I need some input. Sin Wu keeps complaining about my non-stop reflections on the industry and the projects in our lives. “It’s too harried,” she stammered while I tried to talk her out of her clothes. “You’ve got too much going. You need to relax.”
Sure we have a project or 15 and a deadline or several, but I’m kicking back. It’s the nature of our lives and the industry. At least I sense a constant buzz. There’s more events, action, bikes, products, and dealers than ever before. How the hell can anyone keep up? Whatta you tink? Drop me a line: Bandit@bikernet.com. I know, you don’t have time.
Let’s hit the news:

- “I need for you to find out what Dar Holdsworth at Brass Balls Bobbers is doing with the Wounded Warrior Project and the company’s RAD tattoo motorbike on eBay,” barked Bandit.
“Ok, Ok, and a good morning to you, I said.”
You see, Bandit loves all things Bobber and he loves that one-of-a-kind Tattoo Bobber with the killer Indian engine. It was built on Speed’s V-Twin TV show and he is excited that it is coming available on eBay today.
I scooted over to www.brassballsbobbers.com and dialed 405.285.0808. While the phone was ringing I notice that on their website the baseline custom bobber starts at just $16,995, not bad!
Anyway, I got a hold of Dar, Master Motorcycle Designer and Brass Balls Bobbers Head Honcho, and he explained that the tattoo bike is a one-off custom bobber motorcycle that he and partner Sam Wills designed. “It’s low, fast and completely sano. It’s got everything you need and absolutely nothing that you don’t.” (I pulled together the details here.)
So I pressed him, “There’s a rumor that you are selling it?”
“Well, it wins awards wherever it goes and is our flagship bobber at Brass Balls Bobbers. We have over $55,000 in this baby and anything north of $35,000 would make us happy.
Damned, this is one special motorbike and a guy just might be able to get a steal of a deal. Dar went on to explain that a portion of the proceeds goes to the Wounded Warrior Project. In addition, the auction starts on October 10 and interested bikers should check www.brassballsbobbers.com for the eBay link.

BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELING– “An extraordinarily handsome man decided he had theresponsibility to marry the perfect woman so they could produce beautiful children beyond compare.
With that as his mission he began to search for the perfect woman.
Shortly there after he met a man who had three stunning, gorgeous daughters that positively took his breath away. So he explained his mission to the man and asked for permission to marry one of them.
The man simply replied, “They’re lookin’ to get married,so you came to the right place. Look ’em over and pick the one you want.”
The man dated the first daughter.The next day the father asked for the man’s opinion.
“Well,” said the man, “she’s just a weeeeee bit, not that you can hardly notice…pigeon-toed.”
The father nodded and suggested the man date one of the other girls; so the man went out with the second daughter.
The next day, the father again asked how things went.
“Well,” the man replied, “she’s just a weeeee bit, not that you can hardly tell…cross-eyed.”
The father nodded and suggested he date the third girlto see if things might be better So he did.
The next morning the man rushed in exclaiming,
“She’s perfect, just perfect. She’s the one I want to marry.”
So they were wed right away. Months later the baby was born. When the man visited the nursery he was horrified: the baby was the Ugliest, most pathetic human you can imagine. He rushed to his father-in-law and asked how such a thing could happen considering the beauty of the parents.
“Well,” explained the father-in-law… “She was just a weeeee bit, not that you could hardly tell… pregnant when you met her.”
–from Rev CarlR

GLORY OLE WHEELS BY STREETWALKER–Envy Cycle Creations , manufacturer of Streetwalker Exhaust Systems, has added another new entry to their stable of Streetwalker products.
Streetwalker Glory Ole Wheels are a Hot Rod themed wheel, powdercoated a dark argent pearl coat before being CNC lathed and milled using state of the art equipment to insure superior quality. After final machine work is completed the entire wheel is then re coated with a ultra durable high gloss clear powdercoat finish, so the only cleaning you’ll ever have to do on these wheels is with a little glass cleaner and a soft rag.

