Photo from Kyle at Biketoberfest
Life is bananas as we all know, right about this precise moment. If it’s not war, we have the neighbors dog snorting our mail before we open it. If he keels over I’m not going near it. The media drives me mad, yet there were more scooter folk at Biketoberfest than ever before, and we’ll hope that the same applies to the Love Ride 18 this year on the 11th of November in Los Angeles.
Shit is too hectic. I’m getting shots for the undercover cruise around the world today for Hepatitis B, and hooking up a satellite phone to a lap top. My Mac wouldn’t work so a Bikernet brother turned me onto a PC laptop, thanks Richard K. We ordered a GPS so we’d be on track and could find our position on earth anywhere at anytime. Visas are on order and of course my doctor reported to the ship that I had been in an accident, so I had to find a Hamster doctor to straighten them out. Just because I can’t hear, I’m blind in one eye, can’t see straight and one leg drags behind the other I’m still good with a knife if the Taliban try to take over the ship in the Indian ocean. Let’s get to the news:
LOVE RIDE 18–Get ready to rock. It’s comin’ quick, November 11th is the date for the 18th annual largest charity fund raiser in the world. Okay, you know all about it. It’s been covered in every bike mag in the world and will hit them all again this year.
If you need anything call the 24-hour-a-day hotline (800) 246-5618, extension 7 for updated info, or visit the Love Ride on line www.loveride.org. Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road in Glendale between Los Feliz Blvd. and Brand Blvd. Have a great time as always.
RevTech? 6-speed motorcycle transmission assemblies and 6-speedmotorcycle gearsets sold prior to September 12, 2001 have been recalledbecause the 4-6 shift clutch can crack or break during use. This conditioncould cause severe transmission damage. Such damage may occur withoutwarning and can cause vehicle control problems,including locking of the rearwheel.
Owners of motorcycles with RevTech? 6-speed motorcycle transmissionassemblies and 6-speed motorcycle gearsets should bring the equipment to aRevTech? dealer to have the recall service performed without charge.
Owners can call the RevTech? recall line for informationregarding the recall and RevTech? dealer locations:
1-800-815-9762 or 1-408-778-5943

FINEST BILLET PARTS ON THE PLANET–Are available through Joker Machine. I’m not jivin’ if you want quality, check them out. They’ve got a new catalog. See if you can get one through their site.
COURTS REFUSE APPEAL– The U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 15 refused to hear an appeal in the caseof two Dayton, Ohio men cited for driving without licenses in 1998.
Magus D. Orr and Andre L. Smith were ticketed in June 1998 at randomlocal police roadblocks. The men argued the stops were unconstitutionalbecause police had no particular reason to suspect specific criminalbehavior.
Nonetheless, the Ohio Supreme Court unanimously upheld the roadblocks inMay, and the high court’s refusal to intervene means the convictions nowstand.
“The idea that government agents may seize people at checkpoints withouthaving any suspicion of wrongdoing it very un-American,” lawyers for thetwo men wrote in asking the Supreme Court to hear the appeal.
Dayton police stopped cars according to a prearranged pattern — whetherit be every 10th car or every fourth — after posting a sign 100 yards awaywarning drivers they might be stopped. (In some cases, motorcycle policeare then stationed precisely to stop drivers who make U-turns or otherwiseseek to avoid the roadblocks — their very avoidance being considered”suspicious behavior.”)
In Dayton, police asked for a license, and if the driver had none theofficer ran a computer check. Approximately one in eight Dayton driverswere thus found to have no valid license.
Following the Supreme Court’s decision not to review the case, “We intendto do more checkpoints,” announced Dayton city prosecutor Deirdre Logan.
–From Rogue
OSAMA HEALTH CHECK–Osama bin Laden, not feeling well and concerned abouthis mortality, goes to consult a psychic about the date ofhis death.
Closing her eyes and silently reaching into therealm of the future she finds the answer.”You will die on an American holiday.”
