Continued From Page 1

Hey Bandit–We have some brand new products over here.Full Color shifters and Full color Point covers.When your readers are interested they can find us at
We are located in the Netherlands Europe
Thanks Again
Ride Safe
Inmate says jail deputy beat him–
By MICHAEL REED – Staff Writer
BUNNELL — Inmate Edward Driskell said prisoners at the Flagler County jail were watching the World Series last month when a couple of guys became rowdy.
The guards turned off the game and later Driskell asked why everyone in C Block was being punished for the actions of a few. He said he used some profanity and wound up in the hospital, according to a statement he filed with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.
The Sheriff’s Office is investigating Driskell’s claims that deputy John O’Keefe rammed him into a concrete wall and repeatedly punched him after inmates were sent to their bunks on Oct. 23.
Chief Deputy David O’Brien said the Sheriff’s Office would not comment on an active investigation. O’Keefe, 38, has never had a complaint filed against him and is still working at the jail. His supervisors and past employers described him as a calm, levelheaded man who defuses confrontations.
Reached Tuesday, O’Keefe did not comment on Driskell’s statement or the investigation.Driskell, 50, is now being held at the St. Johns County Detention Center.
Driskell’s sister, Debbie Rhoads, wants action taken against the jail deputy.
“I want him arrested,” said Rhoads, of St. Augustine, “and I want him fired.”
Rhoads provided The Daytona Beach News-Journal with a copy of Driskell’s statement, signed by 51 inmates, that indicates O’Keefe beat him. According to the statement, Driskell never made a threatening move and appeared to lose consciousness during the beating.
Driskell he suffered bruises and knots on his head, rib cage and right arm. Skin was torn on his left shoulder, and his left foot was black and blue, the statement said.
He said he was released from the hospital the night of the beating and placed in solitary confinement for a couple of days.
Sheriff’s officials say only one other complaint alleging abuse has been filed against a Flagler corrections officer in the past two years.
An inmate filed a complaint in 2002 about a deputy who had to “physically remove” his hand from his cell door so it could be closed, according to Sheriff’s Office documents. Officials recommended the deputy take a 40-hour class on verbal persuasion. No criminal action was filed, according to documents.
Driskell was booked without bail in the Inmate Facility on Oct. 9 after he was arrested at gunpoint inside a stolen car parked at a Palm Coast gas station. He was charged with grand theft, obstruction, driving on a suspended or revoked license as a habitual traffic offender, and violation of parole.
Driskell’s criminal record dates back to the 1970s and shows arrests ranging from grand theft to assault, according to Florida Department of Law Enforcement records.
In his performance review, O’Keefe has received above average marks since he started working for the Sheriff’s Office on Aug. 2, 2002. His supervisor Sgt. Betty Lavictoire said he has superior “interpersonal” skills.
“Dep. O’Keefe has progressed and developed into a well-defined deputy that the department should be proud to have,” she wrote in his review on Jan. 19, 2004. .

OORAH! — Here’s the deal. I had a bunch of these T’s made up for someone?s son in Iraq and his unit a few months back.In honor of the United States Marine Corps birthday this week I’m making more.EVERY DIME these shirts bring in will go directly to the U.S.M.C.’s “TOYS FOR TOTS” program.I’ll even eat my cost and donate the entire sale price. I’m gonna get them up on the website hopefully today.If they’re not there yet when you look, email me directly and I’ll hook you up.

Bikernet Joke–An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A teenager walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange, blue, and yellow.The old man just stared. Every time the teenager looked, the old man was staring. The teenager finally said sarcastically, “What’s the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?Without batting an eye, the old man replied, “Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.”

Something Brewing At Compufire–Compufire Performance Products will be introducing the greatestadvance in starting technology for large displacement, high compression,American made V-Twins since electric starters were introduced in 1965.Direct Drive Starting is here!!! Visit Compufire at booth 616 at the BigTwin West Show in Las Vegas.

NEW PRODUCT FROM IMAGE MOTORCYCLE PRODUCTS–Camarillo, CA ? November 10, 2004 ? Imagine a beautiful woman riding topless, hair flying in the wind, on your bike? Sound too good to be true?
Your fantasy has come to life, with the new Woman Gas Cap from Image Motorcycle Products. This Cap features a beautifully sculpted woman, kneeling to ride the wind. IMP Gas Caps are cast in aerospace quality stainless steel, heat-treated and hardened to provide the best motorcycle accessories on the market. We offer a 100% money back guarantee against breakage for life.
For more information contact: Image Motorcycle Products
918 Calle
Portilla, Camarillo, CA 93010
(800) 305-5838,

Photo by Bob T.
THE OIL SHORTAGE– A lot of folks can’t understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in America.
Well, there’s a very simple answer.
Nobody bothered to check the oil.
We just didn’t know we were getting low.
The reason for that is purely geographical.
Our OIL is located in
Oklahoma and TEXAS
Our DIPSTICKS are located in Washington DC
–from Skooter

From Irish Rich–Keith, This is a bike I just finished. It’s on its way to Long Beach right now.
Frank Kaisler is going to shoot it at No Love. He thinks it might be good enough for a feature bike, and possibly a cover. What’s your opinion?

