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The above design came from a rider, Rick, who I featured in ER years ago. Here’s a shot from that feature. Thanks, Rick, it was good to hear from you. Let’s get to the news. I’ve got duties to perform for the JIMS run to Vegas. We’re burnin’ daylight!

BIKERNET CAMPING ADVICE– One day, three men were hiking and unexpectedly came upon a raging, violent river. They needed to get to the other side, but had noidea of how to do so.
The first man prayed to God, saying, “Please God,give methe strength to cross this river.
” Poof! God gave him big arms andstrong legs, and he was able to swim across the river in about two hours,after almost drowning a couple times.
Seeing this, the second man prayed to God, saying, “Please God,give me the strength and the tools to cross this river.”
Poof! God gave hima rowboat and he was able to row across the river in about an hour, after almostcapsizing the boat a couple times.
The third man had seen how this worked out for the other two, so healso prayed to God saying, “Please God, give me the strength and the tools…and the intelligence… to cross this river.”
And poof! Godturned him into a woman. She looked at the map, hiked upstream a couple hundred yards, then walked across the bridge.
NCOM COAST-TO-COAST BIKER NEWS–Compiled and edited by Bill Bish,National Coalition of Motorcyclists
BIKERS SUPPORT 9-11 VICTIMS ?In the weeks following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, bikers across the country have come together to offer support and assistance to the victims? families. ?From poker runs to rallies to passing the hat, motorcyclists have raised funds and awareness.
Four bikers from South Carolina?s Hells Angels Motorcycle Club braved two days of harsh weather while riding to New York City to present a $10,000 check to Engine Co. 33/Ladder 9, which lost 10 men in the World Trade Center attacks. ?Joining them at the station house were members of the New York City Hells Angels, who gave a $5,000 check of their own.
”The Fire Department and EMS are always there for us. ?It?s time we did for them,” said Ken Hanneman, 45, who orchestrated the fund-raising at The Kickin? Horse, a South Carolina saloon he co-owns. ?
The money was presented to Battalion 6 Chief Rich Burban outside the station house on Great Jones Street. ”It?s overwhelming. The support just doesn?t stop,” Burban said.
Indeed, from independent riders to outlaws, and from organized charity rides to donation jars at bike shops, motorcycle riders have poured out their hearts and their wallets to help the less fortunate during these trying times.NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS (NCOM)
EPA SHIFTS FOCUS TO STREET MOTORCYCLES ?According to Reuters News Service, on Sept. 19, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed to curb emissions from snowmobiles, diesel-powered boats, off-road motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles to help reduce pollution, especially in national parks. ?New limits will be established for carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides emitted by the engines, the EPA said.
Currently, off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles aren?t regulated by any federal emissions standards, but owners will now be ”encouraged” to switch from two-stroke engines to four-stroke engines in 2006. ?In addition, all-terrain vehicles would also need to meet a stricter limit beginning in 2009.
For the full story and more legislative news check Bikers Right News on Bikernet, sponsored by AIM. And don’t forget, if you know of anyone who had an accident, call (800) ON-A-BIKE for prompt legal assistance.

CAROLINA H-D SPY ON PROJECTS REPORT–I stopped by Carolina H-D today. Took a few pics in the fab shop. The lifts are full with hardtails. The seat came for the Softail today. I’m all packed up and ready for Biketoberfest. I don’t know what adventures lie ahead. All I know is that if you post these shots I gotta get outta town.
–Crazy Horse

GEE LOOK, ANTI-TERRORISM HUMOR– (or maybe not). Could thisactually work? Would the American public acquiesce to riding on a planewith animals? Would a pig be the only reason the terrorist scum go tohell? Hmmmmm…is it worth considering?…….
An Israeli friend recently informed me (actually, a friend of friend ofa friend, etc…)that the UK fought the Islamic attacks by burying dead terrorists with apig. Apparently Muslims believe that if ones’ body is buried with a pig (because they areconsidered unclean), their soul will go to hell.
I did a little research into this subject matter and found it tobe true. This got me thinking. If we put a baby pig on every airlineflight, then all suicide bombers would abort their missions, as they would notwant their souls to go to hell. Additionally, if we drop-shipped, ohsay, 100,000 pigs into Afghanistan, think our recon and assault effortsmay be more successful? ?Apparently Muslims dislike the very sight ofpigs. They are also adamantly opposed to alcohol, thus we spiketheir water supply with a few thousands gallons of Jim Beam, get themshit-faced drunk and turn the pigs loose. The warwould be over in a weekend . .. . . Just a thought.
–Kris B

–Helen W.
Bikernet Drag Racing Correspondent

From Bob T.
BIKERNET DETECTIVE QUIZ– Three elderly ladies are excited about their first Mariners baseball game. They smuggle a bottle of Jack Daniels into the game. The game is real exciting and they are enjoying themselves drinking Jack Daniels mixed with soft drinks.
Soon they realize that the bottle of Jack Daniels is almost gone and the game has a lot of innings to go.
Using the clues given, what inning is the game in and what is the status of the game?
Think! (ANSWER: at end of news)

BIKERNET STICKER MANUFACTURER INVESTIGATED–A biker from Hawaii, who owns the above company, makes our hot little stickers. We thought he was nuts so we investigated his company and why this So Ccal boy would go to the island and sniff sticker glue. It’ll be posted next week along with guidelines on ordering stickers for your club, biz or organization.
“I had a dream about the United States,” he said.”I could see the whole country, and over everybuilding and home was a banner,” said bin Laden.
“What was on the banner?” asked Mr. Bush.
“LONG LIVE OSAMA!” answered the terrorist.
“I’m so glad that you called,” said President Bush,”because I too had a dream. ?In my dream, I sawAfghanistan and it was more beautiful than ever;totally rebuilt with many tall, gleaming officebuildings, large residential subdivisions withswimming pools full of men and women; and overevery building and home was a big, beautifulbanner.”
“What did the banner say?” asked Osama.
“I don’t know,” answered President Bush,
“I can’t READ HEBREW.”
Continued on Page 2