Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET BONNEVILLE RIDER, VALERIE THOMPSON, SCORES IN THE DESTROYER CLASS-“Last weekend went well in Vegas. Just finished up a great season…I went to the quarterfinals and took 6th place in the National points standings…It’s officialnow,” Said Valerie. “And I think I took 11th out of 87 in the V-Rod Destroyer.
We are working with Valerie on her dimensions, so we can build the World’s Fastest Panhead to fit her like a glove. You’ll read all about it in our first Bonneville 2007 chapter.

BIG TROUBLE PHILADELPHIA WHEELIE–Philadelphia, PA Last Friday night, a city Department of Licenses and Inspections van and a police cruiser pulled up in front of Whiskey Dix Saloon in Northern Liberties and, after L&I inspectors interviewed the bar manager, investigators closed the bar for allegedly operating without a current liquor license and for being a public nuisance.
An L&I source says they tried to get in and out as fast as possible so they wouldn’t have a run-in with members of the Pagans motorcycle gang who they expected to soon show up for their weekly meeting.Law-enforcement sources and bar insiders claim local leaders of the Pagan Nation held meetings on Thursday or Friday evenings for more than a year and that many Pagans and associates had taken to using the North Seventh Street watering hole as their unofficial clubhouse.
Despite those claims, bar owner Bill McKeever maintains they were a problem a year and a half ago but no longer come to the bar in droves. “You might see one or two,” says McKeever, adding that he’s since fired a manager who allowed them to set up shop inside.Still, according to one eyewitness, the meetings are ongoing, and seem to be organized and carried out with military precision. “First, a Pagan called Chewy would show up on his bike,” the source says. “He was the scout. He’d come into Whiskey Dix and check it out. Then, three other Pagans would show up, all wearing their colors. They would be on cell phones. One would talk to the bouncer, a guy called Machine who the Pagans are trying to recruit, to see if anything unusual was going on.”
Then, Chewy would make his “all clear” telephone call and within minutes, 10 to 15 Pagans would arrive. The president of the local chapter would arrive in his Cadillac Escalade with a very large bodyguard in tow, and head upstairs to the mezzanine to meet with Pagans including a club enforcer who always carried a cane with a sword concealed inside it. Pagan business allegedly included conversations about a possible war against the rival Outlaw biker gang, meth trafficking and illegal gambling operations.They closed the Whiskey Dix for allegedly being a public nuisance. Over time, some Pagans noticed suspicious vans outside and saw men taking video and photographs of patrons, particularly the bikers and their hangers-on. They quickly realized that local organized-crime investigators and the Pennsylvania State Police had the bar under occasional surveillance, but that didn’t stop them from allegedly misbehaving inside. (McKeever says he never saw cops taking photos.)Sources say one Pagan broke a bar manager’s nose several years ago, and last summer two Pagans, one wielding a hammer, savagely beat a patron known as “the Ice Cream Man,” because he mistakenly wore a Hells Angels T-shirt.
Just two weeks ago, on Toys For Tots Sunday – the day bikers collect toys for local children’s hospitals – more than 100 bikers and bar patrons crowded the sidewalk and street outside the bar, drinking, brawling and stopping traffic to race motorcycles, sometimes pulling wheelies or burning so much rubber the block was covered in smoke. Among the celebrants: Pagans wearing their colors and members of the Northeast Riders, a reputed Pagan “feeder club.” (McKeever says the fight had nothing to do with the Pagans and points out that he only gets a crowd like that once a year after the run.)
According to witnesses, Whiskey Dix served booze to the crowd the entire afternoon even though, according to State Liquor Control Board records, the bar’s liquor license had expired on Halloween, five days earlier.
–from Rogue
STOLEN BIKES IN THE KNOXVILLE NEWS– Check out the front page of the Knoxville News Sentinal [Knoxville, TN] online or go to for the local news story of our State Sentaor catching a bunch of teen-agers who had already ripped him off for three bikes.
Sen. Burchett is well known and respected by the biker community here in East Tennessee and is very “patch friendly,” as well. He’s sponsored a lot of the biker bills in our state.
Thought you might enjoy the story.
Some information has surfaced about the Vet Charity Bike recently stolen. We’ll report on it soon–

