I left the highrise, executive board room, life of Easyriders to slow down, and instead have become a speed freak and go faster every day. At least the commute is 20 feet instead of 45 miles, there’s no tele-conferencing and no memos. It’s all phone, fax and e-mail. Orwell goes to press tomorrow. The Street Stalker was sold, the printer paid, the dual-Mikuni-carbed Panhead is ready to fire thanks to the expert cable manufacturing capabilities of mechanic Al at Century Motors in San Pedro. New Bikernet T-shirts were just delivered. She’s big, on the back and the small horizontal patch is screened over the pocket area on the front. And no, they’re not black T-shirts, but tan three-button Henleys. Quality shit. Now we need to have lovely Brenda pose with them so you can see what they look like. Last week we packed away five writing features for the site and various magazines. Oh, I almost forgot — believe it or not I’m riding a Buell.

OK, back off, I haven’t lost my Choppers for Life touch. In fact, the challenge will be to chopperize a Buell (a Sport Chop), and I have a plan. I’ll also give you some background on the performance characteristic of Eric Buell’s creation, how we can boost performance, then we’ll see if we can’t make it sound like a Harley, make the engine look like a Harley and run like a bat outta hell. You’ll see it featured here and in the Enthusiast magazine spring edition.
Let’s get to the news:

BRENDA FOX–Our “Diva on the Deuce” stunt woman/show model was spotted at the Del Mar Races showing off the fine artistry and talent of the men of Al Martinez Body and Paint. Brenda was stopping traffic driving around fending off guys on a motorized bar stool.
Only one man could catch her, Hells Angel Dan, the wheelie king, who was seen with her on the back while the front tire was off the ground. She was also straddling him while sitting on the tank, again during a wheelstand. Dan knows women and wheelies.
Next week, we will install a Harley-Davidson/Holly Carb system on her Deuce, a new set of Twin Cam exhaust and a set of shorter shocks to allow her tiny feet to touch the pavement. All the tech will be available on Bikernet in the next couple of weeks. That is, if Dan will return her to the headquarters.
FLASH !!!!!!!!!! YESTERDAY, AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE COMPANY IN MELBOURNE, FLORIDA FILED FOR CHAPTER 11– Employees were notified when they showed up for work at 7 a.m. on Oct. 12. This comes after the recent merger of American QuantumCycles and the new company, American Motorcycle Co.
After reorganizing under Chapter 11, the company said itexpects to reopen and hire back employees in the near future. Employees are owed five weeks pay and will be furloughed until furthurnotice. Company spokesmen told employees they would bepaid as soon as possible, and that when the companyreopens all will be called back.
Most employees say they are not suprised by this and feel that it wasnecessary for the company to make some serious changes.There isexpected to be some problems with officers and salaried personal who may notlike the new changes.
Please note that this is not an official document from American MotorcycleCo. but information from one friend to another. For official information, call (321) 752-0008.
RACER’S WINTER TIPS–If you’re going to ride during these cold, nasty winter months, be prepared!!! Ican not emphasize enough for you to dress warmly, pay attention to yoursurroundings and keep an eye on the weather!!!
Plan your rides, ensure that youhave alternate routes/destinations in the event of inclement weather and ensurethat you have your scoot in top shape. Ride in a group if possible, carry yourcell phone (in the SADDLEBAG) and let others know where/when you aregoing.
Keep your insurance up to date and keep in mind that the cagers aregoing to be MORE dangerous than ever: i.e. the windows are going to beup, the heaters on and your presence on the roadways will be even MOREunexpected to the unwashed masses than normal.
Keep your head on straight,stay AWAY from the alcohol (it WILL NOT keep you warm) and payattention to your riding!!! Hope to see you at the Motorcycle Expo in February 2001..meanwhile take care of you.–Racer
Hey, don’t take the party out of the ride.–Bandit

CHRIS HILL OF HILL PRODUCTS HAS TWO BRAINS– and two matching Harley-Davidson Ford trucks. Plus he built and owns this dyna. Recently featured in Hot Bike magazine, the bike sports an Al Martinez Cheatah paint job and showcases the handlebars that made Chris Hill famous.
But that’s not the reason for this note. No more than six weeks ago, Chris discovered that he had a brain tumor. The surgery took 11 hours.
He is currently recruperating in his vast estate. Drop him a note and cheer him up, he’s not thinking too clearly, lately– HILLPRODUCTS@aol.com
BIKETOBERFEST GUIDE ON BIKERNET–Thanks to Rogue, the other Bikernet East correspondent, Monday a complete guide to the event on the beach will be posted. It’s packed with events, guidelines, resources and maps to whorehouses.Don’t miss it. It may save your ass.

AH, THEN THERE’S LITTLE NANCY– who was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-facedyoungster was doing, he politely asked, “What are you up to there, Nancy?”
