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FASTDATES.COM NEW CALENDARS RELEASED– Calendars, Models and Bikes featured atCycle World International Motorcycle Show in Long Beach Dec 6-8thJoin Us Dec 6-8th, 2002 At the Long Beach ShowThe exiting Calendars, the Bikes and Models will be amajor feature attraction at the Cycle World International MotorcycleShow in Long Beach the December 6-8th weekend. Meet photographer andproducer Jim Gianatsis, beautiful calendar models Chandi Mason, JanellePerzina and Joanna Krupa. See top calendar bikes from premier custombuilder Paul Yaffe, LA Calendar Bike Show winner Jesse Rooke,Performance Machine, AMA National roadracing Champions Graves YamahaMotorsports and EBSCO Corona Extra Suzuki in our showcase display at theCycle World International Motorcycle Show at the Long Beach ConventionCenter. Pick up the new 2004 Calendars and have thempersonally autographed! Details at

Miss World Norway shoots with FastDates.comIn our never ending quest to travel the world to bring you, our Calendar fans, the most beautiful models for ourcalendars, we were excited to shoot this week with Miss World Norway,Antoinette Haukaas for our 2004 calendars. We photographed her with somehot new custom bikes from premier custom builder Harold Pontarelli.Anette (as she likes all her close friends to call her) first came toAmerica as a 16-year old exchange student, then returned home after ayear to Denmark to finish her education while winning both the MissWorld Norway title and the Elite Model Search pageant for Norway. Fromthere Anette was off on a world model career that took her to thefashion runways of Milan, Monte Carlo, Cannes and Paris. But Anette knewher career would still be incomplete unless she appeared in the worldrevered Motorcycle Racing and Pinup Calendars, and ofcourse, we were happy to make her dreams complete. Anette joins MissWorld Great Britain Nicki Lane, our SBK FastDates/Ducati Corse umbrellagirl as just some of the World Class talent featured in Calendars.For a sexy shot of Anette go to

Joanna Krupa shots with Best of LA Calendar Bike Showwinner Jesse Rooke for the 2004 iron & Lace CalendarOne of our hottest, sexiest and most beautiful calendar girl finds everis Joanna Krupa, recently highlighted with a 4-page feature interviewand pictorial in the October issue of Gear magazine. Born in Warsaw,Poland and emigrated to Chicago as a child with her parents, Joanna isnow persuing her career in Hollywood as a television and movie starlet.You can find her regularly in the Venus Swimwear and Frederick’s ofHollywood Catalogs, and as “Juggy Joanna” on The Man Show. You’ll seemore of Joanna in our future 2004 Calendars including ashoot for the Iron & Lace Calendar sponsored by Mikuni American andPerformance Machine that we just completed with builder Jesse Rooke’sradical LA Calendar Bike Show winning mono fork chopper. You can meetJoanna and Jesse in person in our Calendar showcaseexhibit at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show at the LongBeach Convention Center Long Beach, CA, Dec 6-8th. Foe more informationand pictures of Joanne with Jesse’s awesome custom go to
Iron Works magazine,, Performance Machine,Corona, Cycle Trader, Cycle Buyer/LA Times, FastDates.comconfirm multi-year associate sponsorship of the 2003and future Los Angeles Calender Motorcycle ShowsWe are happy to announce that the good folks at Iron Works magazinespearheaded by editorial director Marilyn Stemp have joining us as multiyear associate sponsors of our LA Calendar Motorcycle Show beginning in2003, joining our many other loyal associate sponsors includingPerformance Machine,, Corona beer, Cycle Trader and CycleBuys//The Los Angeles Times. No other bike show in America offers somuch media and promotional support, and of course value, for itsExhibitors and Venders. In turn we would like to ask our Show Exhibitorsto please consider Iron Works Magazine, as well as and our otherssponsors in your future advertising plans. You can visit the Iron Workswebsite at
We’ve got all kinds of new activities scheduled for the 2003 LA CalendarMotorcycle Showincluding a possible Charity Ride In, a Supermotard Race and increasedVender space in the Queen Mary parking lot. Our previous parking spaceproblems will be reduced by the all new Queen Mary Parking Structure nowbeing completed at the facility, and the relocation of the CatalinaIsland Ferry car parking to another location. Still, we alwaysanticipate selling out of exhibitor space so we suggestVenders/Exhibitors sign up early with the new 2003 ExhibitorRegistration Form available now on our website at
Best wishes!
Jim Gianatsis, Director

