November 15, 2007 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

03 jx h.b.spacer on bike

BILLET HAND CONTROL SPACERS FOR 1-INCH BARS–Custom hand control spacers in chrome or black anodize!

These billet hand control spacers work with nearly every 1-inch bar on the market and the set screw can be rotated underneath to hide it for an extra clean look.

For use with Joker JX controls on applications where a switch housing is needed, but you still want to fill in that gap between the hand control and grip.(This piece is also designed to balance out the left side spacing where the right side has the throttle housing)

Also has many other uses where you may need a collar to fit over a piece of 1-inch tubing or handlebars.(WIDTH OF SPACER IS 7/8″ (.875)

03 jx h.b.spacer

03-136 Billet Hand Control Spacer Chrome
03-136BLK Billet Hand Control Spacer Hard Black Anodize


Cycle Source Cover

NEW CYCLE SOURCE MAGAZINE FEATURES ASSALT WEAPAN– Wow Chris. You captured the essence of the Bikernet Panhead with this cover.

As one of the proud team members of 5-Ball, I thank you. Great photo. Berry of Accurate Engineering even looks good on the bike.

Marc Beaulieu


NORTH CAROLINA PASSES RED LIGHT LEGISLATION– The North Carolina legislature has voted to give frustrated bikers a break at red lights. Recognizing that some traffic signal sensors do not recognize and trip for motorcycles, the Senate voted unanimously for the measure and the House then voted 61-55 to send the bill to Governor Mike Easley’s desk. If he signs it, the law will take effect December 1st, allowing motorcycle riders to proceed through a red light, if they?ve waited three minutes for the light to change, and if no other vehicles and pedestrians are in sight.


–from Tony B.

val n rudy

CALIFORNIA BIKE WEEK RIDER–Sorry to miss you there, but I did get to chat to Valerie, unfortunately she lost in the second round. She is one good looking lady. It was worth the ride from Sacto though.

–Rudy E. Alba


THE PARTY WAS AT THE SEMINOLE HARD ROCK ROADHOUSE DURING BIKETOBERFEST 2007–DAYTONA BEACH, FLA – November 13, 2007 – The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse lived up to its reputation as the place where bikers gather during Biketoberfest for the best bikes, babes and entertainment on Main Street in Daytona. The Hard Rock Seminole Roadhouse partnered with The Dog House bar for the first time to bring a more complete entertainment venue that offered something for every motorcycle enthusiast.

Steven Tyler’s new Red Wing Motorcycle debuted at Daytona, and other bikes on showcase included the latest custom creations from builders El Pitts of Vegas Choppers; Billy Lane of Choppers Inc. and Aaron Greene of Paramount Customs. The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse was the place to be for top bike builders over the course of the Rally and served as a meeting point and party spot for many of the industry’s elite builders and influentials as well as people who wanted to experience the Hard Rock Seminole Roadhouse. In addition to the featured bikes, the Roadhouse featured the Hard Rock touring photo exhibit of premier builders photographed by world-renowned photographer, Michael Lichter.

While checking out all the photos and custom bikes on display, the crowd was wowed with live music all day, daily ride-ins, bikini pageants, wet T-shirt contests, giveaways and much more. For the first time ever on Main Street, one of the highlights was the Extreme FMX High Flying Jumpers who did insane stunts over the crowd of onlookers. Along with great music The Hard Rock Seminole Roadhouse Stage also featured Sucker Punch Sally’s who honored veterans in front of a huge crowd. Christian Clayton of Sucker Punch Sally’s presented a custom motorcycle to Army Combat Veteran Joe White. The bike was the culmination of eight months of hard work by Joe’s brother Johnny. Johnny wanted to honor his brother for his service to the U.S. with a motorcycle and BIKERNET.COM/HOT BIKE and Sucker Punch Sally’s answered the call. Sucker Punch sent Johnny a pallet with a roller in addition to numerous other parts. Bikernet and Hot Bike, BDL and J&P supplied the rest.The bike giveaway/support the troops rally was a huge success and brought tears to the eyes of the packed audience. Overall, the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse was full of excitement, making it the place to party at Biketoberfest.