“My goldfish died,” replied Nancy tearfully, without looking up, “and I’ve just buried him.”
The neighbor was concerned. “That’s an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it?”
Nancy patted down the last heap of earth then replied, “That’s because he’s inside your “fuckin’ cat.”

HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC. REPORTS RECORD THIRD QUARTER– Harley-Davidson Inc. (NYSE:HDI) today announced record sales and earnings for its third quarter endedSept. 24. The company’s third quarter sales were $714.1 million, an increase of 14.6 percent over the third quarter last year. Dilutedearnings per share for the third quarter were 27 cents, a 27.7 percentincrease compared with last year.
“Demand for our motorcycles has continuedto exceed supply, even as we continue to increase our production capacity,”said Jeffrey L. Bleustein, chairman and chief executive officer ofHarley-Davidson Inc.
“An important step in continuing the growth of the company was theratification of a new labor agreement by the union employees at ourproduction facility in York, Penn.,” said Bleustein. “This newagreement runs until February 2007 and is an example of the strongcollaborative relationship we have with our union partners.”
Motorcycles and related products segment – third quarter resultsThird quarter sales of Harley-Davidson? motorcycles were $528.1million, an increase of 15.9 percent over the third quarter last year.Shipments totaled 48,077 units, up 5,462 units or 12.8 percent over lastyear. The company has revised its production target upward to 203,000Harley-Davidson motorcycles in 2000 and to 225,000 motorcycles for 2001.
Buell? motorcycle sales for the quarter totaled $10.4 million, down$6.3 million. Total shipments of 2,631 units during the quarter werecomprised of 227 Buell V-Twin models and 2,404 Buell? Blast* models.Buell’s V-Twin production was temporarily interrupted due to partsavailability issues and a voluntary recall in June of this year. Buell’sV-Twin production is expected to resume during the month of October. Thecompany now estimates that it will produce 10,000 Buell units in 2000.
Sales of parts and accessories (P&A), which consist of Genuine Motor Partsand Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $133.4 million, a 21.7 percentincrease from the year-ago quarter. Third quarter sales of generalmerchandise, which consists of MotorClothes apparel and collectibles,totaled $41.2 million, up 0.7 percent over the same period last year. Thecompany believes that the nine month growth rate for general merchandise,13.5 percent, is more indicative of the product line’s expected growth ratefor 2000.
Third quarter gross margin was 33.6 percent of revenue, up slightly from32.8 percent of revenue last year. Gross margin improved primarily due tofavorable product line mix, favorable motorcycle mix and model year priceincreases, despite negative effects of European currencies and somemanufacturing inefficiencies.
Third quarter operating margin for the motorcycles and relatedproducts segment was 16.3 percent of revenue, an improvement on last year’sthird quarter margin of 15.4 percent. The increase in gross margin drovethe commensurate increase in operating margin.Harley-Davidson/Buell retail registrations have grown in all major markets,with the U.S. up 19.1 percent through August, Europe up 7.4 percent throughJuly and Japan/Australia up 3.3 percent through May. (See tables onharley-davidson.com for more detail.)
Harley-Davidson Inc. – Nine Month Results:For the nine-month period ended Sept. 24, sales totaled$2.15 billion, a 20.1 percent increase over the year-ago period. Dilutedearnings per share were 82 cents, an increase of 32.7 percent. When thefirst quarter sale of the Harley-Davidson? Chrome VISA? card is excluded,diluted earnings per share were 80 cents, an increase of 28.8 percent.Through the first nine months of this year, Harley-Davidson?motorcycle revenue was $1.64 billion, a 20.5 percent increase, while Buell?motorcycle revenue was $47.4 million, a 4.6 percent increase compared withthe same period in 1999.For the first nine months of 2000, P&A revenue totaled $349.4million, a 22.9 percent increase, while general merchandise revenue totaled$110.8 million, a 13.5 percent increase compared with the same period in1999. Through the first nine months of 2000, HDFS operating income was $24.2million, a 25.7 percent increase over last year.
Acquisition of Italian DistributorOn Oct. 2, Harley-Davidson acquired the assets of its Italiandistributor in a cash transaction. The new wholly owned subsidiary willdistribute Harley-Davidson and Buell motorcycles and related productsthrough a network of independent dealers in Italy.

MC CLURE TAKES ET RECORD TO 6.61 AND RUNS 226.01 MPH–Jim McClure of Williamsburg, Va., had ’em stomping on the grandstands, cheering their hearts out at Rockingham Drag Way for the AHDRA Eastern Finals. McClure qualified second in the quick field of 16 JIMS Top Fuel setting a new ET record to 6.61, previously held by Doug Vancil of Albuquerque, N.M.