“Which one?” Osama bin Laden asks nervously.
“It doesn’t matter,” replied the psychic. Whenever youdie, it will be an American holiday!”
WILD SHIT TO THINK ABOUT–After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six andinjured1,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would behunteddown and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S.military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would behunteddown and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would behunted down and punished.
After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunteddown and punished.
Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 7,000 people wouldbe alive today.
This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Withoutcasting stones, it is a legitimate question.
“There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relativelyinexpensive software used by tens of millions of people and giveshundreds of millions of dollars to charity. The other sponsorsterrorism.That being the case, why is it that the US government has spent moremoney chasing down Bill Gates over the past ten years than Osama binLaden?”
–Dan, from Needles, CA

BIKERTOBERFEST INITIAL REPORT–Hello from sunny Daytona Beach, Fla. I’m having a great time so far. The softail is running like a champ. And you could not ask for better weather. Last night I was minding my own business, locking up my trusty 1200 at the Iron Horse, when I was kidnapped by 4 shady charactors from Ohio. They forced me to show them the secret shortcut to Main St, then force fed me Baileys and Kaluas at Froggys.
Dave Perowitz saw me struggling to get away but acted like he did not recognize me. I ran into Hammer and Geno from HORSE magazine today. They were getting ready to shoot this killer CSI chopper. I’m hitting the Corbin party tonight with Charlene Sparks and the crew from Drag Specialties. Everywhere you look are savage scoots. Sunday will be here before I know it, so I’m making the most of Biketoberfest while I can still stand. Saturday night is the Horse party. That ought to be “interesting.” Yeahha! Oh thanks for the package, got it today.
Bikernet Bike Show Manager
TASTELESS JOKE DEPARTMENT– An airplane was going down & everybody knew they would crash in the open ocean below. A well-dressed rich lady takes out her jewelry box and puts on every diamond and all the gold jewelry she owns!
The passengers all look at her and say what are you doing?
She says, “When we are in the ocean my diamonds & gold will sparkle and I will be the first one they rescue!”
Then another woman takes off her blouse and covers herself with $100dollar bills?
The passengers all look at her, and she says, “When we are in the oceanthe $100 dollar bills will be floating all around me and they will find me first”!!!!!
THEN a black lady tears off all her clothes and just gets butt naked!!!!!
One of the female passengers looks at her and asks —- lady what areyooou doing?
The black lady says…”GIRL!!!!! You know they always look for the black box first!!!!!!!!!!!!!
–Chris T.
PAMELA ANDERSON IN THE BEGINNING–Beautiful Pamela Anderson’s original Fast Dates Calendar shoot!Our never before seen or published photos! It’s the world’s hottestpinup girl and TV star posing on the factory Yoshimua Suzuki “Big Papa”Formula Extreme bike from our first ever 1991 Fast Dates Racebike PinupCalendar shoot taken way back in 1990.
Before Playboy, before implants, before Baywatch, before Barb Wire,before Tommy Lee, before VIP we gave you Pamela first. Now check out anexclusive portfolio of never before published Pam ela Anderson calendarphotos in Members Corner at http://www.FastDates.com
All 2002 FastDates.com Calendars Selling Out Fast. Order Online Now!The 2002 editions of the FastDates.com Calendars are selling out fast.Featuring Iron & Lace cover girl and Penthouse Pet of the Year Zdenka.Go online to order your calendars now before they are gone. We expectto sell out by mid November -that’s just 4 weeks away.http://www.FastDates.comI recieved this email today …It sounds believable I am forwarding it incase someone did see this happen..they ‘d know what to do…Subject: Please take a moment to read this~ unbelieveable!!

