Continued From Page 3
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Man we are already in May ! Time does fly, Summer is around the corner andall the motorcycle events that come with it. Even with the latest Laughlinevents I bet is going to be a fun packed season, and let’s not forget thatSturgis is just around the corner.It seems like yesterday when Bandit told us that he was heading around theworld, that was September I believe, meanwhile we keep posting week afterweek and trying to find new things and issues to write about, although onething I don’t seem to run out of are bikes.

Shit! Things are so hectic thatwe miss stuff that it’s right in front of us, we have four of the WCC bikescompleted and several Bourget’s and BMC’s on the road, but now it’s time tobuild one of our bikes, for guess who ? Me.
That ’65 Panhead is going into some frame, soon, still don’t know who’s butsounds like Killer Choppers in New Hampshire will be the one. Still don’tknow the rake or stretch, and I’m open to suggestions (so use Your Shot ! ) Most likely it will be a 230 tire on the rear with a 4-spd kicker. Againsend your thoughts to Your Shot and money to us.
As I promised last week here’s a photo of my personal ride, 10 inches overdowntubes, 51 degree rake and 7 inches on the backbone, 96 cubes of STD andS&S Panhead motor, on a Bourget’s rigid, yep rigid, frame, just for kicks,the inverted Spyke front end is 52 inches long. Hope you like it.

It’s a sad time, fellow bikers have lost their lives in Laughlin this pastweek, as we all know the Hells Angels and Mongols had a melee which ended inshootings, several wounded and some dead. Many were arrested,though few charged since everything was taped by the casino cameras.Another fellow biker was found dead on I-40 in what seemed like a drive byshooting.
I’m not going to say that it’s senseless, since sometimes this is part ofthe life of a 1%?er, but seems odd that in this time of unity(since Sept 11th) people are fighting each other instead of the actualenemy. But things will not end up there and sadly there will be more”encounters” between these clubs, and more phone calls will be placed tofriends to find out about their well being.
Places like Sturgis and Laconia could turn into a nightmare of super duperpolice vigilance, if we thought they were bad before, wait ’till this year.It’s going to be Hell !
Ina morbid, funny sense there’s a lesson to be learned. When peopleattend these motorcycle events they believe in their relative safety. Theyinvolve themselves in this world of leather and iron. They play the role ofbad ass bikers with bad ass bikes. Nope this was no Wild Ones, nor anyother biker flick. This was the real world, baby. When those real bulletszing by you, you hit the deck and pray. This was everyday reality to those wearing Colors. Reality came in the form of .45 or .9mm bullets, this weekend. It was a wake upcall for those wearing the latest leather styles, and talk the talk. The Hells Angels ain’t fuckin’ HOG.
Back to the island. This weekend HOG San Juan will have their annual Mother’s Day ride, sincewe don’t ride with them I really don’t care if they have fun …….Well, sort of kidding aside, they will head from the northern coast up intothe mountains, will report next week about it, maybe.
Reports of “Motorcycle day” at our local race track poured into the shop,seems like a solid big twin attendance, although the Yamakakis werecreating mayhem, as always. Seems like the fun part was the ride in andride back, and people ask us why we don’t bother to go….
The HORSE issue 24 is already out , check for it and that nice ass on thecover. The Professor should check all those rigids in it….
Also for those whining about RIGIDS, here’s a photos of a BMC Notorious918. This chopper can be yours for less than 20 grand at your localdealer…….and you can even finance the damn thing !