But for the last few races McClure knew there was a 220 mph pass just waiting to happen. At the Rock, where records are smashed, McClure found his 220, but his performance exceeded his modesty. McClure lit up the crowd when the lights showed a 226.01 pass. It was awesome. “There was big traction, good air and we knew it was in there. It felt wonderful.” according to the radiant McClure.
But just like the Sunday temperature, things went down hill. The temperature dropped almost 25 degrees, McClure was on a back up when a tappet broke, bending a pushrod, slowing the bike and outing him for the day. McClure said: “We just can’t seem to get a break, we know it’s there, the computer showed we were on the back up, same curve, same power band, but with this horsepower, sometimes things break.”
McClure left Rockingham for a quick trip to repair the damage before leaving Tuesday morning for Shreveport.
Oct. 12-14 IHRA Shreveport, La. (Finals)
Oct. 21-22 AHDRA Las Vegas, Nev. (Finals)
Nov. 3-4 IHRA Rockingham, N.C.
McClure is supported on his national tour by Rivera Engineering, Primo Products, Red Line Synthetic Oil, ACCEL, Hampton Roads HD, Southside HD, F & S HD, S & S Cycle, Inc, Performance Machine, Axtell, Autolite & Vanson Leathers– www.jimmcclureracing.com
Don’t forget to watch IHRA on TNN on Sunday nights 10:30 pm EST.

YOUR PAPERS, PLEASE … Senate bill rewrites search-seizure laws Congress likely to ‘stuff’ provision in last-minute spending legislation –By Patrick Poole ? 2000 WorldNetDaily.com
Just months after a public outcry scuttled a bill sailing through Congress that would have given federal law enforcement authorities the right to conduct secret searches, a new threat to the Fourth Amendment has arisen that will allow federal agency employees, rather than judges, to authorize certain searches of personal information.
In May, WorldNetDaily reported on a bill, the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act, which contained a section that would have authorized federal agents to enter a citizen’s home or office with a warrant, to search and copy files from his computer and not tell him what items were taken until months afterwards. The bill also exempted law enforcement officials from ever telling suspects that certain “intangible” items were seized or copied.
After a bipartisan coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee, including Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. D-Texas, and Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., expressed serious reservations about the so-called “sneak-and-peak” searches, the measure was pulled from the bill.
The latest assault of the Fourth Amendment is contained in section 3(g) of the Fugitive Apprehension Act, S. 2516, which would authorize the attorney general to issue “administrative subpoenas” for personal information and records without court authorization. A delayed reporting requirement also found in the bill allows Department of Justice attorneys to ask the court to conceal the subpoena from the target of the investigation.
The bill has already passed the Senate, and opponents of the measure are concerned that it might be brought to a vote in the House as early as this week. David Kopel, an attorney and constitutional expert for the Denver-based Independence Institute told WorldNetDaily the U.S. Marshall Service is pushing the administrative subpoena provision to broaden their search powers in fugitive cases, but that the provision is unneeded.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– As you guys are reading this we will be in Biketoberfest. Cool, can’twait to ride in Florida with no helmet……(already did before Sturgis,but it does not count).
Seems like every year the little bike week is earlier in October. Iremember one of the first ones that was smack on Halloween night, what acreepy and cool sight it was. People riding in costumes and having a ball.We stayed until the following morning partying around Main Street. No linesin the bars, no crowds, cops were more or less going with theflow. Really cool.
Now it’s just like the nasty, over-crowded spring event, but less time todo the usual crap we always do, bit of work, bit of fun. On the brightside, my chopper will be there, and thatno lid law rules !!!
If anyone sees a long, tall, 230 tire, rigid, black chopper with a PRplate and a Che Guevara on the tank, feel free to say hi, and shoot theshit. Hey Bandit, maybe we can hook up and go visit the Pink Pony?
The HOG caribbean rally will take place around Nov. 18. They plana ride around the island with stops (overnight) in north, west, east andsouth towns, culminating with the party in San Juan. If interested, call the HOGchapter in San Juan.
The new Caribbean Custom Cycles showroom will open by the rally. Anyonewho makes it down here is welcome to roll by and say hi.
Harley-Davidson San Juan (motorsport) had the unveiling of the 2001models in their Old San Juan Boutique, reported that over 800 bikes showedup to the party and for demo rides.
We hear Sonny Barger is going to be the whole week at the Corbin place inMain Street Daytona, signing his new book from 9 a.m. until, and I quote, “tiring.”
Oh well, that’s about it, lucky to be missed by the hurricanes thisseason, which is almost over for us. Watch out Gulf area, now it’s your turn.–Jose.
GOOD CHARACTER OF AMERICAN BIKERS ATTACKED–There have been major developments this morning regarding themalicious attack on the reputation of American bikers by the VirginiaDemocratic Party for the sake of Sen. Chuck Robb’s re-electioneffort. I would strongly recommend everyone take time to read thismessage.
