Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Daytona Beach ~ watching the world go by.
Ride Hard,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN SURFING REPORT–Well, I missed last week, I know, it’s just that I totally forget the day it is. Yep, that’s the way it is, might be age or 100 things in my mind at the same time, I just simply forget.We are working on the Rincon event dates are still December 1, 2 and 3, this year we are lowering intensity, but it will be fun, as much or more than before, there’s way too much going around to be worrying about more.
Still working on some of the bikes, still waiting on metal from the painters, getting other bikes ready for sale. Yes, I am going to sell some of my bikes, so I have to get them ready for any customers. I’m starting with a Bourget’s, the car tire bike, which only two actually exist. This is a prize toy for those who have it all, but not this.Then I’ll sell my Bourget’s Chopper and on and on… there’s a lot of bikes to get ready. Once I get the valor my Harley collection will start to diminish. Oh well, I can only have so many toys around….
On any front, well, things are still the same, shop doing so-so, builds doing great.. Winter swells are starting to roll by, but right now, sadly, there’s no time to surf.Man I tell you, I tried to take it easy this year, but never expected that taking it easy would be so much work…. and I am not even traveling….
Is it me, or does it seem like the industry has slowed down, or simply, since I am out of the picture, news takes time to cross the pond. I guess the over-saturation of shops, builders and such is taking its toll… I understand, it’s too much for anyone.
When I grow up I want to be like Sugar Bear, hiding somewhere in California, building one by one, little by little, living and enjoying the whole thing after so many years.Or like old man Bandit, legs atop his Panhead desk, sipping Tea spiked with jack, enjoying the reaps of a life…
Thanksgiving is coming in fast…. And I will probably forget… (imagine if I did smoke pot..Damn…. that would be bad….) But you know, every single fucking day that we are able to open our eyes once more, it’s a great day…Everytime your kid calls you, your woman kisses you…. or you breath, It’s a day to give thanks.
Gotta go
By the way…
What fucking day is it ????

Slowdown? Bah-humbug. There’s nothing slow about what we’re doing. Sure, winter months approaching, War in Iraq taints the water, high gas prices and EPA regs are flies in the ointment, but that’s all. In 1976 we sold 1.25 million motorcycles in the U.S. We dipped to 400,000 in the ’80s and now were just back to the million-bike mark. So hang on for next year. There’s more events, more motorcycles, more models, more custom components, more performance and more girls to chase. Hang on.–Bandit

INNER CIRCLE TELEVISION COMING TO BIKERNET– I talked with Charlie Brechtel yesterday and he let me know that he will be featuring the songs about You and Me on his show this weekend along with some photos. You can catch it from Saturday on at
Did you ever get a chance to work on putting his Iron Buffalo Album up on the site for sale?
I will be covering the thing at the Space Coast Harley this weekend and will have something on it for you next week.
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
Thanks for the report. I spoke to Charlie about bringing his show to Bikernet. His Blues CD will be on the site within a week.–Bandit

