Continued From Page 1

RICK DOSS KIT BIKE FROM CCI–It’s a Blast!But reaching escape velocity on custom bike projects like the Rocket, is nothing new to veteran builder Rick Doss. He’s been coming up with them – fast and furious – for decades.
You can come up with them too, andyou’ve come to the right place to do it. Big inch engines, overdrivetrannys, trick chassis, gorgeous wheels and much much more. . . it’s all inthe CCI catalog. Whether you’re just adorning the bike you adore or building a dreamfrom scratch, that’s a good start. And when you’ve finished. . . What arush!

Built by Rick Doss
RevTech? 100 inch Engine
RevTech? 6-Speed Overdrive Transmission
RevTech? Complete Chrome Primary Kit
Doss 230 Super-Wide Frame
Custom Chrome Tank, modified
American Wire Wheel 80-Spoke
RevTech? Front Caliper
RevTech? Dual Rear Caliper Kit
American Wire Wheel Brake Rotors
Pro-One Fork Lowers
Doss Side Mount Tail Light
Billet Concepts Forward Controls
Custom Chrome Smooth-Contour Controls

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Another week goes by, time to hit the airport and head for Biketoberfest, by the time we realize what’s going on it will be Christmas.
The Love ride, dealer shows and meetings are coming up. Soon we will be posting our Daytona Bike Week stories…I guess I want to say, time flies.Which brings me to my next point.
When I sit down and do the news, it is based on stuff that I hear, read and lots of my personal opinion. I could be really crude, if I wanted to, or I could hide under a ” nickname” nom de plume as is more pompously known, and just fire away and kill everyone with words. I choose not to do so, Why ? It keeps things real, and we are living in a world of fantasy, good looking boys and girls on TV and magazines. People that mere mortals drool over but will never reach. We live in a world that you can say anything you want over a computer, where you can hide. I choose not to hide and not to change my name.
My main purpose since I have been doing this news, maybe for a couple years now, is to bring the Bikernet readers a good time, maybe make them laugh, or wonder if I’m totally out of it and writing this from the Loonie ward. I check it’s your shot every day, I read your points of view and sometimes go from there. One thing is for certain, I can’t please everyone, and I really don’t intend to, my word is not law, my word is what I see and what I make of it…like I always say, “That’s the way I (and heavy duty capital I) see it.”
I certainly don’t bash people or builders or anything else, why? ‘Cause I hate when people bash other people with no reason, if you are a rat, I’ll call you a rat. If you are cool you are cool, no if’s nor but’s.
I have no problem whatsoever if you ride a Road kill, are gay, black, white, hispanic, or whatever you happen to be, since it’s not up to me to judge (I guess that’s God’s job and he’s not hiring for now)
I don’t judge, I just have a good time translating what my brain captures. I guess I’m lucky that I have a chance to travel and see things for myself, but I’m not the only one seeing things this way. Out of 2 million hits a month I might receive two, tops three e-mails that did not like what I wrote the week before. If I had such luck in the Lottery, I would be writing this from my beach front shack on my private island.
I guess that what I’m trying to say is, read what I write, you might like it, you might not, that’s cool with me. It would be really boring if we all think alike, if we all did the same things….But you must not take me too seriously…All I’m doing is having a bit of fun. Who know’s, I might become a gay, rub, go Road Kill riding, buy company clothes , become amain street poser in the near future……Naahhhh, don’t think so.
And now let’s go to the juicy news……(BTW Please buy more of my shirts !!!! they are cool !!!!

