
I’m excited about out next Salt Torpedo update. I’ve been working hard on it, with Kevin Kahl, and Christmas has sorta slipped past.

We are also scrambling on our new format for 2019. As of the first I will only produce one Bikernet Weekly News column. Generally, no more Sunday Posts. I will still do the major news on Thursday. It will still be published on Bikernet, but Bikernet will be in the Cantina, so make sure you’re a member for 2019. It’s going to give us more flexibility, more fun and girls.

Then I need to learn more about the Bikernet Blog, because that will become more active and free. So, hang on for the New Year, the new Bikernet, the New News and much more.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.


SALT TORPEDO UPDATE—PARACHUTES SHIPPED TODAY. Don’t miss the youtube Anatomy of a motorcycle streamliner. Denis is looking for a financial sponsor for number 7’s next attempt. No one knows streamliners like he does. Drop me a note if you’re interested:

“I got the will to get to Bonneville.”

–Denis Manning

We are working closely with Denis Manning, who has been 460 mph with his Number 7 Streamliner. Watch the YouTube. He was inspired by the shape of a Salmon. I’m inspired by the Belly Tank shape.–Bandit

Show Founder Thor Drake to Unveil Custom FTR 1200 at 10th Annual Event & Race at The One Pro Super Hooligan Race

Indian Motorcycle, America’s first motorcycle company, today announced its title sponsorship of the 10th annual One Moto Show in Portland, OR. In celebration of the new partnership, The One Moto Show founder Thor Drake will unveil an Indian FTR 1200 that he designed and customized for this year’s show. The bike will be on display at the show and put through the paces as it will be raced at The One Pro Super Hooligan Race.

The One Moto Show was conceived by Drake, owner of See See Motor Coffee Co. Drake wanted to create an event for friends who shared a passion for motorcycles and hosted the first show 10 years ago in an old abandoned foundry in Portland. The event has grown from its humble beginnings to a one-of-a-kind motorcycle show known for showcasing a variety of unique, unconventional bikes and serving as a gathering place for motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the world.

As title sponsor for its 10th anniversary, Indian Motorcycle will feature a display at The One Moto Show and highlight the highly-anticipated FTR 1200 and the stripped-down, blacked-out Scout Bobber along with a variety of customs by builders like Roland Sands, Carey Hart, and more.

“Thor Drake is a pioneer in the motorcycle industry, continuously challenging the status quo and inspiring ingenuity within our community,” said Reid Wilson, Senior Director for Indian Motorcycle. “As a brand that has always strived to push motorcycling forward, partnering with Thor and The One Moto Show is a natural fit for us.”

Inspired by Indian Motorcycle’s storied history and success in flat track racing, the FTR 1200 takes design and styling cues from the championship-winning FTR750 race bike that has dominated American Flat Track since it was introduced in 2016. Along with Drake’s custom FTR 1200, RSD’s Super Hooligan race team will compete at The One Pro Race aboard the all-new FTR 1200.

“Indian Motorcycle is an iconic American brand with a rich history in racing. The introduction of the FTR750 and its newer protégé, the FTR 1200, has created shock waves across the globe.” said Thor Drake, Founder of The One Moto Show. “It’s exciting to work with such a progressive company. I’m thrilled to have the chance to get my hands on the FTR 1200 to create a special custom build in celebration of the 10th anniversary of The One Show and the partnership with Indian Motorcycle.”

The One Moto Show Presented by Indian Motorcycle will take place February 8-10, 2019. For more information and ticketing for The One Show and The One Pro Race, visit To learn more about Indian Motorcycle visit

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE BIKERNET STAFF—We’ve been scrambling so hard that Xmas cards just didn’t happen. But I want everyone to have a very Merry Xmas. Promise yourself to find absolute peace of mind next year coupled to mountains of fun.

–Bandit and the Crew

The United States Senate has approved the Motorcycle Profiling Resolution (Senate Resolution 154) without amendment by unanimous consent on Dec 11, addressing concerns of motorcyclists across the country regarding law enforcement discriminating against bikers in traffic stops, citations and arrests.

This bipartisan and bicameral resolution (H.Res. 318 companion in the House) could provide a national solution to the discriminatory profiling of motorcyclists over mode of transportation or style of dress in enforcing the law. Several states have considered bills to prohibit police from profiling motorcyclists, and Washington became the first state to pass such an anti-profiling law in 2011, followed by Maryland in 2016.

The two companion measures in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, which are nonbinding and do not have the force of law, seek to curb profiling of motorcycle riders at the federal level by “Promoting awareness of motorcycle profiling and encouraging collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling.”

