Okay, so Dr. Hamster calls and we set a date for the day after Thanksgiving to ride out. We started to call the other guys and two of the originals bowed out, two more riders checked in including Kenny Price, the owner of Samson Exhaust. Our original plan was to ride to Tombstone and visit the Kennedy’s, then we discover they’re spending the holiday in Vegas. Frank Kaisler was going to go, but needed to handle business in Phoenix. He bowed out, then Micah McCloskey checked in and called with rooms at a resort on Route 66 between Kingman and William off Hwy 40. Hell, don’t know which way to turn, let’s just hit it.
We’ve been working on the King all week. New heads, cams, exhaust, etc. I’ll try to post a shot, between road tests and tinkering. Damn, I’ve still got to pack. I better get to the news. The turkey is in the oven:

THE TURNSIGNAL SWAP– Here’s a pic. of the S.E. rear turn signals mounted on a light bar under the passing lamps. These are mounted on a Fatboy. This is the second one we have done this way. Wha’da think??
THE OZARK REPORT–Hey dude, hope you have the best thanksgiving of your life. Me and my girl are going to titty bar Mike’s house for dinner. I’m frying a turkey and Miss Kitty is making all the other stuff. It’s funny though, they are from the west coast and food is different there. They don’t really do traditional southern cooking. It’s all good though and I’m just happy to have a place to go to be with friends.
–Ozark Ed
Thanks Ed and thank you to all the brothers and sisters who contribute to bikernet. Have a helluva holiday. –Bandit
AIRPORT MANNERS–There was a Biker with long hair walking through the airportin Salt Lake City. As he was passing a much more conservativecouple. He overheard the asshole husband say, “I can’t tellif that’s a girl or a boy.” So the long-haired Biker went right up to himand said, “Why don’t you suck my dick and find out.”
THE PHOENIX REPORT– Have you heard anything about the bankruptcy of Bikers Dream of Scottsdale? I heard they had sold over 25 high end bikes on consignment and never paid the previous owners. After that they filed bankruptcy. I heard Scottsdale PD confiscated everything and were looking for the owner, OJ Vanegas. Just wondering what’s going to happen to all those guys who got screwed and are now unpaid creditors. Do they have to wait for the courts and get pennys on the dollar? And what about the new owners of the bikes who upheld their end of the contract by paying the asking price of the bikes. I was told that Scottsdale PD froze all titles,leins,etc. Wouldn’t that suck to spend 20K on a bike that you can’t plate. Just wondered if you had any new news on this.
–thanks, BamBam
Haven’t heard, but we’ll report as soon as we find out.

SPEED TRAP– A state trooper spied a car puttering along at 22 MPH. So he turned on his lights and pulled the driver over. Approaching the car, he noticed that five old guys were inside, and they looked wide-eyed and terribly pale.
The driver pleaded with him, “Officer, I don’t understand, I was doing exactly the speed limit! What seems to be the problem?”
“Sir,” the officer replies, “You weren’t speeding, but driving slower than the speed limit can also be dangerous.”
“I beg to differ, Officer, I was doing the speed limit exactly: twenty-two miles an hour!” the old man said.
The trooper, chuckling, explained to him that “22” was the route number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the man grinned and thanked the officer for pointing out his error.
“But before I let you go, Sir, I have to ask… Is everyone in this car ok? These guys seem awfully shaken.”
“Oh, they’ll be all right in a minute,” the old man said. “We just got off Route 119.”
–from Miss Kris
Happy Thanksgiving to you!–
‘Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn’t sleep.
I tried counting backwards; I tried counting sheep.
The leftovers beckoned — the dark meat and white,
But I fought the temptation with all of my might.
Tossing and turning with anticipation,
The thought of a snack became infatuation.
So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door,
And gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore.
I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes,
Pickles and carrots and beans and tomatoes.
I felt myself swelling, so plump and so round,
‘Til all of a sudden, I rose off the ground.
I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky
With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.
But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees….
Happy eating to all. Pass the cranberries, please.
May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes ‘n gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious, may your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs!
Season’s Greetings from Debra and Ladd
–from Nuttboy
What’s the height of conceit?– Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.
WHAT’S THE FUTURE HOLD–Just wondering,I don’t here too much about the E.P.A. crap that the government will be stuffing up our asses soon. From what I understand,the 2007(?) standards will be so strict that our beloved air cooled motors will be a thing of the past…Any truth to this?
If it is true…The obvious..it will put the “Motor Company” to death(face it..the V-Rod really isn’t that cool), and if that were to happen, it would put a serious hurt to the economy. H-D seems to be the only recession-proof thing out there. What should we do with our money we usually spend on our bikes…buy guns?
–Jeffery Kors
Well said. Actually the only thing that needs monitoring is the population growth. We’ll out live all the regs, goddamnit. Don’t sell your Panhead yet.

