

BUICK HAS GONE OVER THE EDGE–Taking a wee break from the golf circuit, Tiger Woods drove his new Buick Rendezvous into an Irish gas station.An attendant greeted him in typical Irish manner, unaware who the golf pro was……”Top of the mornin’ to ya”.
As Tiger got out of the car, two tees fell out of his pocket.
“So what are those son?” asked the attendant.
“They’re called tees” replied Tiger.
“And what would ya be usin’ ’em for, now?” inquired the Irishman.
“Well, they’re for resting my balls on when I drive.” replied Tiger.
“AW, Jaysus, Mary an’ Joseph!” exclaimed the Irish attendant. “Those fellas at Buick think of everything!”
–from Chris T.
MOTORCYCLE HISTORY FROM BUCK–I noticed the California motorbike piece, did you know the first person to cross the transcontinental United States using a self propelled vehicle was motorcycle rider on a California motorbike. He didn’t get credit for this feat until 1979 when Rider Magazine republished the original story first published in 1903 Motorcyclist Magazine. He rode on the railroad ties following rail road route all the way to NY. I have a copy of that August 1979 Rider Magazine story with the photos they used (shitty pics).
Originally, a Dentist driving a four wheeled vehicle was given credit for the first crossing of the US in a self propelled vehicle, that information has been corrected.
Rivera Engineering
1. THE DOCTOR: because he says, “Take your clothes off.”
2. THE DENTIST: because he says, “Open wide.”
3. THE HAIRDRESSER: because he says, “Do you want it teased or blown?”
4. THE MILKMAN: because he says, “Do you want it in the front or the back?”
5. THE INTERIOR DECORATOR: because he says, “Once it’s in, you’ll love it!”
6. THE STOCK BROKER: because he says, “It will rise right up, fluctuate for a while, and then slowly fall back again.”
7. THE BANKER: because he says, “If you take it out too soon, you’ll lose interest.
8. THE HUNTER: because he goes deep in the bush, shoots twice, and always eats what he shoots.
9. THE TELEPHONE GUY: because he says, “Would you like it on the table or up against the wall?
–from Chris T.

THE TOURING CHOPPER LIVES–I found this guy on the web. He also happens to be linked thru bikernet, Bill Shirtcliff. I worked with him off and onfor 9-10 months. I asked him to make a scale model, he said his work wasonly sculpture. This is his best work to date.
He sent pictures and Iwouldcomment and he made adjustments. There is no detail left out. It’sabout 7-8″ long. He had never made a spoke wheel before. the detail andsymmetry is unbelievable. If you look very closely at the neck the WCCbadgeis there.
It looks 10 times cooler in person. This is a truly one off deal.
I am getting kind of tired of people coming up to me and saying “I knowwho’s bike this is”. So I resigned to the fact that since I had nothing todo with its creation I am really just riding it for the time. >
BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A woman walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for some arsenic.
He asks “What for?”
She says “I want to kill my husband”.
He says “Sorry, I can’t do that.”
She then reaches into her handbag and pulls out a photo of her husband inbed with the pharmacist’s wife and hands it to him.
He looks at it and says, “You didn’t tell me you had a prescription!”
–from Chris T.
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