Last summer when the 1941 Ariel was finally up and running I thought
I’d attend a car/bike show on the North Shore.
This would involve crossing Second Narrows Bridge. The very same bridge I see from
my studio window, the same one that ultimately killed twenty three
construction workers, while it was under construction (it collapsed).
I’ve had four close calls on it while crossing on my bikes. There are
no safety lanes (it would take you one minute to cross it at 80kph)
and why Mr. Stupid thought he could safely cross it on an amateur
rebuilt (Mr. Stupid again) seventy-two-year-old bike is well….stupid.

I think I’ve still got some dialing in to do
on the Ariel. Obviously the head wasn’t
torqued down properly. Specs are hard
to find. After this “incident” I did dig up
specs that called for 40 pounds. So far
so good.