Continued From Page 3
WILL THE REAL DUMMY PLEASE STAND UP?– AT&T fired President John Walter after ninemonths, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 millionseverance package.
Perhaps it’s not Walter who’s lacking intelligence.
–from Rogue

NEW PART OF THE WEEK, CYRIL HUZE MIRROR GRIP EXTENSION– Cyril Huze offers new grips (for factory or internal throttle) featuring the possibility to use a mirror on the grip clutch side. This clutch side grip extension bolt on directly on all Cyril Spikee grips (3 designs: smooth, 3-band, twisted). Grip extension and mirror sold separately.
–Cyril Huze KING ADDENDUM–We installed highbars on the King this week and ran the wires through the bars. What a goddamn ordeal. Here’s a comment from our dealership connection: “Wiring through the bars is a pain for sure. Not my favorite thing to do. Now Harley has these heated grips we are putting on for everybody, that shit runs through the bars also.” –Pablo BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Let’s see what’s new this week… What should I bitch about or what should I be happy for ?? Ah yes ! Daytona….What the hell is wrong with the people there !!! If it wasn’t for both bike events, the turkey Hot Rod thing, Spring Break and the 500… There would be no money coming in..No sir… If you’ve ever been to this beach town between events you might know what I’m talking about,——————————- yeap , like the blank space back there, nothing… Main street is a ghost town. The bike shops are doing their thing but the walls echo when you go in. The hotels drop from $300.00 a night to $65.00 (for the ritzy ones), but some residents are being bothered by the noise !!! Mind you , that horrible noise lasts for 15 days total, so they still have 350 days of peace. Bring it to Puerto Rico, do five whole weeks if you want. I’m sure the people here would not mind a super million buck influx. I know it won’t happen, but what if next March only a couple hundred bikes show up…..I bet my new chopper and Bandit’s Road Kill, that the residents will cry out loud for the bikers to come back. The noise the Chamber of Commerce will make would be louder than Biff&nb! sp;Rub with his new pipes. Then there’s always Orlando, maybe Tampa…Who cares about the beach. It’s a dump anyway. You want beach, you come to the Caribbean. It’s a shame that while cities are trying to attract bikers, the ones that have them try to get rid of them…. If anyone involved in the Bike week thing happens to read this, remember one thing: You are bitching now about bikes, what’s next ? Those damn race cars….Your main income is tourism…. Go ahead, get rid of both Bike events….I dare you…. You will be fucking sorry. I guess you’ve noticed I’m being pretty mild, we’ve been pretty swamped (yeah, so what’s new !) Another WCC is done, my new chopper is receiving a lot of attention, and a Road Kill that will put Bandit’s to shame is about a day away (if our powder coater get’s his ass in gear). We are even shutting down all traveling ’till January. Lucky Thanksgiving is coming up, so we can put solid hours of work with no interruptions. Although I’m heavily pondering the trip to Tahiti with T Bear and some of the Bikernet staff, and maybe another quick visit to the Sunny (yeah right !) shores of California. Not only that but some new plans and a lot more work from my usual forums (Bikernet and The Horse) are leaving this island boy with less hours to sleep…and sleep is sacred! In other words…I’m toast. Anyway…there’s a lot of new projects coming up, lot’s of bikes and articles, so we will do what we have to do while we can…. Man , that Tahiti trip sounds better and better…So goddammit , let’s get to the news…. The Hog Caribbean rally will take place this coming week end, they will leave San Juan for a ride thru the mountains , but most of the event will take place around the southern town of Ponce. I’m sure all the 100th annusversary bikes will be traveling in packs, with their shinny chrome and nice leathers, (while it’s 85 degrees) Guess I will have a lot of stories for next week.. We even had a Road Kill for Bandit, but they gave it to Roy ,the Road captain. I guess his preferred customer card had a higher spending limit…The “Kickoff party” will take place tonight, I think we will pay them a nice visit…after I’m done with this. Billy Lane is building the Easyriders bike for Daytona Bike week (if there’s one) VQ’s awards. Knowing Billy it will be a slap in the face to the mere mortals…With that, the Camel bike, the Discovery bike and every day stuff. Choppers Inc. seems to be as busy as ever (yeah and me bitching, geezz..) Speaking of Discovery, Billy has a Master plan of riding from Boston to Columbus in February…I had some practice last week while in California, but have been standing in front of my fridge, for half an hour stints trying to create some endurance…up to now all I’ve managed is to raise my cold and sinus pill consumption, and calling several nut houses who will take Billy…. Our new Chopper…the beast that will beat Bandit’s Road kill to Sturgis, aka Plata o Plomo ( money or lead) aka Da’ Evil child, is already on the lift. Most of the components are in my possession, with very few things missing… It’s all going according to plans, the Shovel will be the power plant of choice. I’m checking it out right now, and maybe will do some mods for a bit more. “Performance” down the road, the tranny will be a 5-spd Rev Tech with kicker…plus lots of other “surprise components” . The frame is the first of our Caribbean Custom Cycles specials…with a mere 45 degree, 6 inches up and 4″ on the backbone….RIGID ! Soon…grasshopper…soon… Anyway, that’s about it… I know you…(Bikernet’s Caribbean fans) were expecting more…but wait ’till I feel better, (those cold tablets make me groggy). I’ll be back with a vengeance. –Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Report (done between a welding and fitting break) So I take it, you won’t make it on the route 66 Arizona run next weekend? Light weight. BIKERNET FAMILY THERAPY–Women believe if a pet cat strays, it’s because of a lack ofaffection at home. Women believe if a pet dog