Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET NEW WEBSITE PICK OF THE WEEK–Hi Guy’s, Hope all is well. Can you guy’s start running this on bikernet? I will have everything loaded on site by Wed. night. Keith how’s the new job. If there is anything I can do for you over here let me know, if you get some time give me a call, I know your busy, would like to talk to you when you have time……
Thanx for everything Chris T.

KEN CAMINITTI STORY–Thank you for the wonderful story on your time with Ken!The photos of the bike are beautiful! I almost feel out whenyou were talking about the shoot out in Harrah?s…I WAS THERE!!They had us locked up like caged rats that night! I was a drag…I come froma HUGE …9 brothers …..7 who ride Harleys all their life and once in ATLI get to meet Cammy…everything you said about him was true!
Thank You agian for the great story!
Friend in South Carolina
Thanks to John Covington of Steed Muscle bikes. Ken was his personal friend.

GOOD-BYE TO AN OLD FRIEND–Nov 15. Yesterday. My beloved kitty of 20+ years went to Jesus. She and I were together most of my life. It was heartbreaking to release her because in my selfish human form, I wanted so much to immortalize her and not be alone. Annie was my baby in every sense of that word. She was my earth angel and now is my spirit guide. Because of her presence, I was able to get through many hard times in my life. Together we celebrated one another’s existence. She was always there for me and brought me enormous joy, enormous unconditional love. Now, she will always be with me in spirit…this I know. As soon as she was released from her physical form, the spiritual signs of her presence happened immediately thereafter. In my heart, Annie is sharing in my gratitude to everyone of you for continuing to grace my life.
To all of those who knew my beautiful, amazing feline friend, thank you for enriching her life with your presence.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Hey guys, just got back from California and on my way out once more, but here we go, one more week, news once more.
California was cool, spent some time with friends, visited the Bikernet headquarters and kinda had no time to do shit. Unlike me, I was getting up kind of early, but by the time I got back to the room it was super late. The weird part is that I felt like I had no time to do what needed to be done.

WCC’s party was kick ass as always and very, very, crowded. From Monster trucks, street bike stunts and even the Metal Mulisha, needless to say, hot chicks and cool bikes, plus many good friends that I seldom have the chance to spend time with.

Sunday we avoided the Love Ride (like always) and headed to Pomona for the drag races. Two cars are sponsored by WCC and it was a very good time. It was kind of late when we managed to ride back to LBC, mayhem was the call of the day, but we all made it back safely to Anaheim Street. Maybe I will do the whole story on this trip, time depending.Like I said before, besides the hot chicks there’s always cool bikes, The Sinners always roll in with super cool bikes, I spend hours checking them out. I always enjoy and admire simplicity; those guys got their shit together.

The new Bikernet compound is kick ass as well, many wish to have half the garage space bandit has. We spent a few hours there, but circumstances did not allowed us to go back, next time it will be.It’s always good to meet with my friends from Hawaii, most are very cool and a pleasure to hang out with, if I would move away from Puerto Rico, be sure that Oahu will be the first choice.
Although I was suffering from Jet lag and a total lack of sleep, I missed the most the huge swell that was going on in Puerto Rico, 10 foot waves plus, and the insane amount of work that I left behind to go have fun in Calif. Speaking of such, we started another bike today, but time is running out……Big timeAnyway, got to go back to the dungeon….enjoy the photos and check the rest at my site

Jose ? Bikernet Caribbean Reporter

Sha Sha Fine Shoes, Inc.,–a manufacturer of alternative styled footwear for men and women, announced it has entered into an agreement with Lemans Corporation to distribute Sha Sha Fine Shoes through Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties. Lemans Corp. will initially be carrying the new Billy Lane Signature Shoe and will be expanding to include additional items from Sha Sha as well.
?Sha Sha is quickly becoming the footwear brand of choice as an alternative to the more mainstream, traditional brands in the powersports industry, said Bill Ruff, President and CEO of Sha Sha Fine Shoes, Inc. ?We believe Lemans is the perfect distribution partner to bring Sha Sha to the next level.?
Billy Lane of Choppers, Inc., made famous by his one-of-a-kind custom motorcycles and appearances on the Discovery Channel chopper build-offs, has collaborated with Sha Sha and his pinstriper, Joe Richardson, to develop his own signature line of custom pinstriped shoes and boots.
The new six-eye boot is made of full-grain leather, sits over-the-ankle with a padded suede collar and is built on an extra-durable non-slip utility outsole. Available in three colors, it will have a suggested retail price of $110.00.
For more information about products available from Sha Sha Fine Shoes, visit the website at, email, or call 1-877-3-SHA-SHA.

Compu-Fire Performance Products is introducing the first majorbreakthrough in starting technology for American made V-Twin motorcyclessince the introduction of electric starter motors at the Big Twin Expo inLas Vegas this weekend. See the Compu-Fire Direct System and all the newproducts from Compu-Fire in booth 616.

Howdy Bikernet,–Ihave a little company and its almost 2 years now that we’ve made wide tire kits. The 280-300 was the first one on the market. We make other parts too,all for stock and custom H-D applications
If you have time, check it out and if ya think it?s worth spreading the news… please do.

That?s it for the news–Holy Moly this was a bitch! For some reason the news took extra long today. Here it is almost 9:00 at night and I?m just wrapping it up. As I said in the intro, stay tuned for lots of new articles.