Editor’s Note: Us old school guys need to know about this new shit. It’s not that new anymore, but what the hell, we need to know the does and don’ts and where we can find solutions. More and more I find myself helping guys with newer bikes, and I’m intrigued by the new M-8 configuration, since it slipped back in the direction of the EVO.
Here’s a quote from a builder recently who said, “Evos were capable of any horsepower we could get from a Twin Cam, but the price of modifying Twin Cams is high. Now you can get double the power of an Evo with a 117-inch M-8 and the cost isn’t so high.” He recently built a 117 from a 107 and got 145 Horsepower and 133 pounds of torque. Incredible. We hope to bring you more M-8 performance techs in the near future.
Thanks to the guys at NAMZ we can understand how the Throttle-by-Wire system works.–Bandit
Q. Should I cut and soldier my Throttle-By-Wire harness
when I install taller bars onto my “throttle-by-wire” bike?
A. From the desk of Marty Norris, Sales & Marketing Manager, I know what you are thinking, this guy again! (Don’t worry if all goes as planned, Steve will back by the time the next newsletter comes out.)
The subject of to cut or not to cut the throttle-by-wire harness has led to great debate, since it was introduced by Harley in 2008. To help you decide the risk here brief overview of how the Fly-By-Wire system works.
Anytime you cut a wire and solder it you change the characteristics of the energy flow or signal that travels thru it. So, if your soldering skills are not spot on this may leave you in limp mode (not the type a little blue pill will fix either.) Save yourself the hassle worry, NAMZ “Makes it easy to do it right the first time” offering you plug and play harness throttle by wire extensions form 2008 to current model year that will save you time and money. For more information check out www.namzccp.com.
If you thought about changing your handlebars on your 2008 Bagger, you’ll need one of our Throttle-by-Wire Extension Harness Kits. It’s not that easy anymore with the introduction of throttle-by-wire. There may not be throttle cables to deal with but it can become a wiring headache, but not anymore with the introduction of this kit!
Our Throttle-by-Wire Extension Harness Kits have been tested and designed by our engineers to work perfectly WITHOUT causing any harm or interference to the motorcycles computer. *NOTE, extensions MUST be used on ALL CVO & Screaming Eagle models due to the hard-wired twist grip assembly.
Our NEW Throttle-by-Wire “Plug-n-Play” wiring harness is a no brainer when adding taller handlebars. Longer than stock, one size fits ALL handlebars, simply remove OEM harness, plug ours in. Comes complete with OEM connectors. *NOTE, will NOT fit CVO or Screaming Eagle models.

They carry 4, 8, 12 and 15-inch extensions for Softail and Bagger models ’16 and up.
They carry 4, 8, 12, and 15-inch extension for ’04-’14 FL models.
Some they don’t carry versions for CVO or SE models. Check their web site for more info and kits.