strays, it’s because of a lack ofaffection at home. Women believe that if a woman strays, it’s because of a lack ofaffection at home. Women believe that if a man strays, it’s because men arescum-sucking, fucking assholes! –from Snivelin’ Steve BIKERNET SUPPORTS DEER SEASON, SHOOT THOSE BASTARDS– I want to get my gun and start shooting. Everyone I know is all about the deer hunting right now. They sit quietly in a tree for hours at a time trying to be still. That is exactly the kind of shit I’ve avoided all my life. I like it loud and moving. If you could still shine those deer I would be more in to it. Drinking at night, riding around in the back of a truck shooting anything that crosses the road is for me. Hell yes. I’m for sure with that. Of course, the man has shut me down on my desires again. The man has a rule against most everything I think is fun. When I’m king of the world it’s going to be a fun place. –The Ozark King MASSACHUSETTS MOTORCYCLISTS QUESTION INSURANCE DISCREPANCIES A motorcyclists’ group has hailed new support from the auto-insurers industry as a major step toward ensuring motorcycle owners get fair access to coverage options, reported the Boston Herald in their October 22 Business News section. The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association claims that insurance policies in the state have for years unfairly treated motorcyclists differently than car drivers, and sent advocates to participate in the insurance industry?s annual rate hearings to voice their concerns. On August 22, 2002, Betsy Lister and Paul Cote appeared and testified at the rate hearings, and distributed written submissions prepared by the MMA requesting that the Insurance Commissioner investigate “unfair, discriminatory, excessive pricing, and violations of public policy involving motorcycle coverages and rates.” Consequently, the auto insurers agreed recently with several key proposals that the motorcyclists’ group sought, though the final decision still rests with state Division of Insurance Commissioner Julie Bowler. –Bill Bish Read the whole AIM/NCOM Rights report in the Bikernet Rights department. And check with DJ (Dana) Coates for Bros Club insurance information. He’s the Bikernet Insurance Expert. We’re also working on an article with Dana on insurance coverage and registration laws from state to state with David Aldridge. Watch for it: DJ (Dana) Coates, BIKERNET DEEP THOUGHTS–….by Jack Handey.The next time you’re having a bad day, imagine this: You’re a Siamese twin. –from Dan NEW FEATURE SPEEDS ACCESSORIES SEARCH ON HARLEY-DAVIDSON.COM– Harley-Davidson has added a more convenient way to browse the 4,500 accessories cataloged on its consumer website, Beginning in October, the Genuine Motor Accessories section of the site will be organized by model and year, so users can view a catalog of accessories designed for each Harley-Davidson model from 1984 to present, making it much easier to look at items for a particular bike. For almost as long as Harley-Davidson has been building world-class motorcycles, it has been creating the finest collection of motorcycle parts and accessories for those bikes. However, the huge volume of items offered in the Genuine Motor Accessories and Genuine Motor Parts print and online catalogs can make it difficult to locate specific items. Now there are three convenient ways to navigate the Genuine Motor Accessories catalog on by specific vehicle year and model, by specific product names or part number, or by model family. Harley-Davidson’s online catalog is the key source for the most current information on new accessory introductions as well as updates on existing accessories. Accessories can be added to the user’s shopping cart or to their wish list, which can then either be printed or sent via e-mail to any Harley-Davidson dealership. DON’T FORGET TO ORDER A PERFORMANCE MACHINE CATALOG–Performance Maching is now apart of the Bikernet Crew. Check their site and order a catalog. THAT’S ALL FOLKS–Above is a shot of the shrunken FXR during precision measurment taking. Giggie from Compu-fire is working on the mid-controls and needed a specific measurment. There you have it. Bikernet advanced technology. I had been summoned to perform jury service as a good citizen no less than a dozen times. It’s not that I don’t want to carry out my duty, but deadlines always jump into lane leading to the courthouse. They finally snatched me and I was forced to show up or stand up in court to defend myself to avoid the fine. I was picked for a trial and fought the crowded corridors to reach the court room. Lots of waiting around until we were called into the drab paneled room with the insignia of the city of Long Beach perched heavily over the judge’s head. He gave us a sheet of paper containing questions he would ask that indicated, if you answered positively to each one, that you weren’t a human being, but a legal spounged. If squeezed you would cough up a verdict. The judge told us the charge, but is was unclear, as if he read the code number without description, so I asked again, “What’s this guy charged with?”Now the truth bolted forth, “Cocaine possession.” I gulped. I dislike most drug laws. I’ve watched numerous lives ruined due to ridiculous drug restrictions. The questioning began. Ultimately the judge reached me and I confessed to my dislike of strident drug statutes. Then the prosecutor opened up on me. I told her that sitting in the jury booth reminded me of memories from 25 years ago when friends’ lives were ruined over drugs. The judge cut me loose. Back to the waiting room. I think I propped open a door, because other jurers began to confess. One said in court that he smoked pot on the weekends. He was also asked to leave and probably followed to his car. Just being there made me nervous. I was finally cut loose in time to pick up my jet-hot coated pipes for Monday’s dyno test. Have a helluva weekend and stay out of court, will ya. –Bandit
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Your brother, attached at your shoulder, is gay.
You’re not.
He has a date coming over today.
But you only have one ass.
Feel better?