May 5, 2005 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


BORN TO RIDE– a motorcycle based television show, magazine and website, is pleased to announce its 500th television episode airing on May 15, 2005.


Ron Galletti, Executive Producer of Born to Ride TV, has demonstrated his commitment to the motorcycle community with over ten years of producing a quality television show, currently aired on UPN 44, Sunday nights at 11:30pm. On Sunday, May 29th, join Quaker Steak and Lube to help Born to Ride celebrate. Activities include a bike show with a $500 purse and 500 pounds of roasted hog to give away. Ron says it?s his way of saying thanks for ?inviting Born To Ride into your homes and letting us be a part of your lives by wearing our shirts and supporting our events?.


The May 2005 issue represents the one year anniversary of Born to Ride Magazine, also!!


Born to Ride TV, Magazine and .com supports numerous charities including:

Childrens?s Protection Education of America, Lukemia and Lymphoma Society, Moffitt Cancer Center, The Florida Center, March of Dimes, Make a Wish, Prisoner Benefit, Habitat for Humanity, Benefits 4 Bikers, Unity Run, US. Military Vets, YES United of America, Inc., MC Cruise for Cancer, Bikers for Bayfront, Orphaned Children of Marion County, American Cancer Society, Deaf Services of West Central Florida, Inc, Pinellas Park Angel Fund, Inc., Pinellas Park Police Explorers, Boy Scouts of America,

For more information, visit the new, comprehensive website at http://www.borntoride.comor Contact Ron Galletti

mike pullin

STEALTH REPORT–It has been a real busy week. Final preparations for the opening of STEALTH BIKE WORKS. We are on schedule to open Tuesday(5-10-5). It has been a lot of hard work and some long days but it will all be worth the effort.

When you take on something of this nature, things come up everyday that you don’t think of but I guess that is half the fun. So far it has been a great adventure and we have not even opened yet. We have received a lot of well wishes from the local biker community. I would like to thank Brian from Georgia for the Dave Mann art book. We will put it on the counter for everyone to see!

Like I said, it has been a real busy week and I pressed for time so I have to cut it short.I am sure next week I will have a lot to talk about.

Before I close always remember; never give up on your dreams, no matter how big they are or how far off they seem because you never know when the opportunity will present itself to make them come true!

Until next week!

flyrite rolling chasis

FLYRITE CHOPPERS ROLLING CHASSIS KIT– Flyrite Choppers presents their 2005 rolling chassis kit at the new price of $2699. The rigid frame features 1? tubing, 33? rake, and 2? of stretch in the down tubes. The frame is designed to accept any big twin engine and 4 speed or softtail case transmission. MSO is included.

The kit includes: chrome springer front end, chrome headlight with bracket, choice of drag bars, 12?, or 16? ape hangers, risers, sportster-style tank, FRC Solo Seat with chrome hardware and springs, chrome 40 spoke front and rear wheels (21? x 2.15? front and 16? x 3.5? rear), rim strips, tubes, choice of black or white wall rear, black wall front tire, bearing cup set and dust shields, front and rear axles, rear fender and strut.

Flyrite Choppers, Inc. is a manufacturer of affordable, traditional choppers and bobbers out of Austin, TX. Jason Kidd began working to open the shop in 2002 and began manufacturing in April 2003. Currently they offer 6 production models, each customizable. Production for 2004 was 90 bikes and the 2005 projection is 150.

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BIKERNET HOME-BUILD OF THE WEEK? Bandit, My husband Ed Gilman built a custom 1949 Panhead Chopper from the frame up in his garage. He built everything including but not limited to frame, front forks, all sheet metal, exhaust, caliper brackets, and pretty much everything in between. He has also done the sheet metal fabrication for a bike shop here in Columbus, OH for a motorcycle that took first place in Kansas City last year and he just finished a one- off from the ground up for the same shop which this bike took second place among ten of the best bike builders in America in the Heritage Rally in S. Carolina. Through all his time, dedication, and talent he has received no recognition…

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He is trying to build another bike and possibly start his own business, but for right now I am just trying to get his name out there. I was wondering if you would be interested in putting a picture of his bike in a magazine. Please let me know what you think?

Thank you for you time and consideration.

Chrissy –


MEN ARE JUST HAPPIER PEOPLE– What do you expect from such simplecreatures?

Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can be President.
You can never be pregnant.
You can wear a whiteT-shirt to a water park.
You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
CarMechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gasstation restroom because this one is just too icky.
You don’t haveto stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work,more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress $5000.
Tux rental-$100.

People never stare at your chest when you are talking to them.
Theoccasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conservations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A 5-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all of your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
Everything on your face stays its original color.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe even decades.
You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life.
Your belly usually hides your big hips
One wallet and one pair of shoes one color for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter what how your legs look.
You can “do” your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier.

