Thursday again and I’m scrambling to successfully complete ten tasks by the end today. My first mission is to battle the DMV and register Bandit’s bike, formerly known as ‘The Ultimate Chopper’. Now get this, the new name is ‘Bandit’s Sturgis 2005 Chopper’. What the heck? He should’ve come up with a symbol like Prince instead of that long-ass name and oh so original. He had the motor completely gone through from S&S; it’s still in the box waiting for his next day off.

This coming weekend he’ll be in Vegas at the dealer show, I think it’s called Big Twin West. Next week should be a better week for him, and you, as he’ll be able to answer Your Shots more regularly.
The day he started with Primedia, they were in the middle of year-end budgeting and trying to wrap up a poster book. All of which should be done by tomorrow. Fingers crossed and say a little prayer cause I miss that guy! Next week they’ll settle in to a ?regular? schedule searching for content for the next issue and hopefully he won’t be pulling any more late nights at the office. Hey, I believe him…

Temporary office. Sorry it?s so dark, I have no overhead light.
As for the Headquarters, things are still about the same. We’re last on the electrician’s list, which has me working off of extension cords in my kitchen and temporary office. I have to turn off the coffee maker to run the microwave or blow a fuse. My office is set up in the living room cause the new windows are going-on two weeks late and I can’t set up my office till the windows are in place and we can re-plaster, paint and carpet. I use my office as a workstation to keep the mess confined to one room.

What will be my office, just waiting on the windows?

My bathroom, planks covered with commercial grade carpet. Partially.
We (as in the women) have no sofa, no TV, no bathtub and no heat. The bathroom I tore up is slow going, hopefully by the end of this weekend I’ll have it done. Bandit on the other hand is all set up. What a great office, huh?

Bandit?s office. We?re only allowed in when he?s home.
Next week I?ll have lots of new content coming your way. I know how you all hate it when the site gets stale. I have a couple new people submitting articles for us now, welcome Julie Weems and Marilyn Braggs, yes women. We featured the Triumph Julie built herself in the last Sunday Post. She?s a photojournalist and will be covering events and such for us. And Marilyn will be taking over the Lawless column in Bandit?s Cantina. That damn Lawless ran off with the milkman so we had to close her down. But now Marilyn is onboard and she?s got it covered. Marilyn is also a photojournalist so expect to see serious articles from her as well. Welcome ladies!
OK, that about covers life here at Bikernet, let?s sees what?s going on with other folks?

Ft. Scott Community College – Center for Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Tech Training & Professional Development; The 1st Exclusive Harley-Davidson Training center in the nation opened its doors August 2004 in Frontenac, Kansas. Located in our Nation?s Heartland about 30 minutes northwest of Joplin, Missouri or 2 hours south of Kansas City, Kansas. This is 2 year offer training of Harley-Davidson?s current model of motorcycle on the market which is the, ?Evolution, Twin Cam and VRod.?
The added bonus benefit to this school, besides being the only one of its kind, all 64 credits at this college are transferable. They will also receive an Associate of Applied Science degree in motorcycle service technology. Once they have completed the associate science degree, students may transfer into a bachelor degree program at another university. Pittsburg State University has cooperated to a make a transition an option in to a 4 year program.

After the 2nd semester the students will intern at a Harley-Davidson Dealership. About 50 people have applied for the 2nd class; however, not all 42 seats have been filled yet. There are a series of assessment test to ensure proper placement. All students must have a GED or High School Diploma.
Ft. Scott Community College has one of the largest Endowment Funds of all the Community Colleges in Kansas providing Scholarships. Pell Grants and Student Loans are available. For information:
Steve Verga, Director/Instructor
254 S. Highway 69
Frontenac, KS 66763
Julie Weems
ROGUE?S WATCH–Rogue walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a veryattractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then casually looks athis watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks, “Is your date running late?”
“No,” he replies, “I just got this state-of-the-art watch, and I wasjust testing it.”
The intrigued woman says, “A state-of-the-art watch? What’s sospecial about it?”
Rogue explains, “It uses alpha waves to talk to metelepathically.”
The lady says, “What’s it telling you now?”
“Well, it says you’re not wearing any panties….”
“The woman giggles and replies, “Well it must be broken because I amwearing panties!”
Rogue smirks, taps his watch and says, “Damn thing’s an hourfast.”

