I spent all damn day working on the NEWS then can’t come up with a title. Maybe it was the martial arts class I attended yesterday that kicked my ass. We studied grappling which isn’t my favorite. I’m feeling the bruises today. We better get to the News before I forget anything else, break down and head to the Jack Daniels cupboard.
Before we do, I want to send a brief tribute to Randy Smith, one of the old school legends in the custom industry. He passed away this week of natural causes at 70. There will be an intimate memorial event at Westminister (CA), Harley on Sunday at 1:00 p.m.
He was a character and the creator behind Custom Cycle Engineering. He built custom motorcycles for over 40 years. I’ll miss him. Let’s get to it:

The Enthusiast By, David Uhl
100th ANNIVERSARY LICENSED PAINTINGS FROM H-D–David Uhl’s characteristic vintage paintings have become icons in the Harley-Davidson world. Admirers have witnessed his uncanny ability in images such as “Ruby” and “A Change in the Weather”. Collectors have come to expect the bordering on perfection techniques so prevalent in David’s style of art. Along with the accolades comes a deep sense of responsibility and respect that Mr. Uhl feels toward the subject matter. “Depicting Harley-Davidson motorcycles and staying true to the archival research is something I am very passionate about”, states Mr. Uhl, “It amazes me to consider the rich history and impact that Harley-Davidson has had on virtually every American citizen for the last century. I am very honored to be a small part of this legacy.”
This is just one of David’s works available at motorcycleart.com along with several 100th anniversary paintings.
OZARK ED REPORT–Thank god it is finally Friday. I am so far behind in my insurance whoreing around (my job) because I have spent so much time and effort on the little honey. I knew she had classes all day yesterday and I was going to bust it to get caught up. I just had one little thing to do first, call Philips girl at Rodney’s and see if my taillight bezel came in. She answered the phone and said “hey can you hold?”.
I bitched and she said “here talk to juvee girl” and the next thing I knew i was making plans to blow off work and go riding with her. Dammit, seems she worked a deal out with some goob at school to get his notes and she only has to go for the exams. Gotta love that. So anyway it’s Friday and I know she has to work all day so I’m going to bust it today.
Just got one little thing to do first.
–Ozark Ed

FRANK KAISLER JOINS BIKERNET–With his vast technical expertise. Frank is already at work on a LePera tech on their new seat material, this rear wheel spacer tech for Avon and the series on the new Road King modifications. Our goal it to bring solid, workable and complete techs to help our readers build and modify their bikes any damn way they please.With the vast number of frame and wheel combinations, wheel spacing is critical. Here’s a taste of his tech on making wheel spacers. The entire tech will be posted sometime today. Enjoy.

“Wheel spacing is an important part of any ground-up bike building project.It also must be addressed when customizing an existing bike.With the vast selection of frames and wheels available today, there is noway any manufacturer can fit every different wheel combo to their frame andprovide exact fitting wheel spacers.”

OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCEMENT– The government announced today that it is changing it’s emblem to a condombecause it more clearly reflects the government’s political stance. A condom stands up to inflation, haltsproduction, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actuallygetting screwed.
–from Chris T.

BIKERNET STICKERS AVAILABLE FREE–That’s right. Just send me a self addressed stamped envelope and I’ll send you some stickers. They’re bitchin’. Send the envelope to Bikernet, P.O. 1168, San Pedro, California 90731.

EXCELSIOR-HENDERSON HELP LINE–I am the owner of E-H bikes, and was wondering , whether or not the bike got into the magazine???? I have an X aminer and would assist w/ any issues that arise ..,. free of charge. I also have a set of tools should adjustments be necessary, ie. front end, or otherwise I am not a mechanic, but wanno offer whatever assistance to the current owners of these bikes!!!!
as always Keep the Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
–Gentle Jay
BIKERNET INTERVIEWS GOD FOR THE TRUTH–And God created woman, and she had 3 breasts. He then asked the woman, “Is there anything you’d like to have changed?”
She replied, “Yes, could get rid of this middle breast?” And so it was done, and it was good. Then the woman exclaimed as she was holding the third breast in her hand, “What can be done with this useless boob?”
And God created man.
–from Katmandu

FOOT CLUTCH CATCH UPDATE– Thanks for posting the news article on the jockey latch. I’ve beengetting lots of positive responses to it. I just received thenew billet unit back from the chrome plater and it looks awesome. The new one has alot more style and blows away the top line forwardcontrols on the market today.
The next item being designed is theshifter handle. I will be able to offer a complete jockey shift system.
So far it is made for the early V-twins but I plan on making differentversions for different model bikes. This is the early stages of a wholenew line of custom products for American bikes. I’m open to any ideas forproducts that I can manufacture and market.
I will be heading to Daytonathis weekend and have a meeting scheduled with a couple different partssuppliers. Im trying to get an idea of how many units to manufacture onthe first round. This will determine the price. Once again, thanks verymuch for the article and showing interest in my design.
JOB OF THE WEEK– A young Puerto Rican man walked into the local welfare office, marchedstraight up to the counter and said, “a mon, I lookin’ fohr a job.”.
The man behind the counter replied, “Your timing is amazing. We’ve justgot a listing from a very wealthy man who wants a chauffeur bodyguard for his nympho daughter. You’ll have todrive around in a big black Mercedes, but the suits, shirts, and ties are provided. Because of the long hours of thisjob, meals will also be provided and you will also be required to escort the young lady on her overseas holidays. Thesalary package is $200,000 a year.”
The Puerto Rican said, “Ah c’mon, you’re bullshitting me!”.
The man behind the counter said, “Well, you started it!”
–from Chris T.
Continued On Page 2