CALIFORNIA BIKES SUE THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL– The basis for this suit was discussed at the recent MRF Meeting of theMinds in Lebanon, Indiana. Richard Quigley’s victories in Californiacourts have been well documented. His choice of headgear is a BOLT cap,with the letters DOT embroidered on the back. He recently had ninehelmet tickets dismissed in a well publicized court battle where the DAand the CHP could not prove his cap was not a helmet and met thestandards set down in FMVSS 218.
Some at the Meeting of the Minds stated that “last time we looked,California still had a helmet law.” Well, that’s probably attributed totwo factors. One: most bikers are still putting helmets on instead ofcasting them aside. Two: the CHP is ignoring the rulings that came downsaying the law was unconstitutionally vague. Finally, ABATE ofCalifornia is coming forward by means of a Judicial Committee headed byMike Osborne, and has raised some money to help finance the legal costsof filing a new complaint for injunctive and declaratory relief.
Wellknown and respected attorney Wendy Cole Lascher, of Lascher & Lascher,has been retained to argue the case. Below is the press release thatwent out on November 8, 2006. Hopefully, ABATE of California will beable to assist Quigley and co-plaintiffs, Steve Bianco, Don Blanscet,Steve Barron and Patrick Holmes in attaining the injunction against theCHP, Commissioner Mike Brown and Christina Manriquez, CHP Commander inSanta Cruz County.
Today a small but determined band ofCalifornia bikers filed a lawsuit to stop the enforcement ofCalifornia’s 14 year old motorcycle helmet law for adults. Leading thecharge is nationally known Appellate Lawyer Wendy Lascher who will beprosecuting the action against the California Highway Patrol. Supportingthe effort are many individual motorcyclists and ABATE of California, astatewide motorcyclist’s rights organization.
The petition asks the court to issue an injunction against theenforcement of the helmet law. The suit stems from an earlier decisionby Santa Cruz County Judge Michael Barton finding the lawunconstitutional as applied. Over the past almost decade and a halfCalifornia’s helmet law has seen conflicting decisions by almost everytrial court where motorcyclists have appeared. Most of these citationshave been given to bikers who were wearing helmets. There have beenconvictions of bikers for violations as bizarre as a citing officerfinding the labeling letters on a helmet a 1/16 of an inch too small.
Over the years the helmet law has been the recipient of two separateState Appellate Court decisions and one Federal Court decision by the9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Even with the weight of these manydecisions behind them the bikers contend that the California HighwayPatrol and its allied agencies are still misapplying the law. LastAugust Judge Barton agreed and, at the end of a struggle as old as thehelmet law itself, found Aptos activist Richard Quigley not guilty andfound the helmet law unconstitutional as applied by the CHP and otherpolice agencies involved.
For information contact Wendy Lascher (805) 648-3228

THE DEFINITION OF “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS”– A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous left stream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
–from Rev CarlR

THE TECH QUESTION OF THE WEEK FROM AUSTRALIA–I’m aiming to build a working Fenrir motorcycle, but I need conformationregarding the front end. Basically, I need to know if the original front end(as per the plans) is possible and mathematically “safe.” Can it be done?
–Simon Falcone

BIKERNET STUDIES WHY REDNECKS CAN’T BE PARAMEDICS–A couple of rednecks are out in the woods hunting when one of them suddenly grabs his chest and falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his head.
The other redneck whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He gasps to the operator, “I think Bubba is dead! What should do?”
The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, “Just take it easy and follow my instructions. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”
There is a silence……….then a shot is heard.
The redneck’s voice comes back on the line, “Okay, now what?”
–from Chris T.
CONSPICUITY? INC.– Conspicuity Incorporated, the popular motorcycle vest company that has been serving motorcyclists for 28 years is on the move! The company was purchased on November 1, 2006 by Safety Or Survival, LLC – an affiliate of Accident Scene Management, Inc.
The move is occasioned by the retirement of President Rebecca Hunter, who has been with the company since 1991. The new CEO, Vicki Sanfelipo, has been active in motorcycle safety training since 1996, and has been using and selling Conspicuity? products since 1999. Since 1978, CONSPICUITY? has been manufacturing reflective vests and stick-on products designed especially for motorcyclists. The company’s founder, Marjie Jennings, a regional coordinator of the Illinois Motorcycle Safety Program, realized that to survive traveling by motorcycle on Chicago area freeways from one training site to another, both she and her bike needed to be more visible to motorists. A vest, she thought, would be perfect, since she could wear it over summer gear, winter gear, or rain gear.
Therefore, she obtained one of the standard issue orange and yellow vests worn by highway workers. The vest provided enhanced visibility, but was ill-fitting, poorly constructed, and did not withstand high speed travel. Out of her need, the first Conspicuity? vest was born. She designed it with tailor fitted shoulders, a heavy duty zipper, sturdy nylon adjusting straps, and made it of the most durable materials available.
Because she had a deep desire to see motorcyclists, pedestrians, joggers, bicyclists, snowmobilers and skaters everywhere protecting themselves by increased visibility, Jennings founded a company, Conspicuity?, to produce these vests. The word “conspicuity” means “the state of being highly visible”. Feedback from other riders indicated that people wanted vests to match their bikes or riding gear. Therefore, Conspicuity? began making vests in a rainbow of reflective and fluorescent colors. Soon afterwards, bright stick-on products focused on helmets, vehicles and luggage were added to the product line.
For further information call 877 411-8551 or write to orCONSPICUITY Inc, 400 Travis Lane Suite 30, Waukesha WI 53189.