Glory Ole’s are available with matching rotors and pulleys and are available in the following sizes: 21″ x 2.15″, 21″x 3.50″, 18″x 3.5″ 18″x 5.5″ and 18″x 8.5″
See more of the Glory Ole’s on www.streetwalkerexhaust.comOr call the Streetwalker’s at 602 391 8488

ADVANCED CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE ASSEMBLY AND FABRICATION BY WOLFGANG PUBLISHING–What started in the mid-’90s when a few people decided to build “stock Softails” from aftermarket parts – because they couldn’t buy one at the dealer – has evolved into a full blown industry. Today, every small town has a Chopper or Custom bike shop and every cable TV channel has a Biker-Build-Off series. No longer content to build copies of stock motorcycles, today’s builder wants a motorcycle that’s longer, lower and sexier than anything approved by a factory design team.
Wolfgang Publications and Timothy Remus were there at the very beginning of the trend with their Ultimate V-Twin Motorcycle book. Today they’re back with their new book, Advanced Custom Motorcycle Assembly & Fabrication. Part catalog, part service manual and part inspiration, this new book offers help with Planning the project, getting the right look and actually assembling that custom bike you’ve dreamed about for years.
Three start-to-finish sequences show not just how the best bikes are bolted together, but how the unique one-off gas tanks are shaped and then covered with candy brandywine paint. With 144 pages and over 400 color photos, this book from Wolfgang Publications and Tim Remus offers the help you need to build your very own custom motorcycle. ISBN: 1-929133-23-5 (with this number you can order at any bookstore)$24.95.
–Jacki Mitchell
Wolfgang Publications
PO Box 223
Stillwater, MN 55082
ORDER LINE: 651-275-0194
OFFICE: 651-275-0198
SALES: 651-275-0143
FAX: 651-439-7052

FIFTH ANNUAL CHOPPER’S ART SHOW TO BENEFIT DENVER BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, TAKING PLACE AT THE CAPSULE IN DENVER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20TH–Denver, COLO- September 20, 2007 – Denver 81 announced today their fifth annual Chopper’s Art Show to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver, will take place Saturday, October 20 at a new location, the Capsule Art and Event Center, located at 560 Santa Fe Drive in Denver, Colorado. This year will focus on how tattoo design, rock-n-roll art, hot rods and motorcycle lifestyle art all influence and play off each other.
The show will feature several artists and motorcycle builders, free parking and a reception party with Alan Forbes and other guest artists, including a signing by Forbes at 8:30 pm. The Capsule will have several bikes from Pistol Pete of Front Range Choppers on display, as well as bikes by Billy Lane and Albright Bikes, and will feature an art auction with pieces from a number of different mediums.
Motorcycle lifestyle photography, art from local tattoo artists, hot rod art and album covers are some of the mediums that will be presented. Several photographs from local and national artists such as Michael Lichter, Steve Temple and Curt Lout, are being donated and will available for purchase by auction, with all of the profits benefiting The Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver.
In addition to the art on display, live pin-striping demonstrations by Joe “Brox” will take place throughout the day. There will also be original art on display that will not be available for purchase from private collections from artists like Timothy White, Joe Richardson and Von Dutch.
“The theme of this year is how rock album art relates to tattoos and how that relates back to motorcycle design. There’s been an evolution with hot rods, rock and roll, tattoos and motorcycles to where they are all intertwined artistically. Everyone will enjoy seeing how the bikes compliment the art and vice versa,” said event coordinator, Nik.
The Fifth Annual Choppers Art Show will take place one day only, Saturday, Oct. 20. The gallery hours will be Saturday from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. Suggested donation to the exhibit is $10.
Artists reception at 8:30 p.m.
Capsule Art and Event Center
560 Santa Fe Drive
Denver, CO 80204
For more information you can e-mail

FINAL WEEK FOR BIKERNET SHARPEST SOFTAIL CONTEST SPONSORED BY D&D– Vote for the sharpest v-twin Softail from the Bikernet Community. Simply vote for the one that you like the best. The motorcycle that gets the most votes receives a new set of Fat Cat pipes from D&D Performance Enterprises. D&D Fat Cat Pipes are dyno tuned and depending upon your application can increase HP as much as 10 additional ponys. If you have modified your engine the Boarzilla pipes are made for you. They are larger in diameter really pump out the performance. Vote now!