BIKETOBERFEST INVESTIGATION–On the weekend of October 20th at Daytona Florida’s annual Biketoberfest avery close friend of mine, his wife and 3 year old daughter. Witnessed ahorrific bike accident. The Motorcyclist was traveling at approximately 50miles per hour when he laid the bike down. The Bike and Rider tumbledsideways for quite a distance. Eventually the rider separated from the bikeand was crumbled in a bloody heap. This occurred in front of a crowd ofonlookers.
My friend who is a highly decorated ex marine, including a purple heartrecipient, in his mid 50’s. Is a former member of Montauk, NY. Ambulancesquad. Did not think twice of racing to render aid to the accident victim.With total disregard for his self he tried to revive the victim who had nopulse and was not breathing. After a few moments he detected a weak pulseand rattling breathing. He drew upon his knowledge both as a combat veteranand ambulance person to save the fragile life before him.
He was relieved to see two officers approach him. Immediately noticing thepatches on their uniforms identifying them as EMT’s (Emergency MedicalTechnicians) . When my friend was asked “What Happened ?” he immediatelygave the two individuals the status of the victim. The whole time he wasreassuring the person that he would be fine. He tried to express to theofficers/EMT’s without alarming the victim that it was very urgent that thecyclist get medical attention or he would not make it.He asked the officers if they had a neck brace. They stated they did, butrefused to get it until they found out what happened! They walked around andasked other people what had happened. Ignoring the fact that this person wasextremely close to death and his fate was in their hands.
The victim began to regain consciousness, gurgling blood, he tried to bringhimself to a crawling position. My friend suspecting he may have a seriousneck injury held him down and reassured him that help was there and he wouldbe alright. He pleaded with the Officer /EMT’s to help stabilize the victimwith a collar and to get him to a Hospital. The officers became arrogant andtold him to leave the victim. He questioned if they were going to help him.He was told not until we find out what happened. My friend explained he wasa former Ambulance squad member and stressed the urgency of the situation.The officer turned to the other officer and said get him out of here.
At that point to the amazement and dismay of his wife and 3 year olddaughter, the other police officer forcibly handcuffed and screamed for helpfrom other officers. He was taken to jail where he was detained for Sixhours and charged with several Felonies. (Resisting arrest, interfering witha police scene, assaulting an officer, etc.)None of which is true.
In writing this I ask that you forward this to anyone you know. I am lookingfor witnesses that can help shed light on this story. Even if you don’t rideMotorcycles someone you know may know someone. People travel from all overthe United States to attend this event. If anyone witnessed this Pleasecontact me:
–Casey Cass
C/O : Montauk Boat Works
P.O. Box 1222
Montauk , NY 11954
or call Toll free 877-668-BOAT
Fax: 631-668-3996
Email : MontaukBoatWorks@AOL.COM
BIKERNET SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES WEEKLY SUMMARY– 1) People in N.Y. and D.C. are going to hit the food banks in their area this winter. Here is an easy way for us to help – Campbells is donating a can of soup to area food banks when people click on a football helmet at their website. It’s quick, easy and can be done once a day.
Go to www.chunky.com/click_for_cans.asp then click on your favorite team’s helmet and Campbell’s will donate a can of soup. That’s it! Please pass this on to your friends.
2) www.thehungersite.com – you can click once a day and the site will donate free food to charities around the world. You can also access the Breast Cancer site from there – again a click to help pay the cost of a mammogram for women who could not otherwise afford it.
–from Robin Norell

CRAZYHORSE FINAL BIKETOBERFEST REPORT– I wasn’t sure what to expect at Biketoberfest this year, but I wasn’texpecting things to go the way they did. This event just keeps growing. Notmany bikes in the shows. Everyone was out riding, taking advantage of theunreal weather. It was so warm I was wearing a tank top for night timeriding. The crowds were thick.
American flags were everywhere. Flying offthe backs of bikes, posted in windows, and stretched across double Ds. Theage of the billet barge is gone. Choppers were everywhere. Hot days andcrazy nights. I didn’t get in until after 5am most nights. I tried to stayout of trouble but it kept finding me. As soon as I get the rest of thepictures, I’m gonna pour myself a cocktail, sit at the keyboard, and try toget the whole crazy week down in writing. From the Corbin party to the nightI got kidnapped and everything in between.
