Life is nuts. It moves too fast. Talk about old school, how about old times. Let’s take a step back, just before FAX machines, cell phones and internet. Imagine, you might be forced to visit someone eyeball to eyeball or mail a letter. Incredible.

Alright, enough snivelin’. I’m not going to slow a goddamn thing down, so the goal is to keep up, and do it with style. Let’s hit the news, but first I promised a reader to post the deminsions of Don Hotop’s alignment tool:
It was 48.5 inches long. Starting from one end it was 6 inches wide for 10 inches, then cut in 2 inches for 6.25 inches, then wide for 10 inches, cut in 2 inches for 6.5 inches and wide for 15.5 inches. It was plasma cut out of 1/16 inch of sheet metal. We used to align the final drive. Works for belts or chains.

POLICE CHIEF FIRED AFTER HURRICANE IVAN–UNADILLA, Ga. – City Council members have fired the police chief of this middle Georgia city after a fight they say occurred in a hotel room during Hurricane Ivan.
The council voted 5-1 Thursday to fire Police Chief Gregory S. Hattaway for what Mayor Sidney Hughes called conduct that discredited the city.
The incident involved a fight between Hattaway and the boyfriend of a woman who was in a hotel room with the chief, Hughes said Friday.
The city provided the hotel room for Hattaway, who lives out of town. He was staying in the room for duty during the storm, Hughes said.
Information from: The Macon Telegraph,
–from Rogue

JON TOWLE TRIBUTE TO RAY CHARLES–One particularman touched my soul for years with his music. I wanted to draw a cartoonof this musical hero.
With the new trend of good people kicking the bucket as of late, Ithought I’d send this in.
–Jon Towle
Check Jon’s art site and sign into his guest book. http://www.geocities.com/artbyjontowle/

CARLISLE SUMMER BIKE FEST PROJECT BIKE–CARLISLE, Pa. – The Carlisle Summer Bike Fest Project Bike will go up on theauction block at the famed Barrett-Jackson Auction in Scottsdale, Ariz., onJan. 28, 2005. All profits from the sale will be donated to the Chip MillerCharitable Foundation to help fund research of Amyloidosis, the disease thattook the life of Carlisle Events? co-founder Chip Miller.
John Detrick, Carlisle Events? CEO and a motorcycle rider and enthusiast,had the classic Pro-Street custom built this past winter and spring. RodJones of Jonesy?s Custom Cycles in Carlisle, Pa., a friend of Detrick andlong-time custom builder, agreed to build the bike. Detrick said otherfamous builders such as Dave Perewitz, Donnie Smith and Ron Simms alsoprovided guidance and encouragement.
Carolina Custom Products built the 250 series Pro-Street frame, billetwheels, calipers and pulley. The motorcycle has a supercharged TPEngineering Pro-Series 124 engine and six-speed TP Engineering/JIMStransmission. Other features include a two-way adjustable Progressive airsuspension, Storz/Ceriani front end, Fat Katz tank and fenders, PerformanceMachine hand and foot controls, Sputhe Engineering primary drive and HHIbrakes. A classic Perewitz Cycle Fabrication flame paint job in PPG Vibrancepaint completes the absolutely high-quality custom motorcycle.
The motorcycle will be put up for auction as part of the Barrett-JacksonAuction on Jan. 28, broadcast live on the Speed Channel. Jones will ride themotorcycle onto the podium, and famous builder Dave Perewitz will be on thepodium during the auction to help sell the bike. The Barrett-JacksonScottsdale Auction, considered the ?world?s greatest classic car auction,?will take place Jan. 26-30, beginning with the opening gala on Jan. 25.
For more information, call (717) 243-7855, or visit http://www.carsatcarlisle.com .