THE BIKERNET SEARCH FOR OLD MEMORBILIA AND BIKES CONTINUES–Our growing archive of rare memorbilia continues to grow in Bandit’s Cantina due predominately to the efforts of a biker Bandit rode with in the early ’70s who live in a rusting ’59 Cadillac deep in the California desert. He spends all his time and money searching garage sales, estate sales and swap meets hunting for old motorcycle memorabilia and Peashooter parts for our latest restoration project.
Bob rides a Softail and makes a meager living herding tarantulas away from tourist RV parks. Not much coin in that gig. Here’s what he said about the above piece, “It had Signal Corps – U. S. ARMY – No. 35 – printed on the Motorcycle’s Cover Plate. Send me a fifty pound bag of Pinto beans and a bag or red onions, will ya?”
OZARK ED REPORT–just like i said, I didn’t go to Memphis. However, I did give in to the juvee girl and agreed to go out with her Saturday night. She called me and talked me into skipping the party, So I told the ones going to the party that I wasn’t coming, and I told the ones who were not going that I was.
It got real hairy for a while just before I left the house because my girl was still pissed at me about the whole ditching her thing. She was asking me all this shit about who I was going with and all. I told her I was going with skitzo, but just before I left he called and wanted me to go to another party with him. I had to talk low and make up some shit about going out with my boss man. Right after I hung the phone up with him, bald headed Patrick came over with his fluffy chick and wanted me and my girl to go riding.
I took him outside and told him some shit about my bike battery being dead, and I couldn’t run a headlight because it wasn’t charging. Then after they left, my girl saw me tie two jackets on the bike and she threw a fit about who the second jacket was for. I made up some shit about wearing the small one under my big one. She didn’t believe it, but she let it go after she confiscated the second jacket.
I finally made it out and me and juvee girl went to the lake and got unbelievably drunk. I took her on a tour of all my little burn locations. Most are up in the hills looking down on the city and river. It was a clear cold night so I would drink a little then get that cold night air in my face to sober up for the next spot. I finally went home at 2 or 3.
Sunday my girl was cold to me so I worked on my Shovel in the shop while the race was on and just stayed clear of her. Later she asked how was the party, and I told her I didn’t make it to the one where she knew people, but instead I went to another party with people she’s only heard of. She called me on the story, and after a few hours I told her that no matter if she believed me or not I was sticking to this story. She knows it ain’t true, but she’s stopped asking. If I could just get the two of them to “like each other”.
–Ozark Ed
Ain’t that always the problem.

NEW 100TH ANNIVERSARY V-ROD HAT–Hello Mr. Bandit,I’m sending you a picture of Mike taken this weekend at the CBA swap meet in Charlotte. Who said the V-Rod wouldn’t come in handy some day!!!
Love and kisses,
BIKE THEIVES SELECT WRONG SCOOTER– Harleys aren’t the only bikes to get ripped off. The irony here is a couple ona world bike tour for charity had their “Beemer” snatched just a few miles fromcompletion of their journey around the world. They stopped for a breather in Wales, justshort of London. They hadda finish the trip by train. I guess the thief or thievesneeded the scoot more than they did. It’s a bloody shame we have some kinds of peoplerunnin’ loose.
–Gunny Sack
For more on Bikers Rights check the Rights News on Bikernet.
WARLOCKS MC SUE PHILLY POLICE–By MARYCLAIRE DALE The Associated Press.PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Members of the Warlocks Motorcycle Club are suing the police for allegedly barring the club at a benefit rally in which bikers delivered toys to a children’s hospital.
According to the lawsuit, SWAT team members toting M-16 rifles and canisters of Mace surrounded the Warlock riders Nov. 3, demanding they take off their jackets, which sport their club’s colors.
The suit, filed by members of the Philadelphia chapter of the motorcycle club, also charges that police commissioner Sylvester Johnson arrived at the rally and told his men to have the Warlocks removed.
The agreement was forged during a brief conference before U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell on Thursday, when the Warlocks asked for a temporary restraining order. The city agreed not to interfere with any law-abiding Warlocks participating in the event.
The Warlocks, in their suit, say they have taken part in such benefit rides for the past 15 years.
–from Rogue