seminole girl on bike

Title sponsor of the Roadhouse, the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is a destination for rock n’ rollers from across the nation to discover their rock n’ roll dreams. The 86-acre resort in Hollywood, Florida, located between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale is pure paradise, featuring a colossal 130,000 sq. ft. casino, a lush 4-acre lagoon tropical pool area, a legendary Hard Rock Caf?, sensational European-style spa and fitness center, and the famous Hard Rock Live concert hall. Seminole Paradise, South Florida’s newest entertainment destination for savvy shopping, delicious dining and explosive entertainment offers a little something for everyone, both day and night. Other sponsors include Budweiser, Michael Lichter Photography,, Biker Design, Dog House and Keyboard Carriage.

RH home page banner

Carrie Repp is the strategic owner of R&R Promotions, a multi-faceted “live marketing” special events and promotions company with experience in nearly every area of event development, promotion and production.

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TEMPORARY LAYOFFS A WORRY FOR HARLEY, BUT H-D STILL CONFIDENT–The VRSCDX Night Rod Special is a sleek, sporty, all-black bike.”It’s a powerful bike,” said Eberle, who helped launch the Kansas City plant 10 years ago and last week became senior vice president of Harley’s manufacturing operations. “It’s for young riders, and it’s big in Europe. Everything’s got to be all-black for kids.”

The models made at Harley’s Kansas City plant generally are designed with younger riders in mind. But the Harley brand is best known for its heavyweight tour bikes that are the staple of its biggest customer base, the baby boom generation.

Harley-Davidson’s impressive run of 20 consecutive years with higher sales and profits is expected to end in 2007, sparking some worries about the motorcycle maker’s future. That worry can’t help but wash over the 1,000 employees here, most of which will experience their first temporary layoff the week of Nov. 26, as Harley tries to get its inventories in better shape.

The Milwaukee-based manufacturer certainly is in better shape than its counterparts in the auto industry. However, some experts wonder whether Harley’s inability to attract more young riders will eventually hurt the company’s financial performance.

The median age of a typical Harley buyer now is 47. Twenty years ago it was 35.

“The customer base is aging, and that’s not going to change,” said Don Brown, a motorcycle industry analyst in Irvine, Calif. “They’ve been helped by people who had this ‘rah-rah, buy American’ mindset. The younger guys don’t care about that. Harley is going to have to build a different type of motorcycle to compete with the Japanese.”

As Chief Executive Jim Ziemer looks down the road, he sees the company’s fortunes rising to meet him. Younger riders do want Harleys like the Night Rod built in Kansas City, he said, and its international sales are growing at a double-digit pace.He believes Harley’s recent setbacks are due mainly to the U.S. economy.Fishtailing financials

After reporting a disappointing third quarter, Harley said its full-year earnings per share will be down by 4 percent to 6 percent along with a “modest” sales decline. In 2006, the company earned $3.93 a share on $6.2 billion in revenue.

Shipments this year are expected to be between 328,000 and 332,000 vehicles, down from 349,196 last year. In September, the company announced that its five manufacturing plants, including Kansas City, will be down the week of Nov. 26 in response to the weaker demand.

While the Kansas City facility had a production slowdown a couple of years ago that resulted in a partial, temporary layoff, this will be the first time the entire plant will be idle for economic reasons.

But Ziemer points out that Harley’s sales are split evenly between new and existing customers. And while the median age of baby boomers is now 50, the average age of the average Harley buyer has risen only by one year to 18 months in the past six years, according to Ziemer.

“We’ve got more and more programs aimed at younger riders,” he said.

