Bikernet without Bandit, is pretty boring, I know. I miss him too when he leaves but it does give me a chance to work at a slower pace and catch up on administrative stuff. It?s funny, for being a web-based business, we don?t have a laptop computer. When we travel, we?re unplugged. We had grand ideas about updates while he?s racing across Mexico, but in reality, he has no way of sending photos or emails. Tomorrow I?m gonna remedy that and buy a laptop. A little late for the La Carrera Panamerican, but in the future Bikernet won?t get stale when we both travel.

Speaking of the La Carerra, Bandit and Christian made it to Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico on Tuesday without a hitch. Yesterday and today they had to go through inspections, navigating classes and fix or buy what wasn?t acceptable. Tomorrow the race begins. Here?s more photos of the night before they left, showing close-ups of the 2005 sponsors. Thanks guys.

Crime Scene Choppers has a Vendetta?–Crime Scene Choppers has just released a slick new oil filter mount, inspired by the stock panhead filters, but with their own twist.The ?Vendetta? oil filter is the latest collaboration between builder Joe McGlynn and CAD expert Mark van der Kwaak. Team Retro changed the stock design to use a spin-on filter and added a generous helping of cooling fins.

Radical Retro
?I?m excited about our new oil filter kit? said Joe McGlynn, owner of Crime Scene Choppers, ?I?ve always liked the look of a side mount oil filter, and I wanted to do a Crime Scene interpretation of the stock Harley filter. You can put it in the stock location, or just about anywhere else, including hanging out in the breeze.?
Don?t Hold a Grudge
You can get your own Vendetta for $218 through http://www.CrimeSceneChoppers.com immediately. The Vendetta oil filter mount is supplied in a fine satin finish, and includes a chrome K&N oil filter and hose barbs for each hook up. Crime Scene Choppers has several new products in the pipeline, so check the website for the latest news.

STEALTH REPORT–Last weekend the STEALTH BIKE WORKS crew headed to “THE ROCK” for the A.H.D.R.A races in Rockingham NC. The weather was great and the bikes were hot, some hitting 215 mph!
Back at the shop we have dismantled the 71 shovel and we waiting on our frame. The old shovel got its first bath in a long time last week. I will be sending pictures as the build takes place.
These new EPA laws have me all confused. This law is another loss of freedom in what is supposed to be the land of the free. It doesn’t make sense to me but as usual big dollars and big business are at the root of this. This law makes it hard for small shops to survive and I really wonder who is behind that part, well not really. We all probably know the answer to that. You can buy all the stock bikes from the big name motorcycle makers you want. So does that give you a hint? If you have not read Bandit’s book “Orwell” check it out. This law is close to home as far as the book goes.

On a lighter note, when you run a shop or work at a shop everyday, you hear some funny things. A guy comes in and hands me a lockwasher and says “I need one of these, this one is no good,” I look at the lockwasher and ask “What is wrong with this one?” He looks at me like I am stupid and says ” Don’t you see the crack in this one and it is bent!” I just look at him and say “Oh yeah, I didn’t see it,” and proceeded to give him another lockwasher!
Strange but true!
With that I think I will close!
Until next week, RIDE!

Thunder Radio Interviews Hard-Krome Exhaust President Mark Dooley–
Metric Thunder’s Thunder Radio Brings you the Movers in the Motorcycle Marketplace
Orange, California, October 17, 2005 – Hard-Krome President, Mark Dooley, is revving up to answer bikers questions on Thunder Radio located at www.metricthunder.com on Thursday October 20, 2005 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern.
“Thunder Radio brings bikers together in the Harley and Metric cruiser market,” said Bob Osias, Metric Thunder President. “Each guest is making an impact in the market and we give bikers a chance to ask questions and interact with them.”
Thunder Radio is targeted for bikers and produced by bikers. Bob Osias, a rider for over 20 years, conducts the interviews.
Every question that is sent in to Metric Thunder Bob at bob@metricthunder.com and is answered on air receives a free Metric Thunder T-Shirt or Metric Thunder Cap. The Metric Thunder winners are then entered into a grand prize contest. This month Thunder Radio is giving away a set of Hard-Krome slash cut Hard Tips – a $150 value.
The latest interviews at Thunder Radio include Jessica Prokup, editor of RoadBike, Jon Von Chaldy, President of Barons and Marc Wolfram of Kuryakyn. Archives are located at http://www.metricthunder.com/seminararchive.html
About Hard-Krome
Hard-Krome builds exhaust pipes with double wall construction to eliminate bluing – it’s a pipe within a pipe. Because of the way they’re designed and made, this unique feature keeps every Hard-Krome pipe looking beautiful throughout the exhaust pipe life cycle.
About Metric Thunder
Metric Thunder’s retail location is located in Orange, California at 1411 N. Batavia St. #107 Street. Enthusiasts can purchase Harley and Metric cruiser parts and accessories online at www.metricthunder.com. Metric Thunder stocks a complete line of custom motorcycle parts & accessories from all major manufacturers, at very competitive prices. Metric Thunder’s customers always return for superior service and turnaround time – even on hard to obtain items.