BAGGER NATION COMES ALIVE–PAUL Yaffe, star of TV’s Biker Build-Off and member of the Hamsters, has launched a new website Bagger Nation.
The aim of the new Bagger Nation website is to create an online community for Bagger owners. The site already features Bagger parts from the Paul Yaffe Originals line and will in the future also carry parts from other manufacturers. Additionally, there are details of project bikes and completed bikes available for sale.
Paul’s plans for Bagger Nation for the future include a blog and a Q&A section for both riders and dealers. His stated intention is to make the site information rich, and a resource guide which constantly grows and evolves.

BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO / 10-11-07SLIMLINE BELT DRIVE–Here’s a new, narrowed belt drive from Rivera Primo that’s turning heads everywhere.This 1-3/4″ wide, 11mm Slimline kit is designed for 1990-2006 Evo & Twin Cam Softailmodels.
Featuring the “dense pack” Kevlar polychain primary belt that’s been tested to handlehorsepower loads in excess of 150 HP, this belt drive is built around a new, one-piecemotor plate with a clean-looking snout covering the jackshaft components.
The most noteworthy feature is the full coverage carbon fiber guard which fully encasesthe pulleys and belt. The stainless diamond-looking cover crest is both decorative andfunctional?it conceals mounting for our new mid-mount shifting control.
Included in this kit is an all-new Pro-Clutch? set-up, featuring wide-slotted Kevlar frictionDiscs for maximum engagement.

Kits are on-the-shelf & ready to ship!
2016-0225 Slimline Narrowed Belt Drive Kit / Includes Front & Rear Pulleys, $ 2299.95 Motor Plate Assembly, 1-3/4″, 11mm Kevlar Polychain Belt, Pro-Clutch? Assembly & Full Carbon Fiber Outer Guard
2084-0510 Mid-Mount Billet Control Kit / Includes Brake & Shift Side Assemblies
For these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

