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HEY FROM WILD BILL–Layla, I’m sitting here with Rogue, he’s drinking Jack Daniels and giving me tons of shit! Actually he’s trying his best to give some advice. I would be honored if you could take a look at my Love Ride article and let me know what you think. I would love the chance to send you some things in the future. I’ve got to go and try and catch up with Rogue, I think class is over for today!
Thanks a million…….Wild Bill
Stay tuned for this.
Pinellas Prosecutor Charged with Drunken Driving in Tampa–The Associated Press – TAMPA – A Pinellas County prosecutor known for aggressively pursuing drunken driving cases was charged with DUI after police said they stopped her with three children in her car.
Lydia Dempsey Wardell, 37, was arrested Wednesday near her Tampa home because she had a blood-alcohol level of 0.23 percent, nearly three times the legal limit in Florida, police said.
She was unavailable for comment Thursday, when she was released on $500 bail.
“She made a mistake,” said Bruce Bartlett, Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney Bernie McCabe’s chief assistant. “She’s aware of that. She’s extremely remorseful about her conduct and knows it’s not acceptable and is ready to pay the consequences.”
Bartlett said Wardell was on her way to pick up her son when she was arrested.
Bartlett could not say how the arrest would affect Wardell’s job or whether it would lead to her firing. If Wardell kept her job, she would no longer be allowed to participate in drunken driving prosecutions, Bartlett said.
Wardell rarely prosecutes those cases in the courtroom. But as a supervisor, she often discusses them with defense attorneys seeking a reduction or dismissal because of evidence problems.
“She is very reluctant to ever reduce charges or make any deal on a DUI,” Bartlett said. “She’s tough as nails and has a lot of enemies in defense lawyers because of her positions on these type of cases.”
In Pinellas, prosecutors including Wardell often charge DUI defendants with felony child neglect when they also have children in the car. It was unclear whether police considered that charge against Wardell.
3. ILLINOIS ROW update: This driver was cited
4. Pa. (ROW) Careless Driving Bill
The Michigan Helmet Repeal bill, HB-4325, sponsored by Rep. Leon Drolet(R-33), passed the Michigan House today with a vote of 69 yeas and 37nays. Thisbill now goes to the Michigan Senate where it has a companion bill,S-321, whichis sponsored by Senator Alan Cropsey where it is expected to be passed andsent on to the Governor for signing.
Angel Burton, Legislative Rep
Michigan Coalition of Clubs—
House passes changes to helmet law
The Michigan House voted Wednesday to allow bikers to ride without theirhelmets if they meet certain requirements, but the leader of the Senatesaid thatchamber won’t take up the bill.The legislation, approved 69-37, would repeal the state’s 38-year-old helmetlaw. Four representatives didn’t vote.Supporting the bill were Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, and Fulton Sheen,R-Plainwell.Opposing the bill were Barb Vander Veen, R-Allendale, and William VanRegenmorter, R-Hudsonville.Bikers over 21 who’ve been licensed to ride a motorcycle for at least twoyears and finished a safety course wouldn’t have to wear a helmet underthe bill.
House Repeals State Helmet Law, AAA Michigan Calls Vote ‘Tragic’DEARBORN, Mich., Nov. 10 /PRNewswire/ — A bill designed to repealMichigan’smandatory motorcycle helmet law was passed by the State House ofRepresentatives today (November 10), in an apparent bid to takeadvantage of a lame ducklegislature — with 36 House members leaving. The final vote was 69-37 infavor with four members passing.HB 4325, sponsored by Rep. Leon C. Drolet (R-Clinton Township), would removethe mandatory helmet requirement for all riders and passengers 21 yearsof ageor older, but does not require motorcycle riders to carry Personal InjuryProtection (PIP) insurance coverage.
“It is well established that motorcycle helmets decrease the severity ofinjury, the likelihood of death and the overall cost of medical care,” saidRichard J. Miller, manager of Community Safety Services for AAA Michigan.”Motorcycle riders are much more at risk than persons driving or ridingin a passengervehicle.”
Miller cited National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data,which shows that, in states where the mandatory helmet laws are repealed orweakened, motorcycle fatalities increased substantially:
State Percent increase in motorcycle fatalities
Arkansas 21 percent
Kentucky 34 percent
Louisiana 48 percent
Texas 31 percent
Nationwide, motorcycle fatality rates have been rising. The total number offatalities is up 73 percent between 1997 (2,116 deaths) and 2003 (3,661deaths). In addition, the fatality rate per 100,000 registeredmotorcycles is up –from 55.3 in 1997 to 65.3 in 2002.HB 4325 will move to the Michigan Senate for a vote and must pass the Senateand be signed by the governor before becoming law.
* In 2003, there were 3,187 motorcycle-involved crashes in Michigan inwhich76 riders were killed and 2,644 injured.
* Helmets are 67-percent effective in preventing brain injury.
* The average paid catastrophic motorcycle claim in Michigan is$402,386, upfrom $377,830 in 2001.
* By an overwhelming majority (81 percent), Americans favor state lawsrequiring motorcyclists to wear helmets.
Sources: Michigan State Police Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP),Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA), Lou Harris
CO: AAA Michigan
ST: Michigan
Web site:
11/10/2004 17:03 EST
Motorcyclist dies in West Boynton collision with truckPosted November 10 2004A motorcyclist was killed in a crash at the intersection of Lawrence and OldBoynton Beach roads about 7 p.m. Monday, Palm Beach County sheriff’sofficialssaid.Robert Hollum Jr., 37, was riding his 1995 Harley Davidson northbound onLawrence when Sean Paulson turned in front of him from Old Boynton,officialssaid. Paulson’s 2002 Toyota Tacoma and the motorcycle collided, andHollum wasthrown, officials said.
Hollum was taken to Delray Medical Center, where he died.Again, no mention of charges brought against violator!
3. ILLINOIS ROW —update: This driver was citedMotorcyclist upgraded to serious after crashPEORIA – The condition of a 26-year-old Peoria man improved Tuesday after anaccident last week in which he was thrown from his motorcycle.Thomas H. Duffy, 1202 W. Merle Lane, was listed in serious condition at OSFSaint Francis Medical Center, a hospital spokeswoman said. He wasadmitted tothe hospital in critical condition Nov. 2 after his motorcycle and a Jeepcollided in Peoria Heights.Duffy, who was wearing a helmet, was driving south in the 3700 block ofProspect Road near the entrance to McDonald’s, 3717 N. Prospect Road,when hismotorcycle was struck by the Jeep.The Jeep’s driver, Willard E. Lacey, 55, of 403 Perry Lane, East Peoria, wasattempting to turn into the restaurant’s parking lot from Prospect whenhe hitDuffy, police said.Police cited Lacey on a charge of failure to yield when turning left. He wasnot injured.
4. Pa. (ROW) Careless Driving Bill
The Senate Transportation Committee voted unanimously yesterday torelease HB 873 from the Committee. This is the bill that replaced ourROW bill.The Senate is expected to vote on the bill before the end of thelegislative session on November 30th. You can read the bill and see itcovers much more than just right of way violations and it should provideless of a chance of people running into us and just getting a slap onthe wrist.
John Mullendore
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or