Mandatory Rider Training–The Motorcycle Safety Foundation is looking to pass laws that will force motorcycle riders to attend one of their schools and also make a lot of money for them in the process.It is imperative that everyone involved in motorcycling use what ever means they have to see that this does not happen. This proposed legislation Will Apply To You!I would suggest letters to your legislator’s now requesting they vote against any such move should it come before them. If it has not been brought up in your state this move could stop it from coming up at all.
Please Do It Now!
Though I am in Favor of Voluntary training the Motorcycle Safety Foundation admits that their program has little benefit.

Howdy from the Texas National Bike Show– Well now everyone knows how Rita changed the dates of the Bike Show and Rally to the first weekend in November, but what may not commonly be known is that due to the changes, we have had some space at the convention center come available. So if there are any of you out there that are interested in having vendor space or want to show you ride off please contact us and we will make you an awesome deal on your space needs.
Holly AKA – Mrs. Devil

BASSANI PRO-RIGHT SIDE DRIVE–Right Side Drive is definitely the hot ticket and Bassani has just the pipe to give your bike more than its share of attitude. Based on Bassani’s record setting Pro Street pipes, the new SOFTAIL RIGHT SIDE DRIVE PRO STREET systems feature Hot Rod styling with an exhaust note to match. Available in two styles, Straight Cut and Slash Cut, the pipes mount to the transmission using supplied hardware and are finished in show quality chrome. Also available in black Thermal Coat on request. Current applications fit most custom Softail style Right Side Drive applications. Retail for the chrome system is $599.00. For complete details call 866-439-4287 or visit them on the Web at www.bassanipipes.com.
Wilma worries haunt biker event–
Business Writer
Last update: October 20, 2005
DAYTONA BEACH — George Deffenbaugh and Mike Sayer were keeping one eye on the leather-clad women strolling along Main Street and another eye on Hurricane Wilma updates on TV.”I’m trying to figure out when to run,” Deffenbaugh said Wednesday from his comfortable perch on the bench in front of Dirty Harry’s Bar.A Biketoberfest regular, Deffenbaugh found a positive aspect to what he assumes will be a storm-shortened weekend.”This will probably be the first Biketoberfest that I’ve gone home with money still in my pocket,” the Gainesville man said.”We’ve sat through rain before, but a hurricane is something different.”Anxiety about a Category 5 hurricane making a beeline toward Florida was forcing bikers on Daytona Beach’s Main Street to rethink their plans about the annual event.Michelle Vancil, who co-owns a biker shop in Lakeland, came to Biketoberfest with her husband for a quick visit Tuesday. “We know we have to be home to board up,” she said.Tourism officials tried to reassure the skittish, in spite of the uncertainty of the storm path.”We are in a wait-and-see mode,” said Georgia Turner of the Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. “We don’t have plans to cancel or postpone (Biketoberfest.)”Officials at Daytona Speedway Corp., site of many scheduled festival events, also were monitoring the storm. “We’re still on for everything this weekend,” said David Talley, a spokesman.State emergency-management officials talked with local agencies about how Hurricane Wilma could affect the thousands of people expected to converge on the Daytona Beach area for Biketoberfest.Craig Fugate, director of the state Division of Emergency Management, said it was unclear Wednesday how far north the hurricane would go as it crosses Florida. He said officials have until today to determine whether the hurricane will affect the event.”It’s too early to say that it’s going to be directly impacted,” Fugate said. “But we’re watching it.”Ocean Resorts, which operates 14 beachfront hotels, got a few biker guest cancellations Wednesday, but they were quickly replaced by new reservations from people fleeing from South Florida, said Doug Kosarek, the senior vice president.
Kosarek said he got the feeling that South Florida residents were trying to make the best of a bad situation. If they had to flee their homes, they were going to Biketoberfest.”It’s a different kind of day-tripper,” he said.Ocean Resorts, which owns hotels as varied as the Plaza Resort & Spa and the Mayan Inn, still has about 10 percent of its rooms vacant. Evacuees who arrive Sunday won’t have to pay Biketoberfest rates, Kosarek said.He said many people probably won’t decide what to do until the last minute.Bobby Honeycutt, general manager of Froggy’s Saloon on Main Street, was worried for his staff. The bar hires about 100 extra employees for Biketoberfest, and their livelihoods depend on the event.In a worst-case scenario, Honeycutt said, “They will get a regular paycheck, but it won’t compare to how much customers will tip.”Sandra Manglani, owner of T-Shirt Paradise on Main Street, said she was praying for good weather. “We leave it to God,” she said.Liz Swaine, a biker from Louisiana, found Hurricane Wilma to be ironic.As an executive assistant to the mayor of Shreveport, La., Swaine has been putting in 60-hour work weeks since Hurricane Katrina sent a “tidal wave of evacuees” to her city.Biketoberfest seemed like a perfect opportunity to get away from Katrina-related troubles. That was before she found out about Hurricane Wilma.
“It makes no sense to come to Florida to escape hurricanes,” Swaine said with a laugh.With rain in the forecast, Swaine and her husband, Steve Culp, plan to make an early exit .”It’s hard (to have fun) when you’re all wet,” she said.
— Jim Saunders contributed to this report.

