May 3, 2002 Part 1

I’ve been back a couple of weeks now and the list has grown to a stressful level. A little blond witch came to my bed this morning holding a bright silver coin clutched tightly in her quivering hand. Her blue eyes flickered as she opened her soft palm to reveal a 20 cent coin from Singapore. I didn’t know whether she wanted sex in exchange for it, or for me to snatch it out of her grasp and head to the port to find another ship. I’m sure a bunch of us awaken from time to time and wonder what the hell we’re doing?

By the time we reach the end of the week we will have sliced the list to ribbons and returned to the mild mode of Bikernet insanity. A couple of days ago we shipped all the trophies out to February and March Show Winners–I’m innocent, don’t blame me.

By the end of the week we will have a surprise in the HA leather area. We are making fine leather orders easy, comfortable and extremely accurate, by coaching you to supply accurate measurements that will give us what we need to deliver the perfect Vest, leather shirt, jacket or chaps directly to you.

Next week Nuttboy, Wrench and I will put a rolling chassis together for the Nutt and prepare it for the good Doctor to modify. Finally Helen Wolf designed a Bikernet sweatshirt in a hooded garment that’s so comfortable that you’ll want to wear the damn thing day after day until it smells so bad, you could fuel the stove with the fumes. We hope to have it up on the site by tomorrow.

On top of the monumental list I had four women in the headquarters last weekend hiding from Laughlin. Do you think I got a damn thing done? Hell no. Let’s get to the news:

HOME TEAM–When I got home from the prison ship I discovered a couple of copies of Reader’s Digest laying around the headquarters. That’s a publication full of depth and heart. One of the articles was about a bar maid at Kelley’s Bar and Grill in Clovis N.M., Carolyn Kitchens. Her house burnt down and while eight of her customers sat around a table having a beer one afternoon one of the patrons said, “We should build her a house.” She thought they were kidding, but they did. Among the volunteers were electricians, roofers, plumbers, carpenters and concrete men and of course bikers. She put up the money for materials, they got the deals and went to work. A roofer Steve Mullins was in debt with his boss. He cut a deal to wipe it off the books by putting the roof on the new home, but after the roof was done he kept coming back to assist.Friends helping friends.

Click on either image for more information.

BIKERNET BLONDE DEPARTMENT–A plane is on its way to Montreal when a blonde in Economy Class gets upand moves to the First Class section and sits down. The flight attendantwatches her do this and asks to see her ticket. She then tells the blondethat she paid for Economy and that she will have to sit in the back.

Theblonde replies “I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Montreal and I’mstaying right here!”

The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot andco-pilot that there is some blonde bimbo sitting in First Class whobelongs in Economy and won’t move back to her seat. The co-pilot goes backto the blonde and tries to explain that because she only paid for Economyshe will have to leave and return to her seat. The blonde replies, “I’mblonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Montreal and I’m staying right here!”

The co-pilot tells the pilot that he probably should have the policewaiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman who won’t listen toreason.

The pilot says “You say she’s blonde? I’ll handle this. I’mmarried to a blonde. I speak `blonde’!” He goes back to the blonde,whispers in her ear, and she says “Oh, I’m sorry”. . .gets up and movesback to her seat in the Economy section.

The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and asked him what he said tomake her move without any fuss. “I told her First Class isn’t going toMontreal”.

–from Bob T.

rogue bike

ROGUE’S NEW RIDE–He’s been behind a camera working for Easyriders in the beginning, then Biker and now a correspondent for Bikernet. We will feature his new ride on the site shortly.

Rogue has also been instrumental with the initial frame components for Nuttboy’s ride and my next project. He was involved with clubs and motorcycle rights in the ’70s and if you see him, he just may have a Bikernet sticker for the asking. Be respectful, he’s the only motorcycling blind photographer we know of.–Bandit

rogue rear


Exec. Producers: Bruce Berman, Mike RachmilProducers: Neil Moritz, Brad LuffDirector: Joseph Kahn

Writers: Kevin Polay, JP Donahue, Matt Johnson

Casting Directors: Randi Hiller & Sarah Finn

Casting Associate: Courtney Gross

Casting Assistant: Scott Moore

Start Date: July 8, 2002

Location: Los Angeles


[CARY FORD] Caucasian, In his 20s, he has laid-back good looks, a winningsmile, and the kind of bad boy charisma that reduces women to jelly. Alifelong biker, Ford isn’t happy unless he’s bombing around the country onhis “crotch rocket.” A couple of years back, he fell afoul of Henry, abrutal biker leader who convinced Ford to work in a motorcycle chop shop.

