Continued From Page 1
Thank you, thank you, thank you… all those fans who wanted theirnews NOW ! It’s good to know we have loyal followers each week even thoughit’s just to check out the choppers. Now all kidding aside seems like lastweek our report was lost somewhere in cyber space, but Sin and Bandit foundand posted the elusive material, thanks.
Most of us know Myrtle Beach is taking place this week, we will be joiningthe crowd sometime next week so if we miss the report you know we arekicking it in the South Carolina shores.Will report on the happenings there as soon as I get back, and the policebehaviour since it’s the first event since Laughlin.Let’s see what happens…..
One more thing about Laughlin. They are charging a club member that firedthe shots but the other club member who died, did so because of stabwounds.????? Is it me or guns don’t stab people, knives do. It so happensthe two HA members who died did by gunshots…….So , the DA is claimingthat an HA shot his brothers ??? Good luck with that one. Too bad mediawill never give us the true story.

If you guys don’t read Your Shots, then we have some news for ya’. Billy Lane and Choppers Inc. will be featured in the Discovery Channel motorcycleMania 3. I’m so glad for him and if he is busy now, wait until the program airs…Billy will be riding with some friends from Florida to an undisclosedlocation. Maybe he will give us a call to join him…Uhmm, which Rigidchopper should I take ???

We also heard some rumors and I mean rumors that Orange County Chopperswere filmed also…….If the guys from Discovery are reading this….. Hey give us a call !!!!! we can get VIP treatment at our local strip joints….
We heard that over 200 bikes showed up at the HOG mother’s day ride…..Wetried to start up our jet skis to join them. Well I heard they had a goodtime, rain or not.
Now, I’m going to ask for a favor, we don’t have a Special Construction lawin Puerto Rico ( yeap it’s a major pain in the ass trying to register ahome built bike), but we are working with some legislators to make this lawhappen. If anyone has their state laws regarding this please e-mail them We have been featuring some of our bikes each week, pretty soon Bandit andBikernet will have lots of our bikes in a section, soon grasshopper, soon. Here’s another of our choppers, this one is for sale, Daytec Frame and H-D80 inch motor, lots of good components and yeap , it’s a rigid.Give is a shout if you want this baby…..$16,000.00 will make ityours….. Oh well, I’m outta here, and I even managed not to give any sermons thisweek……I guess I’m kinda sad, Sin Wu asked for a spanking but Bandit didit instead……so I missed that one. Oh well, I can only daydream aboutthose silky smooth, oriental buns…… Hey Bandit how about a Caribbean Cruise the USS Minow isavailable…….Well , there’s always the Love Ride, and we all know whythey call it ” Love” ride… Saludos……. Jose. A BIT OF HISTORY FROM THE BIKERNET LIBRARY– In the heyday of sailing ships, all war ships and many freighterscarried iron cannons. Those cannon fired round iron cannon balls. It was necessary to keep a good supply near the cannon. But how to prevent them from rolling about the deck? The best storage method devised was a square based pyramid with one ball on top, resting on four resting on nine which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of thirty cannon balls could be stacked in a smallarea right next to the cannon. There was only one problem-how to prevent the bottom layer from sliding/rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate called a “Monkey” with sixteen round indentations. But, if this plate was made of iron, the iron balls would quickly rust to it. Thesolution to the rusting problem was to make “Brass Monkeys.” Few landlubbers realize that brass contracts much more and muchfaster than iron when chilled. Consequently, when the temperature dropped too far, the brass indentations would shrink so much that the iron cannon balls would come right off the monkey. Thus, it was quite literally, “Cold enough to freeze theballs off a brass monkey!” CALIFORNIA HELMET REPEAL MOVES–This is from Jean Hughes, Legislative Director for ABATE of California. They havea helmet repeal bill pending that would allow them to ride without a helmet ifthey carry $1 million worth of insurance. After much discussion nationwide, I have taken the opposite position of most onthe “list”. The “list” consensus is that once enacted, the “insurance mandate”will run wild across the country and we’ll all be fighting it in our ownlegislatures. I believe we will be in this fight soon regardless of what happens