STEALTH REPORT–Last weekend (11-13-04, 11-14-04), I went to the Annual CBA swap meet here in Charlotte. The swap meet is held twice a yeaR. Every March and November it is held at the fairgrounds.
The swap meet is always one of my favorite things to do. In the past I had taken a truckload of parts out to sell for the dealership I used to work at and it was a lot of work but I always had fun doing it. Since I no longer work there this was a different swap meet for me.
I loaded up a few parts I had that were just lying around and my good friends Randle and Chris let me set up in their spots. It was good to see a lot people from out of town that I had met over the years.
All weekend long I had to explain why I was not working and why I did not bring all the parts out that I normally would have. After telling the story a hundred times I got tired of it and avoided it the rest of the weekend. I saw Crazyhorse and she offered me some words of encouragement and agreed with my decision to leave. Thanks for the words!
As the swap meet went on I noticed how it has changed over the years. You still have the people, who have been coming for years, the “BIKERS”. These are the guys who are there to try to make a few dollars but they are really there for the fun and to try to help a fellow biker out. That is what I always tried to do when I had a ton of stuff to sell but that never seemed to be enough when I would turn the money in, no matter the amount, especially when you consider there was no money or cost involved in what was sold, take off parts! That is the other group of people who show up at swap meets nowadays, the ones who could care less about bikes or bikers, the ones who are there to make every dollar they can no matter what it takes. One dealership showed up with his million dollar “HUMMER’ painted with the Bar+ Shield and every other H-D emblem you could find. You talk about ugly! They did not bring one part to sell, just wanted to show that hideous creation off!
Then I noticed the local HOG clubs set up at the swap meet. What were they selling? Memberships to their pathetic little social club. These people have no idea what a club or brotherhood is about. Really think about it, what kind of club is it when all you have to do to get in is lay your money down?
These groups of people have not ruined the swap meets completely. Overall it is still about bikes and bikers even if it has been diluted somewhat. To me the swap meet has always been about cutting some one a deal when they are down on their luck or a young kid who is building his first bike and you can see in his eyes the fire to get it done and you know he is scratching together every dime he has to make it happen. There was a young kid who came up to me and I had a set of Arlen Ness billet flamed grips. They retail at right around a $100 dollars, he looked at them for about 10 minutes and asked how much, something told me he did not have a lot of money and I told him $35, he laid them down and said he would be back and I told him how about $30 and with a big smile he pulled out his last $30. Yeah I know I gave them away but I also know they are helping a kids dream come true right now and that is worth the money I gave up on the grips. To me that is what swap meet are all about, cutting a guy a break once in awhile. I wonder how many deals the guy with million dollar “HUMMER” cuts anyone. One other thing, what in the hell does a “HUMMER” have to do with bikes anyway? Just to make sure I am right some people call them “HUMMERS” and others call them, I think HUM-VEES? Who really cares?
Until next week!

BIKERNET LONE CHOP-OFF–Bandit, The nightmare is almost over. A few more weeks and were ready to paint andpowder coat. My wife is going to do the painting. She said I’m to half assand I tend to agree.
See ya!
Chopper John

WHAT THE FU**–Check out this shark. 1100 lb Mako
Chris T.
Happy With The “Old Custom”–Barbara Walters of ABCs news magazine 20/20 did a story on gender roles inKabul several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that womencustomarily walked about 5paces behind their husbands.When she returned to Kabul recently she observed that women still walkbehind their husbands, but now seem to walk even further back and appearedto be happy with the oldcustom.
When Walters approached one of the Afghani women and asked, “But why do younow seem happy with the old custom that you used to try to change?”
“Land mines” said the woman quietly.

Predator – Powered By Harley-Davidson?–
The Fastest, Most Powerful Mud Motor Period.
Harley-Davidson? 1340 Evolution style engine 80 CI
Rated Power: 75 RW Horsepower
85 LB ft Torque
New exclusive Patent Pending, stainless steel removable bearing assemblies. Upper and lower stainless removable caps and housings exclusive to Beavertail. Drive shaft is polished and balanced with electroless nickel plating to stop corrosion.The most dependable bearing drive system ever made.
SEAMLESS TUBE CHASSIS (exclusive to Beavertail)
Simply put, there is no stronger frame ever built. This is the same technology that is used in NASCAR chassis. No flat steel is used in the frame. CNC and laser cut parts for precision. All tubes notched with Mitler Bros ultimate tubing notcher. Same machine used in building race car chassis. All frames Tig welded.
The chassis is also the only rubber mounted mud motor every produced.
Comes standard with weedless, stainless steel prop.
Built on a CAD/CAM computer system for perfect balance and accuracy.
Prop size is proprietary information.
Satin powder coat finish.All frames are sand blasted and dipped in a phosphorous tank for extreme adhesion.
WEIGHT (approx.)
220 lbs.
1-800-413-0020 Fisher Beavertail Mfg.
Continued On Page 2