Whisked away on a private assignment, I was out of touch for a couple of days. One of those nights kicked my ass, so I feel as though a week slipped through my fingertips. I’ll attempt to sort through the cob webs tomorrow.

The damn holidays are approaching and I dread them, but I figured out what to give the headquarters cook. A handmade pot and pan holder for above the stove. She needs to have her tools handy, so what could be a better than a classic 21-inch spooled-hub wheel. Watch as we make it happen.

Next, we may be tearing the garage down and enlarging it. I’ll report on the effort next week. Let’s hit the news:

TERRIBLE ACCIDENT–SIX BROTHERS DOWN–Live report from Rigid Frame Richard.
BIKERNET COWBOY–A Cowboy and his wife had just been married and went to a hotel for their honeymoon. The man went to the front desk and asked for a room.
He said “this here is a very special ‘casion — our wedding night — and we need a good room with a strong bed.”
The clerk winked and asked “Do you want the Bridal?”
The Redneck fellow thought about it a while and then replied, “No, I guess not, I’ll just hold onto her ears until she gets used to it!”
–from Rogue

HENRY’S BIKE–here’s are a couple more pics of Henry’s bike not on the trailer. He just completed putting one of the 100″ Evo/Twin Cam motor in it.
Rigid frame Richard

THE DAVID MANN FOUNDATION UNDERWAY– I, the Pan Man, am in the process of trying to helpDavid Mann. However, I’ve apparently skipped a few channels and avenues oflegality I must go down. I helped organize a few charity events inthe past and thought I could really help with this one. A Sis of mineLeather Lou said she had got the go ahead from David when she talked tohim on the phone. Since I thought Ihad the go ahead on this project I contacted several people last nightand to see what we could do to help Dave.
I havetalked a few times to Russ ( the guy that put Daves bike on ebay forhim) No It didn’t sell on EBAY but someone contacted Dave and he endedup getting $22,500 for it, but Dave hasn’t seen the money yet so I don’tknow how concrete that is. Dave said he’d let it go to this guy forthat. Dam If I had the cash I would of gave it in a heart beat.
Dave told my sis leather Lou that that we hadhis full support and gratitude to go ahead with the planning of aBenefit Run and Auction. I am Chairing this even and need all the help Ican get. Please send anyone that can help to me the can contact me andpanheadjosh@webtv.net
For those of you that don’t already Know DavidMann the Legendary Biker Artist is Suffering from Advanced COPD, hearttrouble and arthritis in his hands. He Has No Benefits or healthinsurance and is in need of all our help Please contact me ASAP if yourwilling to help.
Josh “Panhead” Griffith
Organiser & Chairman: David Mann Benefit Auction And Run

PEREWITZ FABRICATION JIG–Professional and amateur fabricators alike are going to find a thousand uses for this unique fabrication tool recently introduced by Master Builder, Dave Perewitz.
The new JIG MATE is manufactured from job specific alloy metals to withstand severe forces and heat created by welding, shaping and other fabrication techniques. JIG-MATE is designed to grip welding vice grips, c-clamps and metal parts. The unique adjustable ball pivots allow positioning materials at virtually any angle and provide an easy to use and convenient platform for securing components during fabrication and design.
A dream-come-true for custom builders everywhere the JIG-MATE is an extremely high quality tool that no shop or home builder should be without. For complete details contact Dave Perewitz at 508-697-3595 or 508-586-2511. On the Web at www.perewitz.com
TRUE-TRACK.COM LIVES–and has been up and running OK. Telephone number 818 445 6204 same for the last 6 years. All other e-mail addresses still the same: tracktrue@netscape.net (1 year), rubbertailone@netscape.net (5 years) rubbertailwil@netscape.net (6 years). I also sent an e-mail October 5, 2003 TRUE-TRACK version 2.0 and a picture of the new improvement.
The majority of the people who contacted me saw the TRUE-TRACK on BIKERNET.COM purchased it and TRUE-TRACK was shipped, payment received.I am still here. Watch for the TRUE-TRACK feature coming up in HOT BIKE trade show issue.

TEXAS ACTION– Get Ready For SWAP MEET AUSTIN – This Sunday – November 23rdAt The CROCKETT CENTER – 2 Blocks East Of I-35 on Hwy 290 In North Austin
New Parts – Used Parts – Leather Vendors – Lifestyle Novelties & More – – – – CHECK OUT; www.texasscooter.com
Preview – Vendors Registered By Last Weekend (Many More Will Be Signing Up) !! Check Out & Vote For – The “Bargain Of The Swap Meet” Contestants from DALLAS Learn – How to Enter Austin’s “Bargain of the Swap Meet” Contest/ Read – How To Swap Meet, (An ‘ol timer at Swap Meets Shares His Game Plan) & Look Over Racin’ Pics From The State Finals and other Neat Stuff about ’03 Racin’.
Texas Scooter Times ’03 – ’04 Winter Swap Meet Series
November 23, Swap Meet Austin – Crockett Center – Austin
January 4, Swap Meet Dallas & Chopper Show – Longhorn Ballroom – Dallas
January 18, Swap Meet Conroe & Motorcycle Expo – Lone Star Expo Center – Conroe
February 8, West Texas Motorcycle Expo & Swap Meet – Taylor Co. Fairgrounds – Abilene
February 29, East Texas Motorcycle Expo & Swap Meet – Convention Complex – Longview
March 7, Swap Meet Dallas – Longhorn Ballroom – Dallas
For Booth Reservations at any T.S.T. Show & Any Other Info: 254-687-9066 9-6 M-F

POLARIS AND MINNESOTA WILD ANNOUNCE PARTNERSHIP TO BENEFIT 10,000 RINKS FOUNDATION– Custom Victory Motorcycle and Polaris snowmobile take center stage in online auction to raise funds and awareness.
Polaris Industries and the National Hockey League?s (NHL) Minnesota Wild launched their latest partnership initiative today with the unveiling of a custom painted, Wild themed Victory Vegas motorcycle and Polaris snowmobile. The Victory motorcycle along with a Polaris snowmobile will be the star attractions of an online auction taking place from November 10 through December 18 for the motorcycle and February 2 through March 17 for the snowmobile with proceeds to benefit the 10,000 Rinks Foundation.
Fans will be able access the 2003 Victory Vegas Motorcycle auction online via the Internet at http://www.wild.com.
On-hand for the unveiling, which took place at the Polaris corporate headquarters in Medina, Minnesota, was Minnesota Wild General Manager Doug Risebrough, Wild center Marc Chouinard and Polaris CEO Tom Tiller. Joining them was over 300 Polaris employees and local media as Risebrough presented Tom Tiller with the new Wild throw-back jersey as a thank you for the ongoing support Polaris has provided.

The 10,000 Rinks Foundation announcements and unveiling coincided with a Polaris campaign for the United Way. The event capped off several weeks of fund raising by Polaris employees for the United Way organization. Still the star of the day was Wild player Pierre-Marc Bouchard who signed hundreds of autographs, answered questions and posed for photos with Polaris employees.
The custom Victory Vegas and/or Polaris XC 600 snowmobile will be on display at Wild home games; at the Hockey Lodge located in the Mall of America during the weekend of December 5-7; and on non-game days it will be displayed in the Hockey Lodge at Xcel Energy Center.
The 10,000 Rinks Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises money for youth hockey and other community groups. The 10,000 Rinks Foundation primarily focuses its efforts on partnering with key amateur hockey organizations and supporting numerous youth oriented groups throughout Minnesota and the upper Midwest.
Continued On Page 2