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SEGAL FINE ART HOLIDAY INCENTIVE PROGRAM–Segal Fine Art is the only organization representing Harley-Davidson licensed artists. There’s a reason why. It’s the finest motorcycle art in the industry by Scott Jacobs, David Uhl and Fritz (that’s his piece, above). You can check out their art prints and 100th anniversary art work at your local dealer.
I’m proud to own this Fritz Piece. It’s stunning and makes me want to ride every time I look at it. Call 800-999-1297 for information or travel to
HAWAII’S BIGGEST CHARITY EVENT IS COMING– We need as many DONATIONS as we possibly can get. We welcome all types of donations: monetary, products, gift certificates, basically anything we can get. But let me reassure you that all proceeds will go to the charities, HCAP and there program and also for Toys 4 Tots.
On the 1st of December we have our last and biggest run of the year, we get participants from all over the US, different H.O.G. chapters and also the other Islands, it’s like a very mini Sturgis bike week.
It actually starts on Friday with a kick-off party and night run, and Sunday is the big event. Last year it was estimated that over 4,000 bikes where there (Harley’s, Speed bikes, Dirt, and Customs) to participate in the run!!
It will have a Bike Show, Bikini, Tattoo, and Arm Wrestling Contest, and live music from some of Hawaii’s Finest. This year we’ll also have a vendor’s section and a wall of fame, for donators and sponsors. So if you have flyers or even banners we’d be more than happy to display it. It will be held in the Hawaii Convention Center exhibit hall which is over 200,000 square feet, talk about huge!
All toy’s collected will go to the Marine Sgt. Villarreal for the Toys 4 Tots, all monies after hard costs will go to HCAP and the other charities.
Aloha and Mahalo
Darren P.
Ramones Contacts:
Brian Silva #808-685-3947

FOR OLD ENGINES BUILT WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY–Have you wished for a Knucklehead engine to build a bobber? How about a flathead 80 or Indian flathead? There’s one company that builds these engines using the latest technology and materials to provide you with hot rods that will run until the cows come home. Check ’em out.

CBA/ABATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SWAP MEET– This was the annual fall bike show and swap meet put on by CBA. Billed as the “Biggest Bike Show and Swap Meet in the Carolina’s. A fall day of Deal’s and Wheel’s!! Their website is H-D of Charlotte goes every year to the swap meet. Mike Pullin is in charge of the booth and does a hell of job getting all the shit together for sale. This is of course with help from the “Meanest Woman Alive” and Angela one of our knock out clothing/part’s babes. Lot’s of used part’s were all over the place. Been going to Swap meet’s for a long time. I have to say most of the stuff was not the recycled junk you usually see year in and year out. Hey and it even quit raining for the weekend. Imagine that. It turned out to be a riders dream. It was great fall day in the Caroilina’s to be sure. –Pablo We ran the rest of Paul’s Swapmeet shots in the Bikers’ Rights News page if you want to check on his handywork. BIKERNET’S GUIDE TO INNER STRENGTH–If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills, If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it, If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you time, If you can overlook when people take things out on you when, through no fault of yours, something goes wrong, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can face the world without lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without liquor, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, If you can do all these things,Then you are probably the family dog. –from Ray R. Continued On Page 3