Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET CHARITY REPORT–TAHITI ESCAPE–Bikernet and T-Bear are working on a Bikernet Getaway to support the island kids of Tahiti and may be able to give a trip away to a couple of readers of Bikernet. Unfortunately you’ll have to fly with Bandit and Sin Wu. Here’s an update from T-Bear:”Thursday afternoon, as the rest of the world is impatiently waiting for the weekend, I’ll be winging my way back to Papeete to hook up with my buddies in the Tahiti Harley Riders Club. After their first visit to Sturgis with me back in August, they insisted that I let them return the hospitality and fly me backto Tahiti to visit with them again. How could I say no to friends?”
“Last trip was so memorable I feel like I never left. We hung out together on their big island of Tahiti and ventured over to Moorea in search of the perfect Tahitian Tattoo for me. This trip should prove a bit more adventurous. We’ll be hitting a few more islands. First Tahiti and Tahiti Iti ( small Tahiti) then off to Huahine for the start of the Hawaikinui Va’a, The worlds greatest inter-island outrigger canoe regatta. Then to Bora Bora for the races end and the biggest beach bash in history. Back to Tahiti for some riding and back to Moorea for another tattoo for my collection.” “Not to shirk my over-developed charity effort, I’ll also be meeting with the good folks at Air Tahiti Nui and the Sofitel Hotel chain to put together a sweet deal for you folks to head on over to paradise as well. We’re gonna try and put together a deal that you can’t say no to. “Bikers For Tahiti”. We’re working hard to make it possible for you for about the same price you’d pay to go to Laconia, Sturgis or Daytona. I’ll have some more news when I get back in a few weeks so stay tuned and don’t put away that sunblock yet.
BIKERNET BOOB DESIGNATIONS– Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E and F are the letters used todefine bra sizes? If you have wondered why, but couldn’t figure out what the letters stoodfor…it is about time you became informed!
{A} – Almost Boobs…
{B} – Barely there.
{C} – Can’t Complain!
{D} – Damn!
{DD} – Double damn!!
{E} – Enormous!
{F} – Fake
THE OZARK BLUES–Damn it’s cold. This is my least favorite time of the year, because I knowwinter’s coming. There will be a lot of nice riding days before it is toocold, but still, it ain’t summer. I’ll just find a warm spot to entertain mygirl for a few months and hope it goes fast.
Nothing exciting is happeningright now, except for the juvee girl, and the thrill is fading on that. Don’tget me wrong, I still like to see her and all but the chase is over. I canhave her anytime I want, so now it’s just young, cute pussy. Not that it’sbad, but I love the hunt. It’s just a matter of time till she’s on my nerves.I need something new and exciting in my life. You know, something just out ofreach. It’ll happen. I’m just not very patient and I get ants in my pantswhen it’s boring. I guess I’m just too hard to satisfy.
Most guys would killto have the two girls I have and I’m sick of them. I might be just plain oldsick, but I think I deserve my life.
–Ozark Ed
BIKERNET DEAL OF THE WEEK–Yes I’m back to torture you with the ever so popular ——CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN. Only 82 days left until the end of chaos. Unless you count New Years as chaos, but we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about THE BIKERNET GULCH. At the bottom of every page here in Bikernet you’ll see the Gulch with tiny-little buildings that guide you to easy Christmas gift giving, or any reason gift giving. Clothes, books, artwork, leather, the whole damn CSI Catalog is there to make your life a little easier.
Here’s all of the prints from Chris Kallas. Priced to sell and all in stock. How easy is that?

Joker shirts, hat’s, and not mention the cute stuff they have for women. Ooo la la!

Joker Red Halter
The finest leather in my opinion – from HA Leather. It won’t hurt to take a look!

Cool shit from Crime Inc. If you’ve got teenagers, they love this stuff. Take a look at the Escapee Sweatshirts, these mitts will keep your hands warmer while riding.

I’m done. I decided to give you a break last week, well, fact is I was lazy and didn’t want to it. But today I feel great and next week I will again.
Till then my much-appreciated Bikernet readers, I say good-bye.
BIKERNET SPORTS REPORT–Four men went golfing one day. Once on the course, three of them headedto the first tee and the fourth went into the clubhouseto take care of the bill.
The three men started talking, bragging about theirsons. The first man told the others, “My son is ahomebuilder and he is so successful that he gave a friend a new home for free.”
The second man said, “My son was a car salesman andnow he owns a multi-line dealership. He’s so successful that he gave a friend anew Mercedes,all the extras.”
The third man, not wanting to be outdone, bragged, “Myson is stockbroker and he’s doing so well that he gave his friend anentire stock portfolio.”
The fourth man joined them on the tee after a fewminutes of taking care of business. The first man mentioned, “We are justtalking about our sons.
How is yours doing?”
The fourth man replied, “Well, my son is gay anddances in a gay bar.”
The three friends looked down at the grass andsmirked.
The fourth man carried on, “Admittedly I’m not totallythrilled about the dancing job, but he must be doing pretty good. Hislast three boyfriends gave him a house, a brand new Mercedes, and a stockportfolio.
–from Dean Shawler, Editor, Biker
847 S Burlington Ave
Hastings, NE 68901
BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK–“My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat.
I said, ‘Mom, they weren’t trying to teach you how to swim.’ ” – Paula Poundstone

THAT’S IT–Watch next week for some fantastic reports and techs. We’ll have the King 3 tech where we began to black out the monster. We’ll follow it with King 4 and lowered shocks and touring tricks later in the week. In another week or so we’ll dig back into the Amazing Shrunken FXR.
I’m planning a short ride to Arizona hopefully this month to visit the Kennedy’s. Watch, we’ll have a report on their new digs coming up. Watch next week for a feature on model Harleys that will blow your mind. Even a Vietnam Vets memorial run with heartfelt words from Nasty.
Tonight it’s a trip to Beverly Hills to attend an Exceptional Childrens Foundation dinner. This in the charity that the Beach Ride supports. In the next couple of weeks we’ll post a tribute to the three charities Bikernet supports and they all involve kids. I gotta hit the showers. Ride Forever.