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KNOCKOUT FEATURED ON CHOPPER CHALLENGE JUNE 18TH–“We kicked ass,” Ralph Randolf said, “we took the crew skydiving, boxing, you name it.” Ralph and his crew built a Chopper Challenge bike in two weeks for the show due to be aired on CMT. This particular chopper was built with the support of Jim Beam for Robbie Gordon, NASCAR champ, to be auctioned off for Operation Home Front, a Veterans’ charity. OHF supports Veteran’s families during tough times.
“Wait till you see the wheels Renegade built for my bike,” Ralph said. I guess I’ll have to tune in to see the build.

NEW JERSEY RESIDENTS PLEASE VOTE JUNE 3rd– US Senate, Rob Andrews (D-NJ) who is looking to unseat long time helmet law advocate, US Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ).Andrews will continue his battle with Lautenberg in the final showdown on the June 3rd Democratic primary. History shows that New Jersey has not elected a Republican since 1972 and this year isn’t lining up to be any different.
So, whomever prevails as the victor on June 3rd will likely roll easily through their opponent in the general election this fall.
Candidate Rob Andrews needs the help of motorcyclists from across the country in his battle against Lautenberg. To support Rob Andrews for Senate, visit and consider making a small donation.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

REPORT FROM IRAQ–Here is a shot of my son in law Kyle that I pulled off yahoo news website, we are very proud of the guy!
Lucky Devil metal works

BIKERNET.COM MOPED STUDY– from what I read motorbikes and mopeds are considered to be safer than cars over there.
I just figured you might get a kick out of those images I ran into. I knocked off for the day to visit with some friends and remember all the fine folks who have served over the years, I hope you are having a good day!
BELRAY’S NEW WEB SITE LAUNCHED–May 23, 2008?In its phase of strategic branding that began in 2006 with a new logo and visual identity, Bel- Ray Company, Inc. launched a redesign of its website and since has continued to grow and expand the site?s content and user friendliness.
The newest addition to the website is the Career Page which offers a list of jobs currently open at Bel-Ray. The page allows you to navigate through the jobs and submit online applications to the company.
?We have had tremendous online success since the redesign and launch of our website. This new page is just one of many new ones to come this year. We are hoping that the Career Page will stimulate applications from qualified and industry related candidates,? said Anna Roberts, Bel-Ray?s Marketing Manager.
The bold, freshly designed site ( currently provides excellent technical information about products, expanded information about Bel-Ray news and events, a full section devoted to Bel-Ray?s racers and riders, and a Contact Us page that displays all Bel-Ray?s international distributors. One of the most important features of the website is a search that allows visitors to find any Bel-Ray product in which they are interested. The Consumer product page also features six different product placement charts which demonstrate the Bel- Ray products that should be used on different parts of a bike.
Bel-Ray will continue to update its website including a Bel-Ray dealer locator, industrial product placement feature and mining field performance button. Be sure to continue to check in and send us an email with your comments.
for more information Please contact:
Anna Roberts
+1 (415) 255-0250