S.Res. 154 and H.Res. 318 also “urges State law enforcement officials to include statements condemning motorcycle profiling in written policies and training materials.”

Sounds a tad weak to me, even so it probably won’t pass. There’s a group in our government who will never help bikers, but they will help illegal immigrants and the homeless. Incredible. Read the whole story in Bill’s Newsbytes.—Bandit

For over a decade, federal law enforcement authorities have been testing a unique legal tactic to take down the Mongols Motorcycle Club by seizing their trademarked logo under asset forfeiture laws, and now a federal jury in Santa Ana, California has found the Mongols guilty of racketeering and conspiracy, setting up a second phase of the trial during which the government will seek to seize control of the club’s “intellectual property” and thereby ban members from wearing their unifying “colors” or patches.

Federal prosecutors will ask the judge to fine the Mongol Nation — the West Covina, CA entity that legally owns the club trademark — and order it to forfeit rights to the identifying logo worn on the bikers’ vests.

Since the case is focused on the Mongols organization, no specific individuals are facing jail or prison time, but the government’s attempt to defrock club members is aimed at dismantling the club by destroying their identity and thus its allure.

During the five-week trial that ended Thursday, December 13, 2018 prosecutors testified that the Mongols were a violent criminal enterprise. According to the Associated Press, in finding the Mongols guilty of racketeering, jurors decided that the motorcycle club itself is a criminal organization.

Check the whole story on Bill’s Rights Bytes for this month on Bikernet.—Bandit

It Snowed Last Night..
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.
8:22 – The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .
8:40 – The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now called a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.
There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become, all because of snowflakes.

— David Campbell
Earl’s Garage – Motorcycle, Hotrod, and Event Photography

Thanks again Rolling Thunder National & Wisconsin —for all you’ve done to help draw attention to the POWs :MIA’s of all our wars!

“ We Won’t Forget – We Won’t Give Up !”
God Bless You & your Loved Ones.

–Dave Zien
former State Senator

2019 METZELER CALENDAR: a 12-month journey in the custom cruiser world
Alongside the METZELER Classic calendar, now in its 25th edition and celebrating with black and white shots of two wheel competition between the 60’s and 70’s, there is the thematic one entitled “Ways of cruising”

The METZELER brand is pleased to present the 2019 METZELER CALENDAR that, as per tradition, presents two versions. The Classic one, now in its 25th year, is celebrating two-wheeled competition between the 60’s and 70’s with black and white shots. The thematic one is entitled “WAYS OF CRUISING” and is dedicated to the custom cruiser world; a world which the German tire brand has always had a strong presence. 2019 will also see the debut of the new CRUISETEC™, a Custom Touring tire that optimizes the performance of V-Twins.

When it comes to tires, cruiser owners are historically very demanding and, although with different riding styles, these riders travel great distances enjoying the road. Their expectation for their tires is clear: they must offer reliability and confidence, regardless of road conditions, usage and weather.

Created in 1994 as a special edition of the cult calendar Classic Moments, the METZELER Calendar quickly became popular, winning over a faithful following of enthusiasts thanks to its precious snapshots from the street and off road two-wheel world, in which METZELER has raced and been successful throughout the years.

The 2019 edition of the METZELER CALENDAR, realized in Italy on a creative project by HH Global of Bergamo, features 14 subjects, in the case of the Classic also accompanied by descriptions in English and German. The photos of the thematic calendar are by Ben Ott, Goetz Goeppert, Volker Rost and Tom O’Connor while those of the Classic version are part of the photo archive of Text & Technik Verlag in Weissach, Germany. The calendar has been printed front and rear in a limited edition of 6000 copies by Grafiche Antiga SpA on high quality paper and both covers are printed on glossy paper.

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

I’m looking for Novie twin-stack velocity stack for my race bike. Can you help?

Memphis, TN

I would suggest contacting S&S, Pingel or J&P.–Bandit

BARN SORTA FIND OF THE WEEK—It ran when I parked it…

–from Rogue

NEW FROM BAKER–Hydraulic Side Cover for M8 Models

We’ve now got a version for the Milwaukee-Eight. No matter what the fitment though, our Hydraulic Side Cover is the tidiest design possible yielding the strength necessary to get the job done. Our newly designed 28MM piston, in conjunction with supplied mainshaft & countershaft retaining nuts, help alleviate the common fluid transfer issue between the transmission and primary. We offer the Hydraulic Side Cover for 1987-Later applications.

See the new M8 Hydraulic Side Cover

LATEST FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT– ‘False advertising’ – Climatologist calls on Allstate insurance to pull extreme weather ad & ‘apologize for misleading the public’

Climatologist Dr.Roy Spencer on Allstate’s ad hyping ‘once in 500-year storm’ frequencies: ‘I consider this false advertising because Allstate knows better, and is purposely misleading the public to make more money…Allstate knows better (the insurance business deals with probability and statistics) and they knew this was a lie when they put the ad together.’

