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WHO: Between 60,000 and 75,000 motorcycle enthusiasts from throughout North America and Europe will attend the 12th annual event.
WHAT: Festivities include motorcycle races, street festivals, concerts, charity rides, expos, seminars and celebrity appearances. Many venues offer live music.
WHEN: The official dates are today through Monday, but many bikers arrive earlier and stay later.
WHERE: New this year is the Buffalo Chip, a live-music party and campout on the infield at Daytona International Speedway. Outdoor vendors will line Main Street, Beach Street and Mary McLeod Bethune Boulevard in Daytona Beach and bikers will gather in areas on U.S. 1 in Ormond Beach and Port Orange and on State Road 44 in New Smyrna Beach. Flagler County sites also attract motorcyclists.

WHY: Biketoberfest began in 1992 as a “The Daytona Fall Tour,” a scenic touring ride for motorcyclists who wanted to take one more trip before storing their bikes away for the winter.

INFORMATION: Contact the Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau at (866) 296-8970 (U.S. and Canada only) or (386) 255-0415 or visit
–from Rogue
DOCTORS AND GUNS WE ALL SHOULD KNOW–I got this from a nurse friend of mine.-ROGUE
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services.Now Guns:
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. Yes, that is80 million.
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.Statistics courtesy of F.B.I.
Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.Remember, “Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.”
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat immediatly.We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!
Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld the statistics onlawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.

THE DEVIL ATTENDS LONE STAR BIKER BASH–at the lone star biker bash ( Big Texas chop off ) there was good times riding the track. I even with stalled the Texas Girl in between the cones. Wasn’t too bad ( it’s been a while since I rode a jockey shift ). Visiting with some of the other builders and Judges was a priceless experience ( even if Rick Fairless won’t trade me His Trump for the Texas Fireball ).
Thanks, The Devil

ACCURATE ENGINEERING– I wrote the “letters to the editor” a short piece on Accurate Engineering and a 1965 FLH engine rebuild they did for me back when. I found a photo of the FLH and thought to send it your way.
Check Accurate Engineering article on the Home Page.–Bandit

THE CRAZYHORSE PAINTER’S REPORT–I was all set to write about my experiences with over eager members of the law enforcement community. But the other day while looking through some old car magazines, I remembered some very funny things that happened back in the early ’80s, when I was unfortunate enough to own a body shop/garage with two morons. Three, if ya count my dad. Now I loved my dad bigtime, but he was always doing something stupid. One of which was the people he hired. One young girl, I’ll call her Prissy so no one recognizes her, was quite a character.
Now Prissy was one of those girls that always acts like she knows it all. One day my dad asked her to check the oil in the old, beat station wagon he used to deliver auto parts. It was low a quart, so my dad gave Prissy a full gallon jug of reclaimed oil, (that’s what he used in that oil burning wreck).
So she walks back in a little later with an empty jug and says it wasn’t enough. “I poured it all in but it still ain’t full.”
My dad can’t believe it. He’s thinking she must have missed the spout and there’s a gallon of oil sitting on the pavement under the car. They go out to the car and she points to the oil opening in the valve cover. “See, you still can’t see the surface of the oil. It must not be full.”
Needless to say, they had to drain out about 3 quarts before she could start her deliveries.
Prissy’s family lived near our shop in the rough section of town. She took to hanging around the shop, checking out the guys and trying to impress them. True – life at school had not been easy for her, but there were times when we wanted to choke her. One such night she told her mom a big lie about us. The kind of lie that could have got us all thrown into jail. Her mom pulled into our driveway like a house-of-fire.
I seldom saw my boyfriend raise his voice but that night he went off like a rocket. He told her mother how she better get a handle on her daughter or he’d turn in Prissy. “You better clean your house out lady. They got dogs that can sniff that stuff out no matter how well it’s hid.” A very embarrassed mom backed out of the yard as quickly as she had come roaring up.
A while later, a bunch of us are hanging out. It’s a Friday night, we are all around 20 years old, nothing better to do than hang around the shop, drink and talk bikes. We’re sitting there in these old bucket seats from a Capri that lean against the wall between the two overhead doors. So we see this shadow sneaking around in the alley. Could it be a neighborhood thug trying to mug the bikers? Yeah, right. Like that would happen.
From the way the local criminals treated us you woulda thought we had rocket launchers and M-16s in concrete bunkers. It’s got to be Prissy. Well we’re all feeling no pain, so we mess with her by bombarding the wall nearest her with beer bottles. Plenty of ammo had been available by then and there were six of us. She finally starts screaming and comes out saying she’s bleeding bad. She had a little cut on her hand. She says she’s scared to go home and wants to be forgiven. Derek tells her she has blown her shop privileges and must leave.
She lays down on the ground and won’t move. One of the girls, the biggest one, Lori, helps me get Prissy on her feet and we begin to push her up the street toward her house.
Lori was 5 foot 8 inches tall and played football with her three brothers. Prissy is fighting us like a girl possessed, jerking and trying to pull away. But we are fortified by an evening of hard drinking. There was no way we would let go. We got her about three doors down from her house and she suddenly quiets down and walks easily for a bit. Then she jerks loose and runs down the street. Lori takes after her, comes up behind her, leaps in the air and takes Prissy down with the sweetest tackle I’ve ever seen. She just flew through the air and grabbed Prissy around the legs and down she went. Prissy didn’t give us any trouble after that. Lori and I walked back to the shop in the moonlight.
Life was sweet that night. We didn’t go to jail. Prissy’s mom believed us and not her daughter, and we had our whole lives ahead of us. Prissy got her shop privileges back, and she continued to provide us with drama.
We closed the shop three years later. It did not have a happy ending. There was no shortage of crazy bad situations. These days, I don’t mind drama, as long as it’s not happening to me. But I’ll always remember that perfect tackle.

