What a wild week. Tomorrow I’m escaping to Mexico. Before I go, let’s straighten out another rumor. There was a report from the industry that Easyriders was in financial trouble again. I contacted the Boss, Joe Teresi and he wanted to know where the rumor originated. “Sounds like wishful thinking on a competitor’s part,” Joe said. “We’re kickin’ ass – copy sales and ad pages up more than any of the competition.” In other words ER is rockin’. Another rumor shot in the ass.
I’m on the edge of my seat, but we all need to thank our lucky metal flake stars. The weather’s been rough this year on plenty of Americans who could care less, now, about antique motorcycles, collections or chrome. They’re lucky to find a home, a job or, in some case a beer. Something to think about. Some 15 minutes can change your prospective on life forever.
So two things come to mind, maybe three. Count your blessings, for lack of a better way to put it. Do something for a neighbor, brother or charity whenever you have a chance. Finally, keep a constant vigil for terrorists. They need their asses kicked right out of the solar system. They’re fucking with our freedoms. Let’s hit the news:
EASYRIDERS QUICKY PRESS RELEASES–V-Twin TV premiers on Speed Channel November 29th, Tuesday nights.
ER’s 35th Anniversary party next year at Destination Daytona during Bike Week.
V-Twin Expo at Cinci has 33% more space this year and is SOLD OUT.

DESTINATION DAYTONA REPORT–The much anticipated Destination Daytona has been called many things – a biker’s paradise, a motorcycle enthusiasts amusement park, candy for the kid in you, but here’s a new one… OPEN!
Located at the corner of US1 and I-95 in Ormond Beach Destination Daytona, a sprawling 150 acres dedicated to all things motorcycles, opens for business Monday September 26th… just in time for Biketoberfest?! A city within itself, this motorcycle monstrosity is home to Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson, weighing in at 109,000 square feet making it the largest Harley-Davidson dealership in the world!
It’s easy to see why Bruce refers to the dealership as “The Big Daddy of Harley-Davidson Dealerships,” walking through an outrageous 53,953 sq. ft. showroom (36,463 sq. ft. larger then a standard showroom), with over 200 motorcycles, escalators, and various lounges, a 9,800 sq. ft. MotorClothes? area and a 45,897 sq. ft. service department, located on the second floor (28,407 sq. ft. larger then a standard service department!).
Phase I (50 of 150 acres) is almost complete with a two-story 56 room hotel/condominium, and foundations for numerous amenities including numerous restaurants, Bruster’s Real Ice Cream, Subway?, Krispy Kreme Donuts?, Hot Dog Heaven, 20 acres of parking (relax, they’ll have shuttles), two themed bars and two retail buildings for motorcycle related purveyors. Phase II will be developed in the future, consisting of over 100 acres and encompassing over 3?4 of a mile along I-95.
While Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson Shop and activities on Beach Street will remain in full swing, Destination Daytona and the Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson in Ormond beach will afford an opportunity for bikers to have another venue to ride to and enjoy while escaping downtown congestion.
Rock legends Foreigner will perform at Destination Daytona on Friday, October 21st followed by ZZ Top on Saturday, October 22nd. Both concerts start at 8pm (see below for more info).

The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse 2005, sponsored by Bikernet.com, will set up shop at Destination Daytona for its third stop from October 20th – 23rd. The Roadhouse, featuring live entertainment, beautiful Hard Rock models, Hawaiian Tropic pageants, the Roadhouse Bar and a showcase of some of the most amazing custom bikes in the country, will set the scene for custom bike builders Jesse Rooke, Roland Sands, Johnny Vasko aka Johnny Chop and Doug Keim.
Enter to win a FREE 2006 Harley-Davidson Sportser and have some fun!

2006 BIKERNET BOBBER REPORT–This is just the start…….Not sure what`s next……..
I am going to put miles on HER……………………..
–Bob T
BACKYARD MONSTERS NEW SHOW–New wild-build show coming to Discovery. Monster Garage may be changing. They are shooting the last show soon.
BIKERNET THURSDAY NEWS–Read the Thursday News with great interest. I can’t speak for the industry as a whole, but I know the dealerships and their staffs around NorCal read your stuff. I get shit about my contributions all the time. Kinda gives me a warm spot in my heart to have a mechanic tell me my solution to a reader’s tech problem was “mostly right”. Ha! The good thing is now, if I’m only half-sure about a solution, I can call into three different dealerships and get a tech on the line for advice….And if I go over at their lunch hours, they don’t just pat me on the head and tell me to bring my bike in. They know if they explain something to me, I understand what they’re talking about….pretty cool in my book…
Keep up the good work, Bandito. There are damn few honest sites around these days!!!