When Henry suspected Ford of ratting him out to the Feds, he went ballisticand burned down Ford’s shop. With both Henry and the Feds pressuring him,Ford fled, and has spent the last couple of years in Thailand laying low.

Back in the states for a big rally, Ford hooks back up with his old palsDalton and Val, and he also runs into Shane, the beautiful woman he leftbehind. Ford just wants to forget the past and get on with his life,resuminghis rudely interrupted relationship with Shane and opening up a new bikershop in San Francisco. Butwhen Henry frames Ford for a murder he didn’t commit, Ford is forced to fleeyet again, this time with Dalton, Val and Shane at his side. During thecourse of their thrilling but deadly cross-country adventure, Ford mustconfront his past and face his old nemesis before he can move into thefuture.

LEAD (2)[SHANE] Caucasian, Hispanic or African American, this long-legged, naturallybeautiful woman biker, 20s, has “curves tighter than Mulholland Drive” and amind to match her impressive exterior. Shane, who is also passionate aboutmotorcycles, makes a living as a custom bike seat vendor – a convenientexcuse for her to hit all the big motorcycle rallies in the country. Acoupleof years back, she and Ford dated for seven months, but when he left thecountry suddenly, Shane wrote him off.

Now, Ford’s back, and despite Shane’sinitial skepticism, the two feel the same old chemistry. However, when Shanerealizes that Ford is wanted for murder, all her old doubts resurface.Realizing that the vengeful Trey could use her to get to Ford, Shane isforced to go on the lam with Ford on a deadly cross-country flight, justahead of the cops and a passel of murderous bikers. But a funny thinghappenson the way to San Francisco. Shane not only realizes that Ford is innocent,but that she has fallen in love with him.


Producer: Ruffians Productions/Ruff Ryders/Amen Ra

Director: Kirk Wong

Writer: Thomas N. Weber

Casting Director: Aisha Coley

Casting Assistant: Claribel Delgado

Dates: Approximately June 24 for 10-12 weeks

Location: NY and North Carolina



[BEAR] Caucasian male, mid 40’s-60’s, an imposing man with a powerfulpresence and a commanding voice. A biker. His worn leather jacket reads:Biker Council, President. He’s an old, wise, weathered warrior, theundisputed boss. No one questions his decisions, he settles disputes, andeveryone, even rival gangs heed his advice. Additionally submit “name”actors…

[CHRISTINE] Caucasian, Latina (Jessica Alba type), Asian female, 20’s,strong-willed, beautiful and tough, possibly exotic. This actress needs tobevery athletic. She’s Bear’s daughter and very much the product of herfather…

[COBRA] Caucasian, late 20’s to mid 30’s, cunning and handsome, he’s anoutlaw, a tough-ass biker covered in bright tattoos. He’s served time in prison.This “Road Devil” is Sam’s main opposition, a vicious rival…[EVE] Open ethnicity, including Asian, African-American and Latinapreferred,20’s, Sam’s (Wesley Snipes) love interest. She’s a kick-ass biker whoteachesself defense for a living. She’s street, she’s gorgeous, she’s sexy with aconfident stride…

[SNAKE EYES] Open ethnicity (NOT African-American), 20’s, top lieutenant toLT, the leader of a rival motorcycle gang called The High Rollers. He’smean-ass looking….[X] African-American male, 20’s. This role is modeled after rapper DMX.Please submit accordingly. X must be street tough and athletic. X is also acomputer wiz who becomes Sam’s (Wesley Snipes) main ally…

[YOUNG BUCK] African-American, Latino, or Asian, teens to mid 20, a youngJohn Leguizamo or young Chris Tucker type. A comic…

Continued On Page 2

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