Our callers and Ed Moreland of AMA received indications asearly as this past Saturday (Oct. 7) that a commercial, runningon the major network affiliates serving D.C., Northern Virginia andMaryland, would be changed by obscuring the Harley-Davidson logoclearly visible on the back of a biker’s leather vest, a biker onwhom the camera lingers for far too long given the pace of the videotrack.
The commercial ran yesterday withoutthe promised change. (I personally viewed the spot on the CBSaffiliate at about noon, 3:30 p.m. and again at about 5 p.m.)<
Also yesterday, several of our members reported that they werereferred by Robb’s office to the Virginia Democratic Party. They called Sen.Robb’s office and also the office of his campaign requesting that thesenator himself take action and call a halt to thismalicious campaign.Staffers with the Virginia Democratic Party told our people thatall video of bikers would be deleted.
Today, however, results of any change are spotty. I saw thecommercial on the NBC affiliate at 10:24 with the H-D logo clearlyvisible. Switching channels, I saw the spot again on the NBCaffiliate at 10:37, without the H-D logo. (I must say, they did agood job in post-production, as the resultant video is relativelyclean.
I would be remiss if I didn’t hail Brother George Crum of ABATE ofVirginia (Mason-Dixon Chapter) and Sister Kim Pace of ABATE ofVirginia (Olde Dominion Chapter) for their work. Kim’s telephoneinquiry of the Virginia Democratic Party yielded this new, startlingrevelation:- After Robb’s office connected her with the Virginia DemocraticParty, Kim reported, “They took all credit for the ad. Robb wasnot aware of the ad. Their excuse was it was a random photo usedwhich just so happened to have a biker in it at a gun rally, shakingAllen’s hand.” It was appropriate, the campaign explained since Allen does not support gun control at all.
Unfortunately, none of this is true.The video in the commercial was captured not at a gun rally but atthe Annual Bike Show in Orange, Va., on June 17, sponsored by oneof the East Coast’s biggest Harley dealers, Waugh Enterprises. I have placed a call to CNN legal counsel in Atlanta to determinewhether the network or any of its affiliates ever dispatched a crewto Orange, Va., on June 17.
I will continue to keep all concerned advised.
–Tom Wyld
Vice President for Government Relations
Motorcycle Riders Foundation.
Member, MRFPAC
BIKERNET MOVIE PROJECTS REPORT–Hospitalized with walking pneumonia Conrad Goode was just recently released from an Indiana facility for the mentally ill. While strapped to a gurney we interviewed him. Seems Asphalt Cowboy is on the edge of production. Basically they promised Goode that if he would leave the country permanently, they would begin filming before the first of the year. Major actors are being courted, but we can’t release the names just yet.
Agent Zebra’s 1%er film is being rewritten for the 43rd time. Zebra and Ian, the co-writers on opposited coasts are still fighting over the syntax in the first line. There is hope, though.
Burnin’ daylight the madcap biker video shot on the slippery streets of San Pedro last winter may be pulling into an editing bay as we speak. Marco the mad producer/director/camerman is still working for Playboy and in hiding on the back streets of Hollywood. New developments have surfaced regarding Burnin’ Daylight which may afford it Pay Preview exposure. More on that later.Reporting drunk from Hollywood–Snake

POLARIS TEAMS UP WITH BOND–JAMES BOND–in Promotionto Celebrate Release of 007 Classics.Prizes Include Victory & Polaris Vehicles, Apparel & More
Special agent “007” – also known as “Bond,James Bond” – always travels in style. So will the winners of the “007Sweepstakes” in which entrants can win prizes such as a Victory motorcycleor a Polaris snowmobile, ATV or watercraft.The promotion celebrates the Oct. 17 release on video cassette andspecial edition DVD of six James Bond adventures from MGM HomeEntertainment: “Diamonds Are Forever,” “From Russia With Love,” “The LivingDaylights,” “Octopussy,” “A View to a Kill” and “You Only Live Twice.”
Each of the special edition James Bond DVDs features exciting newdocumentaries, previously unseen footage, music videos, directorcommentaries and more.
Among the grand prizes in the “007 Sweepstakes” is a Victory V92Cmotorcycle. Additional prizes include a Polaris Indy 800 XCR snowmobile,Polaris Sportsman 335 ATV and Polaris SLX Watercraft. Additional prizesincluded with the product awards are high-quality Pure Polaris Victory andPolaris apparel.
Fifty winners will also receive prizes from MGM Home Entertainmentconsisting of sets of five MGM videos.The prizes and the Victory and Polaris logos will be featured in anexpansive, multi-million dollar marketing campaign publicizing the “007Sweepstakes”. It will be advertised in numerous major publications, onradio, online, at Polaris dealerships and in retail outlets where the JamesBond videos and DVDs from MGM Home Entertainment are sold.
