Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET.COM CORRESPONDENT ALSO NATIONAL CHAMPION–I could have swore I saw Val and the Assalt Weapon on “SuperBikes” (Speed Chnl) the other night. They did a show from Bub trials. From the video the weather looked rough!!
On another note, wish me luck. I’m running for 2 National Titles on Thursday 10/11, Road Atlanta, WERA Grand National Finals. I’m current #1 in 500GP, with 5 wins, I’ve gotta start and fnish to clinch the National #1 plate. In 350GP, I’m current # 2, but the # 1 would have to break for me to take that one. He’s a good friend, on a fast Ducati, and he ain’t gonna let that happen. I’ll cover it for Bikernet.
Yep, I’m a National Champion?.in the AMA affiliatted WERA National Vintage series?.# 1 buddy! Creeping up on 50 yrs old, 2nd year of racing, maybe I should have done this sooner!!!
–Charles Young
We always look forward to your report and success on the track. We know, first hand, how difficult it is to race and report at the same time. All the best.–Bandit

IN-CLOSE LICENSE PLATE HOLDER FROM CYCLE VISIONS–“In-close” license plate holder/axle adjuster.
CV-4600 Fits all Softails?
CV-4601 Fits 94-05 Dynas?
CV-4602 Fits 87-04 Sportsters?
CV-4604 Fits 05-Up Sportsters?
CV-4605 Fits 06-Up Dynas?

Beveled & chromed. No visible fasteners! Most tucked-in holder on market. Made from T-6 billet aluminum polished and chrome plated. Fits 4×7 license plates only. Specify make and model when ordering. Available for most models.
4263 Taylor Street n San Diego, California 92110

FIRST ANNUAL JESSICA’S JAM, November 23rd, 24th, 25th–Scooter Haven 19350 se. Butler Rd. Inglis, Fl 34449Proceeds go to the Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation to support Jessie?s Place a children’s advocacy center.
This is a Family friendly event, Camping, Daily 50/50, Raffles, Auctions. Food, vendors and more.
$5.00 for all 3 days of entertainment and support for this Great Cause.Tentative band line up, Rebel Pride, Southern Thunder, Thunderstruck, John Wayne Wilkinson and the Dixie Highway Band, The Angry Hippies, Unamous, Crimson Juliet, Cold Iron, Not Tuna, Plaque of the Hour, Kwik Fix, 6 Shot 7, Stringer,Hellfire Revival, Signal Zero, Mighty Tight Whities, T-Blue Band, Cristi Vale and many more.(All these popular bands are donating their talent)
If you can’t make it to this event and would like to make a Donation. Please go to and donate there. Indicate your donation is for Jessie?s Place.
Crystal River Harley Davidson is joining us on Sat. the 24th from 9:00 to 4:00, at their place, with a Party there also. They will have bands, food and vendors also. All their proceeds will go to Jessie?s Place also.This event is Sponsored by Biker Benefits. For more information contact Turbo Tim or Roberta @
To book your band for this event contact the Entertainment Coordinator Aron 352-683-6953

RICK FAIRLESS AND JT MEET ROSS PEROT–This past weekend Rick got a call from none other than Ross Perot asking him to help pull a prank on his buddy’s wife by delivering a bad-ass chopper to his house. Rick agreed, of course, and it turned out that Mr. Perot’s buddy was none other than Norman Brinker of Brinker International (owner of Chili’s restaurants, etc)!
So Saturday morning Rick and Joe T delivered a Big Bear Chopper to the Brinker’s home and were able to meet both Mr. Perot and Mr. Brinker and talk about the good ol’ days when Mr. Brinker used to be an avid rider.
Having been hurt in a polo match years ago, Brinker is no longer able to ride, but still remembers the ride fondly. Both Perot and Brinker were great people and Rick and Joe T were honored to have met them.
–Meghan DeFreeuw
Strokers Dallas and Strokers Ice House

MORE FROM THE TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW IN GALVESTON– I wanted to share some Texas National Bike Show information with everyone out there in Bikernet land, Our Bikini Show this year is going to be HOT! We feel very fortunate to have the lovely Laura Gonzalez , our Miss Lucky Devil on our team this year.
Laura won the coveted title of “Miss Lucky Devil” at last years Texas National Bike Show and we love her so much that we intend to keep her around to represent us again this year (not to mention the fact that she is beautiful and I find the guys really like to look at her). She has kindly consented to head up the bikini show this year and promises to fill our venue with beautiful girls. Lots of beautiful girls! Did I mention lots of beautiful girls?
Laura models for some very prestigious agencies in town including Premeir Promotions (where we met her), and has been in numerous TV commercials and several Latin Television shows. She also is a Miller Lite girl and gets quite a bit of exposure (not that kind) doing print work too. She has done several bike photo shoots here at the Devil’s playground with our good friend Darryl Briggs and is quite comfortable on, around and under ….. the bikes.
We are looking forward to another shoot with her in the coming weeks and would like nothing more than to see our girl become an even bigger star than she already is.
Last I spoke to her she was jetting off to Hawaii for the Miss Hawaiian Tropic contest where no doubt she will do very well, (NEWS FLASH! Laura placed in the top 20 out of more than 100 girls), oh yeah and one more thing about our girl… she ain’t no dummy she has a degree in International Business, so watch out boys Beauty and Brains a combination that can’t be beat.

Laura will be down at the Texas National Bike Show running the bikini show for us, but hopefully we can talk her into an autograph session on Saturday morning before all of the madness ensues. We will have her posters on display so make sure to drop by and see Laura and all of the other lovely ladies she will be bringing to the show on Saturday afternoon.
Remember the Texas National is just 2 weeks away, November 1st through 3rd and we do have a few spots left to compete for trophies and other prizes so check out the web site

PACK YOUR BAGS–Either come to Hawaii and hang out for the weekend at Pro Street Custom Cycles, head to Daytona for Biketoberfest, or make plans to ride across Alaska with us. What the hell, you only go around once.

We always need tool kits for the road. Here’s Dominic’s design from Star West ( I’ll roadtest this batch of tools in Alaska. It’s a good tight set, a place to start.

You may need to hang on for a week to ten days, then we’ll bring you Smoke Out West reports, including our ride out from Parker Arizona.

Here’s an example of the Smoke Out Bikernet Trophy, that got lost, then found and delivered to Route 66 Choppers for their board track bike. That’s the gangster High School shop teacher who made the trophy, Kevin Baas. Don’t piss off the teacher.
Get this, I was asked to choose one of the bikes in the Smoke Out show for a Bikernet Award. I decided to pick a few bikes and see who didn’t win in another category. Didn’t want to see all the trophies go to one bike. I picked 66, 60 and 06. Is that strange or what?
The mystery continues. None of these bikes were picked for HORSE trophies. When I returned to the judge?s station to find out who owned 66, his paper work had mysteriously disappeared. The investigation continues. So I decided to give two trophies, but we’re still wandering around aimlessly looking for an owner. Is it 66 and 6? The terror builds.
Let’s Ride

click here for info on the Big Twin West Show in Phoenix.