May 8, 2002



DONNYBROOK, IRELAND: Well, that’s actually just where the name comes from, and it’s cometo mean a “free-for-all,” and we in the biker community sure had ourselves a littleDonnybrook in Laughlin, Nevada, just before this here Sack went to press. Now it seemsthat officials from Harley-Davidson have had to cancel a motorcycle festival planned inOld Bridge, New Jersey this summer. The town’s worried about violence, basically. Damn. More than 150,000 people were expected to attend Harley’s “Open Road Tour” show, plannedfor August 16-18 at Raceway Park.

These and other good people are put off by the threat of violence in their home town. Other motorcycle events are also being cancelled or held under tighter security andheavy scrutiny by law enforcement. And it’s not like ANY community of people is free ofviolence. But when it’s this public, it’s no wonder Big Brother wants us off the roads.

We’ve made SO MUCH PROGRESS, especially with the Confederations of Clubs around theUnited States and Canada, with NCOM’s help. These Confederations afford a platform forALL bikers – clubs in particular – to have a voice, a line of communication, and MOST ofall, a VOICE for JUSTICE for ALL bikers, in the courts. This episode won’t go unnoticed,and it may set us back JUST a bit, but nobody’s gonna give up the struggle, because weall lose if we do. Peace to all, that’s all I can say.


FROM THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS comes this jewel. Prayers for the road: Lakeshore’s firstBlessing of the Bikes drew hundreds of scooter people. “Blessing of the Bikes” hasbecome somewhat of a tradition all over the country. It happens in the Springtime whenmost of us getting our putts outta hybernation and shined up for the start of the ridingseason. It’s a good thing, folks, and we could all use some divine help in the trafficwe ride in nowadays.

These are real family type gatherings that everyone can enjoy, and even if it is a littlecold and rainy, the warm fuzzys you get from it are well worth it.

NEWNAN, GA: A brand new motorcycle factory is being built by Triumph Motorcycles inHinckley, U.K. on the site destroyed in a recent fire. Production is expected to resumeby the start of September 2002. The new facility is said to be the most advanced in theworld. Hoorah!

HOUSTON, TX: Well, with that news about those few (and it really is a few) club problems,here’s a little POSITIVE perspective: In Houston, Texas, a group of citizens is workingto rehabilitate run down areas in the 136 year old Fifth Ward and Denver Harborneighborhoods. For starters, eight homes belonging to some old folks like me will berenovated and put in sparkling shape. Workers include hundreds of Conoco volunteers, andmembers of Motorcycle Clubs, including United Bikers, the Street Lords, and The ChosenFew. The bikers are working side-by-side with the St. John’s Baptist Church, the City ofHouston, the Mormon church; even with the Houston Police. Now that’s the image we wannabe working on. Congratulations, all of you hard working people!

ST. JAMES PALACE, ENGLAND: When we say here in the Sack that bikers are a very diversegroup, HERE’S the topper on that poop: Prince William rides. That is, we’re talkin’ oneof the possible successors to the Throne of the British Empire. And like my boss SamHochberg might say, “that ain’t chopped liver.” The PA News story tells us that theyoung prince has had his endorident, take advantage of the services these fine peopleoffer us. Your A.I.M. attorneys are available by calling the toll free nationwidehotline at 1-800-ON-A- BIKE, or online at Sam Hochberg, our OregonA.I.M. attorney is available out of Portland. He will take good care of you as will anyother A.I.M. attorney in the country.

Keep the round side on the bottom.Gunny, Oregon A.I.M. Chief of Staff

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