Continued From Page 2
BIKERNET FARMING DEPARTMENT–For all those men who believe that there’s no reason to buy the cow when you can get the milk free…Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why?
They’ve realized that for a little sausage, it’s not worth buying the entire pig!
–from A. Friedman

HALLOWEEN BENIFIT PARTY FOR DEL BLAKE– Captains House & Goode Park ? Palm Bay Florida. Del suffered a heart attack and his hospital bills and monthly expenses are very high. His motorcycle friends and others in the community decided to have a party to raise some money to help him out.
The party was held the day after Halloween so that was close enough to add that as part of the theme. These types of events start off as family affairs, though have been know to get more adult as it gets dark and the kids go home.

It was a good turn out. Plenty of Food by Pork Boys BBQ and Chef Steve, Of course kegs of Beer, plenty of soda and cold water. Kid?s games and contests, tattoo contest, bike bash, bike games, well you get the idea, plenty to keep you entertained.
There were drawings through out the day for items that were donated by local businesses, Custom Chrome and even an Autographed copy of Bandit?s Orwell Book.
Local bands played through out the day and every one had a good time. Some of us more than others. I had my share to drink and left before it was over. At least I shot pictures before I got drunk, and most of them are clear.
I would like to thank all the people that worked to make this a success. It just goes to show you, you can have a good time and help some one while doing it.

BIKERNET SPORTING DEPARTMENT– An old married couple no sooner hits the pillows when the old man passes gas and says, “Seven Points.”
His wife rolls over and says, “What in the world was that?”
The old man replied, “It’s fart football.”
A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says “Touchdown, tie score.”
After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says, “Aha, I’m ahead 14 to 7.”
Not to be outdone the wife rips out another one and says, “Touchdown, tie score.” Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says, “Field Goal, I lead 17 to 14.”
Now the pressure is on the old man. He refuses to get beat by a woman, so he strains real hard. Since defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he’s got, and accidentally craps in the bed.
The wife says “What the hell was that?” The old man says, “Half time, switch sides.”

Jose’s next X.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN BY WAY OF CALIFORNIA REPORT– As you all might know, I?m hanging out at the Bikernet headquarters in California, yes, this is a first, my news is coming directly from the main place, so here we go.
Bandit and I spent the whole day driving around So Cal. We visited our friends at Diamond Chassis and Erwin, the owner, gave us the tour and showed us the frame building biz. It?s pretty interesting how everything is done and what it takes to put those suckers together. After a super overload on Sushi, we got to sit down and talk over some design stuff that was in my head and now is on the ?making? stage. I had the chance to sit down with Travis, the designer, and sort of explain what I wanted, so I will let you guys in it, but not now.

Erwin (right) Diamond Frame owner, and the man who designs and get’s projects completed, Travis.
I had the pleasure of cruising the Freeways, I really don?t know why the fuck they call them that, since there?s always heavy traffic, no matter where you go or are heading. A couple of near misses for motorcycles as well. Some drivers really have their head up their asses. One biker got cut off from the carpool lane the other on an u-turn by a cell talking woman. This one clipped the guy on the rear tire, and did not even notice. Fortunately, none of them went down, but I really don?t know what?s up with cage drivers; they really don?t pay attention.

As you know, everyone is loading the big guns for the upcoming Love Ride. There are a lot of bikes being finished as I write this for the event Sunday. There?s even something going on with Von Dutch stuff, but I guess I will save that for later as well.
After Diamond, I made the old man (Yes, I mean Bandit) take me to Chica?s place. Man, I always like heading over there, he has so many cool projects going on, so many wicked and trick things, you have no idea unless you go there. He had this really sweet Knuckle, and was working on a few other bikes. I did not take any photos, but promised to go back and do so. I?m also waiting on Nui from Grumpy?s in Hawaii and Wicho to head over there once more.

Old Bandit and his young son, Jose.
It?s really good to go to all these places, I end up with a lot of enthusiasm to go back and work on my stuff, more so when you get to hang out with such creative people. I mean like right know, I?m typing this and I am within reach of Bandit?s bikes, I guess I?ll have to wait ?till he falls asleep and steal one of them. I have my eyes on that 28? Shovel Everyone is heading towards the WCC party this Saturday. We need to go and find Jay, foam sucker extraordinaire and see what?s he?s up to. I guess I will have a bunch of stuff to write about once this week is over, so I don?t want to burn it all here and now, and photos, yeap, lots of photos See ya next week. Jose Caribbean @ California Bikernet report. Continued On Page 4