Continued From Page 1

MYSTERY MOTORCYCLE MENTIONED IN YOUR SHOTS–Here is shot of that Honda that I wrote about in ” Your Shot”.Snake said ” share with the gang” so, I guess I will. Have a good turkey day, ya turkey.
— jon-
THE VISITOR–A young man was visiting his brother and sister-in-law for Christmas dinner. As he arrived at their house he found his young nephew, Mikey, helping them bake some cupcakes.
After they were done, his sister-in-law allowed Mikey to put the icing on. When the boy had finished, he brought them to the table.
“The cupcakes look delicious, Mike.” his uncle said. He took a bite and said, “Mikey these are so good.”
As he finished cupcake and took another, he again complimented his little nephew. “The cupcakes look beautiful, Mikey,” his uncle said. “How did you get the icing so neat?”
His nephew replied, “It was easy. I just licked them.”
The uncle turned pale. He pointed to the plate of cupcakes. “You licked all of these?”
Mikey replied, “Well no. After a while my tongue got tired, and I got the dog to help.”
–from Miss Kris

I think it’s made by Nokia…..–Jose
LAW CHART UPDATE–A reader recently asked us to update our law chart regarding splitting lanes and lane sharing. We’ve fixed a couple by contacting our legislative connection, Bill Bish, from AIM. Here’s what he had to report on Lane Sharing (riding side by side).
“It’s called “lane sharing” and I know that it’s illegal in at least some states, but I have no idea which ones, or even how to find out without contacting every state DMV. I don’t believe the AMA has any stats on it either. I have a meeting tomorrow with Rob Razor at the AMA, so I’ll ask him. It must be rarely enforced, as I’ve never heard of anyone getting a ticket for it before.”
BIKERNET GARDEN OF EDEN REPORT–One day in the Garden of Eden, Eve calls out to God…”Lord, I have a problem.” “What’s the problem, Eve?”
“I know that you created me and provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, as well as that hilarious comedic snake, but I’m just not happy.”
“And why is that Eve?”
“Lord, I am lonely, and I’m sick to death of apples.”
–from Cindy of Century Motorcycles, San Pedro, CA

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–UNEDITED–Man, can you say Freaked out ! And no, not like the idiotic funk song, really , really fucking freaked out. Why, your always pondering minds may ask… Well, I just drove up to my place and what do I see, the gates to my street, (yeap, gated streets and neighborhoods are common in Puerto Rico) are chock full of fuckin’ Christmas lights…WOW ! I guess I drive up like a robot, or they put them on today, which made me realize one thing, and it won’t take any of you rocket scientists out there…Time is running out ‘ till the next year, to top it off I just found out that today is Thanksgiving, Holly shit ! (I mean found out before since this is not live news..) I’m still waiting for some parts for my new chopper, and if the don’t show up by Wed, then I’m going to be, really freaked…. I was planning on taking this holiday and build , mock up, weld and cut, whatever I had to…between slices of plump buttery turkey. Why I am so freaked out….Time, yes time, the mos! t precious commodity a human can have, screw gold, money sport cars and chicks…..Time is god. So lets put it in lay mans terms, five bikes, three months…Good luck to me….and the crew… Screw this !…let’s get to the…no, not yet !
So it’s Thanksgiving and you guys thought I was going straight to the news without my sermon…No way ! So here we go…Who cares about the pilgrims with their funny ass clothing, dumb hats and the religious persecution, same as the indians (or native Americans to be politically correct, aren’t we always ?) With their pumpkin, corn and all the other stuff that was supposed to be shared…. That’s the picture that has been painted by dreamers and poets, that’s the reasoning behind another hoax… but wait, there’s more… This day in reality is as good day as any to give thanks for what we have and who we are, to realize our lucky breaks, and think of all the stuff we give for granted, maybe as stupid as breathing , as major as breathing heavily…I for one, and yeah it might sound soft…give thanks every single day for the stuff I have, do, etc… So I don’t need no stinkin’ Thanksgiving…But for those who forget how lucky we really are as human beings, today is a must give thanks day….if not it’s just another Thursday, but with turkey being served for dinner instead of the usual cra! ppy fast food…So at least say thank you for that !!! Ok ?Happy Thanksgiving day to all my readers….Share it wisely…And now to the news……
I was floored when I heard the news that Lou (from STD) passed away… He was my friend and one of the great people of this industry, he was great help always, and was there for everyone even when his health wasn’t rockin’. I will never understand why the good guys pass away while the scumbags are alive , I guess when people say hell is here on earth, they might be right. I want to take this little space to say…Thanks Lou….I’m sure you are in a much better place now.
The Caribbean rally gossip is already reaching the secluded walls of my shop…..I’ll keep this positive…so, around 150 motorcycles showed up for the three day ride, mostly up in the mountains of our Central range. The parties went on in the Southern town of Ponce, there’s good things being said, as well as some criticisms… Being this the 4th Caribbean rally, we hope that for the next one they will accept the help from people that know a bit more than they do, and make it even a better one…But anyway, what the hell, people here like to ride so much they would go to a retired leper clown seeking for sex changes event….. BTW, they told me the chaps and leather jackets with the “company” logos looked really spiffy…But what the fuck ! it was 85 degrees…..Let’s see…Auto sauna..yeap that seems like a good word….

