Continued From Page 2

NEW V-ROD STANDARD–For 2004 H-D set up a new V-Rod with a lighter price. It’s the same basic motorcycle except for paint and handlebars. We are gradually posting all the new models in our special reports section. Check it out.

BIKERNET HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY TROUBLES– There’s this man with a bald head and a wooden leg who gets invited to a fancy costume party. He doesn’t know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg, so he writes to a fancy dress company to explain the problem.
A few days later he receives a parcel with a note. “Dear Sir, please find enclosed a pirates outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head and with your wooden leg you will be just right as a pirate”.
The man thinks this is terrible because they have just emphasized his wooden leg and so he writes a really rude letter of complaint.
A week passes and he receives another parcel and a note, which says, “Dear Sir, sorry about before, please find enclosed a monks habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg and with your bald head you will really look the part”.
Now the man is really annoyed since they have gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to emphasizing his bald head and he writes the company a REALLY rude letter of complaint.
The next day he receives a small parcel and a note which reads, “Dear Sir, since we have not been able to make you happy, this is our last suggestion. Please find enclosed a bottle of molasses. Pour the molasses over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your ass and go as a Carmel Apple.
–from Jay H.

CRAZYHORSE BIKETOBERFEST REPORT–Daytona’s Biketoberfest couldn’t have been more perfect. The weather-incredible. The people–not too crowded. The bikes-wow! Also anything bike related you wanted see was there. And people were going nuts for the OCC guys, lining up in sheeplike droves. Folks who went up to the Iron Horse on Saturday to see the Pauls, were disappointed as only Mikey and Cody showed up. But everyone who met Indian Larry came away impressed by his humanity and down to earth disposition. Yes, there were lots of really cool chops but many “off-the-rack” customs also. And folks are buying them up like crazy. Mike Phillips of Grandeur Cycle said he sold every bike he brought. While hanging out with my buddy Jennifer, I watched as RedNeck Engenuity continually sold shirt after shirt. People are buying. Drag Specialties couldn’t answer customers’ questions fast enough.

Eddie Trotta had a bunch of bikes on display. One of which I painted for him 8 years ago. I’ve always liked this bike. The small front wheel, the sweet fabrication work on it. I coulda swore there was a for sale sign on this bike when I saw it first, but then later, it wasn’t there. Musta sold quickly.

I used a simple but odd technique to get the shredded effect on the tribal design. I haven’t used it since and I wonder why, cos it does look killer. I guess once I try something, I move on maybe? I had a great time meeting a very talented airbrush artist Mike Learn, who says he visits my website regularly. Mike will be working with me to come out with a line of Crazy Horse shirts. The guy does alot more than just paint. I ran into Goth Girl at the Corbin party and she introduced me to Wall of Death rider Sam Morgan. Sam is another very telented lady who in addition to riding The Wall, does incredible glass etching and stain glass designing. The three of us hung out a few nights and there is never a dull moment in the world of Goth Girl. Then there was hanging with Jose and also Frank Kaisler. I’ll have the whole freaky tale of Bikefest submitted to Bandit sometime next week.
And lastly here’s picture that may be familar to regular vistors to my website. It explains where I got the idea and the model for my hitchhiker mural. Can anyone guess who she is?