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BIKERNET CUTIE OF THE WEEK–Hey Bandit and Layla,Wanted to give ya heads ups on a new hottie coming through the ranks. She hit the bike scene last year with some pretty good success, but is planning for a breakout 2005. She has actually graced your pages a couple times, but not like this. Her name is Crystal. She?s based out of Virginia. She is looking to make a few more covers, attend some more shows, and have some more fun.

If you guys don?t care, I was hoping you could throw up a couple pics and a link for her. We can keep ya posted on shows, appearances, and shoots through the summer. If you know anybody in the mag business, maybe pass these along. (I?m kiddin?, I?m kiddin?). All jokes aside, we have been serious on the bike scene for about a year and a half, and have been enjoying and the mags. You guys have been through a lot in the past year. Keep up the good work, and hope to catch you guys on the road. I think you?ll like it. Be sure to check out the flash portfolio on the portfolio page.

Thanks for the spot, and look forward to working with ya. Feel free to give a shout and throw down a few thoughts.

Be Good!

pruno girl

YOU DRANK WHAT?! ? PRUNO–Pruno Apparel – New clothing is coming soon. Until then, pick up some ofthe current stuff while it lasts.

pruno boobs

Lower Apparel Prices – Check out all of the Pruno Apparel for savings. All ofour apparel prices have been lowered. Our savings is yoursavings.

pruno banner

THAT NEW FLORIDA SELF DEFENSE LAW– Florida Governor Jeb Bush has now signed the bill .. and the left ismightily upset. The bill? You know, that bill that actuallyrecognizes the basic human right of self defense. Simply put, thenew Florida law says that if find yourself under attack in a publicplace you don’t have to look for a way to run away before you respondwith deadly force.

Here’s your actual wording: In Florida a personnow has “the right to stand his or her ground and meet force withforce, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it isnecessary to do so, to prevent death or great bodily harm to himselfor herself or another.”

What, pray tell, is the problem with that? You’re attacked. Youhave a reasonable belief that you are in danger of great harm ordeath, or someone else is in danger, and you get to protect yourselfwith deadly force. Imagine that! A basic human right is the rightof self defense. The very first governments formed by humankind weregovernments formed for one purpose … to act to defend the people.

But what about the opponents? Well, it’s the same old cast ofcharacters. The mainstream media and liberals … Democraticleftists. Democrats have a long history of opposing virtually anylaw that would allow a person to exercise their right to selfdefense. Most of you don’t remember this, but about 30 years ago Ted”The Slug” Kennedy came up with a law introducing a new FederalCriminal Code. His idea was to compel the 50 states to adopt thefederal code as their own. In that bill there was a retreatrequirement. If you woke up in the middle of the night and heardsomeone rummaging around your home, you would be required to leaveyour home to the intruder if there was any way you could escape. Youwere simply not allowed to protect your home and its contents if youhad the option to turn tail and run. Thankfully, Kennedy’s billfailed.

But why is it that Democrats always seem to oppose measures likethis? Because it’s all part of the standard Democratic/leftistmindset. It’s part of the war against individualism. It’s part ofbuilding reliance and dependence on government. A law like Florida’sactually reinforces the concept of individualism. It recognizes theindividual’s right to self defense; the individual’s right todominion over their own body, their own personal safety and their ownfuture. Don’t we realize that we’re supposed to depend on governmentto protect us? How dare we take that responsibility on ourselves?

To the liberal, it is the government that gives us, if it chooses todo so, the right to defend ourselves; and since our right toself-defense comes from the government, then it is the government’sright and responsibility to tell us just what we can and can’t do todefend our lives and our property.

Recognizing one’s right to self defense only serves to reinforce oursense of individuality. Remember, Democrats have flatly stated thatour nation is at war against individuality. Attacking the individualright of self defense is part and parcel of that war.

Oh .. and as for those hysterical leftists who will scream about the”Wild Wild West?” You need to know that there was less crime in theso-called Wild Wild West, where everyone carried a gun, then there isin almost any major urban area in America today.



SALE OF THE WEEK– – $8500.00

rene end

More of beautiful Michelle Rene.

I?M DONE–Tonight is First Thursday in San Pedro so I?m cruising the Art Galleries to eat cheese & crackers and drink wine set out by the owners . A break from cooking and a meal for free. Sorta like when you shop at Costco.

Anyway, I promise to be a little more informative of what?s going on around here and with more umph. I think the weather has got me down, plus I?m missing Bandit. Have a great weekend and don?t forget about the mothers? in your life. Sunday is Mothers Day, let her know how much you appreciate her.


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