Continued From Page 3

“Classic American Iron is dedicated to the interests and needs of enthusiasts of the pre-1990s American-made motorcycles, including Harley-Davidson, Indian, Orient, Henderson, and others.”
–Mike Perry
TAM Communications
Special Projects Group
1010 Summer St.
Stamford, CT 06905
203 425 8777, ext 125
203 425 8775 Fax

LEE WIMMER SURVIVES KNEE SURGERY–Many thanx to all the great Hamster thoughts messages and prayers. I’mhome and doing well from the knee replacement. Have to say it was theworst few days I ever had (except for the accident) and therapy is abitch to say the least. But I managed to actually take a few steps unassisted today. Also happy to report that my wife Nancy made it throughsurgery yesterday to have her tonsils and adenoids out.
They say thatit’s much worse having this done as an adult. But she’s tough and doingOK.
Again thanx to all.
–Lee Wimmer

SCREENING OF ON ANY SUNDAY HOSTED BY AVON THEATER–On Wednesday Nov. 28 at 7 p.m., the Avon Theatre on Bedford Street in downtown Stamford will host a Documentary Film Screening of On Any Sunday (1971), presented by the Stamford Museum & Nature Center in conjunction with its exhibit, The Motorcycle, Italian Style: Riding the Curves with MV Agusta.
A Q&A session moderated by Stamford Museum & Nature Center Curator of Collections Rosa Portell will follow the screening. The panel will include American Iron Magazine and RoadBike publisher Buzz Kanter, along with past Formula One National Champion Mike Baldwin, expert dirt track motorcycle racer Mark Zimmerman, and Rod Pink, who was a national ranked professional dirt track motorcycle racer in the years the movie was made.
On Any Sunday was directed by Bruce Brown (“Endless Summer”) and is narrated by actor Steve McQueen, a key backer of its production. The film, which was nominated for an Academy Award, explores the world of motorcycle riding and racing.
Tickets are available at the theater box office at 272 Bedford Street, Stamford or by calling 203.661.0321 or 203.967.3660 ext. 3. Tickets are $6 for Avon Theatre and Stamford Museum and Nature Center Members; $7 for Seniors and Students; Free for Avon Carte Blanche Members; and $10 for Non-Members. For more information, visit, call 203.322.1646 ext.6521, or e-mail
THE MOTORCYCLE, ITALIAN STYLE: RIDING THE CURVES WITH MV AGUSTA– a vintage motorcycle exhibition, sponsored by Cliff’s Cycle Revolution, featuring the Gary & Connie Kohs Collection, traces the MV Agusta brand from its World War II inception to today. Transportation meets art in this spectacular salute to one of the most admired, esthetically-driven steel horses of all time.
This exhibition is made possible with support from the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism. Chica, the MV Agusta factory guard dog, guides children through the exhibition with “Chica Says?” interpretive signage. Tots 2 to 4 years old can ride toy bikes in their special section in the Bendel Mansion, as they learn about safety on two-wheeled vehicles.
The exhibition runs through Sunday, Jan. 6, 2008. For more information, visit, call 203.322.1646 ext.6521, or e-mail Free with gate admission.
The Bendel Mansion Museum Galleries are open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stamford Museum & Nature Center is located at 39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford, CT (3/4 mile North of Merritt Parkway Exit 35.) For more information on The Motorcyle, Italian Style: Riding the Curves with MV Agusta, visit or call 203.322.1646 ext.6521. Members: FREE; Non-Members: Free with gate admission: Adults $8, Seniors & Students $6, Children (4-17) $4, Under 3 FREE.

BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT OF THE WEEK–After two tours on the front line, he arrived in St. Augustine and was forever hooked on the cobblestone streets, salt air, old bars and young women.
