We’ve investigated opening the real Bandit’s Cantina. After years of research we finally found the perfect location. It’s a mere 700 miles from anywhere, off highway 666, on a small 25-mile dirt road that boards three raging streams and two rivers. The rivers, unlike any other dry lake region in the United States this year, are over flowing and vehicle crossing is virtually impossible.

The above shot depicts the state-of-the-art water pump that supplies the Cantina with spring water from the various bubbling springs that surround the property. Well, what the hell do you think? I guarantee that if you can get your bike to Bandit’s Cantina it won’t be stolen.
Let’s get to the news:
BIKERNET’S PRIEST– The Priest in a small Irish village was very fond of the chickens he keptin the hen house out back of the parish manse. He had a cock rooster andabout ten hens.
One Sunday night the rooster went missing believed stolen,so he decidedto do something about it at church the next morning.
At mass he asked the congregation, “Has anyone got a cock?”
All the menstood up. “No, no,” he said, “that wasn’t what I meant, has anyone SEEN a cock?”
All the women stood up.
“No No,” he said “that wasn’t what I meant either. Hasanyone seen a cock that doesn’t belong to them?” half the women stood up,
“No No,” he said, “that wasn’t what I meant, has anybody seen my cock?”
All thenuns, three alter boys, two priests and a goat stood up.

POP’S BIKE–Here is the picture of my Dad in about ’48 or ’49, even he doesn’t remember exactly when. He bought it after he got out of the Navy after WW2. Seems that V-twins and old sailors go together. Keep up the great work on the sight.
–Tom Conley
Montclair, CA
TWIST GEAR NEWS?–The Buell guys seem quite excited about this. Check top end and look at shift points. More info on websitewww.twistgear.net.
I ran this as an example of a release I couldn’t post. We need low resolutions Jpgs that are no biggers than 500 pixels tall or wide. And generally if you just copy and paste your wording in an e-mail to Bandit@bikernet.com, we’re good to go. Too often attachments are packed with coding that drives the girls in the back to early margaritas, if we can open them at all. Thanks.
BIKERNET SENIOR NEWS–An elderly man goes into a brothel and tells the madam he would like a young girl for the night. Surprised, she looks at the ancient man and asks how old he is.
“I’m 90 years old,” he says.
“90!” replies the woman. “Don’t you realize you’ve had it?”
“Oh, sorry,” says the old man, “how much do I owe you?”
–from Nuttboy

NEW CYRIL HUZE SPIKEE GRIPS–Unique design from Cyril Huze with extra length for added comfort. Fits all models except those with air assisted forks. Compliments the new Huze Spikee line of handlebar risers, mirrors, footpegs, velocity stacks, primary side covers. Available for external and internal throttle systems. A spike theme to develop all over your custom bike. All Spikee grips have a removable end on the clutch side for installation of a mirror directly on the grip.
–Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557

“ENTHUSIAST IN ON THE STREETS NOW– This issue is the first of four quarterly issues, all related to the 100 Anniversary. “Enthusiast” is dividing the last one hundred years into four segments of twenty five years each and detailing H-D’s history with intriguing and unique stories; ultimately ending with the present era.
This issue presents Tom Fritz’s “Great Doings”,on the cover; an official 100th work which you can order in print form with the special 100th Insignia frame package. Inside, an article explains the importance of all the 100th pieces and how the collection was born. This magazine launches a major national campaign to make riders aware of this desirable collection. ( 860,000 to be exact). Call me if you have any questions or need support materials on the 100th Anniversary Commemorative Collection.
— Ron Copple 800-999-1297

MORE NEW PRODUCTS FROM CYRIL HUZE–SPIKEE RISERS–These riser kits have a unique concave design with spike covers. They feature invisible hardware: cover hides the upper handlebar clamp bolts. For strength and security, risers are machined out of steel, and covers are billet aluminum. Then they are beautifully chrome plated. Available in 3″, 5″ and 7″ rise for 1″ or 1 1/4″ custom handlebars (bars must be 1 1/4″ diameter in the clamping area). Clamp bolts included. Cyril HuzeTel: 561-392-5557Website:
Continued On Page 2