The promotion is scheduled to run from Oct. 17 to Jan. 16 and is open to residents of the continental U.S. and Alaska. Detailsabout the sweepstakes, including information on how to enter, will beavailable in select magazines, at Polaris and Victory dealerships, at selectretail outlets where the James Bond videos are sold and on the Polaris homepage (www.polarisindustries.com), which will include a link to the JamesBond Web site (www.jamesbond.com).Information about the complete line of Polaris products is available fromauthorized Polaris dealers or from the Polaris home page at:www.polarisindustries.com.
THE BOSS’S BOOK TOUR REPORT–Please do not be alarmed by the recent message that the upcoming eastern tour may be “the last chance to meet Sonny.” He is in good health and spirits, but after all the touring in the last seven months he will enjoy some well-deserved time at home with his family. The new Road King he got in March has over 30,000 miles on it already. We will keep you informed when additional appearances are planned.
THE BUST–This story originally started with “The Bust” in the spring of 1999, thepaper followed up several times with continuing pieces covering the trialsand sentencings. Most of the charges were dismissed or resulted in “not guilty” verdictsand the majority of individuals arrested eventually walked. There was even astory where one or two of the bro’s became born again.
This morning’s paper had a strange turn of events I thought you would findinteresting. –Eric
Clarence “Mac” McNamara and Richard “Phez” Conner say theirmotorcycles were damaged after they were seized by the FBI in the RenegadesMotorcycle Club drug bust last year. Three of the bikers have filed damageclaims with the FBI and two have settled for payments below the claimeddamage amount. Frank Sylvia Jr.’s 1990 Harley Softail was his baby. Ten years ofsweat, tons of custom parts and a 22-coat paint job turned his ride into a$12,500 showpiece that was the envy of his fellow bikers. Then the FBI charged him — wrongly, it turned out — as part of theRenegades Motorcycle Club’s methamphetamine ring last year. And as itroutinely does in drug cases, the bureau seized the bikers’ money, property,guns and motorcycles, including Sylvia’s Harley-Davidson. When Sylvia was acquitted in November, he expected to get his bike back indecent condition. “Not by a long shot,” Sylvia said last week. Instead, the 22-coat paint job was ruined and expensive parts were missing.The odometer had mysteriously gained more than 1,000 miles, and the Harleyhad a Fairfax County sticker on it — leading Sylvia and his attorney tobelieve that the FBI took it for its own use without waiting to see ifSylvia would be convicted.
Now the FBI is investigating whether one of its own broke the law. On Friday, Chuck Owens, special agent in charge of the Norfolk office,acknowledged that the bike had been “misused,” but said the misuseoccurred in another FBI office.
The U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility islooking into the matter, Owens said, and disciplinary action against anyagents or FBI employees involved “is a possibility.” The investigation “won’t be resolved any time soon,” said Phil Mann,assistant general counsel for the Norfolk FBI office. The flap over the seized property is fallout from one of the biggest andlongest trials held in U.S. District Court in Norfolk. Federal officialscharged 33 defendants last year with being part of a drug distribution ringassociated with the Renegades. Twenty defendants pleaded guilty to drug distribution charges before trial.At the end of the trial, which lasted from September to November 1999, fivewere convicted of lesser charges, two were convicted of conspiracy todistribute drugs and one was convicted on gun charges. Five, including Sylvia, were acquitted.
The Renegades defendants had federal forfeiture proceedings brought againstthem that would have taken any property bought from drug profits or used inselling drugs — including land, homes, cars, trucks and motorcycles. But under that section of the U.S. Code, the defendants have to be convictedfirst.
Sylvia isn’t the only one associated with the Renegades case who is unhappywith how his property was treated. Five others who got their motorcycles back also say they were damaged whilein FBI custody. Three have claims against the FBI for damages, and twoothers settled for payments less than the damages they claimed. Richard “Phez” Connor, James Edwin “Ed” Land Jr., and Amy Stephan, –who was not charged but had her motorcycle seized because she is the wife ofthe Renegades’ Garry Stephan — are still negotiating with the FBI overdamage to their Harleys, said their attorney, Andrew Protogyrou. Connor, to this day, is livid. Though convicted of possession with intent todistribute, he was still entitled to get his 1991 Softail back. “When I saw it, I was shocked,” Connor said. “It was all (messed) up.Rusty. It was disgusting.”
“The truth is, it’s easy for the government to work over the littlepeople,” Protogyrou said. “But things have gotten better.” Reach Chris Grier at (757) 446-2643 or cgrier@pilotonline.com

HANNON RACING SETS ER AND MPH RECORDS AT THE ROCK–Bill Hannon, Ft. Myers, Fla, and Dan Baisley, Portland, Or. just love breaking records and it was grins and giggles at the ROCK, one of their favorite playgrounds.