in California.California, as a state, know their predicament better than I do. Who am I to tellthem that I won’t help because I personally don’t believe in an “insurancemandate”? As a sovereign state and a sovereign organization – California andABATE of California are free to do as they wish. ABATE of California is asking for help. I’ll leave it up to you individually todecide for yourselves. – wrote: Bill (AB2700, sponsored by Dennis Mountjoy) reads as follows: “Under existing law, it is unlawful for any person to operate a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle if the driver or passenger is not wearing a safety helmet. Existing law also makes it unlawful to ride as a passenger on a motorcycle if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet. This bill would limit the above helmet provisions to drivers and passengers who are 20 years of age or less. This bill would provide that a person who is 21 years of age or older may operate or ride as a passenger on a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle without a helmet only if he or she has proof of at least $1,000,000 in medical insurance on his or her person.” Since our victory in Assembly Transportation on 4/22 the legislators have been playing games with the bill, threatening re-referrel to appropriations, etc…well, yesterday the Rules Committee voted to send the bill on to the full assembly floor. This is likely to happen in the next 10 days…so, if your folks could please let the assembly know that you support AB2700, and that you will start riding in CA and spending your tourist dollars here…that is great…feel free to inform/educate them too …i.e., helmets don’t prevent accidents, etc… It would be great if we could swamp the following members with letters (faxed or emailed), emails, and phone calls…THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !!! Thomas Calderon,, 916-319-2058, fax 916-319-2158 Dennis Cardoza,, 916-319-2026, fax 916-319-2126 Tony Cardenas (thanks for voting in our favor on 4/22),, 916-319-2039, fax 916-319-2139 Ellen Corbett,, 916-319-2018, fax 916-319-2118 Lou Correa,, 916-319-2069, fax 916-319-2169 Dean Florez,, 916-319-2030, fax 916-319-2130 Dario Frommer,, 916-319-2043, fax 916-319-2143 Robert Hertzberg,, 916-319-2040, fax 916-319-2140 Jerome Horton,, 916-319-2051, fax 916-319-2151 Christine Kehoe, (this one has always indicated support, but won’t vote in favor),, 916-319-2076, fax 916-319-2176 John Longville (voted in our favor 4/22),, 916-319-2062, fax, 916-319-2162 Geroge Nakano (voted in our favor 4/22, 5/2), 916-319-2053, fax 916-319-2153 Lou Papan,, 916-319-2019, fax 916-319-2119 Sarah Reyes,, 916-319-2031, fax 916-319-2131 Carl Washington,, 916-319-2052, fax 916-319-2152 Herb Wessen (Speaker of the Assembly),, 916-319-2047, fax 916-319-2147 If you are only going to contact one person, this is the man !! Patricia Wiggins,, 916-319-2007, fax 916-319-2107 Rod Wright,, 916-319-2048, fax 916-319-2148 There you have it…any contact is good…thanks again…Jean Who has a million bucks in insurance. Texas repealed their helmet law with $10,000 in insurance and so did a couple of other states. What’s the deal? A good friend will come bail you out of jail, but a really true friend will be sitting next to you saying, “That was fucking awesome….” BIKERNET CITIZEN SURVEY FINDINGS– When you finish reading this article about bikers, your blood will beboiling. If you want to respond for phone numbers and e-mail addresses,click on ——> Sentinel Even though I’d like to respond with an “F” word in every sentence,I’ll respond VERY professionally. The writer obviously thinks we’re allscum bags, riding with a buzz on, so when I respond to this jerk, I will besure to put on my English professor hat! Poet Monday, May 06, 2002 – 5:21:53 AM MST Of springtime, bikers, and starch By Paul Wieland, executive director of Fitchburg Community Television.They come as if the results of a warm day’s hatch. If you’re caughtunawares, they seem to fill your senses, buzzing angrily and clouding yourvision; swarming around you and threatening to attack. They are certain harbingers of full spring in New England. May flies? Black flies? Yellow jackets? Mosquitoes? None of the above. For it’s the time of the biker of which we speak, the phalanxes ofmotorcyclists who hit the roads as spring takes away black ice, and replacesit with black mood when one is stuck behind columns and rows of the bikerscareening down the tarmac. Perhaps this is being too harsh.We all have been told of thewonderful things biker groups do to serve their communities, raising moneyfor good causes, holding