Bourget’s Bike Works has just made a Fat Daddy Chopper for Kid Rock, so he can cruise in style with Yummy Pammy, and I guess the dude liked it a lot since he already ordered a second one. Who knows I might use my underground mafioso connections to ” persuade” and interview…Let’s see …(for photos check BBW’s new web site
Billy Lane, you know the famous guy from last week, is already talking to Discovery about another TV show. Will let you know, when I know. Also Choppers Inc has revamped their web site, check it out –
Biketoberfest is around the corner, The Horse will host their ” now famous” party. I will post photos when we get back, I promise…
T Bear is getting his ass back to Tahiti this week, man that guys really has the life! While I’m reporting on lame shows he’s in Amsterdam doing the cannabis cup and having a blast, Hey man I’m next to Tahiti. (on Bikernet’s coin of course)
We heard that Jesse James has a new web site/ fan site, called Chopper Dogs, I guess for a mere $20.00 a month you can join….Geez and some people here bitch about 20 dolares for a whole year of the Cantina, go figure !
If you think that my news and reports here are whacked and sometimes uncalled for, wait until you read my new monthly interviews with famous people in the industry. I will get banned from many cliques, anyway…I’m already banned from many cliques…So who cares !!
Another blatant plug of my Chopper Freak shirts, If you are wondering whose cool shirts was Billy Lane wearing at the show ? Voila ! they are Chopper Freak, check our website and order, I insist in giving a percentage of sales to Mike Pullin’s Run for Breath….so you can write the shirts off.
Warning ! I’m not joking on this one, there are rumours that OCC is doing another show, no fighting this time, they were not pleased with the last one….So they are gonna give it another try.
We just received a call from our friends from Kopteri in Finland, they will be in Daytona next week, so if you see a couple viking looking dudes, smile, you might end up in the mag (only chopper riders need apply).
We have a friend , Fabricator Kevin who just built some Jockey shift for the ” cow flop” style tranny tops, finally salvation ! Shoot me an e-mail if interested and I can forward the message.
I guess that’s the news for tonight. I always forget something though, and by the time I remember is too late. Anyway, (shit I forgot again !) I was thinking of the coolest Discovery show you could ever make,
Bandit (not on the Road Kill), Billy Lane, Roger Bourget, Chica, Jesse, Chopper Dave, Indian Larry, Mike Maldonado, Twisted Choppers, your’s truly, Chronic Choppers, and a couple more, building choppers and riding to (anyplace will do) for the super duper, mega, insane , chop out…..They can do a monthly series with that one.!!!!
’till next week folks…….
Caribbean Bikernet Report.

GLENDALE, CA – Sheryl Crow, Mick Fleetwood & Friends, and JeffersonStarship will headline Love Ride 19, the largest motorcycle fundraisingevent in the world, on Sunday, November 10. Grand Marshal Jay Leno,Honorary Grand Marshal Peter Fonda, and a host of celebrity bikers will lead20,000+ motorcyclists on a 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale,California, to a barbecue, trade show, and concert at Castaic Lake.Proceeds will benefit Reading By 9, MDA, and other charities. In 18 years,the Love Ride has raised over $15 million.
Sign up is 6am-9am on Sunday, November 10 at Harley-Davidson of Glendale,with a 90-minute Jefferson Starship concert at 7:00am, followed by acelebrity press conference at 8:45a.m. The caravan of bikes departs toCastaic Lake at 9:15am.
Festivities at Castaic Lake will begin at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. (gatesopen at 10am). Mick Fleetwood & Friends perform at 11:45am followed bySheryl Crow at 1:15. The minimum donation is $60, or $50 if you sign-up inadvance online ( or at Harley-Davidson of Glendale beforeNovember 5, 2002. For larger donations, participants qualify to receive avariety of prizes, including a 2003 100th Anniversary Harley-Davidson V-Rodand a 2003 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150.
Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road betweenLos Feliz Blvd. and Glendale Avenue. For more information, call (818)246-5618, extension 7.

BIKERNET DEAL OF THE WEEK– I would greatly appreciate if you would put this bike up as deal of theweek! I just think your website is the coolest Biker scene there is on thenet! I know we would get great replies…I really need the bucks..we willtake the price down for you site only from $17,000.00 to $16,000.00. Goodincentive?
2000 Titan Phoenix
Very Red – powdercoat
97 Cubic inch S&S Jim’s 5-speed transmission
Metzler tires in excellent shape
Engine Break in was by the book
MW Breaks
Super Trapp Exhaust
Screaming eagle coil
Davinci performance carb kit
Polished Billet wheels, frontend, Brakes, Forward controls…etc…
Chrome and Billet throughout
The windsheild is a harley wide glide sport with quick releases.
7,000 miles speaks for itself
Micheal Norton
or Friend
Billy Elliott
Continued On Page 3