Hannon Racing continue their pursuit of excellence in the Pro Stock Harley Davidson world. This weekend at the AHDRA, Eastern Finals, Rockingham Dragway, Rockingham, NC in the Joker Machine Division, the Hannon/Baisley duo established new 3 records. In the 1/8 mile the new ET standard was lowered to 4.755 seconds, the new 1/8 mile mph record was increased to 149.91 mph and a dazzling new World ET and personal best at 7.574 seconds for the 1/4 mile record.”We had several experimental pieces in our motor, now we know they work. We’ll go home for a couple weeks to freshen up both engines, and hone the knife for cutting more Harley Davidson records in Houston at NHRA,” said Hannon with a big smile.
Oct. 26-29 NHRA Houston, Tx.
Hannon Racing is supported on their national circuit by Axtell Sales, Inc., Baisley Hi-Performance, D & G Chassis, Harley Davidson of Ft. Myers, The Landings Realty, Inc., Red Line Oil, MRE, BPM Racing Engines, and Dyna Tek, RK Chain, Bandit Clutch, Vanson Leathers, & Mastercam.
Hannon 941-463-2778, www.hannonracing.com
ADS THAT CAN’T GO UNNOTICED– UsedCars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated? Come here first!
Christmans tag-sale. Handmade gifts for the hard-to-find person.
Modular Sofas. Only $299. For rest or fore play.
Wanted: Hair-cutter. Excellent growth potential.
Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
3-year-old teacher need for pre-school. Experience preferred.
Our experienced Mom will care of your child. Fenced yard, meals, and smacks included.
“INDEPENDENT LENS WILL BROADCAST– in November an episode entitled “Girl Gone Bad.” “Girl Gone Bad” takes the viewer on a wild ride through the extraordinary world of female bikers, an amazing group of women few people know anything about. The film’s guide on this ode to the open road is hard-core biker Dusty Switzer, a native-born Apache, ex-felon, ex-go-go dancer, and single mother of three. “Ride like everybody’s out to kill you,” was her own mother’s sage advice. Outriders and outlaws, club mamas, Dykes on Bykes, biker babes, weekend warriors…each character we meet along the road struggles to defy traditional stereotypes in the sexually charged world of motorcycling, and in the process, establishes her own uncompromising identity. “Girl Gone Bad” has at its documentary heart the quest to understand the true nature of freedom and the true nature of self.
The women depicted in the film are as diverse as are their bikes, the only seeming common denominator of their ferociously independent style. Along the way, we meet Lisa Turvey, an LAPD motor officer, who wants to be a motorcycle sergeant, but finds it hard to exhibit “feminine” characteristics on the job; Peggy Bennington, a mild-mannered family law practitioner from Northern California, whose GRLGNBD license plate was the inspiration for the title of the film; Gail Chambers, sheathed in skin-tight leather from head-to-toe, who explains how an “outrider” (a woman who rides solo) has to comport herself in the typical motorcycle milieu so as not to excite too much sexual tension; Malysa Wise, “Playboy” model and biker aficionado, who never goes biking without her gun; and Scorpio Cornett, who rides behind Liddo Jim Cornett and considers herself his “property.”

LOVELY POTHOLES–The road is long and filled with lovely potholes. Lovely potholes? Whatthe hell kind of pothole could ever be lovely, right? Well, if you answeredunearthing an earthly high from a hole in the earth, I didn’t mean that.
I’m talking about the pothole that’s ragged and deep and mean and makes youcautiously approach and mull over everything. The hole that bottoms you outand makes yer chrome rattle. These past few months have been filled withthem and now that the rough road is somewhat over, I’m contemplating andchanging directions.
Next week will be the official site launch for bikerlady.com phase I. Thesite is enormous in design, but will be a piece meal installation. It’sreally fun to create a community. It’s like building a house with a lot ofrooms and inviting everyone to hang out and stay, to commune. Bandit is amaster at community. He makes ya feel quite at home within the bikernet.compages; kinda like his garage is your garage.
A few years ago, I decided to leave the pitted road called the musicbusiness and pseudo corporate life and hop on my scoot and ride away fromall I know. I sublet my NYC apartment and became a gypsy for awhile, livinghere and there. This new road hasn’t been smooth, nope, not at all. But it’s a hell of a lot more fun than the other boring interstate that led menowhere from which I had to forge my own exit. Get off, I did.
There has been new potholes these past few months that have made me bottomout to realize that time is way too short and it made me groove all theharder. It’s important to really experience beautiful freedom now. Get onthe path that’s windy and winding and takes me on an adventure that belongsto me, and let’s me share with the world at large. My life is perfectly myown. I answer to know one but the wind. Yes, these lovely potholes taughtme much these past few months. . .and it’s good to change direction. –
–Sasha, webdiva of bikerlady.com
HARD CHARGING PICOTTE CRASHES OUT OF WILLOW SPRINGS RACE– Harley-Davidson VR 1000 racerPascal Picotte was charging towards the front of the pack during the AMASuperbike Championship’s final race of the season when he crashed in turnfour of Willow Springs International Raceway. Picotte was attempting to passthe Ducati of eventual 2nd place finisher John Kocinski when he crashed outof the race unhurt.