Welcome home heros, BONHAMS AUCTION COMING–A Sale of Collectors’ Motor Cars, Motorcycles, Commercial Vehicles and Automobilia. Monday 19 November BIKERNET QUOTE OF THIS MINUTE–Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. –Rev CarlR ADVANSTAR INTERNATIONAL BIKE SHOWS–Exclusive Opportunity!See the New 2008 Motorcycles at theBiggest Motorcycle Show of the Season!Don’t miss this opportunity! The Long Beach Convention Center is the only place you will see the NEW 2008 models at one place at one time from the leading manufacturers. PLUS…BOSS Freestyle Stunt Show,FREE MC Parking andGear Check It’s all at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota – the only factory-supported show series in America!Take Advantage of OurNEW CommemorativeThree Day Pass Where Show Hours WILDWIND SETS WINTER GOOD GUYS AND GUNSLINGERS TOUR FOR SOUTHERN ARIZONA–SEDONA, AZ-Want to ride right out of the cold, nasty winter and into the warm, soothing sunshine? WildWind is offering an exclusive winter tour of the warm West. This six-day/five-night program visits famed Old West outposts, the ghosts of Tombstone, the old mining town of Bisbee, the eerie rock formations of the Chiricahua wilderness and the bygone charm of Patagonia. Ride with us along the border of the haunting Superstition Mountains, let your mind wander among the unforgiving wastelands, searching for the Lost Dutchman’s gold mine. These are just some of the attractions unique to this desert wonderland. The Good Guys and Gunslingers will take you on a journey through hip and vibrant downtown Tucson and Old Tucson Studios, which recreates an 1880s town and has served as a set for a number of westerns. Explore the Saguaro National Forest, where the giant cacti grow like trees. Ride to Tombstone, the town “Too tough to die;” walk in the footsteps of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday as they blasted their way into history at the OK Corral. Visit Tombstone’s Birdcage Theater where dancehall girls plied their trade and fortunes were won and lost, sometimes at the point of a Colt 45. Walk the wooden sidewalks, visit the old clapboard storefronts, enjoy a cold beverage at Big Nose Kate’s Saloon, stay the night in a haunted hotel, if you dare. Near the Mexican border, the living history town of Bisbee remains a rough and tumble working mining town lined with 100-year-old brick buildings, elegant hotels and throwback saloons. Then head east to the Chiricahuas, which the Forest Service describes as a spectacular “wonderland of rocks.” The national monument is a forest of rock spires created by eroded layers of volcanic rock. You will feel like you’re visiting another planet. The Good Guys & Gunslingers Tour is scheduled for January 14 to 19. Price is $1,971 including room and taxes, per person, double occupancy. Motorcycle rental is not includes and varies depending on make and model. Please call 602-690-2864 for more details. JUST RELEASED, V-TWIN WINE FOR THE HOLIDAYS–2005 Bike Week Merlot!This very limited release of Merlot from the Alexander Valley is shippingnow in Honor Of California Bike Week & ‘The Love Ride.’ You are going toLove this 2005 Bike Week Merlot! Our 2005 Bike Week Merlot was produced from a vineyard in the AlexanderValley – and is an 80/20 Blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. 2005 Poker Run Zinfandel! See us this weekend at Dudley-Perkins CoreyWay Street Faire in San Francisco.V-Twin Vineyards has teamed-up with MDA for this weekends eventat The Corey Way Street Faire in San Francisco. The MDA wine booth will be pouring V-Twin Zin – all proceeds will go to the Muscular Distrophy Association. We’ll have a booth there as well so you can see (sample) our new releases! Click on the Events link to the right for more details & directions. Hope to see you there! BIKERNET WEEKLY HISTORY LESSON–The old Indian chief called for the two bravest warriors in the tribe. “Running Buffalo, Falling Rocks, you go and seek buffalo skins. Whichever of you returns with the most skins will become my right hand man and will be the next chief.” A month later, Running Buffalo came back with nearly a hundred pelts. Sadly, Falling Rocks never returned. The tribe organized a search and looked everywhere, but they couldn’t find the missing brave anywhere. Today, as you drive through the West, you can see the evidence of love and devotion the tribe had for this lost warrior. Throughout the highways, on interstates and side roads, you can still see their signs that say, ‘Watch for Falling Rocks.'” –from Rev CarlR FASTLANE BIKER SHOW COMING–Hey everyone Just a reminder the show is next weekend. All Vendors set up is on Friday the 16TH from 8AM till 5PM.Any