WIN A CUSTOM THUNDER SADDLE OF YOUR TATTOO!– This is what you have been waiting for. For the next 8 months Metric Thunder will be giving away a custom Thunder Saddle each month. These saddles are the most exclusive saddles and most comfortable saddles every made. They are very cool because each saddle represents your tattoo.
The Tattoo Contest
BANDIT of Bikernet will pick the best looking tattoo of the month and we will make a custom Thunder Saddle with the Tattoo embossed on the saddle. Each saddle comes equipped with Saddlemen’s Saddle Gel. Saddle Gel makes an incredibly comfortable seat and allows you to stay on your motorcycle for longer periods of enjoyable riding.
How to Enter the Thunder Saddle Contest
Entering is easy. Just send an email to: with your:
? Name
? Telephone number
? Picture of you and your tattoo
? Year and model of motorcycle
It’s just that easy. Send a picture of yourself sporting your favorite tattoo and you could be riding around with it on your motorcycle. It is your exclusive seat that is a show stopper and conversation piece wherever you stop.
For more details and rules click here.

–Bob Sofford Photos

KNUCKLEHEAD DEAL OF THE WEEK–This is a classic, completely rebuilt original for only $25,000. Departure Bike Works is currently working on Biker Build-off that’s switching from Discovery to the Learning Channel next year. Jump on this one quick. If I had the coin I would.
Lee Clemens, the owner, just had knee surgery and he’s hurting. Get him while he’s weak.
–Departure Bike Works
EBAY Sales>
(804) 339-8682

THE CODE OF THE WEST DEFINITIONS–We’ve all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definition for each is listed below…GUTS – is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: “Are you still cleaning, Or are you flying somewhere?”BALLS – is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the butt and having the balls to say: “You’re next.”
I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions. Medically speaking, there is no difference in the outcome since both ultimately result in death.
–from RFR

STEVE TATE WINS A SET OF FAT CAT PERFORMANCE PIPES FROM D&D–Steve Tate sent the picture into the D&D Bikini Contest and won a free set of Fat Cat exhaust pipes from D&D Performance Enterprises. Steve’s picture won 55% of the voting. We think that a show-chrome D&D performance pipe will really make his bikini clad passenger stand out!
“I enjoyed looking at all the bikes that needed a pipe at the D&D Bikini Contest. Steve, thanks for participating and having some fun with us.” – Dave Rash, Mr. D&D
To see the other contestants in the D&D Bikini Contest, click here.
D&D Performance Enterprises uses the state of the art Super Flow Eddy Current Ram Air Dyno, Super Flow Flow Bench, and the first in the industry multi cylinder Lambda Fuel Air Ratio Sensors interfaced with the Dyno for real time meter and graph analysis.
Each pipe is tuned for performance and sound. Not only do D&D pipes look good, you can feel the deep rumble that only a D&D equipped V-Twin can make.

DEALERS WANTED FOR NEW WHEEL COMPANY–Oxnard, CA- Advanced Metalforming Technologies, Inc. (AMT), an industry-leading manufacturer of high-end aluminum wheels and blanks supplier to many of the industry’s leading wheel manufacturers has recently started manufacturing motorcycle wheels under their own brand name Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories.
“We will be announcing new programs in Cincinnati, totally unique to this industry and am currently working on some production processes that will enable us to turn product around faster than any of our competition” stated Mark Finnie, VP/GM for the motorcycle division. Finnie stated that they should have no more than a 2 week lead time within the next 6 months and will have stock on hand for one of their new programs.