CALLING ALL CHIPSTERS–This past week we caught up with Ron Woodruff of the Legendary Buffalo Chip as he was checking out the site of his exciting new venture, the http://www.buffalochipdaytona.com, Buffalo Chip at Daytona. That’s right folks, for the first time ever, the Buffalo Chip brings its line up of activities and musical entertainment to the infield of the Daytona Intl Speedway from Oct 21-24.
Recognized as the “Best Party Anywhere”, the Buffalo Chip features headline acts every night including Blue Oyster Cult, Jackyl, and the Edgar Winter Band. Oh yeah, did we mention the Hawaiian Tropic Models will be there too.?!!
Daily admissions start at $20.00 with tent camping and RV package deals also available. Don’t miss the first ever Buffalo Chip Experience at Daytona Intl Speedway. –from Rogue CRAZY HORSE’S ASS REPORT–It was no problem to come up with a topic after reading through last weeks “Your Shot.” E Man and Hiwayman hit on two subjects that have happened to me. Back in 1980, I was 20 years old and was with my boyfriend, a 6? Triumph riding dude. Derek looked kinda geeky and he acted geeky, but at times, like when he was on a bike, he was a study in grace and toughness. This one night at our neighborhood MacDonalds, brought out that side of him. We were standing in line behind these this very big black guy. I mean Shaq had nothing on him. He had to be atleast 6?6″ 230 lbs of solid muscle. He gave his order and when the little white manager (this guy was about a very skinny 5′?6″) opened the cash drawer, this big guy reached over and tried to snatch money from it. Well, the little dude slammed the drawer on his fingers. The big guy was pissed. He grabbed the little dude and pulled him over the counter and started punching him. Derek slammed the big guy, who then dropped the little guy. At that point, the big dude’s partner gets Derek in a head lock. Meanwhile another manager and a cook from the kitchen jumped over the counter and started fighting with the big guy. The partner had Derek on his back and still in the headlock over by the Ronald McDonald statue. I walked over and grab the arm that was around Derek’s neck and move it so Derek could jump free. Derek immediately punched the guy out. The big dude had taken out both the other manager and the cook. They scrambled away. Then the big guy started on Derek. “This wasn’t your business man,” He shouted. Derek called him a bully. The big guy rushed Derek. Derek kicked out, aiming for the guy’s face. He missed connecting hard with the dude’s left shoulder and hurt it bad. The big guy’s face completely changed into a rage. He looked even bigger. “I’m gonna fuckin? kill you!” He shouted. I looked at Derek and could see fear spread over his features. He was in over his head. Suddenly I jumped in between the two men, both of which tower over 5′ 3″ 105 lb. me. I begin pushing the big guy in the chest, pushing him across the room into the wall. “If you’re gonna kill him you gotta go through me. Fuck you mutherfucker,” I said over and over as I pushed. The big guy stared down with look of shock. “Take it easy little lady, I’m backin? down,” he said. At that point cops rushed through the door and put a nightstick up next to the big guy’s head. I turned to the drop jawed chick at the counter and said, “We’ll take our food to go.” The little manager came up and thanked us, saying we can have whatever we want, it’s on the house. We grabbed a big bag of McFood and left quickly, before the cops could question us. At a time of great stress, my parents were both very sick, lots of things were going wrong. That night was one night of victory that we needed. I don’t think either of us thought twice about what we did. I think our youth and the fearlessness that is part of youth, had a lot to do with it. I look back at the extreme situations I’ve been in, sometimes defending myself or my family or just reacting to what happened, sometimes with knife in hand. I’m thankful to still be here as fate or luck most likely had a lot to do with it. Like the time I caught two guys trying to steal my ’66 mustang. I didn’t think twice and ran right up to the car, opened the door, and yelled at that I was gonna kill them. They ran. They, very easily, coulda pulled a gun and shot me. At that time there was 15-year-old kid who sold Uzis in our neighorhood. No, we didn’t buy one. So what’s the right thing to do? Jump in or not? I think every situation is different, but if I saw someone hurting a person more helpless than them, I’d