Motorcycle Cannonball – Stage 10 – Tuesday, September 20, 2016

By Spitfire

There was a different energy in the air this morning. The day before had been long hot and grueling. Today we will be traveling 264 miles and will reach an elevation f nearly 11,000 feet as we cross Wolf Creek Pass in the Rocky Mountains. The person in 1st place, #13, Dean Bordigiori from California, was at the start line early making last minute adjustments. Doc, #52, who has all of his miles in for every day told me that he had lowered his gear ratio to help climb the mountain passes. The sunrise promised a beautiful day but I’m not sure anyone else noticed. Shawn Duden, #39 from a previous cannonball (the chopper guys) arrived with the bike that he and Bill Buckingham, #40 built for the Cannonball. August 27th, Bill was hit and killed in a motorcycle crash. Shawn was there to honor his friend and ride the bike for a day. I saw people crying, laughing and shaking with nervous anticipation.

At the first stop sign, Linda Monahan, a rider who had struggled to get her bike on the course at all dropped her bike and could not get it started again. We got on Interstate 25. On the first long grade uphill I saw someone pushing their bike. He was calling for help and out of breath. I offered to help push but he had decided to get picked up. Just beyond him was another rider being helped, and by mile marker 30 two more were broken down and unable to fix their bikes. It was going to be a long day. Seeing the mountains off in the distance was both soothing and ominous. The riders stop about every 50 miles for gas. At the first gas stop people were talking about how they heard we have 34 miles of “hell” up ahead. The first pass was a 9 mile 1800 foot climb to LaVeta Pass, elevation 9413.

For my newer bike, the sweeping, wide newly blacktopped mountain climb was beautiful. The cut rock, smell of pine and cool mountain pine scented air was welcome after the heat and flat land we had crossed the day before. I passed people still riding and didn’t see anyone off of their bikes. I stopped at a gas station on the other side and watched the riders come in. I was looking for fatigue and possible altitude problems. I saw a rider struggling to move his bike to the pump. He said he was just so exhausted and he was breathing heavy. His oxygen level as 88%. I gave him some canned oxygen while he ate a granola bar. He looked better after 10 minutes and continued on.

We had a hosted lunch today put on by the Chamber of Commerce in Alamosa, Colorado at Cole Park. Paul d’Orleans was staging bikes for pictures. He does a special “Old school” type of photography called “Tin Type”. The board slipped as #18, Doug Feinsod was exiting the grassy area where pictures were being taken and the bike hung up. Eager locals jumped into action to help lift the bike off the board. No damage, whew! The bikes headed off to the Conoco Station at mile marker 162 where bikes were allowed to trailer, with no penalty other than the 22 miles, over Wolf Creek Pass. Only 6 opted to do that. Most stopped to gas up since they were going through more gas with the inclines. I found the guy who had been struggling earlier sitting, again looking exhausted. This time his oxygen level was better. He had taken and energy drink but was not feeling better. I suggested a candy bar for a shot of sugar to the brain to get over the pass. He did both. Whoo Hoo!!!! As I was getting ready to leave a man approached me in his plaid shirt and overalls. He introduced himself as “Turtle” who is running for president. In a southern drawl he said, I got 100 votes today just going to buy a pack of cigarettes. Be sure to write me in. I’m on facebook too. As I pulled away he exclaimed “Vote Turtle, the no nonsense candidate”!

The next incline had a couple of tunnels. As I came through the 2nd tunnel I saw Dean, #13 pulled over to the side. Polly and Joe Sparrow, support staff, were with him. I pulled over with my strobes on and found Joe squirting water on the severely overheated clutch. Dean was a little short of breath and said he planned to push the bike to the top of the summit. We were about 1-1.5 miles from the top. I gave him a can of oxygen and Joe stayed with him. People were excited as they hit the Summit. Most had gone by now since I was near the last few riders but it was fun to see the excitement as they conquered the beast. Next challenge, 8 miles of 7% downhill winding grade with scenic overlooks. I watched the truck runaway ramps for anyone whose brakes failed that might go off into the soft sand. Nope, all clear! I stopped at a gas station and waited to see if Dean would come by and be sure I was near the back of the pack. Only 60 miles to Durango.

About 20 miles from Durango I saw a bike pulled over with a helmet and gloves. Lights were on. I looked around to see where the rider might be and was puzzled. I didn’t see him anywhere! I saw a gas station a couple blocks away and thought maybe he went there for gas but his gas can was still on the bike. Just then I heard a man calling to me from near a fence. “Are you looking for that man”? I found #1, Hans Cortese, at a restaurant looking pale. He had felt faint so got off of the bike. Someone took him to the restaurant. He kept saying – help me finish…I need to get back on the bike. I suggested he have some sugar and a little girl named Jesabelle at the restaurant offered him her skittles. The good Samaritan that had been helping him, Paul, drove him back out to his bike. He said he was feeling better, got back on, went a few blocks and got back off and laid down roadside. I told him I thought we should load his bike and get him to a hospital but again, he disagreed. After 5 minutes I followed him in to the finish line. His family had just flown in from South Africa and were waiting there for him. Good Samaritan Paul had arrived at the dealership. Others pitched in to take care of the bike and Hans & wife were taken to the hospital emergency room with me following. Labs showed severe dehydration and another issue that needed to be checked. Hans gave me permission to share and encourage all of the riders to take time to drink water and take electrolytes!!! He was kept overnight and I arrived back at the hotel a bit after 9pm. Vern and Tanner saw me come in and ordered a wonderful chefs salad for me. Dean made it in with full points for the day so he is still in first place. I love this crew. Right now, they are my world. I wonder what tomorrow has in store?

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