All processes are completed in-house, utilizing only state-of-the-art equipment and highly sophisticated process technologies. All Forge-Tec wheels are rotary forged utilizing one of their proprietary forge presses using only “virgin” aircraft grade 6061 aluminum, there’s no recycled aluminum in their products. Currently, Forge-Tec Motorcycle is already making complete wheels for Swift, Hellbound Steel Motorcycles and American Performance Cycles/APC. They also sell blanks to every major wheel player in the bike industry.
13 new styles will be introduced in Cincinnati, all in a wide variety of popular sizes and applications, with matching rotors, pulleys and sprockets. All wheels go out shipped with the rotors and pulley attached and torqued to OEM specs which eliminates a lot of guess work at the dealer level and ensures that wheels arrive to their customers in perfect condition.
For further information on complete wheels and accessories or blanks, please contact Forge-Tec Motorcycle directly at 805-982-9820 or email them at Check out Forge-Tec’s ’07 product line at the Cincinnati Expo, Booth #270 or write to them at Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories, 950 Richmond Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030. Dealer inquiries invited!

BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE–Duane Ballard Custom Leather has made seats for Discovery Biker Build Off master builders like Hank Young, Dave Perewitz, Cole Foster and Paul Yafee. Now you can have Duane build a seat for you as well.
Each seat is hand tooled on top grain cow hide, or a range of exotic leathers, and put together using the finest materials avaliable. For padding 135# compression foam or neoprene is used depending on the seat.
Duane will talk directly with you about the seat design desired since all of Duane Ballard Custom Leather seats are 100% done by Duanes own hands. All the sewing, lacing, dyeing, tooling, etc. No factory work here.
You provide a seat pan and to talk to Duane personally about the design and how you would like the seat shaped. Any kind of pan is fine. Aluminum, steel, fiberglass, plastic, carbon fiber, or a poly-pan will work. Duane will draw a design up based on your conversation and email the pics to you. Once you have found a design you like Duane will start the seat.
See for yourself why the Top Builders choose Duane Ballard Custom Leather Seats for their bikes. YOU deserve the same comfort and style that the Big Boys demand.
For more information, contact Duane Ballard Custom Leather at (603)781-7505, or visit

NEW STAR CUSTOM WINDSHIELDS AVAILABLE FOR V STAR 1300– Cypress, CA (November 15, 2006) – Star Motorcycles is pleased to announce a variety of new windshield assemblies now available for the just introduced V Star 1300.
New windshield assemblies are available in three heights: Tall (23-1/4″ – the same height as the stock windshield on the V Star 1300 Tourer model), Medium (19″) and Short (15″). Replacement windshields are also available in the Tall, Medium and Short heights, making it easy to change your windshield to match changes in weather or attitude. All windshield assemblies will bolt directly onto the Tourer model or, with windshield mounts, onto the standard V Star 1300 model.”Our windshields not only offer the superior fit and finish everyone has come to expect from Star Custom Accessories; we went a step further by using a hard-coated polycarbonate windscreen material,” said Paul Gammerino, Accessory Division Product Planning Manager. “This makes these windshields three times more scratch-resistant than typical acrylic products.”
Windshield Assembly
Windshield assemblies are available in three heights: Tall (23-1/4″ – the same height as the standard Tourer), Medium (19″) and Short (15″). Replacement windshields are also available in Tall, Medium and Short height, making it easy to change your windshield to match changes in weather or attitude. All windshield assemblies will bolt directly onto the Tourer model or, with Windshield Mounts, onto the standard V Star 1300.Fits ’07 V Star 1300 & V Star 1300 Tourer
Tall Windshield Assembly
Part Number: STR-3D803-10-00
MSRP: $344.95
Medium Windshield Assembly
Part Number: STR-3D807-10-00
MSRP: $344.95
Short Windshield Assembly
Part Number: STR-3D806-10-00
MSRP: $344.95

Continued On Page 3