Marlon Brando look-alike contests. We realize they serve as a rough-edged form of population control,as the wildest sub-species of bikers annually spins itself into oblivionagainst dozens of New England trees and Massachusetts stone walls. Those of us familiar with the annual Darwin Awards, which go topeople who kill themselves in most creative and stupid ways, find there’s awho genre of bikers who are Darwin candidates every day .Consider riding down Route 12 heading north towards New Hampshireand finding oneself being passed on a blind curve by an idiot on amotorcycle who is weaving by you and other drivers at 20 miles per hourfaster than traffic is moving. Scares the hell out of you, doesn’t it? No, whatever it is that drives men and women to buy and drivemotorcycles on public rights-of-way, it isn’t common sense. Unless commonsense is not seriously considering how fast one can die when thrown from theseat of a speeding Harley which suddenly stops speeding before your bodydoes…? 1999-2001 MediaNews Group, Inc. and Mid-States Newspapers, Inc. –from MaryAnn Leger, member of Women On Wheels and Poet. I cut a substantial portion of this article because I’ve read cute little idiotic attacks on motorcyclists all my adult life. They always smack of someone who knows no passion for life, never takes a risk or places their safety in jeopardy. In other words, they just don’t get it.–Bandit BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP LESSON– A forty-ish woman was at home happily jumping on her bed and squealing with delight Her husband watches her for a while and asks, “Do you haveany idea how ridiculous you look? What’s the matter with you? “The woman continues to bounce on the bed and says “I don’t care. I just came from the doctor and he says I have the breasts of an 18 year-old.” The husband said, “What did he say about your 44 year old ass?” “Your name never came up,” she replied. –from Chris T. SUGARBEAR ON RAKE AND TRAIL–Here’s a shot of a Sugarbear rocker. He uses his rockers as part of his custom formula to create the ideal rake and trail for handling. Over the next couple of weeks we’ll show you how it works in the Bikernet Garage. MORE ON RELATIONSHIPS FROM BIKERNET–Three couples, an elderly couple, a middle-aged couple and a young newlywed couple wanted to join a church. The pastor said, “We have special requirements for new parishioners. You must abstain from having sex for two weeks.” The couples agreed and came back at the end of two weeks. The pastor asked the elderly couple, “Were you able to abstain from sex for the two weeks?” The old man replied, “No problem at all, Pastor.” “Congratulations! Welcome to the church!” said the pastor. The pastor asked the middle-aged couple, “Well, were you able to abstain from sex for the two weeks?” The man replied, “The first week was not too bad. The second week I had to sleep on the couch for a couple of nights, but yes, we made it.” “Congratulations! Welcome to the church!” said the pastor. The pastor then asked the newlywed couple, “Well, were you able to abstain from sex for two weeks?” “No Pastor, we were not able to go without sex for the two weeks,” the young man replied, sadly. “What happened?” inquired the pastor. “My wife was reaching for a can of paint on the top shelf and dropped it. When she bent over to pick it up, I was overcome with lust, seeing her in that position, and took advantage of her. We made mad passionate love right there.” You understand, of course, this means you will not be welcome in our church,” stated the pastor. “We know,” said the young man, “we’re not welcome at Home Depot anymore, either.” update–The site has just been updated with a new feature.20 photos of the new VROD Custom, “Super Street” from Speed PointGermany.Direct Link : There is also a new Screensaver of the VROD Custom bike for PC owners.Direct Link : And to finish up a Desktop wallpaper of the new bike.Direct Link : Enjoy the new content and let us know what you think. –Craig Stuart, WE’RE BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT–We have an agent for Randall’s books and he’s got us churnin’ and burnin’ out chapters of the new books, outlines and synopsis for publishers. The IMB Dojo was packed full of cops this week with guest officers from Hamburg, Germany. We’re contemplating taking boxing classes on Friday night. One of the masters, Brad, Layla’s brother is encouraging me to attend. He will run us through eight drills on various sized bags before we get in the ring. He promised that in six months I’d be able to kick the blond’s ass. I signed up on the spot. Let’s ride–Bandit.