POST YOUR OWN BIKE FEATURE ON BIKERNET–It’s almost Turkey Day and I spend most every Thanksgiving with mybest bud since 9th grade, here in Atlanta. I did serious damage atPearl Paint today.I know some of you folks out there had some wild scooter adventuresthis past year. Let’s hear about you, the loyal Bikernet reader for achange-what happened to you.
Check out Reader’s Showcase and tell usabout the mayhem, the tears, and the beers, whether it was on theroad or in the garage. Stories about finding treasure in old barns,the bike you thought would never be finished and your budies allteased you about, the first ride on the new scooter, or themysterious person you met on the bike. The kind of wild tale you hearwhen you’re sitting at the bar on a cold, snowy night, only there arepictures.
You don’t have to be a great writer. You don’t even have tospell or punctuate perfectly. Just type it like you were telling thestory to a friend. Doesn’t have to be long or short. We’re easy.Truth is always stranger than fiction.

Here’s a bike that was recently fed into the Reader’s Showcase area by Wilburn roach. You’ve got to read this one.
BIKERNET FREE CONTEST, SUGGESTION BOX WINNER–I received a kick ass t-shirt yesterday in the mail, that I had won fromyour ass kicking site ( can not say how great this site is). Anyway, Thankyou from the bottom of my RED,WHITE,and BLUE heart!!!I will wear with pride and envy of my riding partners.
Again THANK YOU!!!
Keep up the great work
Keep the scoot full of gas, and haulin ass!
–Bill King

PERFORMANCE MACHING SOFTAIL PROJECT–this scoot began as a bone stock Softail. Check out the tech and what the talented crew of Performance Machine accomplished. Something to think about. The article is listed on the home page. Order a catalog from PM while you’re at it.

AMA THREATENED WITH EXPULSION BY FIM PRESIDENT– The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) announcedtoday that it has been threatened with expulsion from the F?d?rationInternationale de Motocyclisme (FIM), the world-wide motorcycle sanctioningbodybased in Geneva, Switzerland, by Francesco Zerbi, President of the FIM.
Zerbi’s threat to expel the AMA, which is the sole U.S. affiliate of theFIM,was contained in a November 20, 2002, letter to AMA President Robert Rasor.Theletter was Zerbi’s response to AMA Pro Racing’s objection to the FIM’seffortsto unilaterally impose its authority, rules and sanction on the 16-event2003AMA Supercross series.
The AMA and AMA Pro Racing have sanctioned Supercross since 1974. Under theterms of a contract with Clear Channel Motorsports, the primary promotingorganization for AMA Supercross, AMA Pro Racing has the exclusive rights tosanction and manage the series. Neither the AMA nor the FIM is party to thatcontract.
The FIM, however, notified AMA Pro Racing that it must conduct those eventsaccording to FIM rules and under the direction of an FIM official. AMA ProRacing’s objection to the FIM’s demands resulted in Zerbi’s expulsionthreat.
“The AMA has been a loyal, supportive member of the FIM for over 30 yearsandhas always placed the interests of motorcycle sport among our highestpriorities. We intend to continue in our role as the national federationrepresenting American motorcyclists to the FIM,” said AMA President Rasor.”Ifthe FIM management persists in this extreme and unjustified approach, we’llvigorously fight those efforts to expel the AMA from the FIM.”
“The AMA agrees with AMA Pro Racing’s position that the FIM lacks theauthorityto hijack AMA Supercross for its own interests,” said Rasor, “and we’llstandbehind AMA Pro Racing’s efforts to use all necessary means to protect AMASupercross, the world’s premier Supercross series, from unwarrantedinterference.”
–from TBear
Continued On Page 2