TIM CONDER ADDS LIFE TO HOT BIKE–Hot Rod Bikes and Street Choppers. You’ve seen Tim’s magnificent work on Bikernet. Soon you’ll see it in print.
This is a rough sketch for a Street Chopper joke page. Hang on.

Performance Machine’s – El Borracho–Like any respectable bartender, a bike builder knows just how much of each ingredient is needed to achieve the desired flavor. That balance is what makes a good drink as well as a great bike. A perfect balance of Vodka, Gin, Rum, Triple Sec, and for you traditionalists, Tequila, are all flavors that are more than able to stand on their own, yet mixed together become the classic Long Island. Much like the mixture of unique flavors in PM’s El Borracho (although maybe a bit heavier on the Tequila!).

Beginning with an anniversary edition Harley Softail, Performance Machine’ Roland Sands stripped it to the frame and binned most of the stock parts. It was just too easy to grab parts from the shelves at PM, so Roland began modifying things. The uniquely finished wheels began life as their El Dorado design, but were hijacked before going to the polish shop, black anodized and then sent back for some final machining to reveal the raw aluminum. PM brakes saw the same treatment, but with a nickel plating. A springer front end and naturally PM’s wide wheel Phatail kit where added to handle suspension duties. The one-off forward controls incorporate a suicide clutch into what was the shifter and a hand made shift lever ties directly to the trans.

Handmade bars, a breathed-on motor and unique oil tank complete the mechanical mods. Using an aluminum fuel tank intended for another project, Roland added a frame skirt (to hide the ugly stuff) and a hand made solo seat to complete the old school look. The rock solid reliability of a factory drivetrain, mixed with vintage bobber styling and a decidedly new school wide wheel combine to create modern bobber. Flavorful, not overpowering and fun as hell to ride.

This bike will be in the first Hot Bike Poster book. Watch for it in the next 6-weeks on news stands near you.–Bandit

Replacement Windows– Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensivedouble-pane energy efficient kinds. But this week I got a call from thecontractor complaining that his work had been completed a whole year agoand I had yet to pay for them. Boy oh boy, did we go around! Just becauseI’m blonde doesn’t mean that I am automatically stupid.
So, I proceeded to tell him just what his fast talking sales guy had toldme last year, that in one year the windows would pay for themselves.
There was silence on the other end of the line so I just hung up and Ihaven’t heard back since. Guess I won that stupid argument.
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