I’ve been meaning to comment about this TV ad for Allstate insurance, which enraged me the first time I saw it. Allstate knows better (the insurance business deals with probability and statistics) and they knew this was a lie when they put the ad together:

In the ad, actor Dennis Haysbert says:

“A once-in-500-year storm should happen once every 500 years, right? The fact is, there have been 26 in the last decade.”

Setting aside the fact that we don’t have enough statistics to say anything meaningful about what happens over 500 years (hydrologists prefer to stick to 100 years as justified when talking about rare events), Allstate knows very well that such statistics refer to the repeat period for the same location… not for (say) the whole United States. It is not unusual for once-in-100 year weather events to occur more than once, maybe several times, each year somewhere in the U.S.

I consider this false advertising because Allstate knows better, and is purposely misleading the public to make more money.

Climatologist Roy Spencer pointed out that those claims were unsubstantiated. “Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend toward classifying events as ‘1 in 1,000 years,’ when there is no way of knowing such things…Remember, it is perfectly normal to have a 1 in 100-year event every year…as long as they occur in different locations. That’s how weather records work.”

Marc Morano on “The Weather Lottery”: Your chance of winning the lottery is very low, but the chance of someone, somewhere winning the lottery are very high. The climate campaigners and the media essentially hype the “winners” of the extreme weather lottery, wherever they are, and attempt to imply these events are happening everywhere. Extreme weather always strikes somewhere at some time, and it always will, so there is no shortage of examples of “record” storms. Lotteries and casinos do the same thing in their ads—showing the winners, and implying that you are just one ticket or spin away from joining them.

Meteorologist Topper Shutt explained the misuse of the term 100-year flood after Hurricane Harvey hit Houston in 2017. “A 500-year flood does not mean that an area will see a flood of that magnitude once in 500 years. It means that in any given year there is a .2% chance of a 500-year flood and likewise a 1% chance every year for a 100-year flood,” Shutt wrote. “Remember, we are talking about billions of years of climate and usually just a hundred years of actual, observational data.”

by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

THE STURGIS SPORTSTER SHOW GALLERY–STURGIS, THE BUFFALO CHIP 2018, THE SPORTSTER SHOWDOWN. Hosted by the guys of Led Sled Customs, this group of down to the dirt cool bikes was quite
the hit at the Buffalo Chip. Glance through the images in Bandit’s Cantina and enjoy!

–Jack McIntyre


The stakes are high for this Welterweight Championship Fight. The press conference was held at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills. The super lavish hotel is on the location of the old Trader Vics. I can’t help but hum the “werewolf of London“ song as I saunter down the fancy corridor feeling quite at home.

The ballroom set aside for the conference had the big Manny Pacquiao vs Adrien Broner backdrop, Premier Boxing Champions and MGM Grand logo everywhere. Huge cameras are set up in the back of the room for the international telecasts and big networks. Members of the Filipino community were arriving in groups.

Media was getting sketchy on where they could sit. Manny Pacquiao is a BIG big rock star athlete! The excitement was in the air. Within minutes the ballroom was standing room only. World Champion Manny Pacquiao at age 40, wants to take on and IS going to fearlessly take on 29-year-old Adrien “the Problem” Broner on Saturday January 19, 2019 in Las Vegas.

The Pac Man hasn’t fought in two years. Adrien (33-3-1, 24 KO’s) Broner is a former four division world champion and proclaims he’s going to send Pac Man “into retirement without his belt.” He’s all attitude and the fans love it.

He had an entourage with him at the
conference including the “Tank” pro boxer Gervonta Davis. When Pacquiao held up his
World Champion Title Belt, he took off his Gucci belt and held it up in comparison.
Pac Man has 60 fights under all eight of his division championship belts. He’s like a living legend and he’s fighting this 29 year old cocky kid. Granted he’s a skilled proven boxer, but still. Not sure what Pacquiao’s angle is here. Shouldn’t he be busy politicing? He did say he misses fighting in Las Vegas “ it became my second home.”

Whatever his motivation is, it should be a damn good fight. With the new DAZN app for 9.99 a month, I’m curious how many fans are still willing to pay $65.00 for a fight. The numbers will tell

–Raquel Vasquez

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STURGIS MUSEUM PROJECT—Keith Terry, Terry Components, Paughco, Rick Ball, Bikernet and two High Schools will go head-to-head this year to build two wild bikes, one vintage based and one classic chopper for a Sturgis Museum fund raiser.

