Continued From Page 3

OZARK ED RETURNS–First of all, everything’s just fine here. It’s starting to be winter here so it’s depressing. Riding is very cold, and it’s rained here for two weeks. I can’t get a couple of parts I need for my Shovelhead, so I’m kinda stuck on the back fender. I wanted to french in the light but I can’t get these little sharks tooth things that I needed for the bezel. I have waited for over three weeks and they are still on backorder.
Skitzo hasn’t worked on his bike for two weeks. I went to the shop on Sunday and made him do some filler work on the frame. We got trashed. Bald headed Patrick bought a new after market kit bike. (independence M/C) today. He said I can’t ride it until he gets 500 miles on it, but you watch. I’ll ride it today.
I’m still good with the juvee girl (above). She’s going with me on a big road trip tomorrow! Just two more months til she’s 21. I’ve attached a photo of the part I like. I’m really kinda bored with her but I can’t quit seeing her till something new comes along.
Titty bar Mike traded his Shovel in for one of those Big Mikes choppers in August. We have this buddy, Big Stacey, who is one of those paintless dent remove guys. He has been in france for four months doing this big hail storm thing. Sounds strange, but I guess they have hail over there, too. Well, he came home with big old pocket full of money and went out to the shop Philip works at and bought a bike just like Mike’s, with the upgrade. It has a bigger tire and a little more stretch. Mike is pissed. We gave them shit about being twinkies. He was fucking steaming. but if you’re going to buy a premade “custom bike” then you gotta expect to see some more just like it. I love it. It’s so entertaining to watch the fallout.
It’s Philip who’s so fucked up. He knew that it was just like Mike’s and he let him buy it without saying anything. I saw him Friday and we laughed so hard our sides hurt.
He introduced me to a very cute girl who works at the shop and told me it was his girlfriend. Then he said. “I can tell you because I know about your girlfriend”. I freaked. His real girl lives with the juvee girl and I thought he was serious. I figured out later he was just fucking with me, but it sent that wave up my spine. He’s got a soft spot for my girl and he would like nothing better to bust me out and get a shot a her. All’s fair i guess, but if he wanted confirmation, he was disappointed. I’ll try to keep you up to date a little better than I have been.
–Ozark Ed
IF YOU THINK LIFE IS BAD–How would you like to be an egg?
You only get laid once.
You only get eaten once.
It takes four minutes to get hard.
Only two minutes to get soft.
You share your box with 11 other guys
But worst of all..the only chick that ever sat on your face was your mother!!!So cheer up, Your life ain’t that bad!!!!Pass it around to someone who you feel can use a good lay,I mean day!!!!!

ASPHALT COWBOY REPORT–I went on the Love Ride faithfully for the first eight years. I miss goingso much. We’re working hard on the movie project and everything is rolling right along. We still have some room for a couple more investors, if anyone is interested in being involved in a killer biker movie based on a Bandit story line. I’ll send a Business Plan to interested parties.

HELEN WOLFE TESTS DIGITAL CAMERA AT LAS VEGAS DRAGS–Here’s her efforts at the track. We miss her coverage of the drags.

Just in case you didn’t think the Bikernet crew had a supportive family behind the operation.
Continued On Page 5