See you this weekend, looking forward to it.
As Always, Rich

Visit Our Website
NAG, NAG, NAG — An attorney got home late one evening after a very taxing day trying to get a stay of execution for a client, named Wilbur Wright, who was due to be hanged for murder at midnight. His last-minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling tired and depressed. As soon as he got through the door his wife started on him. “What time of night do you call this? Where have you been?” and on and on. Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he went and poured himself a very large whisky and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub… pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks.
While he was in the bath the phone rang, which the wife answered and was told that her husband’s client had been granted his stay of execution after all. Realizing what a day he must have had, she relented a little and went upstairs to give him the good news.
As she opened the bathroom door she was greeted by the sight of her husband’s rear view as he bent over naked drying his legs and feet.
“They’re not hanging Wright tonight,” she said.
The attorney whirled around and screamed hysterically, “For crying out loud, Woman, don’t you ever stop!?”

Bradley Shelby Benefit– This will be the local benefit held for Bradley’s wife Monica and 8yr old daughter Billie Jean. Although there will be another memorial party in Daytona on the last Friday of bikeweek, that will be put on by our brother’s in Fla. namely Fingers. I urge everyone to try and make this event as it is local to Bradley’s family and I think it would be cool for them to really see what our world is about. If anyone is able to make any kind of contribution to the auction or raffle please let me know.
Now I know that alot of ya’ll have already gone above and beyond for this cause and I’m not trying to impose anything. I’m just tryin to get some things together for the auction and raffle. Now I also know Dallas is a long haul for almost everybody but I’m just going to say this; I’ll be in Daytona for the memorial party even though I can’t really swing it and don’t even like the place during bikeweek, but I’m going for Bradley and all the people who his life has touched. Please spread the word and make Bradley proud, we’ve got one whole month from today to make this thing happen. And I’ve got a almost new tire that will be presented as a smoke offering at the bar!
P.S. I’ll buy a table dance for every brother that comes in from over 400 miles P.P.S. And thank you so much to all who have done so much for our man already, you all know who you are
ROCKET SCIENTISTS —Scientists at NASA built a gun specifically to launch standard 4 pound dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity. The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.
British engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the British engineers.
When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof windshield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the engineer’s back-rest in two, and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin, like an arrow shot from a bow.
The horrified Brits sent NASA the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield and begged the US scientists for suggestions.
You’re going to love this… NASA responded with a one-line memo —
“Defrost the chicken.”

Photo by Bob T.
WHERE: COUNTY LINE SALOON, West Melbourne, FL(HWY 192 & I-95)
Same crazy party as last year, this time we’ll make a mess somewhere else.
Come celebrate the holiday season with Billy and the Choppers INC crew, the only way we know how…. burnout contests, wet T-shirt contests, and live music. Billy will be signing his new book – Chop Fiction.
More info to come (including nearby discounted lodging rates for you out-of-towners). Plenty of bike parking.
Pass the word & we’ll see you there! – Jennifer Schneider

PRO BUILDER FRAME KITS–PRO ONE is now offering their latest CHOPPER FRAME KITS in both PRO BUILDER 250 and PRO BUILDER 280/300 configurations. These imposing chassis come with a host of standard features and long list of options. You can literally design your own based on either the rigid or Softail style frame. Available in both RIGID CHOPPER and SOFTAIL CHOPPER platforms, some of the standard features include Pointed Rear Axle Housings and Top Motor Mount, 1″ Rear Axle, Solid Trans Mount, Polished Swingarm Pivot and Rock Guard, Right Hand Drive and Single or Double Downtubes. Frame tube size is 1 ?” and standard stretch and rake measurements are 5″ in the top tube, 6″ front legs and 40 degree in the neck. All mounting tabs and brackets are precision CNC machined. The chassis accepts EVO engines with strokes up to 4″.
PRO BUILDER FRAME KITS reflect the company’s tradition for quality, precision fit and street tested performance. For complete details contact your local PRO ONE dealer or call 800-884-4173. On the web at vending during events under fireBy JOHN BOZZOStaff Writer

Something like this?We?re kicking around some ideas for Christmas presents for Bikernet sponsors and contributors. Whatcha think? Layla
Chuck Simmons
Owner / Boss Man
757 407 4405
Sorry for such a short news–but that?s all we have. I think things have slowed down a bit cause everyones out trying to get in as much riding as possible before winter is fully on us. This is the first time we’ve done this, but a little more news will be added tomorrow. Things are just too crazy here today and I couldn’t pay as much attention to detail as I’d like to. So, tomorrow I’ll hit it first thing and tighten it up a bit. Make sure to check back. My humble apologies.
11/11/04 – I just got a call from Jose, who is in San Pedro now and will be by later. Take a look at the sign Keving Baas, the coolest of cool shop teacher sent Bandit. He welded it to our gate, obviously.

11/12/04 – OK, I’ve fixed a few things, added a couple and generally cleaned the news up a bit. Sorry for fucking it up yesterday, but my day was crazy. We had people coming over and I needed to get off the computer. It won’t happen again.
Have a great weekend!