NEW BIKER NOVEL AVAILABLE–Hey ya’ll Roy Yelverton here, checkin’ up on my novel; “Shovelhead Red; TheDrifter’s Way”. Christmas is coming, and I NEED help sellin’ thesebooks while the time is at hand. Get back to me soon as ya can, let’s make some ofthese books disappear. Thanks a biker bundle…..
–Uncle Roy
WINO JOE REPORT, IFFIN YOU CAN FIGURE IT OUT–Hey Wiz, I ain’t got tha graphics on this one clear in my head, but at 3AM there ain’t much in my f…in’head that is clear any way:) So, let me just shoot from tha hip, while I wait for my clothes ta dry. Biker”HOURS”: 12AM. Time ta get off tha street & find’a place ta crash; before you do. And cop’a cup. Find’a backyard for your sleepin’bag, or if it’s rainin’, a garage. 2AM. ’bout now, a fat girl’s bed looks just right. 3AM. Tha wood-pile in’a vacant-lot, but don’t get caught. 6AM. That’sa ’nuff sleep; plus tha cops are out. I told ya tha fat gal was tha best bet; they cook good, tambien. Hit coffee time. Bars are open. My ol’fave for breakfast, vodak fizz; a “double”, 2 shoots/2 eggs. Shit, you’re goin’a die anyway. A hi-class Okie might go for’a Jack/seltzer/Angostura bitters and just’a splash of coke, if he was on’a diet. What’s his name would’a just smoked one, before rollin’up his sleepin’bag & headed ta IHOPs. 9AM. If ya got lucky, pick tha hairs out’a your teeth & tell her you’ll send her’a post-card. Startin’ta burn daylite. Get your first 100 miles down tha road. 11AM. Avoid tha noon lunch rush. 2 burgers. Get your carbs/fat energy for tha next 100 miles. 2PM. Gas/splash. This is just for fun, you’re almost home. Why? 250/300 miles/day is kool. That’sa 1000 miles in 4 days. Do a 1000/week & that’sa good tour. Plus, it gives ya Fri/Sat/Sun ta party with that locals. Tell your stories & dance with tha fat girl; remember, they know how ta cook! Now, hit tha bricks; keep tha rubber-side down:)
Ride On!
Wino Joe,USA
Joe we’re riding to Arizona the first weekend in December. Wind ’em up.

BUCK’S PRINTS–Here ye be Laddie. I’ll behaving a Knucklehead, UL, Shovelhead, KR, Sportster, and VL print availableover the next year (American V-Motor Series).
VINCENT BLACK SHADOW RETURNS– Ever hear of the famed Vincent Black Shadow? Well, it’s backfolks. Some of us “long in the tooth” folks got to ride them way back in the forties andearly fifties. Unfortunately, they went out of business in the mid-fifties. This bikeset land speed records in the late forties. Now, I’m told, they are back with FIVE,count’m, FIVE prototype models. More info for ya when I find out more.
–Gunny Sack

TIME OUT–I’m scribbling on an editorial for Cruising Rider, hammering on a tech feature on the Amazing Shrunken FXR and doing research on the history of four cylinder motorcycles. That’s enough. Oh, I skipped the big one. We received the final saga and images from Frank Kaisler to complete the vast Biketoberfest report. I hopefully will be able to complete it tomorrow.
The above shot is just an indication of some of the girls roaming Bandit’s Cantina and the reason I try to make deadlines. When I’m with her, I don’t want a damn thing on my mind but her scent. Are you with me on this one? Life is to short to drink cheap wine or not enjoy your favorite whiskey and the touch of a woman. That’s it, shut down your computer and go find her. Let’s ride.