Hey,We’re going to jump right into the news. We’re packing for the Smoke Out West Run to Cottonwood, loading our weapons and sharpening our knives. I had lost my favorite knife, a 3-inch pocket Beratta, made in Japan. Sin Wu found it this morning, after two months, under the seat of the truck. It’s light and easy to carry in your pocket.

Believe me, I have a bunch of knives, but I missed this one. The Alaskan trip is heating up and Berry Wardlaw and Duffy are researching the trails. We’re trying to swing around Canada because, to be apart of this run clan, you must be a prior felon, and they’re not allowed in Canada. Actually, there are too many restrictions regarding Canada, so we’ll steer clear. Let’s hit the news. A short Hispanic lady with substantial cleavage is making me Salmon Tacos and I can’t let ’em get cold:

BIKERNET SHARPEST SOFTAIL CONTEST SPONSORED BY D&D–Vote for the sharpest v-twin Softail from the Bikernet Community. Simply vote for the one that you like the best. The motorcycle that gets the most votes receives a new set of Fat Cat pipes from D&D Performance Enterprises.
D&D Fat Cat Pipes are dyno tuned and depending upon your application can increase HP as much as 10 additional ponys. If you have modified your engine the Boarzilla pipes are made for you. They are larger in diameter really pump out the performance.Vote now!
STOLEN MOTORCYCLE DISCOVERED–The 1972 Honda CB450 – Father-Son Project – that was stolen in Denver….has been recovered, and is now SAFE AT HOME.Thanks to EVERYONE…across the NATION and around the WORLD…for helping to get the word out. This internet thing’s pretty cool.
It’s terrific to see we can all come together to help find a bike of such special significance.The America I grew up in – still exists.
Thanks, everybody!
THE OFFICIAL WORD…..Evidently whoever tried to take the bike only got a block away. He found it this morning in an alley, kick-stand up, just sitting there. Needless to say he was very relieved and will now take some precautions to secure it. Thanks to all of you for your response. My husband and I ride and once again this cements the thought that bikers are the cream of the crop. Thanks again!

BRASS BALLS BOBBERS BIRTHDAY BASH IN STURGIS– Dar Holdsworth, Capo at Brass Balls Bobbers, made a birthday wish come true by building a copy of the company’s flagship Tattoo Bobber for a 40th birthday present. Check it out at Bikernet TV. If you want one for yourself the original Tattoo Bobber will be auction off next week on eBay. Check brassballsbobbers.com for details.
W8LESS ROTORS FOR SONNY BARGER–The second set of rotor is for the Founder of the Hell’s Angels, Sonny Barger. Sonny will be 69 this week, and Ray and the Angels of Oakland, CA are giving a set of rotors to him as he is the most influential member still living, has written 4 books, been in several movies. The angels are going to sell the rotors in all of their Harley shops worldwide (of course only in the US for now). His birthday will be a big event and will give us a lot of publicity among a large group of riders.
He has a 2001 Road King. The rotors should have standard machined blades, black carriers, and polished buttons. Please include 30 gold buttons and clips to match in case he’d rather have gold buttons. Ray has introduced me to a couple of influential members and they love Ray (he is not a member, but has known them for years).
Thanks so much in advance for preparing rotors for this weekend for our show in Myrtle Beach. If you could send me 50, I would sell them all. But the specifications for the 9 Bob gave you today will do. Another 3 would be great for a total of 12 if possible. I was thinking plain blades, orange carriers and black buttons (Harley-Davidson colors), for a total of 12 would be great.
The Atlantic City show had maybe 300 hundred people attend for both Sat and Sun. Regarding the Suzuki rotors, Chris Onwiler will get a 600cc GXR and test them. He will run his report on his web magazine, which is big among the Track Day guys. We will talk about this later.
Another important dealer I set up yesterday was the owner of the Harley Shop in Atlantic City. He is a famous drag racer and former president of the EDRA (eastern drag racing association). His dealership was just across the street from our motel. He held the Sportster rotor and the polished rotor in his hand for 20 minutes and didn’t want to let them go. He said he would be meeting with Mike Murphy’s boss at Harley this week at the dealer meeting in California. (Mike is the head of brakes and suspensions at Harley in Milwaukee.) He will be ordering rotors for his bike, his son’s bike and his top guy’s bike. The idea of a light, quiet, non-warping rotor is just what the doctor ordered for Harleys.

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK, MAINSHAFT BEARING RACE TOOL–Use to remove and install the bearing inner race on the transmissionmainshaft.No.34902-84 – Use on Big Twin Late 1984- present. Use on Twin Cam.