still jump in and I hope all my years of bad experiences would help me react correctly. I’m not as young, not as strong and certainly not as fast as I was 20 years ago. But lately, the only bullies I run into are fat, do rag wearing, ciger chomping, lane weaving RUBS on their Road Kings, who I have the misfortune to share the road with. And being a respectable home owner that no longer lives underground (where no one, not even the police could find me in the old days), there isn’t much I can do, unless of course a stray bolt off my bike hits them. BTW, I have nothing against do rags or cigars, they are just part of the middle aged RUB uniform and was necessary to describe them. Next week– Me, tense moments, and the cops. THE BLONDE FILES– Q: What’s five miles long and has an IQ of forty? Q: Why did the blonde tiptoe past the medicine cabinet? Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car? Q: What did the blonde say when she looked into a box of Cheerios? –from Skooter WOMEN OF H-D BY DAVE UHL–THE REAL THING is Uhl’s latest contribution to his WOMEN OF HARLEY series of Fine Art Prints. Previous images included RUBY, ENTHUSIAST, BETTY ,PEARL, REFLECTONS. Specs on Real Thing are as follows: Edition: 150 pcs. 26″ x 33″ canvas only S 15 OVERSIZED 42″ X 50″ Canvas ” $2250 (call for availability) THE REAL THING was just featured in ART WORLD NEWS, a publication distributed throughout the network of Fine Art galleries and dealers. Recognition by the Fine Art community of Harley-Davidson motorcycles as subjects for paintings is a wonderful achievement. Our hats are off to the artists who are making this happen. (NOTE: ROSE is now sold out and has a current value of $3200.00) –Ron Copple TRIBUTE TO KEN CAMINITI– 1963-2004–I received the word of Ken’s death of heart failure Monday morning, and was stunned, but not surprised. Ken walked into my motorcycle shop in 1996 while in town for spring training in Phoenix. I had no idea who he was, and had no interest in baseball at the time…. Read John Covington’s full tribute later this evening in special reports. –Bandit HIS GALPAL, STEPHANIE–This is by my galpal, Stephanie “Snittykitty” Blocker. If THIS don’t make Bikernet I’ll be ‘shamed of y’all!! Let me know when it’s posted, willya? –B. I stare at this woman across the way She zeros on me, the little prick tease We both break our balls from parallel tables Her skirt rides up high as she stretches mid table She just keeps on smiling and twisting her hips Someone filled up the juke box, the music is thumpin’ That sexy bitch squeezed her thighs tight around mine We dropped to our knees, started feeling around When who should pull up, sitting right outside –Stephanie Blocker
A: A blonde parade.
A: So she wouldn’t wake up the sleeping pills.
A: She saw “911” on the back and thought it was a Porsche.
A: “Oh look! Donut seeds!”
Artists Riding Together
Bent over the pool table ready to play
With a glint of fire in her steel blue eyes
She scans the whole place making contact with guys
And the smile she flashes gets me weak in the knees
So I flash one right back, peering over my glasses
It’s a girl wants a girl and we’re both making passes
A pool shark ,she’s beautiful, limber and able
She commands to the bartender “Give her a drink!”
Then she pounds in the nine ball and gives me a wink
On her black silky thong you can just see the label
As the bartender brings a drink ’round to my corner
Blondie yells out ” to Mac, don’t you even dare warn her!”
Straddling her pool cue and licking her lips
So I do it too and the next thing you know
The two of us girl freaks put on quite a show
The next thing I know our bodies were bumpin’
She jumped on the table, coaxed me up there up too
The men, they were cheering, there were more than a few
Then baby, oh baby, we started to grind
I could definitely tell she had done this before
But she wasn’t your average sluty bar whore
She kissed my full lips to muffle my sounds
We moaned and we panted, I was ready to cum
Every guy in the joint wishing he could “GET SOME”
It’s my boyfriend, his Harley and he’s ready to ride
But we’re just getting started, we’re raring to play
Looks like one badass biker’s gettin’ lucky today

The Deal of Last Week Is Currently The Deal Of This Week
This is the perfect bike for a rider to start out with. It’s cheap, complete, registered, the engine and tranny are fresh and it’s ready to roll for nine grand. Grab it quick, bolt up a set of highbars and you’ve got an old school ride.
(310) 830-0630
Continued On Page 2