Jose’s interview of one of the Discovery girls is coming right up.
The Chopper is on it’s way…. Only if I got the damn parts that are still in the US !!!!!!! Before the Christmas shipping chaos begins…I hope that by next week the Chopper will be rolling…rather push that sucker than ride a Road Kill !!!!
On the same line and if you own or manufacture stuff….I’m going to expose here, and I really don’t care who…If I call for my stuff…(and I will ) and you were rude, our readers will find out, if you are effective, our readers will find out also…..And I will say it like it is….(see I’m freaking out !!) So if Jose, from Caribbean Custom calls….be nice…or get bashed…you decide.And to prove I’m not bullshitting…….Forking by Franks….really nice people, deal with them ! Black bike wheels….highly recommended… Accutronix…bent over backwards……..all A pluses this week..let’s see what happens next one.
The new Chopper Freak ™ design is already out on the web site, check ’em out and buy now before the post office starts sending shit to Frankfurt !! Also see some very rare photos of me and my nemesis the Road Kill…..( No you won’t be able to see the .45 that Bandit was aiming at my head) I have more stuff but the small red and green lights are still freaking the shit out of me…..and since I took a couple minutes to get my greasy paws in the key board…time to head back to the dungeon, seems that by the time I come out and say daylight it will be 2003 already…Actually, I should give thanks….Dawns in Puerto Rico are quite spectacular….and it’s still 75 degrees…. Jose in Daytona trying to grap that girl’s attention.See ya next week….Have a Happy Thanksgiving…. BUELL LIGHTNING XB9S RECOGNIZED BYCHICAGO MUSEUM OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN–Milwaukee, WI (Nov. 25, 2002) – The Buell Lightning XB9S has been selected as a recipient of the 2002 Good Design Award presented annually by the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. The award acknowledges the best and finest new design innovation for products and graphics. Two distinguished juries comprised of authorities in the design world based their decisions on aesthetic criteria measures such as: innovation, form, materials, concept, and function to select award winners. “I was pleased to see that the Museum of Architecture and Design recognized Buell?s ability to merge stunning good looks with technical innovation,? said Mike Samarzja, Manager of Industrial Design for Buell Motorcycle Company. ?The Lightning XB9S combines sensuousness and raw brutality in its visual appeal.” The Buell Lightning XB9S will be on display for the Chicago Athenaeum?s Good Design Show Exhibition in Chicago, Ill., from April 1 to May 17, 2003. The list of award winners will be posted on The Chicago Athenaeum web on January 1, 2003. Ride a Buell, when you get a chance. The factory introduced a program wherein all the district managers rode Buells and all the other competing sport bikes. They discovered that most had never ridden a Buell. They didn’t know what they were missing. RARE SPORTSTER RIGID SOON TO BE FEATURED– Here is a pic. The website has flash on the front page for entry or a link to get in at the bottom of the screen if you don’t have flash enabled on your pc. It should be working ok. –Andy WHAT WAS PLAN B??? An Illinois man, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a motoristand forced him to drive to two different automated tellermachines, wherein the kidnapper proceeded to withdraw money from his ownbankaccounts. –from Rogue Wind ’em UP–That’s all I’ve got and Layla and the girls are calling, the turkey is about to be yanked from the oven and spilled on a table across town. A couple of us riders needed to roll with the flow and the good doctor and I did just that, although a jealous streak was emerging at the headquarters and I had to field heat from the one with the nice ass. She was sure a woman was involved. The only woman I know in Prescott is Dawn Holmes. I wonder it she’ll be home. The Arizona Run is still on to a resort owned by a riding character who wants to support the Beach Ride and the charity for the Exceptional Childrens Foundation. He would like us to consider an event in his area so since Micah and I are on the committee this is a good opportunity to check out his digs and meet with him. Somehow the ride is set. We’ll meet for breakfast at the truck stop at highway 10 and 15 at O’dark thirty, then roll into the desert. If only I can sneak out of the headquarters alive. Happy Thanksgiving. –Bandit
–Jose Caribbean Bikernet report.