If you would like to donate some parts let me or Keith know.

Terry Components

The LIQUI MOLY sponsorship spectacle is hotting up

The oil manufacturer is involved with the Four Hills Tournament and the World Handball Championship

December 2018 – LIQUI MOLY is not only a well-known sponsor in the world of motor sports. When the engines fall silent for a time, the German oil and additive specialist gets involved in other sports. The Four Hills Tournament is on the cards at the turn of the year. “An absolutely top-notch event that will bring our brand closer to millions of spectators,” says Ernst Prost, CEO of LIQUI MOLY.

After almost a decade, LIQUI MOLY is back as the main official sponsor for the large ski jump event. “The event guarantees high quality sport and top billing in the media,” says Peter Baumann. He is responsible for Marketing at LIQUI MOLY. It is the current highlight of the Ulm-based company’s winter sport sponsorship, which includes the Nordic World Ski Championships, the Nordic Combined World Cup, the Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Cup and the skiing Giant Slalom.

Then in January, while the winter sport competitions are still in full swing, the next spectacle comes along – the World Men’s Handball Championship. Teams from 24 nations meet in Germany and Denmark to find the best in the world. “The international focus of a world championship and the associated global media presence are our motives for being involved,” explains Salvatore Coniglio, Export Manager at LIQUI MOLY.

This run culminates with the largest annual winter sport event, the Ice Hockey World Championship in May. A deliberately chosen range of sports such as short track, which is considered exotic in Germany, but is popular in Asia and North America. “In this way, we ensure that our sponsorship machine is constantly running at full steam and our brand is visible around the world all year, even when the obvious sport for an oil manufacturer, motor sport, takes a break,” says LIQUI MOLY CEO Günter Hiermaier.

This brings two benefits for LIQUI MOLY business partners. Firstly, the international market presence all year round increases demand. And secondly, there are the invitations to sporting events. Ernst Prost: “Winter sports and other major events outside of motor sport are becoming increasingly important in our marketing strategy.”

And come the spring, the motors will be roaring once again.

H-D POLICE PARTS CATALOGS—An assortment from ’84 to ’98 available in a binder for $113. Chance of a lifetime. Send me a check and you will have them between Xmas and New Years.

5-Ball Inc.
200 Broad Ave.
Wilmington, CA

HOLIDAY NEWS FROM THE RODDERS’ JOURNAL–Still looking for that perfect gift for the hot rodder in your life? We’ve got you covered. If you order a subscription, gift subscription or a renewal, there’s no shipping necessary—we can email you a personalized timing tag-style gift card that’s sure to bring a smile on Christmas morning.

Remember, our biggest sale of the season ends Friday at 11:59 p.m. PST. Use the code TAKE25 for 25% off all orders storewide. Yes, that includes subscriptions!


What should you get for the hot rodder who has everything? Easy. A Rodder’s Journal gift certificate. These are available in any amount between $25 to $200. (We’re sorry, but the TAKE25 coupon cannot be applied to gift certificates).

To place an order, click the boxes above or give us a call at (800) 750-9550 in the United States, (877) 479-2627 in Canada or (650) 246-8920 internationally.

–Your Friends at The Rodder’s Journal

BOMBER GIRL ART–Back in the day when America was in the “Big War” (WWII), these planes were flown by young boys Political correctness was ‘go to war, break things, kill the enemy’.

Apparently no one worried about nose art on the bombers.

More Airmedied in WWII than Marines.
At the bottom after the pictures there are amazing stats for the Army Aircorps in WWII.
These planes probably would not be allowed to leave the ground today.

–Joe Teresi
Emperor Supreme
Easyriders Magazine

FIRST Operation Gratitude Holiday Care Packages Received on December 16, 2018

I will never forget what it was like, 28 years ago yesterday, to receive my very first Care Package as a young Second Lieutenant deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. And I can’t adequately convey how comforting it felt to open a box filled with letters and reminders of home, when I desperately longed to be with my three boys during the holidays.

Now I am honored and humbled to be part of Operation Gratitude, and have the opportunity to “pay it forward” alongside kind and generous Americans like you, who care deeply about our men and women in uniform.

As 2018 comes to a close, I ask for your help, so that, in the next two weeks, Operation Gratitude can ship 20,000 Care Packages to U.S. Service Members serving far from home during the holidays, and deliver another 10,000 packages to Veterans, Recruit Graduates, First Responders, children of Deployed Troops, and Wounded Heroes and Caregivers.

I know there are many causes you can support during this season of giving, thank you for choosing Operation Gratitude, and for your continued dedication and commitment to all who serve our great nation.

