MRF Update: Paving the Way & Rolling Toward Washington, D.C.


The groundwork to pave the metaphorical roads to Washington D.C. and Capitol Hill took time and commitments from freedom loving motorcyclists from throughout the country. Individual attendance to Bikers Inside the Beltway, less than a month away, makes a difference in accomplishing our legislative goals.

Yes, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation is rolling toward Washington. Yes, since 2009 the MRF has hosted Bikers Inside the Beltway, a grassroots tradition orchestrated by SMROs that began with just as much determination but without a name in 1989.

The MRF has brought over a thousand motorcyclists to Washington to meet with their members of Congress with the sole mission of promoting a legislative agenda that continues to successfully become law on behalf of all street riding motorcyclists.

Those visits are effective. Members of Congress know that it is not easy for constituents to make the trip to Washington, D.C. And when constituents from a well-known organization such as the Motorcycle Riders Foundation venture to Washington to meet with their congressional delegation, members of Congress tend to listen.

Your personal visit to Congress does make a difference. Co-sponsors on legislation the MRF supported rose over 20 percent during Bikers Inside the Beltway in 2021. Numbers make a difference. Currently, there almost ninety co-sponsors on H. Res 366 – an anti-profiling resolution. By joining other freedom loving motorcyclists, you can help increase those co-sponsors so that those numbers make an even greater difference.

The MRF’s legislative agenda – beyond the three items listed below — recommended and approved by SMRO leaders at the 2021 Meeting of the Minds, is not all-inclusive.

News items during the past two weeks have repeatedly demonstrated why the following items are at the top of the MRF’s legislative agenda as we move toward Bikers Inside the Beltway:

  • Profiling: Sustain lobbying efforts for the passage of resolutions or legislation that promotes awareness and prohibition of motorcyclists profiling.
  • Renewable Fuels: Advocate for targeted changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Support the universal availability of approved fuel blends, containing no more than 10 percent ethanol by volume. Ensure that consumers are educated on proper fuel usage.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Advocate and monitor any legislation or regulations related to motorcycles concerning connected and autonomous vehicles (AV) including endorsing rulemaking to set new standards specific to seeing, detecting, and properly reacting to motorcycles. Ensure motorcycles are part of all testing and development procedure.

The pandemic, and the events of January 6, 2021, did not deter the MRF. More than one-hundred motorcyclists attended the first in-person meeting in 2021 with members of Congress last May. The above items are the missing pieces of the 2021 infrastructure legislation, and they are driving the MRF’s need to return to Washington when Bikers Inside the Beltway meets on May 17.

Join us to ensure that the mission of getting our message to Congress does not fail, please consider the following:

  • Make your appointments locally or in Washington
  • Familiarize yourself with the briefing points
  • Confirm your appointment locally or in Washington
  • Virtual or in person, make notes on your meeting
  • Share your meeting notes with the MRF

Numbers do make a difference toward accomplishing the legislative goals of the MRF. All 435 members of the House of Representatives are up for reelection. Thirty-four members of the Senate are up for election. Numbers do make a difference. Like it or not, legislators tend to listen better during election years.

Paving the way for the long haul is what the MRF does to ensure that the future of motorcycling survives. It is not too late to use that “paved way” to help the numbers make a difference.

Rooms are available through the hotel direct line 703-684-5900 and use reference code MRF. And while you are there, make plans to attend a meeting of the MRF Board of Directors on May 16 at the Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Road, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Bikers Inside the Beltway 2022 – The Motorcycle Riders Foundation — paving the way for the long haul and rolling toward Washington, D.C.!

Yours in Freedom,
Fredric Harrell

About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Visit Website at:

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