This week’s paint job belongs to Wendy Murray. Wendy had a baby boy a short time ago, and her hubby Randy decided to build her a bike. Now Randy is not a bike builder, but he loves custom bikes and has taught himself as much as he can. I painted a bike for Randy back in 2000 that made the cover of Biker. Wendy’s bike is a low little Softail springer. They went for a very blacked out look, using chrome as an accent. Below is a shot of Randy’s old bike.

BIKERNET NEWS REVIEW– I thought I would write to you to tell you how much I like your site. Italways has very useful info, and now I am real happy that I get home fromwork every Thursday evening after work and read the weekly news.
It was about a week before Sturgis and on your site there was a link to asurvey on motorcycle pipes and that the first 700 people that completed thesurvey would be entered into a drawing for a set of pipes of your choosing.Well I’m game so I filled out the survey and forgot about it.
Well about amonth ago I got an e-mail from Bill Tichenor who is the marketing managerfrom Holley performance products, who in turn own Hooker Headers. Bill hadstated that I had won the contest and as winner I would be able to get anypipe that I wanted up to $700.00.
Well I wasn’t sure as I had heard about different e-mail scams before. But Ie-mailed Bill back and said thanks and since Hooker sponsored the survey Iwould pick a set of Hooker pipes as my prize.
Well on Oct 18th the big brown truck pulled up in front of my house anddelivered a box. I opened it and inside were my new Hooker step tuned shortpipes. they were absolutely hot looking. I just wanted to tell you andHooker Headers a big THANK YOU!!
I have never won anything before and thesepipes will look hot on my FXST. I will enclose a few pics when I installthem.
–Jeff Torevell
South Dakota.

JOHNNY’S YOUR SHOT SAGA–I ended up putting it in the your shot section, but I had a picture attached that didn’t go through. I wanted to send you the picture.
God Bless
Johnny, Salena, Lori, & Hunter
There’s a letters to the editor column on Bikernet, if you’ve missed it. It’s called Your Shot. Take Your Shot, whenever you want to read wild letters, like Johnny’s heartfelt story, you need to vent or you need tech answers quick. All letters are generally answered within 24 hours and no letters are left out, unless you piss me off.–Bandit

RIKKI BATTISTINI’S BIKE SOON TO BE FEATURED ON BIKERNET–Rikki works for Arlen Ness. He’s the number three designer behind Arlen and Cory. He was born in England and came to the States a few years back. Since 9/11 he’s struggled to stay here. I’ve known Rikki for about 8 years and he’s a quality guy. One of the good ones. Bikernet is doing what we can to assist with his Visa efforts. Watch for the report.
BIKERNET MEDICAL DEPARTMENT– Five surgeons are discussing who has the best patients to operate on.
The first surgeon says “I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered”.
The second responds “Yeah, but you should try electricians. Everything inside them is color coded.”
The third surgeon says “No, I really think librarians are the best. Everything inside them is in alphabetical order.”
The fourth surgeon chimes in: “You know, I like construction workers. Those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end, and when the job takes longer than you said it would.”
But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed:”You’re all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. They have no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine. And the head and the ass are interchangeable!”

STD HIGH PERFORMANCE RETRO BIG TWIN ENGINES– Here’s the perfect centerpiece for your classic street rod or chopper project bike. STD High Performance Retro Big Twins in Panhead and Shovelhead Styles are rated from 80-140hp and built to STD’s renowned late model Big Twin performance specs for a huge power gain with bullet proof reliability.
Pre-tested and pre-tuned STD Complete Panhead, Shovelhead and Big Twin Engines are available from 74 to 120 cubic inches! Engines come complete with the finest performance components including full electrics, oil system and ready to rumble! Available in Standard Cast, Painted or Polished finishes with pricing beginning at just $5,995.
All STD High Performance Engines are also available with Complete Drivetrain Assemblies including a High Performance 5 or 6-Speed Transmission, Primary Drive System and a Mikuni Carburetor. Fully assembled an tested, each Complete Drivetrain Assembly is ready to blt-in and ride. All STD Big Twin engines are designed to produce the highest, most reliable power and torque available anywhere. Call for complete details.
The 24-page STD catalog is a must have for any V-Twin performance enthusiast. Mail $5 to STD Development Company, 10055 Canoga Avenue, CA 9131l. Dealers call direct. Order Phone 818-998-8226. Web:
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