one looking for vendor space there is still about 15 maybe 20 spaces left. So if you didn’t send your application back yetPlease call before you do. This doesn’t mean everyone call me . JUST THE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN’T SENT BACK THeiR APPLICATIONS YET !!! Any one looking for a hotel we have a $79.00 room rate @ the Holiday inn right in Raritan Center. The Polo Lounge is located inside the hotel(SO NO ONE HAS TO DRIVE ) is working on hosting the after show party I’ll have more details at the Show. My staff has worked as harder then ever promoting this event too make this our best show ever. As always I look forward to answering any and all questions you may have. For show info please go to Hope to see you all there –Mark Ruzicka MOFLOW AIR CLEANERS FROM CYCLE VISIONS–The MoFlow air cleaner assembly is made from aluminum, polished and chrome plated. Hidden fasteners and internal breather tube make for a clean look. Each air cleaner assembly contains a reusable pleated gauze performance filter that has been engineered and flow tested to obtain maximum flow and protection for your motor. Seal breather assembly velocity plate and all necessary mounting hardware included. *Adapter for Mikuni carbs sold separately. MOFLOW air cleaners –CycleVisions BANDIT?S BEDROLL JOURNEY– I thought about the Old West and the bedrolls the cowboys used to carry their shit, and it came to me. Something over the headlight, as long as it wasn?t too heavy, could do the trick. The bike would maintain its nasty profile, I could still pack someone on the back, and carry my shit. As I wound through the canyon, my mind went to work on the bedroll concept. Could it carry all I wanted to pack? Another question smacked me as I rounded another corner and caught a glimpse of the Pacific lapping the Malibu shores in the distance. What about a tool bag? The short answer is yes, the perfect bag for the job. Bandit?s Bed Roll is the perfect combo of tool bag and weekender engineered by the man that delivers form and function and keeps your ride looking clean. So pull out your wallet and click here to get your official Bandit Bed Roll Today. THE END–Of the News until Sunday. I?m all ready to hit the road for happy hour and treats, goddamnit. I?m going to start posting features on Green bikes tomorrow. There?s an invasion. In fact, another one rolled into the Bikernet Headquarters this week from Caleb. There?s a teaser shot above. I don?t have a lot to report. We?re trying to decide whether to hit the Cincy dealer show in February or Daytona in March. We don?t have the budget for both. Actually a particular woman wants me to take her to the Keys. Not great for business, but a terrific place to hide out. I?m behind on my list of articles, but catching up. I?ll write about our Hawaiian adventure this weekend, cover a couple of green machines and interview a local painter for my CrazyHorse painting book forward. We?ve just about wrapped the Bonneville book for Wolfgang. I have another bike from the Garage Company, more from Tim Conder, another Girl of Bikernet is crawling around here nude and I need to work on my Road King. W8less rotors are in and ready to install. Have a terrific weekend and get caught up on your projects. Next week we face Thanksgiving and the Holidays are officially launched. Hang on. Ride Forever, –Bandit Go Back To Page 3 Or To Page 2 Or To Page 1
–Whiplash Biker Photog
Yorkshire Events Centre, Harrogate
Sunday 18 November 5pm to 8pm
Monday 19 November from 9am
Motorcycle Classics, in conjunction with the International Motorcycle Shows, is pleased to announce a special, limited-appearance vintage motorcycle exhibition in conjunction with Legend of the Motorcycle…
Long Beach
Convention Center
300 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90802
Fri 12/7, 4pm – 9pm
Sat 12/8, 9:30am – 8pm
Sun 12/9, 9:30am – 5pm
Only 250 Cases produced.
Another kick-ass Zin from V-Twin Vineyards!! Fruit-forward with jammy flavors, pepper notes, presenting spicy aromas of Strawberry and Black Cherry on the nose. Complex layers of flavors reveal an earthyness & toastyness that will leave you wanting more. Be the first in your organization to own this wine!! When it’s gone – it’s gone for good. Our 2005 Poker Run Zin was produced from an Old Vine vineyard in Alexander Valley and was oak aged for 14 months.Only 400 Cases produced.
(973 )663-6377
CV-9001 Dual 93-99 EVO Big Twin w/CV or Mikuni
CV-9002 Dual 99-07 Twin Cam w/CV or Mikuni
CV-9003 Dual 89-07 XL
CV-9004 Dual 93-99 EVO w/ S&S sarb E or G
CV-9005 Dual 99-07 Twin Cam w/ S&S sarb E or G
CV-9005 Dual 89-07 XL w/ S&S sarb E or G
4263 Taylor Street n San Diego, California 92110