“I had a great start and passed a bunch of guys right away, then Ilost the front end in turn four when I tried to pass John and crashed,” saidPicotte. “It’s disappointing because we worked so hard all season and didn’tget the results we really wanted.”
Picotte’s crew worked feverishly to restore his VR to track worthycondition so he could rejoin the race and gain valuable points on Honda’sMiguel DuHamel and Yamaha’s Jamie Hacking, who had exited the race due to amechanical problem and a crash, respectively. Unfortunately, substantialcrash damage to his VR meant Picotte’s day was done.
Picotte, who had completed every AMA Superbike race on the schedule beforethe Willow Springs round, finished 11th overall in the 2000 AMA SuperbikeChampionship. Just ten points separated Picotte from DuHamel and Hacking,who finished 9th and 10th in the championship. Picotte posted seven top-tenfinishes with a season best finish of 8th at New Hampshire InternationalSpeedway.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK–Purpose–Lives based on having are less free than lives based either on doing orbeing. –William James

LOOKING FOR ADVENTURE…The hardest-working woman at Sturgis lets you ride bitch for her wildride(Road Journal)
HOT WHEELSSturgis has more bitchin’ fat hogs than a Weight Watchers meeting withPMS.(Hot Bikes)
BIKER BABES EXPOSED!The sexiest curves at Sturgis aren’t always on the open road.(Hot Girls)
HELL’S ANGELSonny Barger Excerpt
EXCLUSIVE STURGIS VIDEO FOOTAGESteve Wilson from Steel Dreams TV brings the world’s biggest bikerparty right onto your desktop
RERUN OF BUDDS CREEK FOR PRICE AT THE ROCK–Ray Price, Raleigh, NC, continues to make mega horsepower in the JIMS Top Fuel series, but in getting that horsepower to the wheel, his weak link has been the chain and again this weekend Price’s Top Fueler was followed by his chain.
Price qualified 6th in the 16 bike field running in the 6.8 second zone. But in round one of eliminations Price’s chain broke and looked like a quick snake slithing after his Harley-Davidson Fueler at midtrack at the AHDRA Eastern Finals at his home track, Rockingham Dragway, Rockingham, NC.
If there is a bright spot in the cold cloudy day, it was that Price’s second motor is ready for Shreveport’s IHRA race this weekend. Price and team will leave early Wednesday morning for the IHRA event.
Oct. 12-14 IHRA Shreveport, La. (Finals)
Nov. 4-5 IHRA Rockingham, NC
Ray Price Racing is supported by Ray Price Harley Davidson, Raleigh HOG, S & S Cycle, Power Arc Ignition Co., Ultra Pro Machining, JIMS, Royal Purple Synthetic Motor Oil, Shumaker Racing, Performance Machine, Barnett Tool & Engineering, Vanson’s, Carolina Cobras, and Wilder’s Inc.
Check his site www.rayprice.com,919-832-2261.Don’t forget to watch IHRA on TNN on Sunday nights 10:30 pm EST.
You bros that humped the boonies take a long look at this pic of our Veep, Al. No magazine in the weapon, in fact, no M-16 ammo visible, no M-60 ammo, odd rain gear, only one canteen, and what is that thing on his back? This is on his website as an “in country”picture! Just askin’, Oz.

GOVERNOR GEORGE W. BUSH ENDORSED BY THE MOTORCYCLE RIDERSFOUNDATION–First presidential endorsement made by national motorcyclists’ rightsassociation.
Austin-Texas Governor George W. Bush was endorsed today by theMotorcycle Riders Foundation, the first presidential endorsement madeby national motorcyclists’ rights association, because of hiscommitment to highway safety and issues pertaining totransportation.
“Governor Bush has pledged to work for rider rights and safetyon a wide range of issues including rider road access to health careto the proper role of the National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration,”said Tom Pauley, President of the MotorcycleRiders Foundation. “Moreover, the timeliness of Governor Bush’sresponse to complex issues we raised reflects a responsiveness thatriders across the country value – a responsiveness we believe will bea hallmark of his Presidency.”
“Improving highway and motor vehicle safety will be an importantpriority in my Administration, as it is for the Motorcycle RidersFoundation. I favor both continued research on safe highwaydesigns and programs to incorporate the results of this research intonew and reconstructed highway facilities. These advances will make asafer America for everyone who travels on America’s highways,”said Governor Bush.
ODD TECH TESTWhile roaming the Custom Chrome show, I spoke to Randy Simpson of Milwaukee Iron who makes a strong line of fenders carried by Custom Chrome. Randy decided that he better start testing his fender for durability. A tip from a fellow industry leader lead him to purchase a paint can shaker. He mounted a front fender to it and let it rip. The first fender he tried lasted a mere 45 minutes before it cracked, then split in two.