Warm Regards and Semper Fidelis,

–Kevin Schmiegel
Lieutenant Colonel, USMC (Ret.)
CEO, Operation Gratitude Takes Chicago on Adventure Through Death Valley–Univision journalist Jaime Gabaldoni shows off the Kawasaki KLX250 in a new Spanish-language TV program that aired in America’s third-largest media market, Chicago. On the show “A Bordo Chicago,” Gabaldoni talks about Kawasaki’s very capable dual-sport motorcycle while riding in Death Valley.

Gabaldoni was among media and influencer guests that hosted in the national park earlier this year. “Reaching out to the Latino market has been important to our communications program for years,” said Ty van Hooydonk, vice president of MIC Communications. “We’re grateful to Jaime and Univision for helping us share a great motorcycle adventure, out in the amazing, scenic Death Valley, with a huge Midwestern audience.”

Shop Now

DYNA DEAL OF THE WEEK–2007 Dyna Low Rider, 50,000 miles. New transmission and high performance engine parts. Dyno tuned with power commander-5 a must see excellent running machine!

$11,500 firm.

Has front and rear suspension upgrades also.

–Britt Borer bike

Send me a note, if you’re interested.—Bandit


We’ve moved things around some. We shut down all major advertising sales and moved Bikernet into the Cantina.

We kept the blog on the free side of the curtain and will update it daily. All major content will be expanded into the Cantina.

So, from a business side here’s how it will work. We will continue to build great content featuring the Weekly News, Features and tech articles.

If you want to stay abreast of all the action please join the Cantina for as little as $24 or $39 for two year and receive a special bling package from Bikernet.

If you want us to continue to work for your company on a daily, weekly or monthly basis it’s only $98 a year and keep sending your press release whenever you choose and we will take care of them.

For the company that wants to reach all 50,000 Bikernet readers and Bandit’s Cantina subscribers 24/7 your ad will be placed on our blog page and your banner will accompany any and all of your company content. Just $165 a month. This also means all of your company content is archived on Bikernet for the duration working 24/7.


HEAR THE ROAD Motorcycle Tours 2019

“Best of Italy” Tour Offerings

Hear the Road Motorcycle Tours Italy announces the 2019 Italian motorcycle tour calendar.

Tours for 2019 have a range from 8-12 riding days in an effort to suit everyone’s wish to ride the best scenic Italian roads, visiting destinations like Amalfi Coast, Alps, Dolomites, Tuscany, Chianti, Sardinia, Corsica, or watching the MotoGp Race at Mugello and Misano circuits.

So, whether you crave twisting country roads, historical destinations, spectacular views of the mountains and the Mediterranean or 4 Star Hospitality, there is a Tour for you.
You will be lead by Enrico, the owner and founder of the company, a life-long Italian motorcyclist, excited to share his passion and knowledge of the country he loves and knows so well…riding a motorcycle!

And after the sun has set, there’s plenty of opportunities to experience the culture, the food and wine, the night-life and the passion of this amazing country.

Hear The Road Motorcycle Tours Italy provides motorcycle rental, accommodations in 3 or 4 stars hotel with local flavor, luggage transportation and transfer from and to the airport.

Tours are on BMW, Ducati, Moto Guzzi and Harley-Davidson.

Tours run from April to October, so book soon if you plan on making this riding season the most memorable yet. As an extra bonus Hear The Road offers a free night in Rome to who book within January 2019.

Hear the Road Tours also caters to those riding enthusiasts that long for a riding tour in Italy but can’t meet the calendared tour dates. Self-Guided, Customized and/or Private Tours are a popular option for individuals or groups of any size.

–Enrico Grassi

WOW, it’s happening, what an awesome story and great looking trike. I want to be there when she runs so make sure I get the memo once you committed to speed week.

Can you just park motor homes out there or camp in trailers, where do you stay?

–Koz Mraz

Absolutely, you are apart of the team.–Bandit

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of the old Bikers out there…

–Joe Smith

HAL ROBINSON STILL FOR SALE IN OUR 5-BALL RACING SHOP—Yes, we have some time. Check ‘em out. Each order will come with a signed book.


PROFILING NEWS FROM THE AMA–Hopefully all will contact their Senators and thank them for this.
Please Contact your House representative and ask them to vote for passage of this.

U.S. Senate passes motorcyclist anti-profiling resolution by unanimous consent.

Survey: Half of motorcyclists say they have been profiled by law enforcement

The American Motorcyclist Association expresses its deep appreciation to the U.S. Senate, which adopted a resolution Tuesday promoting awareness of motorcyclist profiling and encouraging collaboration and communication with the motorcycling community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling.

Senate Res. 154 also urges state law enforcement officials to condemn motorcyclist profiling in their policies and training materials.