SOUTH SIDE KUSTOMS 3rd ANNUAL CHARITY BIKE RAFFLE– is American Red Cross Themed Bike, Benefits American Red Cross Greater Buffalo Chapter (100% of Proceeds) – $10.00 each or 3-$25.00 , Tickets will be available thru TICKETS ARE ON SALE , they will be available thru South Side Kustoms, American Red Cross or any of our events we will be at with the bike! South Side Kustoms SUPPORTS OUR TROOPS! As Well as Law Enforcement/Firemen/EMTs – WE Give mentioned service personel (active/reserve/gaurd/retired) a 10% off discount on parts (excludes sales/discounts/apparel/helmets) OR $1,000 off a custom built motorcycle! It’s the least we can do to say THANK YOU for doing what you do! South Side Kustoms BIKERNET REVIEW FROM READER–I have been a subscriber since ’04ish and want to say thanks for the work that you have put into the site. It is really a solid piece of work! What you have out there makes perfect sense… and you can’t beat the “life experiences” and books in the Cantina! Right now, I am working on the business model for my site (let’s just say… I am not keeping an friggin’ inventory again!)… but in the meantime I am looking to simply get the name out there– There is so much bullshit out there in the form of “event listings” and “biker related sites” that I said screw it and put something together that is simple, fairly comprehensive, and covers most aspects of what I think everyone should know if you ride American made motorcycles… in addition to giving me a public place to share my stories from the road with like-minded folks. You may recognize our logo artwork… I think Jon Towle would… anyway… LOL! I had him do some work for me a few years back when I was doing a side gig as a parts re-seller (under “Phuckin’ Biker, Inc. … believe it or not… yeah I was incorporated in the state of VA)… He definitely helped with the t-shirt sales! He is a funny mother-fucker… not very goddamned timely… but a blast to work with. I had done about nine months worth of advertising in Easyriders a couple years ago… working with Tony Frey… but I never really got the return that I had hoped… so this go-round… we are toning down the name… and sticking with online advertising only. I can see us graduating to a full-sponsor level at some point (your program is ingenious by the way) … but for now… I think just doing some basic stuff to get the word out there is the direction we want to go. -Chuck DeCost SMOKE OUT NINE COMING IN JUNE, BE THERE, BE THERE–The 9th Annual Smoke Out East sponsored by is taking the Farmington dragstrip in North Caolina by force and it will be the craziest Smoke Out ever. ? Friday June 20 to Sunday June 22nd, 2008. Hours for the event are 6pm to 11pm Friday, 11:30 am to 11pm Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm. We have added not only drag racing but one more twist with the Lucky Daredevil Thrillshow. A fast paced and funny, death-defying daredevil stunt spectacular with the glitter, glamour, and gut-wrenching thrills of a Vegas show – guaranteed to please, amuse, and amaze audiences of all ages. Fire Eating, Sword Swallowing and Snake Charming just for starters. Thrill Kill Jill is smoke’n hot and sure to entertain HARLEY-DAVIDSON SOFTAIL STARS IN NEW INDIANA JONES MOVIE–Customized Springer Softail Classics will join H-D Museum Collection. MILWAUKEE (May, 22, 2008) ? A Harley-Davidson Softail Springer Classic features prominently in the new Indiana Jones movie ?Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? opening in theaters across the country on today. Directed by Steven Spielberg, the latest in the series of cult Indiana Jones movies stars Harrison Ford and Shia LaBeouf along with a 2007 Harley-Davidson Softail Springer Classic customized to reflect the movie?s 1957 period setting. The bike?s starring role comes during one of the film?s signature action-packed chase scenes, and features Shia LaBeouf tearing through a college campus with Harrison Ford along for the ride as a passenger. Harley-Davidson Motor Company prepared five bikes for this movie and was closely involved with the on-set handling of the bikes. After the completion of the filming, two of the bikes will be returned to the Motor Company and will be on display in the soon-to-be-opened Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Museum, which opens to the public on July 12 in Milwaukee. Harley-Davidson Motor Company, the only major U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweight motorcycles and a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories and general merchandise. For more information, visit Harley-Davidson?s web site at SUCKER PUNCH WHEELS NOW AVAILABLE–Sucker Punch Sally’s is now producing billet spoked wheels cut in- house, these are shown with black powder coat. George Sedlak, Evel Knievel’s painter did the killer paint and pinstripe on this high-performance Sucker Punched Sportster that is sitting in one of Bruce Rossmeyer’s dealerships. –Ken BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK– Some good advice from the best H-D Service Manager of all times “You gotta be tuff if your gonna be dumb”!! John Cartner, Tilley Harley Davidson. Workin there since ’72. –Pablo AMSOIL Official Oil of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally–AMSOIL is now the Exclusive Official Oil of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally SENIOR BIKERNET REPORTER MAKES HARD RUN– I wanted to see a brother, so I was in Nawlins (New Orleans) at 4:00PM, at the restaurant at 5:00, had supper with a brother at 5:30 and back home in Florida by 5:00 the next day and having supper at 5:30. Not bad for a old man LOL. –Rogue
146 Barnard St.
Buffalo, Ny 14206
website –
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
Continued On Page 4