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BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELING–One night as the biker couple laid down for bed. Bear was feelin’ prettyfrisky and gently tapped his ol’lady’s shoulder, movin’a little closer to heron the bed. She rolled over and looked him in the eyes, explaining sweetly, “I’msorry hon, but I have a gynecologist exam first thing in the morning and Iwanna stay, well,fresh, and she rolls back over.”
After a few minutes, Bear rolls over and taps the ol’lady’s arm once again.This time he grumbled in her ear, a bit less sweetly, “Ya don’t have a dentistappointment,too,do ya?”

BILLY LANE INTERVIEW COMING TO BIKERNET–Yes, Jose, the Bikernet Caribbean reporter interviewed Billy Lane. The first segment of the interview will by launched in the next couple of days. Watch for it. Here’s a glimpse:
Jose: What do you like to do that is not related to bikes ?
BL:Besides bikes, I like to surf and work out. I could give up bikes and surf for the rest of my life…and I really love bikes…

WOMEN IN THE WIND–NEW BOOK COMING–Sasha Mullins is at her computer night and day to write a book that will make women applaud, men cry and the world become a more peaceful place. If you know a woman rider who deserves to be apart of this renowned literary achievement, don’t hesitate to contact Sasha at
10-12-02 / 10-19-02

–from Thomas Conely
BILLY JACK CONNECTION FROM SEDONA, ARIZONA– Did you ever get into the Billy Jack movies? Production values werepretty bad, lumbering plots and bad acting but they had charisma, a specialkind of appeal and message that produced a cult following. Tom Laughlin, whowrote, directed, produced and starred in them was, and is, a prettyinteresting character and was the Hollywood anti-hero, anti-sell-out. A realfree spirit.
He ran for president and made it as far as the democraticprimary ticket but his campaign fizzled after the NH primary. Anyway, check out
–from Josh Placa, Editor, Cruising Rider

H-D 100TH ANNIVERSARY CATALOG–As many of you already know, HD’s 100th Anniversary Catalogue has hit the retail public. 300,000 of these beautiful color catalogues were sent to enthusiasts.
One of the divider pages announces the release of the paintings by Jacobs, Fritz and Uhl with full color images and retail pricing ($1250) in lithographic form. These works are smaller than the Phase one canvases and are an edition of 1200 worldwide. Each work is hand-signed by the artist and numbered with a certificate of authenticity accompanying.
Included is upscale custom framing with the 100th Anniversary emblem proudly displayed in the lower portion of the frame matting. All three works are available for immediate shipping to dealerships. Soon we will offer a beautiful display for each store so stay tuned. Cheers!
— Ron Copple

SMOKE-OUT COIN COLLECTABLE–Coins are still available from Smoke Out III. This was a new addition tothis years event and the first year commemorative coins were offered at aSmoke Out.
The coin features artwork by Jon Towle and design by CJ Allen.This is a tradition that will continue and coins minted from the first yearshould be collector’s items. Prices have been reduced to $5, plus $2 shippingand handling regardless of the number of coins ordered (Two coins is $ 12).
Ninety-nine serial numbered coins were minted in silver (1 troy oz. silver)primarily for the staff. Very limited serial numbered solid silver coins areavailable for $ 20 per coin (plus shipping).
Coins can be ordered on thewebsite To order by phone (803) 269-9699 or send checkto Flat Black, Inc, 2000 Clemson Rd., PMB # 142, Columbia, SC 29229.
HORSE RAFFLE BIKE–Help a Good Cause and Maybe Win an Awesome Brand New Chop! Drawing will beheld in Daytona at Will’s Honky-Tonk during the Spring Daytona Bike Week 2003.
It’s the The Smoke-Out-Chop-Project-Bike. Frame and construction by Magnum Cycles, 74cubes , J&E Pistons, S&S cylinders and carb, Buell Thunderstorm headsspinning a Dunlop 150, Bassani Exhaust, custom paint by Crazy Horse Paintingand Custom Chrome parts. Watch for a complete feature in the next issue of HORSE.
Proceeds will support Camp Air Care where kids with asthma get to have anormal camp experience with tents and canoes.
Raffle tickets are $5.00 eachor 5 for $20 can be purchased on the website To order byphone (803) 269-9699 or send check to Flat Black, Inc, 2000 Clemson Rd., PMB# 142, Columbia, SC 29229. We need name, address and phone to notify thewinner!

GYPSY’S DIVORCE–As of 10-02-02 at 2:10pm my divorce was finial.Name change: Gypsy Laura Brokenwings.I added the Laura this time because mom and dad can’t get use to the Gypsy end of it.When I think of how the name came about and the period of time it took to end up with it, I’m ammazed I’m still around,LOL!
Bandit..thanks for the “Gypsy” end of it..that was about 24 years ago!!! Man where does time go?
The Brokenwings..came from Vic giving me his vest with the brokenwings on it. He and a few others who knew him said I deserved it more than he did.
The Laura end..well mom and dad were responsible for that. So see I AM a true heinz 57!
Numerology wise it fits me. Sooo once more I am happy and free. Let’s hope I learned enough from this one to never end up in that mess again!
BIKERNET DRINKING ADVICE–Two buddies, Ralph and Bob, are getting very drunk at a bar when suddenly Bob throws up all over himself. “Oh, no. Now Jane will kill me!”
Ralph says, “Don’t worry, pal. Just tuck a twenty in your breast pocket, tell Jane that someone threw up on you and gave you twenty dollars for the dry cleaning bill.”
So they stay for another couple of hours and get even drunker. Eventually Bob rolls into home and his wife Jane starts to give him a bad time. “You reek of alcohol and you’ve puked all over yourself! My God, you’re disgusting!”
Speaking very carefully so as not to slur, Bob says, “Now wain aminit, I can e’splain everything! Itsh not what you think. I only had a couple drinks. But this other guy got sick on me … he’d had one too many and he just couldn’t hold his liquor. He said he was very sorry an’ gave me twenty bucks for the cleaning bill!”
Jane looks in the breast pocket and says, “But this is forty bucks.”
Oh, yeah…I almos’ forgot, he shit in my pants, too
–from Chris T.
CANTINA GIVEAWAY WINNERS!–As you know, each week we’re suppose to choose a winner from our Cantina Contest. Sometimes we snooze but hey, we’re only human. To make up for this, we’ve chosen two winners for this week and here they are:
Bruce Wiswell
From McKinney, Tx
he wanted a pair of sunglasses and that’s what he’ll get.
Harold Flick
From Hemet. Ca
He wanted: 1:18 Harley Models Harley Knives, Harley Signs, XXXL T-Shirts, Leather, Pins, Belt Buckles
He gets a Harley sign and an XXXL Bikernet T-shirt.
Not only do you get to participate in this cool contest, you also get a Babe a Day, Vintage Motorcycles, Digital Discoveries with things you won’t see anywhere else, plus lots more.
K. Randall Ball, the author of “Outlaw Justice”, “Prize Possession” and Sam “Chopper” Orwell has all three books in their entirety for you to print in the Cantina. Hell, Outlaw Justice and Prize Possession are sold out. You can’t even buy these anymore.
Join now and help support Because the Cantina is strictly subscription you won’t see any advertisement in there. What are you waiting for? JOIN NOW!
Continued On Page 4