DIAMOND CUT DILEMMA — We received a message from Gonzo with wanting help with possibly solving a legal issue. We told him we could put the word out, and maybe one or more of you readers can help him. Below you see a trail of emails, all printed with Gonzo?s permission.
Sin, I hopefully have not spammed you but am sending this email out on a rush basis as it pertains to my right to make a living…if you are not into motorcycles please accept my apology for this interruption…
Have you received a phone call or email, from anyone, demanding you remove any links from your site to and/or to have links from to your site removed and/or your company removed from the Directory at
Or have you been approached by anyone, in person, by phone and/or email in regards to any work done for you by
If any of the above applies please contact me by email to or call me at 615-212-0292.
Also I’m trying to find some of my old customers that had their heads diamond cut back in the 1970’s and early 1980’s thru one of the following shops in Orlando Florida: “Puckett’s Harley-Davidson”, “Hole-in-the-Wall” or “Custom Bike Studio” or after 1984 in Fresno California and/or Phoenix Arizona. Please ask around as it is VERY IMPORTANT that I make contact with some of these people…
This is an email sent to a guy who ran a link to
To: shagg2002@xxxxx
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 20:00:59 EDT
I recently called your business and talked to someone claiming to be the manager. About a company ( that you have a link to on your web-site. As I explained to your manager that company illegally cuts heads and cylinders. That process and the cooling effect that it creates are covered under the US PATENT 6626134. Advertising for yourmachinist could be considered an infringement on that same patent and punishable under patent and trademark laws.We have filed a lawsuit against yourmachinist and they will be heldaccountable for there action as will any body found to be willinglyhelping them to steal from DIAMOND HEADS. Make no mistake I can and will protect my patent rights. Yourmachinist will not be in the diamond cutting business much longer and to keep giving your customers what they want it would be advisable to get on the right side of this problem ASAP. Any company that continues helping yourmachinist will never get DIAMOND HEADS at dealer cost. As I told your manager Thepatent # is 6626134.
Keith Brinton
Owner and Creator DIAMOND HEADS
If anyone has any interest, contact Gonzo at the email address or phone number above. As we?ve said here before on, we?re not the judge and jury; just providing the info sent our way. Below is the way the patent reads.
US PATENT 6626134 – Engine cooling system and method for making same wherein an engine, engine casing, or component thereof or a component related thereto has at least one cooling fin (18) having at least a portion of an edge surface (32) including an engraved, or intagliated portion (40). Preferably the surface edge includes a plurality of intagliated portions (40) with each portion including at least two elongated concavities being in preselected orientation and relationship to each other to improve the cooling efficiency of the fin and thus allow the engine to operate in wider, more extreme range of temperature and environments. The present invention is particularly well suited, but not limited to air-cooled engines and related components such as component covers, inspection/access covers, and oil coolers and is therefore readily adaptable to engines used to propel motor vehicles such as, but not limited to, motorcycles.

Photo from Roque.
BIKETOBERFEST REPORT– Daytona Beach 2003: I live in Florida about 100 miles South of Daytona Beach and go there day trippin when it is not Bike Week or Biketoberfest. The advantage to that is that I get to know a lot about the area, what is going on and where the good places are.
If you have been paying attention to myself and others have been telling you what has been going on in and around the area and some of our experiences and opinions.
Yea I know! Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Hey for what it is worth here is mine: If you like traffic jams and grid-locks do Main & Beach Streets and of course Ormond Strip. They are also good places to pick up tickets for just about any thing going. You can go home dollars short but telling all your Buds you were cool.
The city of Daytona Beach wants the Bikers off Main Street and is working to make it happen. So Beach Street is starting to be the new drag. There are local bike shops and national vendors, street vendors, Camel show, etc. If you need to pick up things for family or friends back home it is not bad
The influx of New Bikers are raising the number of those attending and are changing the motorcycle events in the area. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
More places are competing for the almighty dollar. Some just flat screw you for it while others compete. The trick is to find the right places. It is usually the newer riders that get taken until they learn the ropes and their way around.
There has been a growing trend in past few years for people to stay at places out side of Daytona Beach and travel into the area to see what they want or events they want to attend.
There are events and travel spots in a 100 mile radius and last year Orlando pulled 100,000. Then there are all the towns in the area between the Orlando and Daytona that want you. If you are on a limited bank account or just like to save money you can save $50.00 bucks or more a day on a motel or hotel and use the savings for party money.
I know a lot of the guys come to see Tits, well just asking a female can get You busted for solicitation, and if she does show you she gets popped too. There are a bunch of cool joints where you can see Wet-T-Shirt contests and more. Pay Attention and you will find out where.
You Can Get What Ever You Want In Florida! You just need to know where to look. NO I AM NOT GOING INTO THAT HERE. Shit you might be DA FUZ.
Okay enough of all that shit.
What did I do during Biketoberfest? I laid back and had a GOOD TIME. I checked out a new bar named The Black Hills Saloon which is where the old Will?s Honkytonk was on S.Ridgewood in Port Orange.
Of course I had to stop in to see my friend AL at The Last Resort Bar 5812 S. Ridgewood (US 1) in Port Orange. On Saturday they were having the OL? Skool Hardcore Chopper Show there. A lot of my friends were meeting there for it and Billy Lane from Choppers Inc. was judging it. I got to meet Jose from Caribbean Custom Cycles, the beautiful Melanie from Hawaii and a bunch of other people.
I had a comfortable ride up and back, rode around throughout Daytona with no hassles, partied and had a Great Time
Check back here before Bike Week In March. There just might be some info. That will make it a better time for you. Hell, check back every goddamn week. Bandit is digging up good shit constantly. Don’t tell him that.
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