May 30, 2002 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


CANTINA GIRLS CONTEST–If you have a hot shot of a babe with your bike that you’d like to see in the mix of girls in the Cantina, send her in. If Renegade and Snake decide to add her to the silky soft Cantina Girl line-up you’ll get a free annual membership to Bandit’s Cantina. Just send the wicked, wanton image to

Unfortunately we must require that the girl sign a model release and prove that she’s 18 year of age or older.

We’ll post a feature on this bike when we receive shots and his seat is finished. Helluve nice bike. Here’s some info on it:

“There is only one or two parts that are not hand made or modified on the entire bike. The paint job is my first (including flames and pinstriping) and this is my first bike. I designed a lot of the parts like the top motor mount and the rear fender bracket (which also holds the regulator and oil filter) and I did as much of the fabrication as I could, like the polished aluminum shift rod. A mutual friend of ours, Cliff Cake (Buckshot), split the cases for me and then reassembled the entire motor after it had some powder coating and polishing. Cliff is an awesome guy who did a lot of labor in trade for some parts and the fun of it.

Well the seat is still under construction… We scrambled to just get it together enough to put the bike in my friends’ “vendor booth” for his shop at the 2002 Selma Rendezvous (small show outside Fresno). We are in the middle of wiring it and I just bought a battery today so I can start on the seat pan. I am still wrapping my brain around a cool air cleaner idea, then she is ready to roll. “


HORSE SMOKE OUT BIKE SHOW QUANDRY–Yes, there is a major bike show planned for the Smoke Out this year in July. It’s a wild weekend event hosted by the crew at HORSE. The Bike show will be judged by Billy Lane of Choppers Inc.

The question is, what classes to have? Give Edge, the man behind the Smoke Out, your

Wooden Bike

THE TED SAGA CONTINUES–Well I blew off work yesterday afternoon and went riding. Highway 10 going west out of little rock. It’s great because 5 minutes from downtown and you’re in the hills riding beside lake maumelle. The road is wide and smooth, big rolling curves and lake views from the high spots. There is a roadside rest area about 25 miles from the freeway and it has become our burn spot. I rode out there, burned, and slugged down 2 tall boy buds. I was then feeling the road and I made a loop around Pennacle mountain.

After a couple of hours of just wandering, I rode over to Rodney’s shop. It was funny because old fuck Rodney himself was out in the shop wrenching on a bike himself. I’ve been around these guys for over 8 years and ain’t never seen Rodney do nothing but paint. He’s missing Phillip. Anyway, I left and went to titty bar Mike’s house for a while. Remember, he’s “building a bike”. We all are getting a good laugh at his “effort”. Well he has gathered up a bunch of crap parts and has been bolting shit on it willy nilly. I’m getting scared that he might actually come up with something that he will want to ride with me. I told him what I thought he ought to do next and went home to find skitzo Eric in my shop hanging with the old lady.

She had grilled up a bunch of meat and we ate and drank till way too late. Now I’m suckin and I blew off work yesterday. Big boss man is still mad about me cussing him earlier in the week, so he’s gonna fry when he finds out I’m leaving at 11:00. I won’t see him again till tuesday, so fuck him. I’ll tell him “I’m leaving. You saying I can’t come back?” and he’ll stomp around and take it out on all the goober boys who are scared to walk.

Still no solid plan for the weekend but one things for sure, I am gonna sledge hammer party for the whole 3.5 days.


chris bike

HAWAIIAN PROJECT NEARS COMPLETION–The Hawaiian rider responsible for the shiny bikernet stickers is building a new scoot in his garage.

If you would like a sticker drop us a self addressed stamped envelope to Bikernet, P.O.Box 1168, San Pedro, CA 90733 and we’ll drop one in the mail to you free of charge.

And if you need stickers for your event, shop, club or business check out Chris’s web site. He’s good people to work with and Jon Towle is always available for art.

AN OPEN LETTER TO JOHN ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES–The following is a letter read by Claire Braz-Valentine, the author, at thisyear’s In Celebration of the Muse, Cabrillo College in California. It isworth knowing that the author is a woman of 60+ years, conservativelydressed and obviously quite talented.

On January 28, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that he spent$8,000 of taxpayer’s money for drapes to cover up the exposed breast of TheSpirit of Justice, an 18 ft aluminum statue of a woman that stands in theDepartment of Justice’s Hall of Justice.

John, John, John, you’ve got your priorities all wrong. While men flyairplanes into skyscrapers, dive bomb the pentagon, while they stickexplosives into their shoes, and then book a seat right next to us, whilethey hide knives in their luggage, steal kids on school buses , take littlegirls from their beds at night, drive trucks into our state capitalbuildings, while our president calls dangerous men all over the worldevildoers and devils, while we live in the threat of biological warfare,nuclear destruction, annihilation, you are out buying yardage to saveAmericans from the appalling alarming, abominable aluminum alloy of evil,that terrible ten foot tin tittie. You might not be able to find Bin Laden,but you sure as hell found the hooter in the hall of justice.

It’s not that we aren’t grateful. But while we were begging the women ofAfghanistan to not cover up their faces, you are begging your staff membersto just cover up that nipple, to save the American people from thatmonstrous metal mammary. How can we ever thank you?

So, in your office every morning, in your secret prayer meeting, while anAmerican woman is sexually assaulted every 6 seconds, while anthrax floatsaround the post office and settles in the chest of senior citizens, you’vegot another chest on your mind….

Where the hell did this come from?–Bandit.

Continued On Page 3

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