Well I’m outta here, it’s time to get our asses in gear and get thosechoppers ready for Sturgis. We have to meet with Billy Lane in Jacksonvilleand blast the interstate to the Horse SMSO, a 124 S$S motor sounds like theticket……8 inches up, 45 degree, rigid chopper, uhhmm, better get thehell out of here and into the shop…..I see a new chopper brewing.
PS: I’m glad our Frisco friends are doing fine and were unharmed. Peaceguys !
PSS: Any fan mail or t-shirts Jose Any hate mail sendit to Bandit.
–Jose – BikernetCaribbean report
BIKERNET MUSIC DEPARTMENT–It’s been rough since losing my mom on December 15th but I’m getting back on my feet again. There are some positives coming up: We’re in final negotiations with Curb Records for a 24-track retrospective CD plus a couple of great shows. The one on May 24th is the second “Arrows”/”Seeds” bill, the first was in 1967!!
Thanks, Upcoming Shows: “Chopped Out” (Chopper Art Show)Saturday, June 8th free sundown gig at5IFTYBUCKS GALLERY THE FIVE FLOORS–The Five FloorsA group of girlfriends went on vacation and they saw a five-story hotelwith a sign that reads “For Women Only”. Since they were without theirboyfriends, they decide to go in. The doorman explains to them how itworks, “We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor, and once you find whatyou are looking for, you can stay there. It’s easy to decide, sinceeach floor has signs telling you what’s inside. The only rule is, onceyou leave a floor, you can’t return to it.” They start going up, and on the first floor the sign reads: “All themen here are horrible lovers, but they are sensitive and kind”. Thefriends laugh and without hesitation move on to the next floor. The sign on the Second floor reads: “All the men here are wonderfullovers, but they generally treat women badly”. This wasn’t going to do,so again they head for the stairs. The friends move up to the Third floor where the sign reads: “All themen here are great lovers and sensitive to the needs of women”. Thiswas good but there were still two more floors, so they continue upwardknowing they cannot come back to this floor. On to the Fourth floor, the sign was perfect: “All the men here haveperfect builds; are sensitive and attentive to women; are perfectlovers; they are also single, rich and straight”. The women seemed pleased but they decide that they would rather seewhat the fifth floor has to offer rather than settling for the fourth.After all, if it gets better with each floor. When they reach the fifthfloor, there is only a sign that reads:”There are no men here. This floor was built only to prove that thereis no way to please a woman”. HORSE MAGAZINE SUMMARY–The Smoke Out is rapidly approaching; so keep your calendars open. Edge is doing a fantastic job and by the looks of things, this event will live in infamy. If you haven’t already made plans, what the hell is wrong with you? Feedback…As you get the new issues, I need feedback. If you see something that jumps out as real good or bad, tell me. I can always blame Geno, so I can take the hit. Any ideas send them my way. What I really need are good bikes. There isn’t shit here in Detroit, so help! I’m starting issue 26 right now and have all the space in the world to jam the most I can into the issue. Let’s make 26 the banner issue in terms of the cover and content. I may be prejudiced, but I think the layouts are getting better and better. The font choice, shadowing and so on are first class. The spelling errors are still there, but we’re trying. It’s not that I’m stupid, I just can’t catch them all. Ok, maybe I am a bit stupid at times, but I should be able to catch those spelling errors. OK….let’s get back to work…… –Hammer Ah big mistake boss man. Bike magazines are never work. –Bandit Bike For Sale Rhonda THE BARRACKS DOOR– Barracks Door A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down, and his fly wide open. A lady cashier walked up to him and said, “Your barracks door is open.” This is not a phrase men normally use, so he went on his way looking a bit puzzled. When he was about done shopping, a man came up and said, “Your fly is open.” He zipped up and finished his shopping, and remembering what the cashier had told him, finally understood. He then intentionally got in the line to check out where the lady was that told him about his “barracks door.” He was planning to have a little fun with her. When he reached her counter he said, “When you saw my barracks door open did you see a soldier standing in there at attention?” The lady thought for a moment and said, “No, no I didn’t. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on two duffel bags. –from Bob T. BIKERNET BIKE SHOW WINNERS–from February and March received a collection of posters of some of Bandit’s bikes along with a signed copy of Orwell, Bikernet stickers and their exclusive 5-Ball trophy.Jay Rivera wrote the following about the posters. “I’d like to thank you for the posters of your collection of Bikers. They’re great scoots. My jealous ol’ lady got ahold of them ad ripped ’em up, because of the beautiful chicks. Well, the good news is I got rid of the ol’ lady because of that and a couple of other things I won’t discuss. Could you send me more?” HALF PRICE ON SHOTS OF JACK TONIGHT–Damn, I got distracted by that witchy blond this sunny afternoon while I was thinking of Jack Daniels and the convention for the National Coalition of Motorcyclists in New Orleans that’s coming up. She whispered something in my ear about pussy and drug me away from the computer. I couldn’t resist. It dawned on me that I hadn’t written a conclusion for this mess, that Layla would soon return, bust my ass and want to post the news. I needed a shot of Jack Daniels for inspiration. I’m stiff from Pilipino stick fighting lessons yesterday, and discovered that half the class is LAPD. What’s up with that? I need a ride. –Bandit
Friday, May 24th
With Sky Sunlight Saxon’s Seeds
Mr. T’s Bowl
5621 1/2 No Figueroa St.
Highland Park, CA
(323) 256-7561
(Pomona Arts Colony)
475 West 2nd Street
Pomona, CA 91766
1980 Harley FLH
EXTRA CLEAN & IMPRESSIVE. This beauty is a feast for the eyes and has won numerous shows.
(For those of you who know her personally, you know she is well loved.)
For More Information or to set up a time to see it in person, please call Eddie or Rhonda Miller @ (386) 441-4224 after 6:00 p.m.
Pass this on to anybody you know is looking for a bike.