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM OPENS ITS DOORS IN HONOR OF PEARL HOEL’S 100th BIRTHDAY– October 2005 – – On 10 November, Pearl Hoel, the First Lady of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, would have celebrated her 100th birthday. In honor of one of motorcycling most beloved personalities, and in recognition of her support, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame will host its annual Open House, waiving admission fees for the entire day.
“The Board of Directors was looking for a way to celebrate the life of this incredible woman,” said Pepper Massey-Swan, Museum Director. “While we miss her, we didn’t want her birthday to be a sad occasion. We wanted to remind people how much this gentle soul impacted our community and motorcycling, allowing them to learn more about something Pearl was passionate about, and the legacy she helped create.”
When the Museum opened its doors in 2001, Pearl Hoel was one of the first to step forward, loaning memorabilia and historic photos, helping to ensure the Museums success. As the wife of Pappy Hoel (the person credited with founding the Sturgis Rally), Pearl had a vast collection of vintage clothing, rare race programs, Indian Motorcycle memorabilia and photos that document the Rally’s humble beginnings and rise to one of the largest, and most famous, motorcycle events in the world.
When Pearl passed last February, one of the ways her son Jack chose to keep her memory alive was to allow the Hoel collection to remain at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum, even adding to it. “We feel Pearl is here with us still because so much of her life, and her family’s life, is documented and displayed here,” continued Massey-Swan. “I encourage people who have not yet had the opportunity to take some time during the day and wander through the Museum. The community has a great asset here, and an incredible legacy, all because Pappy and Pearl hosted that little race 65 years ago.”
The history of motorcycling, and how it relates to Sturgis and the Sturgis Rally, is rich and diverse. The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is proud to share the story.

Bikers For First Amendment Rights– Bikers For First Amendment Rights has a New Club with Bar in the Daytona Beach Florida area and you are invited to stop by. It is at 144 Ridgewood Ave. (US1) in Holly Hill. 1/2 Block North of Mason (RT 430). Formerly the Buccaneer Bar & Admirals Table across the street from Mc Donald’s. The phone is 386-304-8767 It is opened to members and guests. Now this is your Lucky Day! I am a member and you can go there and sign in as my Guest. The reduced prices of beer and liquor compared to the rest of the city will surly make it a stop you will want to make.
The music is great too. They had a Blues Band playing last week that just made your feet want to move. Stop in Next time Your in Daytona
Continued On Page 2