Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET CRAZYHORSE REPORT–Well we got a taste of paradise in Readers’ Rides this month. Von Hilde, infamous recluse artist, has peeked out of his hideout in Key West to show off a very tropical hardtail. Bandit would look great on this bike as he has the shirts to go with it. Here’s a quick?look at?VonHilde’s art. Check out the story that goes with it at Reader’s Rides.

Meanwhile back here in good ol boyland, I’ve been painting up a storm. Eagles are the subject this week. I’m almost packed for Biketoberfest. I’m leave in the morning. I’m hooking up with a group of women riders called the Amazons for a ride Friday. I’ll be sure to take pictures of these lovely ladies and their rides. On Saturday, I’ll be meeting up with shady tropical characters.

Jim is turning wrenches and burning up the tig torch like?madman this month.?His spare parts Softail has found a new home in Delaware and Jim’s new hardtail will be ready for paint in two weeks. My gooseneck frame from Chrome Specialties arrives tomorrow. Jim will have it completed as a rolling chassis by the time?I get back from Daytona.
The Discovery Shows were interesting. It was funny listening to Jim making smart aleck remarks to the dad’s hissy fits on Orange County Ciaos. He got especially incensed after the dad?asked the kid?”you gonna?spend all day on that seat pan?” Jim takes great pains in creating seat pans for his customs and no matter how hard he tries, it usually takes up a whole day. “Fuck you dad, I’m going?to the bar, since you’re the seat pan building expert, make it yourself,” Jim shouted at the TV. Jim thought the kid was a?talented fabricator with good ideas, but dad’s outbursts were so overly dramatic, it was like watching the WWF.
My sporty is cleaner than it’s been in many months. The front end has been rebuilt, the rear pipe now has two studs holding it on, instead of the one that’s been doing the job for the last 2 1/2 yrs. Even the speedo works. Hot Damn! Now watch it rain.
—————Crazy Horse
MOTORCYCLIST FROM ACROSS THE NATION ARE DESCENDING ON TORRINGTON FOR THE ANNUAL CONNECTICUT BIKE WEEK–The event was suppose to be held in May, but was postponed in the wake ofmotorcycle gang violence in other states and rumors that local Hell’s Angelsand Waterbury’s Outlaw motorcycle club members might clash if they metduring the event.
The rally, now in its sixth year, kicks off officially tomorrow and runsthrough next Sunday. It is one of only six bike weeks nationwide, puttingTorrington on the map for big biking events.
Extra police will be on hand, but organizers and town officials say theydon’t anticipate any problems.
In fact, merchants in the area are expecting a big economic bump from therally.
The city is welcoming the bikers with a large banner that firefightersstrung across Main Street Saturday morning.
–from Rogue
BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK– “The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner.”
– Roseanne
–from Kris B.

GLENDALE, CA – Sheryl Crow, Mick Fleetwood & Friends, and JeffersonStarship will headline Love Ride 19, the largest motorcycle fundraisingevent in the world, on Sunday, November 10. Grand Marshal Jay Leno,Honorary Grand Marshal Peter Fonda, and a host of celebrity bikers will lead20,000+ motorcyclists on a 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale,California, to a barbecue, trade show, and concert at Castaic Lake.Proceeds will benefit Reading By 9, MDA, and other charities. In 18 years,the Love Ride has raised over $15 million.
Sign up is 6am-9am on Sunday, November 10 at Harley-Davidson of Glendale,with a 90-minute Jefferson Starship concert at 7:00am, followed by acelebrity press conference at 8:45a.m. The caravan of bikes departs toCastaic Lake at 9:15am.
Festivities at Castaic Lake will begin at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. (gatesopen at 10am). Mick Fleetwood & Friends perform at 11:45am followed bySheryl Crow at 1:15. The minimum donation is $60, or $50 if you sign-up inadvance online ( or at Harley-Davidson of Glendale beforeNovember 5, 2002. For larger donations, participants qualify to receive avariety of prizes, including a 2003 100th Anniversary Harley-Davidson V-Rodand a 2003 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150.
Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road betweenLos Feliz Blvd. and Glendale Avenue. For more information, call (818)246-5618, extension 7.

OPEN THE BAR–It’s time to slip on the gloves and go for a ride. It appears to me that the weather has chilled mighty quick this year, even on the coast. The King felt good under my ass today as I bobbed and weaved in the Los Angeles afternoon traffic trying to scoot home to the babes running the headquarters. It was good to see smiling faces.
I know there’s a lot going on and coming to the hallowed halls of Bikernet like an article on Sonny Barger and a look and the new Pat Kennedy bike building fort in Tombstone. We have an article in a holding pattern on hand made custom chopper machined steel models. You’ll be blown away. The Dyna above is Mike Pullin’s. He recently replaced the narrow glide with a bone stock wide glide. We’ll have a bit on it in a couple of days. Damn, I forgot to mention that prizes from Samson and Bikernet will be shipped next week. Enter the FREE contest, goddamnit, it’s FREE. Check back next week.