We are happy to announce a new sponsor to our boardtrack cross over bike. Not only do we have Bikernet.com as a main sponsor, but we have added Custom Cycle Engineering as a sponsor. http://www.customcycleengineering.com/
In this tech tip, we will show an install of CCE's finned Panhead rocker covers. We dig these covers. Designed by Randy Smith during the “chopper period” these covers are highly sought after in the bobber community and we are jazzed to put them on our project.
Our project encompasses installing rockers and covers to a set of STD heads with a custom configuration.

Laying out all of your parts on a clean bench will allow for a clean, easy job! Everything looks like it’s there……..

We started with a custom set of STD Panheads, which were set up with Shovelhead valves (breathe better), normal Pan exhaust spigots which fit our Boardtracker frames, and Shovelhead intake ports which also flow better, and finally outside oilers which add a small cooling effect for oil delivery.

First off, spray your rocker studs off with a good quality “Anti Seize” lubricant. Notice the “Made in U.S.A.” on the can! Make sure you support your fellow American worker- it will cost you an extra 10 cents, but you will help curb the time frame between now and the inevitable. Either that, or bone up on your Mandarin dialect. Let’s try to keep at least 51% of our dollars here in the states folks!!!

Install studs until the final thread on one side is visible. With the anti seize compound they should thread in by hand. If not, check your threads and make sure they are clean!

Install rocker blocks making sure to seat the block assembly all the way down onto the head deck and fasten with locking nuts. I oil the rocker shafts so they don’t start dry.
Watch out!
1) Notice the necessary intake oiler port (two of these are needed; one on each intake side), this assures oiling of the valve assemblies on the crown of the motor (high point).
2) This picture shows an example of the necessity to bring the intake studs up about a thread to make sure the lock nut gets full bite.
Note- stock oilers are thinner gauge and may not need the studs adjusted.

Finish tightening. Always use a crossing and alternating pattern when drawing precision surfaces together. Tighten in small increments while crossing your pattern in exact opposite relations, when you bottom– you will know it without question.

Rocker assemblies installed, make sure to check all rockers for tolerances. Some lash fore and aft is acceptable and necessary, however no “shake” should be exhibited. The rockers should move freely and not feel “bound” in any way.

Normally, I would run a felt gasket under the “Pans”. These were used to deaden the valve train noise on the early Panheads. Since these covers are cast and incredibly thick, I have a hard time anticipating any “tinny” resonance coming from the valve train! No gasket employed. Always check for rocker clearance under the “Pans” before installing. The CCE rocker covers had ample clearance.

Place new gaskets under your rocker covers between the cover and head. Remember to cross and alternate your bolt tightening patterns to assure even placement and alignment of your machined surfaces. Be patient and continue to tighten slowly and evenly around all bolts alternating front, back, side to side in symmetrical opposites. You might use anti-seize on the Allen treads to prevent any damage to those delicate aluminum Pan threads. Make ‘em last. Don’t over-tighten!

Wow, everything lined up perfectly and the covers came down perfect on the heads without the hint of binding in any of the holes.
Some use thread lock on these. I have never needed thread lock on any of this stuff and we come from the old paper gasket machines. When you put two machined surfaces together (even with thin paper gaskets that you wet and swell before installing), if you mate the surfaces and draw your bolts properly, you will notice no failures of the seal. When you tighten areas that heat and cool (like a motor & tranny), make sure during the first heat and cool periods that you re-torque all bolts to spec. Once this is done the bolts seat fine and stay there! No need for thread locking this stuff!
We will follow up with a top-end install shortly. We are placing these pretty girls on top of a ‘57 FL case set.
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please