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FREE AMERICAN DOWN– While riding my motorcycle in Phoenix I was targeted and hit by an old black druggie driving a borrowed car. I was almost killed, my skull cracked open and ribs broken. I was kept locked up and heavily drugged in hospitals in Phoenix. My sons kept my motorcycle magazine running and tried to have me kept in the hospital.
I got out and reclaimed my company but my sons and wife took all available funds and skipped the state, leaving me to survive and try and salvage what was left after their looting spree.
I was abandoned by my family and owe my life and livelihood to a couple bikers who came in to help and protect me from my own sons.
My wife of twenty five years moved back in with her family who told her she would be disowned if she came back to me. I am looking for people to help finance and restore the Free American.
–Clay Douglas
The Free American
Thunder Riders Magazine

VL HISTORY–Here is the pic of my mom in 1944 on a VL. I have one of my dad on his European tour in 1944 on a ‘liberated’ bike he found in Belgium. His work car was a Sherman tank.
I thought you might like this pic of my uncle taken during the Louisiana war games manuevers in 1941. He’s the tall guy. Check out the gas tank in the photo. This was the last unit of the 7th Cavalry to change over from horses. It’s hard to believe that he retired as a Lt. Col. from S.A.C. (B-52 driver).

STEALTH REPORT FROM N.C.–Stealthman is up in Virginia visiting his family for a few days, so it’s me, Meanest, filling in for the Thursday news.
I was a mere babe in the woods when I started working at H-D of Charlotte a few years ago. I had never been around bikers, or even been on a bike. After my first ride, I was hooked. It didn’t take me long to realize why bikers feel a special kinship to others who ride. You become part of a large, extended family.
My point to all this is that just because you own a bike, or ride, doesn’t make you a biker, and it sure doesn’t make you a member of that family. The ones who have the most seem to appreciate it the least. The “haves” and the “have nots” couldn’t be more different if they wore signs, not that they need to. The “haves”stick out like a sore thumb in their new leathers, with every piece of chrome you can throw on the newest factory model. Some of the “haves” even shell out the big bucks to buy a yuppie chopper as seen on the latest Discovery Channel show, (no offense, Mr. Bandit!).
Working in a dealership, I get to see a lot of the “haves” and I’ve worked for more than a few of the “haves” through the years. Don’t count on them when you’re down. Quite the opposite, the “haves” want to know what you can do for them. It’s the “have nots” who will stop if you’re broken down on the side of the road, who will buy you a beer at bike night if you’re short of cash, the ones who will include you in their Sunday afternoon cookouts when you need a friend. These are the people who support a good cause, hug you to celebrate your good fortune, and shake your hand when you’ve been dealt a raw deal.
Loyalty is a word that is thrown around a lot these days, but it’s a quality, not just a word, that is defined by the fine people I have met and known since I was introduced to bikers. Notice I didn’t say “motorcycle enthusiasts,” I said “bikers.” As the popular helmet sticker says, “If I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand.” You won’t find a more loyal, hard-working group of people than the bikers you meet as you go down the road. I’m still a babe in the woods when it comes to bikes. Hell, Stealthman won’t even let me go in our garage when he’s not home! But in my heart I know I discovered family when I took that first ride. I’ll be a biker, and a “have not” any day, especially when you consider the alternative.
Until next week, when Stealthman should return to his usual spot, tell somebody how much they mean to you. Better yet, take them for a ride.
Love and kisses,
You have more to learn. Remember the adage, “You can’t judge a book by the cover?” Think about it.–Bandit

SCOTT JACOBS PAINTS MORE THAN JUST BIKES–Scott Jacobs has just been signed by the largest fine art distribution company in the country: MAC Fine Art. They hold over 350 Art auctions per week at venues including cruise ships and galleries and with that exposure Scott?s career escalates to the next level. In addition to Scott?s HD artworks, MAC became enamored with the series of Wine Still-Lifes he has painted recently so they decided to offer those works to their multitude of clients. The MARILYN Series will ONLY be available through Scott Jacobs Studio and since you are on his private list you may want to read on???
The first painting of the series, ?Roses or Red?, will be available in a canvas giclee and limited to only 99 pieces plus a few artist proofs. The Jacobs? MARILYN series is a sure bet to sell out quickly and become one of the important contemporary collections of our day. Call or email for more information or to place your reservation. (Enthusiasts rest assured that Scott will continue to paint the greatest motorcycle on earth)
Dimensions: 38 x 24 inches overall framed, Dealer net: $475 unframed, $720 framed
— Ron Copple

MONSTER GARAGE BIKE– Really enjoyed seeing you on MG and the wholegroup of oldsters building that cool WCC chopper. AndI also enjoyed your story you wrote about yourexperence on You and the team did afantastic job. The main reason I enjoyed it so is thatI’m currently building a chopper and it will be veryclose to what you guys built, 200 rear, with a shortfender with the fender brace, same type of seat,sporty tank, apehangers. Well you get the point!Again nice job!

NEW REV TECH 4 BY 4 ENGINE–The engineers and technicians at RevTech? went back to the drawing board to create our next generation 100-inch engine. We studied the latest technology, combined that with expertise gained on the first RevTech, 100 project, and got down to the task at hand. The goal was simple; create the best all-around engine for the American V-Twin market!
Fortunately the RevTech design staff did not have to start from scratch.
We began with a solid foundation, the fire breathing RevTech 110 power plant, and refined it further to produce a motor for most everyone. By shortening the stroke to 4-inches, excellent balance with less vibration was achieved. A positive side-effect of the shorter stroke was reduced piston speed which increases reliability due to lowered stresses. Bikernet will bring you a full report shortly.–Bandit

MICHAELS OUT OF THE DUST–Hey Sin, Thanks for responding so quickly. Here is a pic of the new building. We were really pleased with the grand opening, we served about 300 people. Live Music, with the band HAWGLEGG, a true biker band, free vendor door prizes, from CCI, Arlen Ness, Drag Specialties-Twin etc.. This venture has been very interesting, and with Michael?s colorful background, it has been real fun. Isn?t it great to be in the coolest business on the planet? I will send our press stuff as soon as I get the discs back from the publications.
Thanks, Thomy G

Inside of Michael?s new shop
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT ? SORTA—On my way to Biketoberfest, if I have time I will do the news tonight when I get to the hotel.Will be at the Last resort Saturday, for the Horse Chopper show.My purple bobber is on the way, Hank Young is taking it over for me. It?s good to have friends. So I guess we will be riding around, Thursday morning we have to attend a memorial for Dave Mann, I believe OCC will bring a benefit bike for the occasion…. So if I come out in photos with them, you know the reason.Gotta go, the flight leaves in an hour or so.
Later ? Jose – Bikernet Caribbean Reporter

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