–JT Lepien

MATTHEWS BIKE BEING AUCTIONED BY KNOCKOUT MOTORCYCLES–This Knockout Motorcycle built by Ralph Randolph for Matthew McConahey is being auctioned to support the University of Texas programs.The UT auction moved onto Ebay motors:

Greulach Film & Television Corp.
420 Montana Avenue
Santa Monica, CA USA

DELUXE LUGGAGE RACKS BY KHROME WERKS FROM CUSTOM CHROME– New for 2006 and 2007 models. 7″-wide for more carrying capacity. Formed from 1/2″-diameter tubing and includes four tie-down loops to help you secure items to rack. Features new, heavy front and rear mounts. Easy installation, mounts to rear seat bolt and factory license plate bracket. Made in the USA. Distributed by Custom Chrome; view our online catalog at www.customchrome.com

RENEGADE BIKER MAGAZINE ON A GROWTH PATTERN–Hey Bandit! Just checking in, did you get the last two issues I sent you. The forth issue is out now and I’m working on #5 and I hope to make some money on this one. I think I have a little buzz going about the mag, everyone loves it! I have increased the circulation to 25,000 per issue and I’m up to 56 pages. Anyway hope all is well with you! As always the next time you’re in Daytona give me a call.
Renegade Biker Magazine

DOHERTY BILLET BAG LATCHES–Doherty Machine has just released a very cool collection of billet bag latches that are sure to provide any machine with factory H-D bags a clean, hi-tech face lift. The Doherty BILLET BAG LATCHES are CNC machined from solid blocks of billet aluminum.
A straight forward bolt-on install, each latch features hidden mounting screws for a slick clean look and are finished in flawless and durable show quality chrome.
Available in a variety of contemporary milled surface patterns the latches retail for just $173.95 per pair. You can get your hands on a set by calling Doherty direct at 800-956-9409.
Better yet, catch the complete Doherty line of unique, Power Pac intake systems, custom spacer kits, oil filters and more at www.DohertyMachine.com

THE BIKERNET TEXAS RANCH–A Texas rancher got in his pickup and drove to a neighboring ranch andknocked at the door. A young boy, about 9(red), opened the door.
“Is yer Dad home? ” the rancher asked.
“No sir, he ain’t,” the boy replied. “He went into town.”
“Well,” said the rancher, “is yer Mom here?”
“No, sir, she ain’t here neither. She went into town with Dad.”
“How about your brother, Bobo? Is he here?”
“He went with Mom and Dad.”
The rancher stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to theother and mumbling to himself.
“Is there anything I can do fer ya?” the boy asked politely. “I knowswhere all the tools are, if you want to borry one. Or maybe I could takea message fer Dad.”
“Well,” said the rancher uncomfortably, “I really wanted to talk to yerDad. It’s about your brother Bobo getting my daughter, April, pregnant.”
The boy considered it for a long time….then… “You would have to talkto Pa about that” he finally conceded. “If it helps you any, I know thatPa charges $50 for the bull and $25 for the hog, but, I really don’t knowhow much he gets fer Bo.”
–from Rik Savenko

BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO / 10-4-07EARLY MODEL BRUTE II EXTREME BELT DRIVES–Now available from Rivera Primo are early-model 1-1/2″ wide belt drives featuring the ultra severe-duty 11mm Kevlar polychain belt. Belt drive kits are designed for enclosed primary fitment, either within aluminum inner primaries or within tin(stamped steel) primary covers.
For the later aluminum primary models(1965-1984) two kits are now offered, one for kickstartapplications only, while the other is equipped with a starter ring gear for electric start models.Both models feature 34-tooth front & 49-tooth rear pulley combinations.
The earlier tin primary models(1936-1964) feature 33-tooth front & 49-tooth rear pulleys and aresold for either early tapered shaft(1936-1954) or splined shaft(1955-1964) applications.
Installation is simple following Rivera Primo’s instruction booklet.
2015-0002 Fits 1937-1954 4-Speeds w/Tin Primary & OEM-Style Dry Clutch $ 638.33 Kickstart Models / 33-Tooth Front & 49-Tooth Rear Pulleys
2015-0003 Fits 1955-1964 4-Speeds w/Tin Primary & OEM-Style Dry Clutch $ 572.78 Kickstart Models / 33-Tooth Front & 49-Tooth Rear Pulleys
2015-0004 Fits 1965-1984 4-Speeds w/Aluminum Primary & OEM-Style Dry $ 572.78 Clutch / Kickstart Models / 34-Tooth Front & 49-Tooth Rear Pulleys
2015-0005 Fits 1965-1984 4-Speeds w/Aluminum Primary & OEM-Style Dry $ 680.62 Clutch / Electric Start Models / 34-Tooth Front & 49-Tooth Rear Pulleys