Senate resolutions do not have the force of law.

“In 2015, Congress wisely acted to ban federal highway funding for motorcycle-only checkpoints, recognizing that federal funds are better spent on promoting highway safety for all vehicles and drivers,” said AMA Vice President of Government Relations Wayne Allard. “Now, the Senate has taken a big step further to help end the discriminatory and ineffective practice of profiling motorcyclists.”

The bipartisan resolution, sponsored by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), was cosponsored by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Angus King (I-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska).

As adopted, the resolution recognizes the significant increase in motorcycle registrations during the past 20 years, and points out that half of motorcyclists surveyed believe they have been profiled by law enforcement at least once. The resolution also acknowledges that motorcyclist profiling occurs across the nation.

Profiling means the illegal use of the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related apparel as a factor when law enforcement officers decide to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest or search a person or vehicle with or without a legal basis.

In January 2017, the AMA Board of Directors adopted a formal position statement on motorcyclist profiling, see

The AMA continues to recommend law enforcement and highway officials focus their efforts on encouraging highway safety in ways that make America’s roads safer for everyone.

–from Rogue


Hey Bandit,

I Love Deadwood too, but it gets awfully cold there. You should look at Texas Hill Country..say Canyon Lake, Fischer, or somewhere North of Bandera like Wimberley.

These places have amazing views, year round riding, and NO STATE TAX! Check out Texas, Jesse moved here and LOVES it. Once I can afford it, I’m leaving this industrial wasteland in Houston and moving to the Hill Country….heaven on earth!

–Johnny White
Humble, TX

I may be looking at Austin. My son is considering moving there. Trouble is, it’s not much closer to Bonneville or Sturgis.


Topics such as Motorcycle Profiling and “Save the Patch” will be among the many issues of concern to our nation’s motorcycle community that will be addressed during the upcoming 34th annual NCOM Convention, to be held Mother’s Day weekend, May 10-12, 2019 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Orlando, Florida.

Hundreds of bikers’ rights activists from the ranks of motorcycle rights organizations (MROs) and Confederations of Clubs (COCs), as well as independents and other allied riders will gather to discuss the concerns of all riders.

Agenda items will cover various legal and legislative issues, with Special Meetings for Veterans Affairs, Women in Motorcycling, Clean & Sober Roundtable and World of Sport Bikes, as well as the Christian Unity Conference and Confederation of Clubs Patch Holders Meeting.

Additional seminars will be conducted regarding Restoration of Rights, Leadership 101 and “Share the Road” Motorcycle Safety.

All motorcyclists are welcome, and to pre-register for the 2019 NCOM Convention contact the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at (800) ON-A-BIKE or visit

HAMSTERS HELPING HAND PROGRAM UPDATE–I wanted to send this article your way. “The Hamster Helping Hand” program makes a big impact here in the Black Hills. This year was the biggest and best turn out so far.

We couldn’t have done it without the support from all of HAMSTERS. Thanks again for helping in making it possible for these kids to enjoy Christmas.

Looking forward to a great New Year

With sincere thanks again,

–Keith Terry
Terry Components

[page break]


Killer concerts? Mmmhmm.

Biker babes strutting their stuff across the stage every night in leather and bikinis? Well, that’s changed a little.

Whoa there…now before you go getting all worked up, let’s get something straight. The Miss Buffalo Chip Pageant is not going anywhere. Just because it has been getting motors runnin’ since the early days doesn’t mean it’s gotta stay the same forever.

This year the Best Party Anywhere introduced a bunch of fun new themes to mix things up from the standard biker and bikini rounds because as they say, “different strokes for different folks.”

Check out this video and see the debut of these hot new looks and meet Michelle McDaniels, the woman behind the scenes with the International Bikini Team.

The new-and-improved Miss Buffalo Chip now features a different theme every night ending with the traditional rounds that everyone already loved on the last night of the festival:

Friday – LED
Saturday – Leather & Lace
Sunday – School Girl
Monday – Daisy Dukes
Tuesday – Pirate
Wednesday – Super Hero
Thursday – Patriotic
Friday – Pin Up
Saturday – Biker, Buffalo Chip Wear, Bikini

You can see more looks and more girls by checking out the Hottest Biker Babes of the Buffalo Chip photo gallery below!

Still can’t get enough of the Buffalo Chip’s biker babes? There are even more photos of the Miss Buffalo Chip girls waiting for you on the Miss Buffalo Chip page and all sorts of other beautiful ladies hanging out in Sturgis Rider News’ Eye Candy section.

Have an idea for a new theme for these biker babes? Shoot ‘em to us in the comments below.
Presented by the Sturgis Buffalo Chip

Find out more or get passes to the Best Party Anywhere at and find out why it continues to be one of the most televised festivals in the world.

