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Here’s the master and his Pan/Shovel of many years.
DAVID MANN STILL LIVES–I was thinkin’ about David Mann the other day and hit his site for a few minutes ( . As I was roamin’ through the gallery, I spotted one of his pieces that had been used to illustrate a story I wrote years ago called “Daytona Run”. The story was published in Iron Horse or Easyriders in the early ’80’s when I sold a few stories under the name “Cool Bob” .
Anyway, Mann’s piece showed a couple of scoots loaded in the back of a pickup facing out into a snowstorm. In the distance through the snow, you could see the palm trees and the ocean of Daytona. The point of the story was that, snow and cold be damned, you should ride your motorcycle to Bike Week. This illustration was used with my story when it ran in the magazine.
I’ve long since lost my copy of the rag but I was reminded of how David Mann can “paint” stories far better than I could ever write ’em. Twenty years later, my story is remembered only by me, but David Mann’s painting is still speaking to thousands of people. It kinda humbles ya. I was honored back then, to have my writing associated with his artwork, and I still am. I know in my heart that a lot of folks read that story only because of Mann’s artwork.
I heard his bike was for sale on Ebay and got to thinking. Through out all the troubles and tribulations of my life, I’ve always been lucky enough to be able to hold onto my scoot. He shouldn’t have to sell his. For everything he’s given to the lifestyle, I feel like I owe him somethin’. So I got to thinkin’…when I first submitted “Neighborhood Watch” we discussed the possibility of a few bucks flying my way for the fiction you use. My idea is… whatever you send for “Neighborhood Watch”, I’ll turn around and ship out a check to David Mann for that amount as my way of saying thanks for everything he’s given me and the life over the years.
He’s earned it and shouldn’t have to sell his bike. So, if the deal still holds, ship me the dough and an address where I can forward it to David Mann. If we all kick in a little by way of payback for what he’d given us over the years… he might not need to sell that bike. I mean…it ain’t charity…it’s brotherhood.
Ride forever, write forever.
I spoke to David Mann and his lovely wife Jacquie this morning. Yes, Dave, at 63, has had heart problems, COPD and terrible arthritis in his painter’s hands. Easyriders cut off his insurance benefits when he moved to Missouri. His bike is for sale on E-Bay for about $25,000 (2440943445). Or if you would like to send a donation to help the biker artist with his doctor bills, his address is: David Mann, 9510 Parkwood Road, Kansas City, MO 64137. Or you can drop him a note to I’m sure anything will be highly appreciated.–Bandit

THREE GENERATIONS AND FIRST, THEN AND NEXT ! PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE MY EFFORTS AND CHALLENGE ! ANY SUGGESTIONS OR IDEA’S WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED FOR HISTORY IN THE WIND … AGAIN!–STEED MONOGLIDE 200/300 Performance Motorcycle Platform is unleashed.With over 7 years of on-the-road performance history, the Steed Monoglide chassis is a proven motorcycle platform that combines engineering and esthetics into pure form and function. The Monoglide chassis that Steeds has developed for use in their limited production Steed Musclebike motorcycles has undergone a transformation this year to accept larger fitment tires. The Steed 200/300 platform is also available as a complete kit for builders.
The Steed Monoglide 200/300 frame kit accepts the biggest performance rear motorcycle tire that the industry leader, Avon Tyres, just introduced into production. New styling cues have also been introduced with the use of 1-1/2-inch tubing and a 2-inch arched front down-tube with a unique front cradle design. The Monoglide is compatible with all big twin motors, including the H-D Twin-Cam 88a motor with a dyna-style tranny. The Steed Monoglide big rear tire frame kit includes the proprietary three-way adjustable Monoshock with a chrome coil spring.
Steed’s criterion for the groundbreaking Monoglide chassis design in 1996 was inspired by a desire to improve on the performance of the status quo. By placing the shock absorber readily accessible under the seat, adjustments in compression, rebound, and dampening allow the suspension to be easily tuned to any riding condition. The seat height is low, while the drivetrain is at a relatively stock height, which allows for substantially better cornering without dragging the pipes or kickstand in the corners. The battery is located away from the boiling oil-tank for extended life. In fact a remote oil-tank is not needed since the motor-oil reservoir is integral in the dyna-style transmission.

Performance was the main feature that was driving the new updated Monoglide.This chassis is still one of the few big tire machines that you can ride at 80 mph, take your hands off the bars, and find yourself going straight down the road. This trait alone offers less rider fatigue that directly adds up to more comfort and a superior ride. The design philosophy at Steeds, a belief that motorcycles are meant to be ridden, combined with new styling features, is a combination that is sure to raise the bar in performance big-tire American machines.
The Monoglide kits can be custom ordered directly from Steed Musclebike motorcycles, with any rake, or stretch. Call them toll free at 877 4-STEEDS to order, or visit the updated Steed site for more information.

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