For these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

RIDLEY ANNOUNCES NEW PENNSYLVANIA PARTNERSHIP–(Okla. City, Okla.-10/01/2007) A new Ridley dealership was officially announced today in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania by Bob Kay, Ridley Motorcycle Director of North American Sales and Dealer Services. Black Dog Motorcycles has been appointed as the premier Harrisburg location for Ridley. Overlooking the beautiful Susquehanna River, the dealership’s location is the finest in central Pennsylvania.
“The association with Black Dog is very exciting, said Bob Kay, the professional atmosphere of the dealership will be very helpful in expanding the motorcycle experience to first time riders.”
Established over ten years ago, Ridley Motorcycle is experiencing a resurgence in interest as the buying patterns of male baby boomers are changing and custom manufacturers are struggling for market position.
Ridley Motorcycle offers a high quality, full size motorcycle with unique attributes first time riders prefer when becoming confident in their initial riding experience. With the ever increasing current trend of female riders, Ridley is positioned for strong growth.
“These motorcycles expand our product offering by attracting a new type of rider into our dealership. We are looking forward to introducing the automatic motorcycle to Harrisburg” commented Mike Bowers, Black Dog Motorcycles Founder.
Ridley produces motorcycles focused on safety through rider confidence. On a Ridley motorcycle new riders feel comfortable and enjoy riding without the distractions of traditional top heavy, manual shift bikes.
Ridley Motorcycle Company
35 NW 42nd Street
Oklahoma City, Ok 73118 USA
Tel. 1 (405) 525-5400
Fax 1 (405) 525-5438

FLORIDA TRIES TO CONFISCATE MOTORCYCLES–I contacted Terry Cook at American Motorcycle Association (AMA) and numerous other people about Florida HB 137 Relating to confiscating motorcycles for speeding and or reckless driving.This is his answer. Just for the record I have already contacted my legislators.
Thanks for the heads up on this bill. We are already in the act of getting this defeated before it ever sees the light of day.
I can tell you that you need to already be on the phone to the two folks that represent your particular district of Florida and letting them know how you feel about this proposal. That is the way this thing is going to be defeated – by folks like you who let their officials know this is bad legislation in a polite, concise, and articulate manner
–Terry Lee Cook
Grassroots Manager
American Motorcyclist Association

THE REDNECK BUELL SOLUTION–Mutant arch tank chassis kit $4495. Damn, here’s the solution to a stock Buell. What a wild ride. Just finish it and bolt in your Buell components. Contact Redneck for more info:

DRESSER DEAL OF THE WEEK, SIGNED BY WILLIE G. DAVIDSON–I am the lucky owner of a Ultra Electra Glide motorcycle which was specially produced for Willy G DAVIDSONFor the opening of the first European HOG Rally in JUNE 1991. (see a

But I have to sell it and look for a buyer who likes Harley Davidson and not just a mere speculation.Could you advise?

SUCKER PUNCH ROLLS TO THE SMOKE OUT WEST–Sucker Punch Sally’s will be representing HUGE at theSmokeout West in Cottonwood AZ this weekend. They willhave a bunch of bikes and the whole gang will be thereincluding Christian, Donny and Jeff with T-shirts forsale and a bunch of posters and stickers, tell emBikernet.com sent ya!

I’m heading down there as well and will be hangin outat the SPS booth! I have included a pic of Jeff’s newride…not sure if he is bringing it down ornot…it’s an FL rehab that was cut…pretty killer Ithink.Ken

NEW ISOLATED DRIVE SPROCKET SYSTEM FOR TOURING MODELS–MILWAUKEE (Sept. 28, 2007) – The new Isolated Drive System Sprocket Kit (P/N 40287-07, $305.00) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories improves rider comfort and ride quality by dampening the mechanical noise and vibration caused by engine torque pulses. Introduced as original equipment on 2008 Touring models, the rubber compensation elements in the sprocket act like a cushion, absorbing the power pulses from the engine.
With the IDS installed, the motorcycle feels smoother and is quieter while accelerating, shifting and cruising. Kit includes sprocket, compensator bowl, and installation hardware.
Fits 2007 Touring models equipped with original equipment and most Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessory wheels. Does not fit with 80-Spoke Laced Wheel P/N 42954-04, Polished Spun Aluminum Disc Wheel P/N 43760-03 or Slotted Six Spoke Wheel P/N 43932-02 (chrome) or 43933-02 (black).
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at www.harley-davidson.com. To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

STEVENSON’S CYCLE AND EVIL-ENGINEERING COLLABORATE ON L.S.D.–Wayne, MI-September 27, 2007 -Stevenson’s Cycle and Evil-Engineering have put their ingenuity and experience together to create a new Lowered Starter Design belt drive with several great features.
Made to fit custom applications, this two-inch open belt drive has a Lowered Starter Design that puts the starter behind the transmission. This allows you to drop seat height and or put a larger oil tank in for more oil capacity on those big inch motors.
Evil-Engineering, is already well known for their belt drives with a helical / herringbone offset tooth design that reduces belt drive noise up to 40% over straight tooth belt while also reducing vibration. It’s designed to handle increased horsepower by having “three teeth” fully engaged at all times, making it 30% stronger as opposed to only having one engaged in standard belt drives. It’s also self-centering, so you don’t have to worry about the belt drifting on the pulley. The Lowered Starter Design belt drive system also comes with a large 7 inch clutch that provides more contact surface for those bigger inch motors.
Stevenson’s Cycle, located in Wayne, Michigan, is owned and operated by Steve Broyles Sr. and his son, Steve Broyles II. Steve Sr. has been building, customizing, and repairing motorcycles since 1969. Stevenson’s Cycle is also known in the V-twin industry for their extensive performance and engine work.
For more information go to
Continued On Page 2