VINTAGE RIDES NEVER STOP–The holidays are just around the corner…and so are the coldest days of the year. That means it’s time to trade thrill rides for merry times with family and loved ones. But not to worry, we have a little treat for you, a (heart)warming gift. We’re kicking 2019 off with two gorgeous trips in one of India’s most stunning provinces: Rajasthan.

And the good news is, we have some places left!

Don’t forget to write down “explore more” as one of your New Year’s resolutions.

We cannot think of a better destination to inaugurate the riding season. The heat of the Thar desert will make you forget the wet, wintry roads. The jolly sputtering Royal Enfield will, without a doubt, have the same soothing effect as a nice crackling fireplace. And the Maharajas’ temples and forts will sweep you away with their majesty. Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Pushkar… Each Rajasthani city is a colorful experience, a testimony to the beauty and diversity of this fascinating region.

The Land of Maharajas
13 days incl. 11 days riding
1,000 miles

17 to 23 March 2019


We haven’t forgotten those of you who are experienced riders without a lot of time. We’ve combed Rajasthan, selecting the most promising—and fun—off-road playgrounds, but we didn’t forget to sprinkle this trip with awe-inspiring landmarks: ancient cities, humbling nature and, as always, moving encounters.

Rajasthan Essentials
7 days incl. 5 days riding
755 miles

27 January to 8 February 2019
23 February to 7 March 2019

Photo credits: Thomas Goisque / Franck Charton / Johann Rousselot

–Vintage Rides
At Grand Tour Coworking
(by appointment only)
30 rue des Trois Bornes
75011 PARIS


Their Sandwich was voted Best Sandwich in The World by USA Today! I agree with USA today! Their Breaded Steak Sandwich has just five ingredients: A Turano Bread Roll, Hand Breaded Steak (it is so tender), homemade Tomato Sauce and hot Giardiniera, and Mozzarella!

When you take that first bite, you are knocked out with massive flavor and you realize how those five ingredients were all made to go together!

I still remember my first bite of this sandwich 20 years ago, when my friend Stu took me here before a Sox game! Brothers Sam and Rosario, the 3rd Generation Owners of Ricobene’s turned me onto another Sandwich. The Chicken Vesuvio! it is UNREAL! I think about it every day!

If you want to breathe, taste and feel Chicago, Ricobene’s should be your next stop. They are located on 26th and Princeton in Chicago, IL. Get there!!


NEW, now selling Stainless Steel Money Clips!

Buckleguy is introducing a new line of stainless steel money clips! These can be used as stand alone pieces, or can be inserted into walletsThey are available in four finishes:

PVD Black Matte
Polished Stainless Steel
Brushed Stainless Steel
Polished Champagne Gold

Thanks Everyone!

–The Buckleguy Team


Since when did Americans start selling out their own country, their own states, their hometowns, their very families, for profit? Yet that’s literally what a great number of “American” companies do daily when they farm out labor and/or manufacturing overseas to foreign competitors who would like nothing more than to see America fall. And if you dare to question them on this practice, they will retort with supreme indignance, “I can’t compete if I don’t go overseas.”

We at the FOS (the ‘flyover states’) call bullshit. Nobody will ever convince us that America can’t compete with any nation or culture, anywhere, anytime.

If a product is made, assembled, manufactured, whatever, overseas, it’s a foreign product and competes for American well-being on every level. If it’s made in America, by Americans, it’s American. Plain and simple.

We are the FOS.

–Agent Zebra
Fly Over State Commander

He is currently living outside of Austin Texas and is after me to move quick. Deadwood is calling me.–Bandit


Happy Holidays to you and yours. You might want to pack snow shoes before heading to SD. Be careful not to slow down too much remember it’s better to burn out than rust away.

— Rhys
Daytona Beach, FL

LIFE IS NUTS DEPARTMENT–Stormy Daniels Offered Disturbing Proposition in Order To Pay Off Legal Fees

Stormy Daniels is going to have to cough up a lot of money to President Donald Trump — almost $300,000 worth. So, one of the nation’s premier strip clubs (I can’t believe I’m actually typing those words) is giving her an opportunity to raise some of that cash.

According to the New York Post, Scores — a New York-based strip club chain that gained a degree of fame through frequent mention on Howard Stern’s traveling radio circus of minor-league depravity — is offering the adult film actress a sizable chunk of the door proceeds if she agrees to strip in any of its clubs.

Daniels — real name Stephanie Clifford — was ordered on Tuesday to pay $293,000 to Donald Trump’s lawyers after her defamation suit was thrown out of a California court.

