Continued From Page 1
DAYTONA BEACH — An imposing powder keg ready to explode even in calm times, Ben Cavagna seethed over city restrictions on his plans to cash in on Biketoberfest at his Main Street business.
“This is the worst city for business east of the Mississippi,” he said in a voice rising to a shout after ordering delivery of a thousand cases of beer on the phone. “The city wants to kill Main Street. I’m declaring war.”
His temper rose to boiling after city officials refused to allow outside sales at his Main Street Station business before the official start of the four-day Biketoberfest event on Thursday.
The city also lost $390,000 to $2 million on all events last year, despite a $1.3 billion boost in spending from tourists to the local economy.
–from Rogue

–from Bob T.
JUST THE FACTS, PLEASE– Statistics are like a bikini ? what they reveal is interesting, but what they conceal is vital. And what the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been concealing in their crusade to promote helmet laws borders on fraud. In their efforts to sway public opinion in favor of mandatory helmet laws, NHTSA and others have been quick to point out an increase in Florida?s motorcycle fatalities in the year following a repeal of their lid law. What they fail to mention, however, is that a jump in motorcycle ownership has outpaced the fatality rate, and ABATE of Florida has compiled the actual numbers to refute the apparently flawed statistics being circulated by the federal agency.
?These figures represent the statistics for the first full year of our amended helmet law,? explains James ?Doc? Reichenbach, President and Lobbyist for ABATE of Florida and chairman of the board for the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). ?As you can see, the actual number of deaths were up 11%, however the motorcycle registrations were up 20.4%, which represents an increase of over 40,000 new motorcycles on the roads. After all the figures are compiled according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the death rate was actually down by 5.2%.?
Also, based on the 40,000 new motorcycles on the road this past year, ABATE made the following estimates of what this amended law has brought into the economy of Florida:
40,000 new motorcycles at an average of $10,000 each: $400,000,000
Sales tax on motorcycles at 6%: $ 24,000,000
Registration fee on motorcycles: $ 1,444,000
Change of title: $ 1,190,000
Total: $ 426,634,000
?This total is almost one half a BILLION dollars in one year that was put into the economy of the state of Florida,? says Doc. ?Of this amount, over 25 million dollars went directly into the state treasury for the budget. This also does not include the tourist money that increased because of Florida being a freedom of choice state. In 2001 over 300,000,000 dollars was spent in Florida at Bike Week during a ten day period.? The 2002 figures are not available yet, but participation was up from 2001.
?I hope these figures will help anyone who has heard the bad publicity that has come of our amended law,? Doc summarized. ?Deaths per mile ridden are down and the economy has gotten a huge boost.?
Watch in the next couple of days for the complete October AIM legislative news report in the Bikernet Rights Department.

BANDIT’S CANTINA, JOIN QUICK–There’s stuff in the Cantina I can’t even mention in the Bikernet News. I can tell you that we have shots of all the finest T-Shirts of the year. You’ll have to join to see a selection of Tees that competed with the one above.
We need more girls in the Cantina line-up. If you have a great shot of your girl and want to submit it, don’t stop here. Join the Cantina and Support all the efforts of Bikernet. Oh, and check the babe area.
BIKERNET GARDENING DEPARTMENT– One Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn chair, drinking beerand watching my wife mow the lawn. The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged at this that she came over and shouted at me, “You should be hung.”
I calmly replied, “I am. That’s why she cuts the grass.
–from Chris T.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT FROM BIKERTOBERFEST–By the magic of technology we bring this report from the shores of Daytona Beach. So what’s new ? Besides police checking the girls in skimpy suits and busting your ass for loud pipes..Nothing, we are still trying to round up the usual suspects and go hang out, maybe get into trouble, maybe not. I guess we are leaving the ear plugs in the room since the local law enforcement are keeping a very keen eye and ear on those who overdo it with the pipes (about time too). I was getting tired of Yup Rub blasting their pipes while standing in the Main Street peacock parade. One thing that’s really amazing is the amount of people who attend each year.
I remember 5 or 6 years ago that this was a fun alternative to Bike Week. You could walk into a bar or down Main St without the crowds. Not anymore, too bad. We got a pretty full agenda of stuff to do, even a Rolling Stones concert next week. So I’ll make sure that you get all (well…most ) of the information on what goes on. The Horse will have a cool chopper show and we are meeting with Billy and crew to go out. It’s always an adventure when those guys get together. I’m sure there’s going to be some spent rubber! (and I mean the tires) tomorrow……and plenty of Jack in Bandit’s name.
Anyway, we will be around so if you happen to see some of us, come say hi. If you got a gripe, think about it….we’ve got security….just kidding.

Even in 1949 they were on our case about loud pipes.
Short news this week (since this guys are telling me to hurry the fuck up), but I’ll hold for a bit more. Also, if you notice I’ll save my (as Bandit puts it) editorial. I have something saved up about Softails, road kills and stuff like that, don’t worry, like retard Arnold says, I’ll be back.
And now to the news:The HOG Caribbean Rally will take place next month, I just forgot the dates, but will make sure to post them next week.
Also just received and invitation to go ride Cuba in April, man, and legally too….I think that’s a trip that must happen, will keep you posted. If anyone interested (there are very few spaces) e-mail me, but only if truly interested.
There’s a rumour that wedding bells will be tolling this week end, some very famous bike builder tying the noose. We wish him the best.
Speaking of famous, I’ve heard that fame is the amount of people who know of you, versus the amount of people you know…. So if we count the 2 million hits Bikernet has, plus 175 thousand issues of the Horse, we are all pretty fucking famous here…… Not including the other million or so viewers of the Build Off (where I got my five seconds of fame) Man ! That’s about 3 million 200 thousand people that have heard my name (and of all the other contributors as well) I’m sure that I don’t know that many people… If you see us walking around come say hi. We might be wearing our PR or Chopper Freak shirts (free advertising you know) or just visit our site BTW, what the hell is wrong with this World !!!!! I guess that dude in Maryland is one sick fuck, and should be killed slowly…Smother his balls (if he has any) in honey and let the red ants go at him… See you all next week, if I survive this mayhem…..Yeah I’m outta here before these scumbags burst an aorta….. –Jose, Bikernet foreign correspondent from Biketobermess in Rubtona, Florida Continued On Page 3