BIKERNET FARMERS ALMANAC–An old hillbilly farmer had a wife who nagged him unmercifully. From morning till night (and sometimes later), she was always complaining about something. The only time he got any relief was when he was out plowing with his old mule. He tried to plow a lot.
One day, when he was out plowing, his wife brought him lunch in the field. He drove the old mule into the shade, sat down on a stump, and began to eat his lunch. Immediately, his wife began haranguing him again. Complain, nag, nag; it just went on and on. All of a sudden, the old mule lashed out with both hind feet; caught her smack in the back of the head. Killed her dead on the spot.
At the funeral several days later, the minister noticed something rather odd. When a woman mourner would approach the old farmer, he would listen for a minute, then nod his head in agreement; but when a man mourner approached him, he would listen for a minute, then shake his head in disagreement. This was so consistent, the minister decided to ask the old farmer about it.
So after the funeral, the minister spoke to the old farmer, and asked him why he nodded his head and agreed with the women, but always shook his head and disagreed with all the men.
The old farmer said: “Well, the women would come up and say something about how nice my wife looked, or how pretty her dress was, so I’d nod my head in agreement.”
“And what about the men?” the minister asked.
“They all wanted to know if the mule was for sale.”
–from Chris T.

HARDBIKES SURVEY, GET INVOLVED–Here’s the link to the Hardbikes survey. It’s short and sweet and you could win something. What the hell?

JOHNNY PAG SCOOTER WEBSITE–This is an odd one. Johnny is a Hamster, a bike builder, a tattoo junky and a gangster. So what’s he doing now. He’s developed a chopper scooter overseas and is rockin’. Here’s the deal.
Aside from viewing our motorcycle models for 2006, we wanted to give you the opportunity to view our overseas facility on our web site,” Johnny said. “After a strong five year relationship with our overseas business we have now entered into a joint partnership. Amongst many other good reasons because of this, two come to mind. One, we have hands on quality control in all phases of the production, and two, because of extremely low labor rates, we are able to pass that savings on to you, the buyer.
“We are able to take JR’s design from paper, to casting, machining, chroming, and assembly stage, to the reality of two wheels going down the freeway.
” The 650,000 sq. ft. facility is 2001 and 2002 compliant. We house state of the art equipment, and are constantly adding to our facility to give you the best of the best. Example, this year we will now be manufacturing our wheels, gas tanks, and fenders in our newly built building. There by, we can now say that 95% of the products on our bikes are done in house. As for the other 5% like the cams and gears, we import them from the same Japanese company that manufactures them for the two top metric motorcycles in the world.”
” So sit back, cruise through our web, maybe take our survey, and please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Johnny Pag and JR Pag.
ANOTHER LEATHER CONNECTION–I am always finding great info on your website…thought I would let you know about a guy that just did a custom wallet for me. His work truly rocks. Thought you might let your readers know as well. I have no vested interest other than being a very satisfied customer.

NEW HAWAIIAN KUSTOM FAB PROJECT– I?m going to be sending you some photos and article forthis project we worked on recently. It called the Goblin.
Here is a sneak preview…thanks Darren

NEW SAXON GRIFFIN MODEL–Here’s a shot of the new Griffin. When I wrote about the new Saxon line-up we didn’t have a shot of the 300 wide tire Griffin. Check the article when you get a chance. They’re doing a helluva job.

STRESS TEST– I am not sure exactly how it works, but this is amazingly accurate.Read the full description before looking at the picture.
The picture below has 2 identical dolphinsin it. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary’s Hospital.
Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical.
A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins.
If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation.
–from Chris T.

MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION ADVOCATES REGULAR SCHOOLING–The Motorcycle Safety Foundation wants motorcyclists to get back to school on a regular basis.
In an address to the Fifth International Motorcycle Conference, the President of the American Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Tim Buche called for a “safety renewal” program, which essentially would involve ongoing rider training with a variety or courses to fit the rider’s needs and abilities.
During his presentation to the Conference, held in Munich, Germany in conjunction with the Intermot Show, Buche addressed the fact that most research has shown little benefit from the current U.S. rider-training formula, which essentially calls for a single, basic training course. Although such training, which in mandatory in some states for younger riders, appears to have an initial benefit lasting perhaps six months for new riders, it doesn’t have any measurable benefits in longer terms.
Buche announced new research that looks at more parameters (which, of course, Buche expects to reveal some unrecognized benefits) and to focus in particular on repetitive training, where a rider would follow up his initial training with additional courses tailored for those with more experience and skills.

ANOTHER BIKERNET PROJECT BIKE-NOT– Someone has a lot of time on their hands It was sent me and I have no other information
MAYOR OF TIMNATH HAPPY TO SEE RUN LEAVE–Donna Benson didn’t shed any tears when a bar on Main Street in her tiny town of Timnath was no longer the site for the Catholic School Girl Benefit Poker Run.Yes, that’s the same motorcycle-filled-event that put the Duke of Windsor under a negative spotlight.
“Nobody’s surprised in Timnath. I think your average person would not be comfortable with these kinds of behavior going on,” Benson said. “We’re very glad it’s out of Timnath. One person once told me, ‘I have been kicked out of every bar in Fort Collins, and I’ve never done anything like that.’ I thought that put it in perspective.”
An investigation by the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Liquor License Division centering on illegal conduct June 25 should wrap up this week, but the pornographic DVD of lewd acts taking place on a pool table in the Duke remains for sale on the U.M.F. of America’s Web site.
It was activities such as what took place that day at the Duke that drove the Colorado Feed & Grain Roadhouse in Timnath out of business. Timnath is located northwest of Windsor in Larimer County.
The Timnath Liquor Licensing Authority didn’t renew Feed & Grain’s annual liquor license last fall, and the building sits empty today.
“We didn’t close it. We just didn’t renew his liquor license,” said Benson, referring to Feed & Grain owner Jon Metcalf.
Noise disturbances, beer bottles and other trash surrounding the bar and lewd behavior connected to the Catholic School Girl Benefit Poker Run, as well as similar behavior at other times, were reasons for the town licensing authority not to renew the bar’s liquor license, although it could have still remained open and served food without the liquor license.
“That run is a once-a-year thing, but there were similar incidents on many weekends,” Benson said. “The Feed & Grain is right downtown and it was right in the parking lot. One time, the School Girl Run was Sunday morning, so people got to drive by on their way to church and see more than they really wanted to see.”
Benson thinks the Catholic School Girl Run would be more appropriate out in the middle of a couple of hundred acres, and not in the middle of town of 220 people.
“We never had a problem with people getting together, having a few beers and riding a bike through town, but it’s way beyond that,” Benson said.
Severance bar owner Bruce Ruth, who has owned Bruce’s Bar for the past 50 years, has hosted Bruce’s annual Nut Run for the last 23 years where more than 6,000 bikers show up on a Sunday in September to eat his world-famous, deep-fried Rocky Mountain oysters. Ruth, 72, said he’s been approached to hold the Catholic School Girl Benefit Poker Run, but he turned them down. Ruth said if anyone wanted to hold such a run at his establishment, he’d tell them to get off his property.
“I don’t need that. I want the right people in my place. They’re not welcome here,” Ruth said. “I don’t have anybody taking movies, and I don’t allow anybody to take pictures. I’ve got a good business going without somebody trying to screw it up.”
Benson said the bikers who used to frequent Timnath during past Catholic School Girl Runs paid their own tribute to town officials before they headed to Windsor this past June.
“That day they did have a group here videotaping people coming through town,” Benson said. “A number of motorcycles made a point of not stopping at the stop sign and making a gesture toward Timnath and riding through town.”

The Brothers at Pyro Tec in Alton, Illinois have put up a sheet metal paint job for our Cantina Door Prize winner. Just sign in and wait. They will paint your fenders, tanks and oil bag in classic style. You pay for the shipping out and they’ll ship it back.
Any additions can be worked out with the crew at Pryo Tec. The winner will be announced 13 November, Love Ride Sunday. Enter the Door Prize Contest and don’t miss out.

Continued On Page 2