“The court’s order, along with the court’s prior order dismissing Stormy Daniels’ defamation case against the president, together constitute a total victory for the president, and a total defeat for Stormy Daniels in this case,” Charles J. Harder, one of Trump’s lawyers, said in a statement, according to The New York Times.

Michael Avenatti, Daniels’ stoat-like head of legal representation, insisted that the ruling was unimportant.

And that’s where Scores comes in. After all, legal crowdfunding can only go so far. So, why not strip?

Scores, according to the New York Post, “is offering her a big chunk of the door for any shows she agrees to perform at its nation-wide chain of clubs.”

“Scores always attracts the high rollers and upscale clientele, so (it feels) very confident that (it) will be able to help her raise the money needed to pay legal fees,” the gentlemen’s club said.

This leaves plenty of questions, and that’s not even counting why they call them “gentlemen’s clubs.” (Almost everyone I know who routinely is in attendance at such

establishments doesn’t seem to fit my definition of a gentleman, for whatever reason.) For instance, is this just a publicity stunt? It sure sounds like it.

According to an update to the original TMZ report, Daniels’ publicist has said she isn’t interested in the Scores proposition, which offered 30 to 40 percent of the gate on nights Daniels performed. But that could just be a negotiating ploy.

After all, it’s not like she hasn’t done this before. She was arrested following a strip club performance earlier this year in Columbus, Ohio, after allegedly breaking a law, which prohibits physical contact between performers and customers at such establishments.

As if that weren’t seamy enough, KCWH-TV reports that she’ll be performing at a strip club called The Shady Lady for Valentine’s Day in Salina, Kansas, about 90 minutes north of Wichita.

So, if you’re in the Sunflower State in February and want to get your girlfriend something really romantic this year — and they’re all out of Chiefs sweatshirts — you know what to do.

–from Rogue

Spectro Performance Oils Announces New Product–Spectro Performance Oils is pleased to announce the newest product in their extensive line-up, Spectro Shine.

Spectro Shine is a silicone-based spray on finish for motorcycles, UTVs, ATVs, snowmobiles, scooters, personal watercraft, cars, trucks and more! Shine gives your ride a showroom shine, every time! Spectro Shine works even better when used after cleaning your bike using Spectro Motorcycle Wash. Spectro calls it the “Wash and Shine” treatment. Spectro Shine is long lasting and forms a dirt and mud barrier, repelling the dirt and debris from roads as well as heavier mud deposits from off-road adventures.

Spectro Oils enlisted the help of multiple factory riders to help provide feedback on Spectro Shine. One of which was Kayla Yaakov, a young lady (pictured above) who has many credits to her name including two AMA National Championship Awards that she received at this year’s AMA Banquet. Said Kayla, “It works better than I could’ve imagined! I have to thank Spectro for keeping my bikes running strong and now also looking great.”

Spectro Shine comes in a large, easy to use aerosol can. With a great look, and a pleasing scent, this product is a must have for your shop. Spectro Shine is a versatile product that has many uses beyond keeping your bike looking new. “We are really excited to see how many uses people will find for this product” says Luke Calzone, Director of Marketing, “we have worked on perfecting this product for months and every day we were thinking of new ways to use it, and every time we came up with something new, it worked!”

Shine is an affordable way to keep your ride in tip top condition. You can buy Spectro Shine at your local dealer that carries Spectro as well as our online retailers. Please visit our website for more information and click on the “BUY NOW” button at the bottom of the product page to find an online retailer.

We would love to hear your Spectro Shine story, please share any pictures, videos or unique uses with us so we can share with the world!

–Luke Calzone
Spectro Performance Oils

P: 800-243-8645
F: 203-775-8720


–Sam Burns

QUICK New Bikernet Reader REQUEST!–
The 23rd Annual I.O.O.B. Motorcycle Club Pig Roast

I’m looking for anyone who knew Springer. He was my father but passed away.

–Jennifer Luttrell
Poplar Grove, IL

Some very professional journalists attack H-D every chance they get and quarterly reports are perfect, every three months. Tough for anyone to finish painting their house in three months. Imagine making major changes to a multi-million dollar a year company.

Give them some time and hammer the government about infrastructure for a growing population. Let’s see how fast they move, which is a major problem in today’s society. If you don’t or can’t move fast, you’re fucked.

We are flying on the Salt Torpedo working on it for a half day every other day. Kevin needs to rest after his surgery.

We cut the rest of the Paughco rails away and loaded the JIMS transmission and monster Engine into place.

I ground the shit out of the front axle plate, while Kevin pondered his next bend.

You may see another report next week.

In the meantime have a helluva Christmas and remember rest and be kind, you have nothing to prove.

Ride Free Forever,


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