Randy make his fenders with support plates built into the sides and mounting areas. His fender shook for over 24 hours before the machine caught fire and burnt to the ground. The man takes a lot of pride in the strength and durability of his product.
5 S&S Shorty (E) series carbs with chrome air cleaners$200 each
1 Yellow powdercoated Kenny Boyce Pro Street Frame$400
1 Black powdercoated Kenny Boyce Pro Street frame some scratches on bottom$350
2 Kenny Boyce frames with new brackets welded.Powdercoat damage needs redo$300 each
1 White Kenny Boyce frame with missing brackets$250
1 Delkron FXR 5 speed spline shaft transmission complete with pulley$1,100
1 4 Speed Harley transmission fits 1965-1984 Big Twin ( rebuilt)$1,000
1 Roadstar 16 inch spoke wheel in box$250
3 Revtech 16×3 Front rally style billet wheel complete$300 each
1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 front Daytona style billet wheel complete$300
1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 front Mirage style billet wheel complete$300
1 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 rear Mirage style billet wheel complete$300
2 Sturgis 16×3 1/2 Rims only Mirage style billet wheel$150 each
2 Sturgis 16×5 1/4 Rims only Rear Roadstar style billet wheel$200 each1 Roadstar billet belt pulley rear$3002 CCI 47-098 70 tooth rear pulley multi spoke$275 each
5 Billet Aluminum inner primarys to fit FXR$500 each
5 Billet Aliminum outer primary covers to fit FXR$500 each
3 HD inner primarys to fit FXR$200 each
1 HD outer primary cover to fit FXR$100
10 Sets of 4140 Steel EVO connecting rods$50 set
5 New Harley Davidson factory wrinkle black starters 84 up EVO$125 each
3-5 Speed Harley Davidson taper shaft diaphgram clutch assembly w/kevlarclutch plates $400 each
7 Heavy Billet Aluminum 5 Speed transmission doors polished and beaings$150 each
3 Rear S&S 3 5/8 Bore and 5.375 tall EVO cylinders standard bore loose$50 each
3 Front S&S 3 5/8 Bore and 5.375 tall EVO cylinders standard bore loose$50 each
7 Jims pinion gears 24045-78 Green to 89$30 each
3 Jims pinion gears 24043-78 Red to 89$30 each
1 CCI 12-997 floorboards$25
1 CCI 09-930 mini floorboards$75
2 Sets CCI 15-298 Gas Tanks replaces HD 61211-84A & 61228-84$100 set
3 Sets CCI 15-294 6 Gallon Gas Tanks HD FXST 1984-96 & custom frames$100 set
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads front, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) $75 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads rear, minor repair needed on some(guide,seat,threads) $75 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rockerboxes complete, need to be reshimed$175 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rockerboxes complete, need to be reshimed$175 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front rockerboxes$75 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear rockerboxes$75 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front exhaust rockerarms$50 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve front intake rockerarms$50 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear intake rockerarms$50 each
10 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rear exhaust rockerarms$50 each
20 Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve rockerbox covers$25 each
10 Dual Carb Plenums for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads$50 each
20 Intake Plenum Runners for Feuling-Quantum 4 Valve heads$25 each
1 White powdercoated oil tank for Kenny Boyce frames$100
Other stuff like fenders, seats, handlebars, stainless lines and cables to belisted later. I am still sorting parts–rogue@bikerrogue.com
YOU CAN SAY ANY FOOLISH THING– to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, “My God, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!” — Dave Barry

BUELL CUSTOMS FROM EUROPE–More aware of the Buell image in the industry and abroad, I noticed a custom Buell on the cover of American Motorcycle Dealer magazine. The bike was built by R&R customizing in Germany. Vance and Hines also has a catalog for the Buell and Sportster owner. The magazine directed an entire issue to the accessories and custom products for Buells. I need to get on the list.
I’M GETTING OUT OF HERE–It’s been a tough couple of weeks, but I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m prayin’ it’s not a train. With the help of Michele Durant and Michelle Mc Carthy, Jeff Watts (cover artist) and Jon Towle (Illustrator), Orwell will be a decent read. I’m anxious to get to work on the next book, the Buell and my project for the year, a Twin Cam dropped into an FXR frame–the best of all worlds. With the help of Rogue (who has been advertising his parts in the news from Quantum Cycles), we have three pro-street frames in the headquarters. We’re also working on our own front end with Lil’ John Buttera.
We’re clickin’ and that’s what it’s all about. Fast bikes, more fun and women who enjoy the thrill of it all. Speaking of the softer side of life, I’ve got to get the hell out of here. She’s waiting. Ride Forever–Bandit