THREAT TO OUR FREEDOM–NTSB bulletin encouraging people to write to their state legislators to encourage helmet laws. Please take this threat very serious! It appears NHTSA has found someone to lobby for them! For an organization that has only investigated 6 motorcycle crashes they sure are using these stretched stats to make these outrageous claims! We all know that wearing a helmet does not mean that a person survives a 60 mph crash! How about if all car drivers wear a helmet as well since the majority of those killed in car crashes die from head trauma? If they make everyone wear a helmet then inattentive drivers don’t have to pay attention right???? A government agency that runs on my tax dollars has no business lobbying to change my state law! Please write to your state legislators and let them know that may get false statistics thrown at them pushing for helmet laws and that you are against both a mandatory helmet law and government agencies being allowed to lobby for law changes. They should only be able to speak on behalf of their expertise which in this case the NTSB does not have in this arena Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN/EMT 2 into 2 JUG HUGGERS– Jug Huggers are performance pipes that have the right mix of air flow and back pressure to make for increased performance and incredible sound. The oversized removable heat shield gives the Jug Huggers a 2 1/2″ fat look. Max-Flow performance baffles and chrome billet aluminum end caps are standard. Optional stealth baffles or torque chambers give you the option of getting the right performance from your motorcycle. Save $80! MRF CALL TO ACTION–For the past several weeks the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has beenactively working on a multi-tiered strategic initiative to counter theNational Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) program to pressure statesinto enacting mandatory helmet laws. We are prepared today to launch theprogram beginning with a Call to Action to our State Motorcycle RightsOrganizations (SMROs). The MRF’s Call to Action is to encourage our SMRO partners to send theirtop lobbying teams to Washington D.C. in late October and early Novemberto visit with their members of Congress to voice opposition to the NTSB’slobbying efforts. It is our position that the NTSB is proposing todirectly lobby the states with federal tax money based on poorly-drawnconclusions, using a very narrow scope, and not employing the rigors ofresearch to which they normally hold themselves. This is simply notacceptable to the MRF and our SMRO partners. A clear message was sent bythe Senate in the 109th Congress when they voted 69-28 to defeat theLautenberg Federal Helmet amendment, which would have pressured statesinto passing mandatory helmet laws, based on the fact that this issue isclearly a State’s rights issue. Accordingly, we will be asking members ofCongress to write a letter to the NTSB reminding them of this fact. During these SMRO visits we will also be presenting a bullet pointstatistical fact sheet developed in conjunction with the MRF Legislative,Motorcycle Safety, and Statistics Committees that clearly shows that theanswer to motorcycle safety and reducing fatalities is, in fact, anaggressive approach toward CRASH AVOIDANCE and NOT safer crashing. Inaddition, we will be educating members of Congress on the many pointscontained in our Motorcycle Safety Action Plan, pointing out to them thatstates with the highest reductions in motorcycle fatalities and stateswith low fatality rates per registered motorcycle are not those withmandatory helmet laws, but rather states that utilize the many tools inthe motorcycle safety action plan. Additionally, we will thank many ofthem for their belief in motorcycle safety shown by the creation of the2010 motorcycle safety grants and the creation of the Motorcycle AdvisoryCouncil in TEA-LU. We will take advantage of this time to inform them asto how these programs are being used effectively. The second phase of the MRF’s strategic initiative involves the MRFholding a press conference in the first week of November in one of theoffice buildings of the United States House of Representatives inWashington, DC. The press conference will feature a prominent member ofCongress. Expect another Call to Action encouraging our members, our SMROpartners, motorcyclists in general and other concerned citizens to attend.At that time we will be issuing a formal letter to the Chairman of theNTSB asking him to reconsider their proposed lobbying of the states andasking that he consider the statistical facts related to our MotorcycleSafety Action Plan and its effectiveness with regard to Crash Avoidanceand NOT Safer Crashing as the goal. For strategic reasons, third phase of our initiative will be announcedonce we complete the necessary research and sufficient discussions havetaken place. We will go on record, however, as stating that we will notrule out asking Congress to take action against the NTSB, as we have donewith NHTSA in the past, should they continue to ignore the spirit ofprevious congressional mandates against federal agencies lobbying stateson mandatory helmet laws. Please contact Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations of theMotorcycle Riders Foundation, at 202-546-0983 in our Washington D.C.Office to schedule your appointments. CUSTOM CYCLE ENGINEERING FLT/FXR SWING ARM RETROFIT KIT–Custom Cycle Engineering has developed a swing arm conversion kit that replaces the stock Cleve Bloc style swing arm bushings with spherical bearings. The conversion covers all the FLT and FXR models from 1980 to 2001. The swing arm conversion kit coincides with Harley-Davidson’s change from the Cleve Bloc bushing to a spherical bearing in all the 2002 and up FLT models. The conversion over to spherical bearings in the early models dramatically changes the handling and tracking of all the FLT’s and FXR’s. The sticksion at the swing arm pivot is greatly reduced with the new spherical bearings. This allows for the swing arm to react quicker to any harsh road conditions keeping the wheel in contact with the road. The use of spherical bearings also helps negate any lateral and torsional movement in the swing arm by the shear dynamics of a spherical bearing. The swing arm bearing conversion kit is a positive answer to the inherent ill handling problems of the popular Dresser models. Note:Along with the installation of the Swing Arm Conversion Kit, Custom Cycle Engineering recommends the replacement of the old Rubber Mount Isolators with new replacements (P/N 47564-86 B). Custom Cycle Engineering
Director Accident Scene Management, Inc.
President of SOS & Conspicuity Inc.
W246 S3244 Industrial Ln. A
Waukesha, WI 53189
(877) 411-8551 – toll free
(262) 521-2880 – local
(262) 436-0286 – fax
1970 Peacock Boulevard
f Oceanside, CA 92056
Phone: 800-472-9253
f Fax: 760-941-6489
Continued On Page 2