UNION LEADERS REPORT AN AGREEMENT WITH FACTORY–WITI-TV, MILWAUKEE — Harley-Davidson Inc. and leaders of its major Milwaukee-area union have reached an agreement aimed at inducing the motorcycle manufacturer to undertake a $120 million expansion in the area, according to union officials.
Jim Wheiland, president of Local 2-209 of the United Steelworkers, said Monday the new proposal includes a two-tier wage system for newly hired employees, but with smaller gaps than in an agreement rejected last month by local members.
The new agreement, which is to be voted on next week, protects existing part-time employees who are members of the union by putting them at the higher wage structure if they are hired full time, he said.
Wheiland said cuts in pension plans, health insurance and cost of living adjustments remain, but the new agreement contains explicit language saying the company will stop studying expanding elsewhere if the union agrees to the cuts.
“Our primary goal all along has been to convince the company to invest in Milwaukee and expand its production here, rather than build in another state. The revised proposal represents an increased investment by the company in Milwaukee and answers a lot of our members’ concerns about the previous offer,” he said.
Harley spokesman Bob Klein said it would be inappropriate for the company to comment on the new agreement until details were distributed to union members later this week.
The state has also increased its offer of aid to help the expansion, said Mary Burke, secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Commerce.
The new agreement, if ratified at a meeting next Tuesday, would result in “more than 100 new jobs” being created within its jurisdiction, according to a news release from Dickey’s office.
–from Rogue
READER COMMENTS ON E-MAN EFI BREAKDOWN SAGA– I Had a similar problem with my FLHTCUI (’01), but mine was the convoluted tube from the pump assy down to the tank exit. The tube rubbed on the inside of the tank somewhere and over time wore two pinholes through the plastic. It had the same symptoms that E-man describes. Your tech guys may want to do a follow-up on this kind of pain-in-the-butt problem. Can take hours to find and cost a fortune in “well it might bes!!
Trevor Quentin
Champion Technologies
713 423 7908 direct

DISCOVERY CHANNEL BIKER BUILD-OFFS NO MORE, NOW THE LEARNING CHANNEL BIKER BUILD-OFFS–Goldammer vs Hotch was the last of the new shows. Next six begin airing Feb 12th on TLC. I’m in Monument Valley. Sending Trevelen and Paul Cox on their way to Mexico. Yesterday sent Jason Hart and Gard from Moab to Las Vegas. And two days ago awarded trophy to Chica in Galveston at the huge Loan Star Rally.
Chica built a modern version of the Easyriders bike. So cool! I think he may have started a trend.
–Hugh King
Chopper King
Magnanimous Producer

BIKERNET STAFFER BUILDING HIS BROTHER, WHO IS IN IRAQ, A BOBBER–Johnny White ran a note in the news a couple of months ago about his brother in Iraq and how he was going to build him a bike for his return. Immediately Bikernet Readers came to his aid. Kim Hottinger, and Kraft Tech have stepped up.

He recently bought a brand new engine from Harley-Davidson of West Virginia, for $2650. It’s Johnny’s first bike build and we will cover every aspect on Bikernet, including the rare times when Johnny gets something right.
If you want to step up and help. Drop Johnny a note to:

BIKER FILM SOLD TO THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL–I am writing to you about a documentary film I made. Discovery channel bought the India rights, and I am releasing the DVD of the film in a week’s time.
About the film:”Riding Solo To The Top Of The World ” is a motorcycle journey toChangthang Plateau, one of the remotest places in the world situatedon the India China Border. Its uniqueness is that it’s a one-man unit filmwithout the support of a back up vehicle or a film crew.
The film received two awards at Mumbai International Film Festival.Golden Conch for Best Documentary and also the Critics Award.
It was also adjudged Best Documentary Biography Section at SIGNS FilmFestival, Kerala.
The film opened the “Spotlight on India” film series at CalgaryFilm festival in Canada.
The film was nominated for best international documentary at the Indo American Arts Council Film Festival in New York.
An 8-minute trailer of the film can be viewed at the link below.
The DVD of the film will be ready in a few days. Watching the online trailer on the link above will give you a fair idea about the film.
–Gaurav Jani

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