The company is also aggressively marketing to other new customers, such as women. Ten years ago, 2 percent of its customers were women, compared with 12 percent last year.

harley layoff

Harley is also in the high-performance bike business, aside from the models made at the Kansas City plant. It owns Buell Motorcycles, a division devoted to racing bikes. Although Buell accounts for only 2 percent of Harley’s total sales, Ziemer said, the company has high hopes for Buell’s first liquid-cooled engine bike, similar to the V-Rod.

It is also looking at ways to keep its dedicated Harley owners even as age makes it tricky to handle an 800-pound motorcycle. Harley has invested in a company making trikes, three-wheeled motorcycles for older riders who are looking for a safer and more stable ride.

A couple of analysts agreed that too much has been made of Harley’s suffering.

Harley generally is selling motorcycles to buyers who are getting older, its biggest market being white males between the ages of 35 and 47. While the annual growth of that age group has slowed to a crawl, Harley has compensated by getting more of them to buy motorcycles, said Craig Kennison, analyst with Robert W. Baird & Co.

“Harley has done a terrific job of tapping that market and getting more people interested in their bikes,” he said.

Ed Shill, chief investment officer of QCI Asset Management Inc. in Rochester, N.Y., has done deep research for his investments in Harley-Davidson.

Shill rides a Harley and regularly attends rides. He believes the “youth culture” adopted by baby boomers still resonates with that generation and will keep them in the saddle long after their parents moved to the barcalounger.

“I see guys at these rallies all the time in their 60s and going on 70, and they have no intention of getting off their bikes,” Shill said.

The Kansas City Star

I believe that the downturn in our economy is due substantially to our national media. If reports are constantly picking at everything that moves in this country, then we are forced to live under a cloud of negative waves. It brings us down. Our media has become a watchdog, anxious to point out anything wrong, as if a drug-addict snitch, always looking for a media fix.

We rarely see the positive, honors bestowed on the hardworking or accolades for creative excellence, no. It’s all about a trumped-up failure here and there, while soldiers fight to deliver freedom and security to the middle-east, and thousands of employees work at auto makers and Harley-Davidson plants to deliver the best possible products to Americans. There’s so much good going on, so many folks working overtime to produce the best and so much freedom here in the states to honor and be thankful for. Let’s Rock.?Bandit

poland barber shop 1



ANOTHER ATTACK ON THE MEDIA–Here’s something I’m dead serious about.I’m an admitted news junkie. Have been since I was a kid.Lately, all you see on the TV news is the fucking O.J. trial, Britney Spears crack and other Celeb assholes.I’m fucking sick and tired of our nation being turned into a bunch of tabloid junkies by CNN and MSNBC. I’d rather hear about what’s going on in Pakistan and the Middle East wars that’s jacking up our gas prices than spending the entire day waiting for the O.J. trial to end so I can finally get some revelent news. That sonuvabitch shoulda been in prison years ago.

I want to start a ground swell movement to get the media to stop the bullshit.Please take a few minutes to go to this CNN site and tell CNN to stop their bullshit coverage.It’ll only take a minute and you can just cut and paste what I wrote to them below and submit it.

Thanks a bunch guys…
Here’s the link to their comment email:


stealth bike

STEALTH ONE-OFF CUSTOM FOR SALE–We watched this bike come together last year on Bikernet.

2007 Cutsom Rigid
New 80″ Evo
New 5 speed tranny–
Electric & Kick start Custom 5 gallon tanks
Fire Extinguisher oil tank
Santee Rigid Wishbone Frame
Everything Brand new!




ROLLIN SIXES AND BIKERNET SUPPORT TROOPS AT CHRISTMAS–I was just thinking doing something for the guys fighting the war for Christmas. What do you think about starting a shop t-shirt drive for them. We can put out the word and have anybody who wants donate some shop shirts to send them to our shop and we’ll ship them to Iraq. They can send them to you or me and any cash (just for shipping).

–Jerry Rollin Sixes

Nash Banner
Check the Nash Slugger feature on the home page.

Continued On Page 3

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