A separate report on the HorseBack Street Choppers magazine party willfollow. That party needs it’s own pages. It was the strangest and mostintense night I have had in years. And after this past summer, that’s sayingsomething.
— Crazy Horse
TV GUIDE–AFGHAN EDITION–Fall Primetime Show Lineup (where available)
8:00 – “Husseinfeld”
8:30 – “Mad About Everything”
9:00 – “Suddenly Sanctions”
10:00 – “Allah McBeal”
8:00 – “Wheel of Torture”
8:30 – “The Price Isn’t Right”
9:30 – “Afghanistan’s Wackiest Public Execution Bloopers”
10:00 – “Buffoon, The Infidel Slayer”
8:30 – “When Northern Alliances Attack”
9:00 – “Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pitta Bread”
9:30 – “Just Shoot Everyone”
10:00 – “Veilwatch”
8:00 – “Matima Loves Chachi”
8:30 – “M*U*S*T*A*S*H”
9:30 – “My Two Baghdad’s”
10:00 – “Diagnosis: Heresy”
8:00 – “Judge Laden”
8:30 – “Children Are Forbidden From Saying The Darndest Things”
9:00 – “Tic, Tac, Taliban”
10:00 – “No-witness News”
8:00 – “All In Allah’s Family”
8:30 – “Everybody Loves Osama”
9:30 – “Flintstones” (Sci-Fi Channel)
10:00 – “60 Minutes Of Public Executions”
8:00 – “Omar’s Jeopardy”
8:30 – “Name That Explosion”
9:30 – “Bowling For Bread”
10:00 – “CNN”
IF IN AN ACCIDENT CALL (800) ON-A-BIKE– AIM and Richard Lester the main entity behind the National Coalition of Motorcyclists has one mantra, to help bikes stay free and stand by them if in accidents.
Recently a husband and wife were traveling in Valley, Alabama, on their 1998 Harley when an automobile driven by a 67 year old retired physician attempted to make a left hand directly into their lane of travel. The only two eyewitnesses to the collision initially stated that the automobile failed to yield the right-of-way, turning directly in front of the bikers. The results for the couple was that an AIM attorney was able to $893,000. So call these guys, if you or a friend are in an accident.

World?s Finest Products For Harley-Davidsons?
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You?ve NEVER seen anything like this before!
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We are introducing the FIRST B.Y.O.B. kit that was created as anintegrated concept by one of the world?s greatest custom designers…. PaulYaffe. The whole definitely exceeds the sum of it?s parts. Call it ?synergy? if you want. We call it gorgeous… and the next level in buildit yourself customs!
This is the ONLY Signature-Series B.Y.O.B. in existence. Unique,complete, easy to assemble and an absolute joy to ride! Paul has createdperfect chopper geometry and through ingenious customizing tricks, fused thehardtail look with the comfort of his special swingarm chassis.This is an EXCLUSIVE machine featuring the best elements of Paul Yaffe?s eyefor original style and CCI/RevTech expertise in drive trains and runninggear.
This is the most ELEGANT, fool-proof way to build a striking custom ever!There?s simply no way to build a machine with all these qualities, using abit?s and piece?s or catalog build-up approach. Yet… as with all ourB.Y.O.B. kits… one part number, gets you everything you need to duplicatethis Signature-Series masterpiece!
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More shots of Biketoberfest from Rogue.
LET’S HIT THE ROAD–I hate negative bullshit that prevents us from chasing women, building bikes and riding. We only have so much time to enjoy our lives, so I try to deal with the bullshit with pride and integrity and move on. I’m sure many others dealing with this terrorist feel the same.
The bottom line, do what you can to support those who fight and those who lost relatives, then party and ride.–Bandit